***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Exactly, that's a big reason why many on the left identify with Bern more. He doesn't come off as inauthentic with most of his positions. He's a politician that doesn't sound like a politician unlike Hilary who's every move seems to be carefully calculated and constructed
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-Bill Clinton is viewed so favorably because he was genuinely better than what came before him. Voting for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996 was not a vote of ignorance by the black community.

-Hillary Clinton is not some much worst option that Bernie Sanders. If someone did get informed about their policies. Some saying, even someone black, "yeah they both wanna do similar things but Clinton's plans seem more sensible/pragmatic"

Even look at the debates. Clinton is able to explain a policy proposal much better than Bernie.

And many Bernie fans are not helping with their antics

-And if people are ignorant about Bernie Sanders, anyone, that is Bernie's fault not of any black person.

Bernie somehow only realized he need to take black issues seriously after BLM ran up on him for a 2nd time.

-And you don't think it is hypocritical for Sander's supporters to dump all of Bill's sins on Hillary, like itis her political inheritance. But be so vexed that she inherited some positives things too.

Didn't say blacks voted for Bill on ignorance, he was the better option at the time. I'm saying their blind support for Hillary based on Bill is about name recognition and ignorance.

If they aren't aware there are other candidates in the race, that isn't on anybody but them. It's 2016, everyone has a smartphone, type in "who's running for President" and it'll give you a breakdown of everything you need to know. If you tell me "I'm voting for Hillary because I've never heard of Sanders/O'Malley or whoever, you're ignorant and it's your fault.

I don't think Hillary is a God awful option like, say, Trump. I just think she's the lesser of the two options compared to Bernie. Personally I didn't like her half -assed response to the black lives matter question during the debate, but that's just me.

What I will say is at the end of the day, either one of them are light years ahead of what's going on with the other side.
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-Bill Clinton is viewed so favorably because he was genuinely better than what came before him. Voting for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996 was not a vote of ignorance by the black community.

-Hillary Clinton is not some much worst option that Bernie Sanders. If someone did get informed about their policies. Some saying, even someone black, "yeah they both wanna do similar things but Clinton's plans seem more sensible/pragmatic"

Even look at the debates. Clinton is able to explain a policy proposal much better than Bernie.

And many Bernie fans are not helping with their antics

-And if people are ignorant about Bernie Sanders, anyone, that is Bernie's fault not of any black person.

Bernie somehow only realized he need to take black issues seriously after BLM ran up on him for a 2nd time.

-And you don't think it is hypocritical for Sander's supporters to dump all of Bill's sins on Hillary, like itis her political inheritance. But be so vexed that she inherited some positives things too.

Didn't say blacks voted for Bill on ignorance, he was the better option at the time. I'm saying their blind support for Hillary based on Bill is about name recognition and ignorance.

If they aren't aware their are other candidates in the race, that isn't on anybody but them. It's 2016, everyone has a smartphone, type in "who's running for President" and it'll give you a breakdown of everything you need to know. If you tell me "I'm voting for Hillary because I've never heard of Sanders/O'Malley or whoever, you're ignorant and it's your fault.

-If "everyone has a cellphone" is a legit answer for candidates not needing to do more.

Then progressives should have no problem with "Citizen's United" and the flood of money coming into elections. And Bernie should shut up talking about it too.

Since it makes no difference, I can just look **** up on my phone and that will be that.

-Blacks are not voting for Hillary out of blind ignorance IMO

Blacks tend to vote nearly exclusively democrat, but unlike poor southern whites, this is a good thing because they are generally voting for their self interest.

If progressives/Bernie fans what to call foul on black support for Clinton, they need to

a) Show that voting for her is against their self interest

b) Show how progressives policies are better (which I believe they are, mostly)

(a) is wash because that is really not true, so it is (b) they need to focus on.

Now I know from experience that people need this stuff broken down to them it takes effort. That responsibility stills falls on progressive not moderate liberals, which a lot of black folk are. You gotta put in the effort to move people left, not do nothing, then complain at the speed at which they there.

And even if they get there, they gap between Bernie and Hillary isn't so huge for folk that are just learning this stuff to same "Oh yeah, I see it"

-Bernie major opportunity to sway folk are the debates, and Clinton is consistently able to explain he policies in a digestible way than Bernie.
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I want Bernie to win as much as the next man, but I realize how important having a Dem president follow Obama.

