***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I know conservatives think he was faking it, but famb seemed to have taken Sandy Hook really hard

They way he talk about it sometimes, it is like he feels he failed the kids in some way, and is failing inner cities by not being able to stop the flow of cheap guns into those neighborhoods

I know how he feels, just the thought of those things gets me upset too
It was an emotional moment and all but young people in his own city been gunning each other down daily. Why has his compassion been so bottled up? Guns been an issue in this country.
I know conservatives think he was faking it, but famb seemed to have taken Sandy Hook really hard

They way he talk about it sometimes, it is like he feels he failed the kids in some way, and is failing inner cities by not being able to stop the flow of cheap guns into those neighborhoods

I know how he feels, just the thought of those things gets me upset too
It was an emotional moment and all but young people in his own city been gunning each other down daily. Why has his compassion been so bottled up? Guns been an issue in this country.
I'm just gonna leave this here https://newrepublic.com/article/124445/beyond-gun-control 
I know conservatives think he was faking it, but famb seemed to have taken Sandy Hook really hard

They way he talk about it sometimes, it is like he feels he failed the kids in some way, and is failing inner cities by not being able to stop the flow of cheap guns into those neighborhoods

I know how he feels, just the thought of those things gets me upset too
It was an emotional moment and all but young people in his own city been gunning each other down daily. Why has his compassion been so bottled up? Guns been an issue in this country.

Famb really?

Did you watch the speech? Listen around the 1 min mark

-I will give a more detailed response to you and Rex tomorrow.
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So I just found out that there's a debate going on right now...the same night as the National title game :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The DNC know's exactly what they're doing :lol: :lol: :smh:
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It's clear as day the DNC has Hillary's back. You need to be in serous denial at this point not to grasp that fact


And supposedly there are now rumblings that Biden and/or John Kerry may jump in to the race if Bernie wins Iowa and New Hampshire.

Sorry Bernie fans! The DNC doesn't give a damn about you :lol:
So I just found out that there's a debate going on right now...the same night as the National title game :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The DNC know's exactly what they're doing :lol: :lol: :smh:

It's clear as day the DNC has Hillary's back. You need to be in serous denial at this point not to grasp that fact

First off, It is not a debate, it is a forum

And secondly maybe they got her back so much because Bernie is all bout himself, and Hilldawg is making sure the whole squad eating


Say salty brahs :smokin

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I have no clue what about Hillary, or her policies, would get anyone excited.

Her entire personality and her "go with the flow" politics annoy me.

-Because her policies are not that far off from Bernie's, plus they seem more pragmatic, therefore making them more digestible to the general public

-Her victory might guarantee a SCOTUS flip

-She would be our first female president

-When she moves on topic it is always left

-In addition/aside: Her coalition of supporters don't come off as condescending and entitled as Bernie's

They is a lot to get excited about a Clinton presidency IMO

-Do Bernie fans not see a red flag when they slander Clinton so much that they biggest allies in that fight are far right conservatives

Does that say something?

The mental gymnastics other Bernie fans do shade her battles me sometimes.

Like Nike Jordan Nike Jordan said, she is not an enemy of the progressive left
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-Because her policies are not that far off from Bernie's, plus they seem more pragmatic, therefore making them more digestible to the general public

-Her victory might guarantee a SCOTUS flip

-She would be our first female president

-When she moves on topic it is always left

-In addition/aside: Her coalition of supporters don't come off as condescending and entitled as Bernie's

They is a lot to get excited about a Clinton presidency IMO

-Do Bernie fans not see a red flag when they slander Clinton so much that they biggest allies in that fight are far right conservatives

Does that say something?

The mental gymnastics other Bernie fans do shade her battles me sometimes.

Like Nike Jordan Nike Jordan said, she is not an enemy of the progressive left

- Her stated policy views in this particular election cycle are similar to Bernie's but her career has been very different.

- That is why I will still vote for and support Hillary Clinton in the general, without hesitation.

- Clinton is a neoliberal, lone wolf, white feminist. She is cynically using feminism and the structural issues that women face in order to advance her career.

- She has moved left because Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Bill DeBlasio and other real progressives have moved the political center of gravity. Actually, the real credit goes to BLM, OWS and Fight for 15. I am glad that Hillary Clinton will relax her neoliberal views in the face of pressure but it is still sad that she always has to be forced to stand up for marginalized groups. She never takes the lead on defending the rights of gay people, people of color, low income people and the economic interests of women who are not part of the 1%.

