***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Black don't crack.

Going to really miss Obama, dude did more than an admirable job with the mess be was handed. I'm sure history will look back on him as one of the best. Doesn't deserve all the divisiveness and venom he's gotten. Biden been a real one too.

I found myself wanting to slap the **** out of Ron Paul the entire time.

QFT. If I ever ran for president I would want a real one like Joey B riding with me. I'm going to miss Joey as well.
You mean Paul Ryan

Yeah, dude is a lame, the 2012 exposed the world to that fact
Biden WASHED him in that VP debate 
What's really good with these minority Republicans with the self hate for their own "ethnic" names?

Rafael Cruz
Piyush Jindal
Nimrata Randhawa Haley

Cmon fam.
What's really good with these minority Republicans with the self hate for their own "ethnic" names?

Rafael Cruz
Piyush Jindal
Nimrata Randhawa Haley

Cmon fam.

Come on fam, even Mia Love is really Mikisha Love, joking it's really Ludmya Bourdeau (yeah, not joking). You know these individuals do not identify with the common sentiment of their population.
Come on fam, even Mia Love is really Mikisha Love, joking it's really Ludmya Bourdeau (yeah, not joking). You know these individuals do not identify with the common sentiment of their population.

Yeah, I know I just find it hilarious when right wingers try to claim they have all this diversity. These MFs wanna be WHITE.

I have a LOT of respect for Obama keeping it 100 with his "funny" name.
Three things really stood out for me tonight.

The remark about the people in Congress being some of the only Americans left with good paying, secure jobs and healthcare and pensions was spot on. I have been joking that maybe we need H1B visas for Congress, I am sure that there are plenty of skilled people in India who could do the job for cheaper. Perhaps we could create an called "Repr" where we could summon a Congressman to work a gig for an hour or two #distruption.

I am glad that Obama did not go in heavily with the whole "let's all get along" troupe. Instead, he got it right. we do need to have trust that people with whom we disagree are not malicious.

Paul Ryan may be a Packers fan but he did his best impression of Jay Cutler, I hope the speaker does not have the diabetes. How else will he continue to run 86 minute marathons and hold up the Earth?
Brehs, I had NO clue "Nikki" Haley was Indian-American.

Mind officially blown.

Gotta have a friendly white name I guess.
Adios Obama [emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]️ It's been real......**** is going to get crazy these next couple of months
I didn't catch the whole speech but I was on the way out when I saw him talk about partisanship and how all Americans need to work to fix it...and then pan to half of congress looking real salty. the irony.

"nikki" haley looks like a real tan white woman :lol:
She's got better over the years and she's older idk how that's possible

Black don't crack.

Going to really miss Obama, dude did more than an admirable job with the mess be was handed. I'm sure history will look back on him as one of the best.

Real spit...his greatest accomplishment was breaking the color barrier, which sadly only exacerbated race relations in the country. What exactly did you "admire" about his last 7 years? Seems like one disaster after another with a looming financial crisis ...which you can then say will be handed down to the next prez, whoever it is.
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His legacy depends on hiw things shake out. Obamacare, TPP, Iran deal, Cuba, handling of ISIS. Alot of thise new jobs everyone likes to talk about are pure ****. 1st black president is obviously crucial to his bio.

I'll remember him as the the president that was most protected by the media. His legacy will be promoted and protected by the media unless the above mentioned policies goes uber bad. Someone who lied blatantly and shifted blame better than anyone i have ever seen. Still can't say i shouldn't have voted for him since the republicans put out horrible candidates. At times he seemed more interested in a check list of legacy builders than the american people.

Bush was a horrible president and i'm sure it was hard to follow him. I'm sure working with the hard right was difficult too. he never played the game. Lectured as opposed to convinced. Hated to shmooze.
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His legacy depends on hiw things shake out. Obamacare, TPP, Iran deal, Cuba, handling of ISIS. Alot of thise new jobs everyone likes to talk about are pure ****. 1st black president is obviously crucial to his bio.

