Washington Heights man arrested for terror plot vol. Ninjahood is banned!!!!

guys like me who have some kind of sense call our kind HISAPNIC!! WE. ARE. NOT. FROM. SPAIN!!!! so not all us east coast cats call US SPANISH 
I've lived on the East Coast for practically my entire life.  Only old racists refer to all Latino people, regardless of nationality, as "Spanish."  It's just plain ignorant.  Of course, I'm sure RiverBear, who's totally "about that life" would gladly call you "Spanish" to your face.  Because he doesn't hide behind keyboards.  He keeps it real.  
So meth what you are telling me is that YOU personally decide what's offensive and what is not?...eventhough i like Josebronx, what he said was pretty offensive...and within the same realm of what Ninjahood said...all the Ninjahood jokes YOU feel are not offensive because its the norm on NT to clown on dude...but IT IS trolling, for which I've gotten suspended before...if you are gonna have a report button, giving us the power to get people banned/suspended at will, then you or your staff should have the time to go through the context of what led to the reported post, period...what is the point of assigning mods that "don't have the time" to moderate the forums??... And depend on the users to do the moderating by adding a report button?.

Interpreting language is a subjective process.  There's no getting around that.  If I could sacrifice a year's worth of revenue to invest in a script capable of automatically parsing every single post to evaluate, with digital consistency, compliance with our policies, I would.  Of course, such a thing doesn't exist.  The task thus falls to human beings.  
Your primary objection, and OptimusPrimexyz/sillyputty's primary objection, seems to be that someone other than you gets to make the call.  That's life, gentlemen.  

Members don't have the power to ban in and of themselves.  Roughly half of all reports are worthless and amount to "User X said something that I don't like!!"  Staff members still take the time to evaluate each report and respond accordingly.  That's not really the crux of your complaint, though.  You don't really care about what slips through the cracks so much as the fact that you got caught.

In other words, you aren't truly upset that offensive content lurks somewhere on the forums - because if that were the case you might give half a damn and take some responsibility for it.  Instead, you're just complaining that things aren't perfect because you're mad about being suspended/banned yourself, so anything that makes the system look less than "perfect" is a means of exacting retribution.  Like, A HA!  I KNEW it wasn't fair!  

It IS unfair if a member breaks the rules and gets away with it.  I wish that weren't the case, but there's only 24 hours in each day and I'm giving as much as I personally can.  Don't ask me to give more when you give precisely squat.   

It is NOT, however, unfair for YOU to get banned if, in fact, you HAVE broken the rules - as has proven to be the case.  

I know posters that have had their post limits throttled because mod's felt they were "trolling" when instead they were just responding to comments in a discussion. There seems to be little objectivity in the decisions made. I know mods don't like certain people. Thats fine. No one has to like everyone...but you can't be in a position of power and admit to that impacting your decision. Sometimes I see a small distance between emotional responses and rational ones. 

Let's cut through the garbage here.  The "poster you know of" is you.  You're mad because you've been banned multiple times for trolling, and naturally you think anything you disagree with is "illogical."  I hate to break it to you, but you're not exactly a Vulcan yourself.  

You get emotional.  You insult people.  When you get frustrated with someone, which seems to occur with surprising frequency, you're reduced to taking sophomoric swipes at their intelligence, their reading comprehension, and so on.  You post diagrams of keyboards to humiliate people for typos.  You take threads that AREN'T about your pet topic and, by Gaia, you will FORCE them to be about your pet topic whether the rest of the community likes it or not.  

You get banned for it, and suddenly you're "persecuted."  Suddenly, it HAS to be because we "personally" dislike you.  It has to be some irrational "grudge."  Don't flatter yourself.  

In reality, everything I know about you could be written on the back of a postage stamp.  I have no reason to "dislike" you aside from how you conduct yourself on here.  If you're captious, disagreeable, rude, and intolerant on NIKETALK, that doesn't necessarily mean you're a horrible human being - but it does mean that, in the interest of maintaining a safe, friendly, and respectful community environment, you need to either curb the problem behavior or find another place to post.  

Staff members have to be the "bad guys."  We have to make the unpopular call and be the ones to suspend 50 people for trying to steal the new Drake album or stream the Mayweather fight.  We have to suspend the "popular" user when he makes a racist comment.  As such, I can't care if people "like" me.  If I did, THAT would influence the enforcement of our policy.  

I don't consider it a coincidence that those complaining the loudest right now tend to be among those who use our forums the most selfishly.  

NikeTalk isn't all about you and YOUR personal enjoyment.  The sooner you figure that out and start giving a damn about others, the better off we'll all be.  

it would be tough to have a perfect system however you look at it imo, and the admins are human so it's understandable that some people end up on their bad list, especially those with a past history.

