***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Wait, so conservatives = Republicans?

And what's the hype around FDR?

Republican is party affiliation, conservative is social and political philosophy in maintaining the status quo

The and get mixed up. Like Mike Bloomberg is a liberal, but was a member of the republican party. Bill Clinton once called a conservative, but was a democrat.

Usually conservative vote republican. Especially far right conservatives.

In America, far right conservative are generally concerned with enforcing and extending the system of white supremacy

-FDR was the president under the deal new. He was involved in creating America's social safety net.
FDR is one the best presidents, it's just that the Japanese camps will always be a black eye to his legacy

Looks like 2016 is off to a bang in the ME. Saudi/Iran drama is escalating. Gonna be a real interesting state of affairs with obama in his last year.


I'm at the point where i don't feel bad for bernie sanders anymore.

He doesn't have what it takes to win and Hillary has more balls than he does. If you wanna give her a pass on the server and you don't wanna talk aboit Bill or the clinton dirty laundry or shady ties , then you don't really want to win.

His supporters should be happy they moved Hillary to the left and call it a day
Or maybe these petty lil attacks have nothing to do with being president, or helping the American people

If we all demand this type of behavior from a presidential candidate, then Americans are idiots

Obama was not really the cheap shot type either, and democrats tend to not like to indulge in that behavior as much as far left republicans.

-Trump should be catching flack over his words about Bill, more than Bernie's unwillingness to follow Trump down that rabbit hole

But we already know how you feel about Trump, never wanting to talk about the negatives :lol:
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Good i hope bernie enjoys the high road on his way to losing the nomination. Not going after the server was not "avoiding a petty attack". It was him forfeiting.

Dismissing trump's popularity as pure racism and bigotry doesn't make you a good person. You do understand that right?

It basically shows that you have no interest in the underlying socioeconomic factors and complete distrust of the media and government institutions that lead to a disgusting candidate like him getting this far.

I guess nobody should be interested in the atmosphere that allowed for hitler to be elected because he was a terrible person.

You probably love having trump around so you can pat yourself on the back and laugh at his supporters.
Good i hope bernie enjoys the high road on his way to losing the nomination. Not going after the server was not "avoiding a petty attack". It was him forfeiting.

Dismissing trump's popularity as pure racism and bigotry doesn't make you a good person. You do understand that right?

It basically shows that you have no interest in the underlying socioeconomic factors and complete distrust of the media and government institutions that lead to a disgusting candidate like him getting this far.

I guess nobody should be interested in the atmosphere that allowed for hitler to be elected because he was a terrible person.

You probably love having trump around so you can pat yourself on the back and laugh at his supporters.

Oh please spare me.

Anyone that has seen me post in the past couple years in threads involving social and economic issues know I take the underlying issues hurting this country very seriously. You just disagree with me on those issues are.

You think me as a young black man can't understand why people don't trust the media or the government? Really? To me that is laughable. The average Trump supporter still doesn't have live under white supremacy, or be target by the police to be shuffled into jails, nor is one party actively trying to disenfranchise them.

All these topics have been discussed on NT in the past year, and strangely you no where to be found to have the "distrust media and government" talk then. Are you?

But when I call a spade a spade, and bigot and bigot, you all of a sudden got a problem.

The fact of the matter is Trump's base and filled with people that believe that the solutions to America's problems is pushing white supremacy in overdrive. And that needs to be addressed, and talk about constant. The conditions that allowed Hilter to get into power still doesn't excuse being a Nazi. And in 2016 America, they're a viable alternatives to Trump

Hell these Trump supporters didn't even Obama a chance, even after he fixed Bush's mess.

So NeoLiberalism been kicking these folk *** for decades. And they just came off another supply side economic failure with Bush. But peep this:

Obama says how about some center left new Keynesian economies, HELL NO. Bernie Sanders says how about some social democracy with heavy regulated capitalism, Nope. Trump says about about some fascism, bigotry and pie in the sky economic promises, SOLD! :smh: :lol:

Trump loves to talk about who is to blame for the problems of lower class, uneducated far right conservatives, but offers up no real solution other than.....other than,you know.......fascism and more white supremacy policies

Bernie Sanders on the other hand is not about none of that petty nonsense, and is all about solutions. Even if you disagree with some of them, he is pointing out the real problems in this country, and saying what needs to be fixed.

But I guess conservatives haven't been listening to Barrack Obama pointing out those same problems, so why start with Bernie :rolleyes

You want dudes on NT to stop focusing on all the bigotry Trump spews, but you yourself have barely put forward a solid detailed argument of why people could be supporting Trump for legit non racist reasons. All you got it is "He is talking about populist stuff too"

So does Bernie, Hillary, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and many others. Don't play coy, you know the reason he is going so well is main because of the bigotry.