- The Hillary supporters can afford, literally and figuratively, to be more gracious and patient and quiet. In general, Hillary supporters are wealthier than Bernie supporters and they have the luxury of not feeling the fierce urgency of the moment. If you are the University Chancellor, a gay executive in a private equity group or a feminist who is a partner at the blue stocking law firm, you can wax philosophical about the wonders of compromise and gradualism. An adjunct professor who teaches three classes at three campuses and makes the equivalent of minimum wage, the worker whose company is about to be raided or the new college graduate who is starting life 100k in the hole all want an advocate in the White House and not a tepid, late arriving, reluctant ally.

- Bernie supporters who jump on the email bandwagon are foolish. Most Bernie supporters, from what I can see, are criticizing from her left and on policy and they are letting right wingers grasp at straws and nonexistent scandals.

As a progressive, I know that Hillary Clinton is likely to be the nominee. She is likely to win the general and the path forward is to mobilize marginalized groups and their allies to pressure a President Clinton and to vote in 2018 and move progressivism as far and as quickly as possible, it is a shame that our own Party's nominee and president may not stop us but she will do absolutely nothing to accelerate our movement.
-Why do you call her a neoliberal over and over when she has always supported a strong social safety net, and supports relatively government regulation of industries

Explain that to me

-Only fighting for women in the 1%? Are you talking about the same Hillary Clinton that was trying to get universal healthcare done in 1993. And given some of the other policy she supported in the 1990s I find this claim kinda out there

-The black community is in Hillary side much more that Bernie's. They are one of the most important demographics for any democratic candidate

She came out with her criminal justice reform bill before any other candidate. That issue is literally the most pressing one because it IS a life and death issue.

So please explain to me again, how the black community can "afford, literally and figuratively, to be more gracious and patient and quiet".

And strangely that what Bernie Sander supporters were asking of them months ago.

-And please, go read an liberal leaning forum and you will see Bernie Sanders supporters indulging in the same petty tactics that conservatives use. You can't criticize Bernie Sanders without hearing "But Hillary......"
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- Her stated policy views in this particular election cycle are similar to Bernie's but her career has been very different.

- That is why I will still vote for and support Hillary Clinton in the general, without hesitation.

- Clinton is a neoliberal, lone wolf, white feminist. She is cynically using feminism and the structural issues that women face in order to advance her career.

- She has moved left because Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Bill DeBlasio and other real progressives have moved the political center of gravity. Actually, the real credit goes to BLM, OWS and Fight for 15. I am glad that Hillary Clinton will relax her neoliberal views in the face of pressure but it is still sad that she always has to be forced to stand up for marginalized groups. She never takes the lead on defending the rights of gay people, people of color, low income people and the economic interests of women who are not part of the 1%.

- The Hillary supporters can afford, literally and figuratively, to be more gracious and patient and quiet. In general, Hillary supporters are wealthier than Bernie supporters and they have the luxury of not feeling the fierce urgency of the moment. If you are the University Chancellor, a gay executive in a private equity group or a feminist who is a partner at the blue stocking law firm, you can wax philosophical about the wonders of compromise and gradualism. An adjunct professor who teaches three classes at three campuses and makes the equivalent of minimum wage, the worker whose company is about to be raided or the new college graduate who is starting life 100k in the hole all want an advocate in the White House and not a tepid, late arriving, reluctant ally.

- Bernie supporters who jump on the email bandwagon are foolish. Most Bernie supporters, from what I can see, are criticizing from her left and on policy and they are letting right wingers grasp at straws and nonexistent scandals.

As a progressive, I know that Hillary Clinton is likely to be the nominee. She is likely to win the general and the path forward is to mobilize marginalized groups and their allies to pressure a President Clinton and to vote in 2018 and move progressivism as far and as quickly as possible, it is a shame that our own Party's nominee and president may not stop us but she will do absolutely nothing to accelerate our movement.
I agree with ALL of this, but mostly this.

All the Hillary supporters I know are liberals that fell into money, and/or operate under the misnomer that Hilary has done so much for women. Called a woman out on what exactly Hillary has done, and proceeded to watch her stutter for 5 minutes.
I agree with ALL of this, but mostly this.

All the Hillary supporters I know are liberals that fell into money, and/or operate under the misnomer that Hilary has done so much for women. Called a woman out on what exactly Hillary has done, and proceeded to watch her stutter for 5 minutes.

She plays catch up to everything.