I'll remember him as the the president that was most protected by the media. His legacy will be promoted and protected by the media unless the above mentioned policies goes uber bad. Someone who lied blatantly and shifted blame better than anyone i have ever seen. Still can't say i shouldn't have voted for him since the republicans put out horrible candidates. At times he seemed more interested in a check list of legacy builders than the american people.

Bush was a horrible president and i'm sure it was hard to follow him. I'm sure working with the hard right was difficult too. he never played the game. Lectured as opposed to convinced. Hated to shmooze.
I'm European but Obama is by far the most revered US president I've experienced in my life here in Belgium.

My school actually had a large celebration when he became president 

I've never seen that happen before. I think he will definitely leave behind a strong legacy on the other side of the ocean here.
Obama restored America's reputation internationally.

Bush had America on the brink of being a laughing stock.

The GOP's biggest accomplished was doing enough for Obama go down as a legendary president.

That that's accomplishment is right up there with convincing many times that scumbag Reagan was great.
I would personally rather have our president be feared than revered. The people may like him but i don't think the leaders respect or fear him at all. What's his reputation among dictators and our enemies? Wayyy too many red lines that didn't amount to anything. Syria red line, assad must go, iran testing ballistic missiles and the WH announcing sanctions only to back down a day later, Putin DGAF.

I simply don't sleep much better knowing that Europeans love obama given the fact that i think Europe is going to ****. Countries like germany have put multiculturalism above their nation's identity and security. As a result you will see ultra right wing national parties gaining massive support. We even have our own version in Trump.

The middle east was crap before obama but it's impossible to argue that he hasn't made it worse. Taking out Gaddafi sure didn't help. Our traditional allies don't trust him. Pushing hard for the muslim brotherhood in Egypt. Giving iraq to iran. It's gonna get really bad.

Plus I think he gets a HUGE pass for TPP when liberals would have destroyed bush

But to make it clear yes he is absolutely a better president than bush. I just think that's a low bar as he was horrible
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I would personally rather have our president be feared than revered. The people may like him but i don't think the leaders respect or fear him at all. What's his reputation among dictators and our enemies? Wayyy too many red lines that didn't amount to anything. Syria red line, assad must go, iran testing ballistic missiles and the WH announcing sanctions only to back down a day later, Putin DGAF.

I simply don't sleep much better knowing that Europeans love obama given the fact that i think Europe is going to ****. Countries like germany have put multiculturalism above their nation's identity and security. As a result you will see ultra right wing national parties gaining massive support. We even have our own version in Trump.

The middle east was crap before obama but it's impossible to argue that he hasn't made it worse. Taking out Gaddafi sure didn't help. Our traditional allies don't trust him. Pushing hard for the muslim brotherhood in Egypt. Giving iraq to iran. It's gonna get really bad.

Plus I think he gets a HUGE pass for TPP when liberals would have destroyed bush

But to make it clear yes he is absolutely a better president than bush. I just think that's a low bar as he was horrible
U just hatin
I maybe hating but if you look at the last 7 years.. .how did you PERSONALLY benefited from his policies?

From health insurance, tax rates, personal savings, income/job growth, education, and race relations.

Has it gotten worst or better for you personally?
Tax rates have relatively been the same to me since every year it's just been an extension of Bush's tax cuts. So pretty much the same as before.

Same with Health insurance.. had it before.. same today other than my employer paying higher premiums.

Personal savings/investments are a lot better but damn stocks have been taking a beating the past few months! :smh:

It's great to see military friends/family back home and not being deployed every other year so for that I Thank Obama regardless if the rest of the world has become more effed up.

Race relations is what scares me because it seems in general Christian whites these days are no longer tolerant of Muslims, select minorities, illegals and the poor. A klansman type candidate like Trump being the front runner today is just shocking considering he has so much support.

I will miss Obama... dude is pretty cool guy.. but being cool doesn't get crap done in Washington.
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