And Hillary is not a bad choice, not optimal, but still not bad

I just hope if Hilldawg wins, you brahs will join me in running the far right some fades next fall :lol:
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Some of the people who want to vote for Hillary are doing it out of name recognition AND they are want to be the those that say "I voted for the first woman president" Almost said "female" but we know how that rustles jimmies.

In a perfect world, whoever doesn't get the ticket, gets the nod for VP though. None the less, unless we have another Florida election rigging, we'll have Hillary or Bernie in the Oval Office for the next 4 years
I think there is no way Bernie or Hillary choose to be a VP.

If Bernie doesn't win, he goes back to the Senate being one of the most high profile members.

If Hilldawg doesn't win, I think she campaigns for the Dems hard one last time, then calls it a career.
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Well yea, I know that Rusty, that's why I said "in a perfect world" that would be probably the best thing for the country, but it will never come to fruition.

Aside from the presidential race, I'm interested to see how the house shakes up, that matters a lot yet gets ignored, even on a state level, Pennsylvania still doesn't have a state budget due to the governor and house at odds
Yeah Congressional, state, and local elections are immensely important

So much slick **** goes down just form Americans being disinterested

-Btw, in the strip mall where I get my haircut. There is a black barber stop, this lit Peruvian chicken place, a "Church or Cannabis" office, and a Bernie Sanders recruitment office.

#What a Time to be a Liberal :smokin
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-If "everyone has a cellphone" is a legit answer for candidates not needing to do more.

Then progressives should have no problem with "Citizen's United" and the flood of money coming into elections. And Bernie should shut up talking about it too.

Since it makes no difference, I can just look **** up on my phone and that will be that.

-Blacks are not voting for Hillary out of blind ignorance IMO

Blacks tend to vote nearly exclusively democrat, but unlike poor southern whites, this is a good thing because they are generally voting for their self interest.

If progressives/Bernie fans what to call foul on black support for Clinton, they need to

a) Show that voting for her is against their self interest

b) Show how progressives policies are better (which I believe they are, mostly)

(a) is wash because that is really not true, so it is (b) they need to focus on.

Now I know from experience that people need this stuff broken down to them it takes effort. That responsibility stills falls on progressive not moderate liberals, which a lot of black folk are. You gotta put in the effort to move people left, not do nothing, then complain at the speed at which they there.

And even if they get there, they gap between Bernie and Hillary isn't so huge for folk that are just learning this stuff to same "Oh yeah, I see it"

-Bernie major opportunity to sway folk are the debates, and Clinton is consistently able to explain he policies in a digestible way than Bernie.
I tend to disagree, one thing that Dems and Republicans typically agree on is that black issues are exactly that. Black issues.

I read somewhere that nearly 20percent of the population if atlas partly black american. If blacks can use that political capital to actually force their politicians (Dems) to preform change, then we are getting somewhere. 
I know that Hilary's slowly feeling the Bern :smokin

@nytimes: Breaking News: Clinton’s lead over Sanders in the Democratic race has dwindled, a Times/CBS News poll finds
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Lol at Iran capturing 2 US navy boats.

They love poking barry in the eye. I wonder if parts of the speech are being changed

I think primary votes are hard to poll so who knows at this point what's gonna happen
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They're gonna be released soon since the Iranians claim it was a mistake. Not sure what they were doing so close to Iranian waters though...
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Lol at Iran capturing 2 US navy boats.

They love poking barry in the eye. I wonder if parts of the speech are being changed

I think primary votes are hard to poll so who knows at this point what's gonna happen

You say on this Iran steez. :lol:

You're like NT's John McCain :lol:
He's keeping it TOO REAL 

I thought they were ISIS..

Same group.

Using ISIL as opposed to ISIS is basically a geographic distinction.

The main purpose is to not cause a Holy War, and garner more support from the Middle East.

To sum up a complicated distinction in simple terms.
CBS' camera is panning to so many people in the crowd that look like they wanna fall asleep :lol: .
She's got better over the years and she's older idk how that's possible

Black don't crack.

Going to really miss Obama, dude did more than an admirable job with the mess be was handed. I'm sure history will look back on him as one of the best. Doesn't deserve all the divisiveness and venom he's gotten. Biden been a real one too.

I found myself wanting to slap the **** out of Ron Paul the entire time.
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