That's all it is.  If you feel like you have a target on your back, it's because you've painted it there.  If you've been banned five times, you do NOT get the same latitude as a brand new user.  Why should you?  If you've made yourself a problem time and time again, the burden of proof rests on YOU to show and prove.  It's not "personal."  That's why you get banned and the new user "just" gets warned for the "same thing."  You had five personals and a tech.  He just entered the game.  

Look outside of yourself and think about the entire ecosystem we have to try and manage here.   Some of you have had literally DOZENS of opportunities to follow some very simple rules.  If anything, we're probably TOO forgiving.  

If you have any more comments/suggestions about moderation, my inbox is open.  After all, this topic isn't about ninjahood's suspension (which is nearly over for crying out loud.)
Let's cut through the garbage here.  The "poster you know of" is you.  You're mad because you've been banned multiple times for trolling, and naturally you think anything you disagree with is "illogical."  I hate to break it to you, but you're not exactly a Vulcan yourself.  
You get emotional.  You insult people.  When you get frustrated with someone, which seems to occur with surprising frequency, you're reduced to taking sophomoric swipes at their intelligence, their reading comprehension, and so on.  You post diagrams of keyboards to humiliate people for typos.  You take threads that AREN'T about your pet topic and, by Gaia, you will FORCE them to be about your pet topic whether the rest of the community likes it or not.  

You get banned for it, and suddenly you're "persecuted."  Suddenly, it HAS to be because we "personally" dislike you.  It has to be some irrational "grudge."  Don't flatter yourself.  

In reality, everything I know about you could be written on the back of a postage stamp.  I have no reason to "dislike" you aside from how you conduct yourself on here.  If you're captious, disagreeable, rude, and intolerant on NIKETALK, that doesn't necessarily mean you're a horrible human being - but it does mean that, in the interest of maintaining a safe, friendly, and respectful community environment, you need to either curb the problem behavior or find another place to post.  

Staff members have to be the "bad guys."  We have to make the unpopular call and be the ones to suspend 50 people for trying to steal the new Drake album or stream the Mayweather fight.  We have to suspend the "popular" user when he makes a racist comment.  As such, I can't care if people "like" me.  If I did, THAT would influence the enforcement of our policy.  

I don't consider it a coincidence that those complaining the loudest right now tend to be among those who use our forums the most selfishly.  

NikeTalk isn't all about you and YOUR personal enjoyment.  The sooner you figure that out and start giving a damn about others, the better off we'll all be. 

went HAM
Can't believe I reported someone else over a year back because they were going so hard at him. I actually felt bad for the guy.
Never again.
Originally Posted by polorico


what did he say that was racist ? do you even know what that means in their language?
You REALLY need help with reading comprehension. It's not the fact that he used the term "habibi", it's the fact he used that term to insinuate that "habibi's" are somehow all terrorists. 
So tell me, if you were middle eastern, would you find that offensive/racist? And PLEASE, don't give me any of that...he's cool with a couple of them so it's ok BS.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by ksteezy

damn papi, what I say?
the platanos comment....honestly it didn't offend me, im not easily offended, but i know Dominicans who take that *+!+ to heart!....didn't want to make an example out of you bro, just trying to prove a point to Meth....worthless efforts eitherway. 
Not gonna lie even though im extra late, I lived in brooklyn my whole life and I work with nothing but hispanics...

They call each other Spanish and mostly the "hood" ones use that term. I definitely cant say its right. But its not unheard of. At least where I live .
Originally Posted by throwback1718

Not gonna lie even though im extra late, I lived in brooklyn my whole life and I work with nothing but hispanics...

They call each other Spanish and mostly the "hood" ones use that term. I definitely cant say its right. But its not unheard of. At least where I live .

Same here, Hispanics being called Spanish is unheard of.

NT is the first place I've heard Hispanics being called Spanish, never heard it down here in the South.
IB I know food spots run by cats from RP and DR and they use the term Spanish Food in their advertisements. Dont see the big deal
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by throwback1718

Not gonna lie even though im extra late, I lived in brooklyn my whole life and I work with nothing but hispanics...

They call each other Spanish and mostly the "hood" ones use that term. I definitely cant say its right. But its not unheard of. At least where I live .

Same here, Hispanics being called Spanish is unheard of.

NT is the first place I've heard Hispanics being called Spanish, never heard it down here in the South.

I notice it's usually people from the south that are more sensitive when it comes to these types of racial issues (understandably).For better or for worse we're not always the most politically correct when it comes to what we say but it really isn't impossible to decipher when things are said with bad intentions or if it's just our dialect.Spanish and Hispanic are pretty much interchangeable over here.
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