If Trump is talking about a real issue, chances are Bernie and even Hillary have addressed it in a non racist way. But yet, folk still folk to Trump

Because I mean if it is not, why do is poll numbers drop when they can't hide behind the phone or a PC. Kinda like some know supporting Trump is cosigning bigotry. Hmmmm

---------And yes, I'm think I'm better than a die hard Trump supporter because I'm not using my anger and the system as an excuse to endorse bigotry

And constantly ignoring/deflecting all the racism, fascism, xenophobia and white supremacy rhetoric he spews doesn't make you a good person right either.

You understand that right?

Matter of fact the black community has a term for people like you that do just that, but imma keep it to myself, because I know how much you hate "being labelled"
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So i'm an SWS because i'm more interested in the trump phenomenon than police shootings and other threads that you are disappointed i don't comment in? Got it. Always resorting back to identity politics.

I don't concentrate on the trump bigotry because it's boring. It's easy. It's not interesting. It's been said 1,000,000 times.

It's amazing that you can turn on msnbc and see them constantly discuss the other factors on why trump is popular but for some reason you just can't bring yourself to even admit they exist. Like it hurts you that people are interested in doscussing other reasons that he is doing so well.

What is being added to the conversation if i come in here and talk about how much of a bigot trump is?
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I didn't call or was attempting to call you that, you jumped to that concussion by yourself.

And if that if the first thing that pops into you head, maybe even you know that you're tacitly cosigning white supremacy.

And I could careless about what you post about, just don't get upset when people point out that the conversation that you want to have has been had a ton of times before on this site, but you weren't interested for some reason.

If you don't find what is posted about Trump interesting than make other interesting post about what others part of Trump's positions to think are interesting

I think discussin the dynamics of white supremacy and how is manifest itself with the Trump campaign very entertaining. Plus many other been cracking jokes in the Trump thread too

But don't demand that a group of people that and disgusted by his bigoted words just stop focusing on them ( Trump adds more and more bigoted fuel to the fire constantly, and especially since a good chunk of us are liberals and progressives) just because you don't want to hear about it anymore

You don't dictate the discussion, if you want to add something interesting, then do so. But no one else owes it too you to do it for you

-Btw, there could be post about the former grand wizard of the KKK saying Trump is OD, or a post about terrorist using Trump's words are recruiting materials like Hillary predicted, or his comments about the Clintons

But there aren't any post about those things are there? Nope, all us liberals left those things alone

-I don't watch MSNBC, either do a lot of liberals, and not all the pundits on there are even liberal. I don't even know why you brought that up. But please don't try to act like that station is the go to news source for the liberal left, like Fox News is for the conservative right.
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What losing looks like.
Enlighten me what non sws word were you implying

Here, since you think I just like to paint folk with a wide brush to make myself fell better

Read this previous post, and see where you fit in. LINK

Spoiler Alert: I wasn't calling/or implying you're a SWS, but I already said you don't seemed really bothered by discussions involving systemic racism.

Your constant deflections not wanting to talk about bigotry within Trumps campaign because it is "not interesting" ain't a good look famb

Rubio looks like the type of dude that is bout dat **** life

Bet money he took all that money outta his retirement account to cop a new 4K camera, for his home videos :nerd:
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I know conservatives think he was faking it, but famb seemed to have taken Sandy Hook really hard

They way he talk about it sometimes, it is like he feels he failed the kids in some way, and is failing inner cities by not being able to stop the flow of cheap guns into those neighborhoods

I know how he feels, just the thought of those things gets me upset too
North Korea says it has conducted a successful underground hydrogen bomb test, a first for the nation.

A hydrogen bomb is more powerful than plutonium weapons, which is what North Korea used in its past nuclear tests.

The U.S. says it may take days to confirm the claim.

Countries in the region issue strong condemnation and hold emergency meetigs.
I know conservatives think he was faking it, but famb seemed to have taken Sandy Hook really hard

They way he talk about it sometimes, it is like he feels he failed the kids in some way, and is failing inner cities by not being able to stop the flow of cheap guns into those neighborhoods

I know how he feels, just the thought of those things gets me upset too

If I were black, I would not be in favor of more gun control. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like gun violence runs on two tracks: the "drug game" track in the inner city and the "mass shooter" track. The former largely affects and is committed by black and brown people and the latter is usually carried out by and hits white people.

