Washington Heights man arrested for terror plot vol. Ninjahood is banned!!!!

LMAO at dudes really getting emotional over hood getting suspended.it's only Niketalk it's not like he's going to the bing.sheeesh
I slept on this thread
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by HankMoody

You ever think someone reported him and no one reported what YOU thought was offensive? Nah, that's too much common sense. Report it if need be. If not, be quiet. It's pretty simple.
This is a possibility and I didn't discount this...but there still has to be a counter-measure for this. Someone has to be able to say, "well look as long as this poster is not flaming you, or threatening you then he has as much of a right to speak as you do, especially if its not breaking any laws or established board rules."
We can not go around throwing the yellow-flag because someone hurts our feelings. I disagree with religious conservatives...but I dont think I should ever shut them up. I just want to talk with them and trade ideas ultimately. I'm not even trying to change minds...but as much as they express themselves, I should be free to engage in conversation with them. No matter if it stretches two pages or thirty. Whats the difference? I've learned a lot of stuff from people I disagreed with. They've changed my views and I've changed theirs. As much as we want to support SOPA shutting up a thread about the same thing doesn't represent that same mentality. If anything else, more than one thread would at least bring more attention to a bill that would neuter most of the internet. 

Without going into details but I've been reported SIMPLY for basically bashing religion...in a religion thread.   Not in a sports thread; not in a music thread; not a Boardwalk Empire thread; a religion thread. I will take responsibility for flaming people unnecessarily in the past so I do apologize for that but these things need to be considered on a case-by-case basis, not accruing over time. I say "simply" as well because for those that support an idea there should also be those that disagree with that same idea. No matter the topic and they should have just as much right to express themselves and address others as equally. I've had many people PM me and tell me that they've liked what i've posted and gained some new perspective from the things i've said, and I appreciate that. But on the same token i've been told that people don't like me and I put people off...Who cares? I mean honestly. I'm not breaking any rules and I'm contributing to the conversation or at least the present tone of the discussion, why shouldn't my opinion, dissenting or not be counted as equally?

I'm dumbfounded by this because it seems like simply disagreeing with someone is grounds for being reprimanded. I shouldn't be suspended or have my post count limited because someone wants to reply to me or because I have an opinion that different from yours. Thats barely even makes sense. Theres a reason we don't go around punching people we dont "agree" with. 

Like I said, I've seen people change their minds by virtue of being able to talk freely about things, even if they disagree. Shutting them up for having a different opinion prevents that conversation from taking place...

EVEN IF PEOPLE'S OPINIONS DON'T CHANGE, that much more perspective is gained by both parties for even having taken place in the discussion. Thats the view i'd like to see being taken. 

All i'm saying is that I hope everyone treats others the same way when you agree with them as much as you do when you disagree with them. 

HankMoody wrote:
So mods should know what is offensive to everyone at all times? It looks like we really do need a machine for a mod. It's up to you to inform them. If something isn't reported, how will mods know it's offensive?

What is considered "offensive" though? 

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

I had no idea people reported stuff that much. Seems strange to be that offended by a post on a sneaker forum

i swear some people abuse the report button.   some cases stuff is posted that is so blatant and offensive i can understand why it's reported but alot of times people report others for petty stuff.  to me alot of the things i see people get reported over are waste of time stuff and the person doing the reporting isn't doing it with the intent of bettering the board and community, he's doing it to get over on the member he reported for whatever reason.

all i'm saying is if when a member reports someone and im sure it's some members who have the report button on speed dial,  if the admins were to check the member doing the reportings recent posts, a good chunk of the time it will be shown that the person reporting isn't a perfect little angel themselves and likely played their part in provoking the other member.   two wrongs don't make a right and in a case like that i feel both sides should get punished.

with the people that abuse the report button, it's sort of like tattletale kids in elementary school,  eventually the teacher doesn't take them seriously because their just as much of a problem as the people their telling on.   like i said certain things should be reported but some people overdo it way to much.
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

A lot of stereotypes towards Dominicans on this forum. Let's just start with that.

Sadly it is the norm around here. When Dominican stereotypes are joked about on NT, the last thing you can expect are some bans.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Originally Posted by AceMaster193

A lot of stereotypes towards Dominicans on this forum. Let's just start with that.

Sadly it is the norm around here. When Dominican stereotypes are joked about on NT, the last thing you can expect are some bans.

i've noticed slick posts towards almost all hispanic races tend to get swept under the rug on here at times.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Originally Posted by AceMaster193

A lot of stereotypes towards Dominicans on this forum. Let's just start with that.
Sadly it is the norm around here. When Dominican stereotypes are joked about on NT, the last thing you can expect are some bans.
This. All.
Y'all need to start reporting. Oh wait, y'all a part of the "Stop Snitchin'" crowd too right? You want it to be one way. You want it to be one way. If you let it slide, how will the mods know it's offensive?
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Y'all need to start reporting. Oh wait, y'all a part of the "Stop Snitchin'" crowd too right? You want it to be one way. You want it to be one way. If you let it slide, how will the mods know it's offensive?
Agree with this,people tend to complain about certain comments and don't do a thing about it. The reason why they aren't punished is because they're not being reported. If you find something to be offensive,report it. Don't just leave it there and complain about how there's no action being taken against those comments after. 
Ninjahood is my dude. He probably says some questionable things, I don't doubt.

But so many people on here are sheep that they just join in on the ninjahood bashing and I've noticed it a LOT on here in the past few months. And a lot of it seems uncalled for.

Dude is like a pincushion.

Reminds of that popular kid in school that people FINALLY found a flaw with and they relentlessly gigged on him/her

Surprisingly he brushes a lot of the comments off
Ninjahood banned? Damn didn't think that comment was that serious.

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