My understanding is that the homicides in places like South Chicago or West Baltimore are committed with guns whose status is illegal, either the gun was used by a minor or a convicted felon or simply someone without a permit or the gun itself is a type of gun that is illegal to posses. Meanwhile, most mass shootings happen with guns that are legal.

It seems like the gun show loophole would have no effect on the inner city and it would have some moderate ability to reduce mass shootings. It would seem as if the black community should view any new criminal codes as a cudgel to be used by abusive police and prosecutors and at the same time, expanded background checks should be much more enthusiastically received in predominately white communities. Yet, the reverse seems to be true.

The ghosts of the 1990s have returned to confront Hillary Clinton, released from the vault by Donald Trump and revved up by a 21st-century version of the scandal machine that almost destroyed her husband’s presidency.

The fresher case being made is that Hillary Clinton has been, at a minimum, hypocritical about her husband’s treatment of women, and possibly even complicit in discrediting his accusers.

In November, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.” She has made women’s issues a central focus of her campaign and is counting on a swell of support for the historic prospect of the first female president.

Trump started hammering on Bill Clinton’s behavior in retaliation for Hillary Clinton’s assertion, during a pre-Christmas interview with the Des Moines Register, that Trump has demonstrated a “penchant for sexism.”

“Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE’S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate!” Trump tweeted on Dec. 26.

In an interview Monday on CNN, Trump amped up his rhetoric, calling Bill Clinton “one of the great women abusers of all time” and saying Hillary Clinton was his “enabler

Until Trump turned his outsized media spotlight to Bill Clinton’s past sexual behavior, the issue had largely receded to the darker corners of the Internet, although it had continued to percolate.

Last month, a woman in the audience at a Clinton campaign event in New Hampshire asked her: “You say that all rape victims should be believed. But would you say that about Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and/or Paula Jones?”

It was not a spontaneous question. The woman read from a card and mispronounced the first two names she mentioned.

But to anyone who followed the sagas of the Clinton presidency, they were familiar ones:

●Broaddrick had accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978, when she was working on his Arkansas gubernatorial campaign.

●Willey, a former White House volunteer, said he had attempted to kiss and grope her in a private hallway leading to the Oval Office.

●Jones, a onetime Arkansas state employee, sued Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment, saying he had three years earlier exposed his erect penis to her and asked her to kiss it.

And, of course, the biggest of all was the scandal over Clinton’s extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky, who was a White House intern at the time. Diane Blair, a close friend of Hillary Clinton, wrote in her journal unearthed in 2014 that the then-first lady had privately called Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon.”

Publicly, Clinton’s defenders were at times brutal in their characterizations of the women who made sexual allegations against him. “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” James Carville, Bill Clinton’s former strategist, once said.

Yet Bill Clinton settled Jones’s lawsuit in November 1998 for $850,000, acknowledging no wrongdoing and offering no apology. Just under a month later, he was impeached by the House on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice that stemmed from Jones’s lawsuit; he was acquitted by the Senate.

He also denied both Willey and Broaddrick’s allegations.

But all of these past accusations are being stirred up again, including by some who claim they were his victims.

Broaddrick, now a Trump supporter, tweeted Wednesday: “I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73. . . .it never goes away.”

In an interview, she said she had watched Bill Clinton’s first solo campaign appearance on his wife’s behalf on television Monday.

“He looked so beaten, and he looked like everything in his past was catching up to him. He looked so downtrodden. It made my heart sing,” Broaddrick said.

And she is not the only one.

Tom Watson, owner of Maverick Investigations, an Arizona-based private investigative agency, built a website — “A Scandal a Day” — for Willey last spring, shortly after Hillary Clinton declared she was running for president. It aims to bring forward new allegations.

The site went live in June, Watson said, and in the first two hours it received 100,000 hits.

“Kathleen is going to be very popular this year,” Watson predicted.

Last month, Aaron Klein, a writer for such right-of-center publications as World Net Daily and host of a weekly radio talk show, wrote an article on Breitbart.com headlined “In Their Own Words: Why Bill’s ‘Bimbos’ Fear a Hillary Presidency.”

In it, Klein described how his radio program had become “a support center of sorts” for Bill Clinton’s female accusers — “a safe-space for these women to sound off about the way they were allegedly treated by both Bill and Hillary.”

In the article, Klein quotes Broaddrick, Willey and Gennifer Flowers, an actress who had an affair with Clinton when he was governor.

In what Klein described as Flowers’s only interview since Clinton announced her candidacy, Flowers accused Hillary of being “an enabler that has encouraged [Bill] to go out and do whatever he does with women.”

“I think it’s a joke,” Klein quotes Flowers as saying, “that she would run on women’s issues.”
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