Gay rights
Minimum wage
Mass incarceration/Police brutality
College tuition
And she's still behind on Marijuana.

The Hillary waits for 80% of liberals to supporta social issue then comes out and says "Well, I support that too!". It's hilarious and sad at the same time.

The fact she's uses being a woman as a crutch in EVERY response about what she can bring to this country also annoys me. We get it, you have a vagina, but how are you actually different? Obama rarely, if ever, used his blackness as a reason for why he'd be a different than other candidates back in 07-08.
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These last few months have quietly shaken things up w/ the Dems. The GOP is more than likely going to have no choice but to give Trump their support unless they want another landslide election (which it most like would still be w/ Trump) if they push Cruz or Rubio. I feel like the only person they had to even remotely tap into the Democratic vote was Paul and he's not doing so well.

Hill Diggity does come off as a Mrs. Me Too w/ issues, like she doesn't really know what the people want until they tell her loud enough.
I agree with ALL of this, but mostly this.

All the Hillary supporters I know are liberals that fell into money, and/or operate under the misnomer that Hilary has done so much for women. Called a woman out on what exactly Hillary has done, and proceeded to watch her stutter for 5 minutes.

She plays catch up to everything.

Gay rights
Minimum wage
Mass incarceration/Police brutality
College tuition
And she's still behind on Marijuana.

The Hillary waits for 80% of liberals to supporta social issue then comes out and says "Well, I support that too!". It's hilarious and sad at the same time.

The fact she's uses being a woman as a crutch in EVERY response about what she can bring to this country also annoys me. We get it, you have a vagina, but how are you actually different? Obama rarely, if ever, used his blackness as a reason for why he'd be a different than other candidates back in 07-08.
A vagina that even her husband didn't apparently want
#BernTheJewels only 3 points back in Iowa and a slight lead in New Hampshire. 

I think he wins both. He was 20 points back in Iowa not that long ago.

Side note: anybody see that Bernie is doing an HBCU tour? He's really trying to pick up that minority vote :lol:

Kind like his campaign realized black folk won't just fall in line.

-But I thought only rich white liberal voted for Hillary, why is he worried :lol:
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You're right,probably cause many are already falling in line with Hildawg already. They realize they'll need actual outreach over pandering

Hilary has that last part covered

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You're right,probably cause many are already falling in line with Hildawg already. They realize they'll need actual outreach over pandering

Hilary has that last part covered


You know she has always been popular with black voters right?

In 2008, it even took Barrack Obama effort to over turn that.

Some of that of course I believe she inherited from her husband, while I don't believe black voters should pick their candidate this way, and that Bernie's policies would be better for the community (that's a major reason why I'm voting for him) I don't consider Clinton to be a bad choice because it seems that it wouldn't a vote against the communities self interest.

On the subject of pandering doe:

Bernie "He marched with MLK" Sanders and his fans can't criticize her on his without looking like major hypocrites.

In multiple ways

Yah feel me....

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Kind like his campaign realized black folk won't just fall in line.

-But I thought only rich white liberal voted for Hillary, why is he worried :lol:

She's popular with the black folk because of name recognition and nothing more.

Our community has a weird obsession with the Bill Clinton era and they assume Hillary is an extension of such. As a black man, I can honestly say MANY in the black community (especially 40+) are incredibly ignorant when it comes to politics. They vote for whoever the most popular Democrat is at the time.

I wouldn't attribute her high polling with black folk due to them truly believing in her policies or the fact she's doing some incredible outreach with her campaign. Most of them are just voting her way because their ignorant of the other candidates on the Democratic side.

And I don't see Bernie's interview with Killer Mike as pandering if you watch the whole thing. Hillary trying to throw in pop culture references on Twitter and "dabbing", that's pandering.
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Kind like his campaign realized black folk won't just fall in line.

-But I thought only rich white liberal voted for Hillary, why is he worried :lol:

She's popular with the black folk because of name recognition and nothing more.

Our community has a weird obsession with the Bill Clinton era and they assume Hillary is an extension of such. As a black man, I can honestly say MANY in the black community (especially 40+) are incredibly ignorant when it comes to politics. They vote for whoever the most popular Democrat is at the time.

I wouldn't attribute her high polling with black folk due to them truly believing in her policies or the fact she's doing some incredible outreach with her campaign. Most of them are just voting her way because their ignorant of the other candidate on the Democratic side.

-Bill Clinton is viewed so favorably because he was genuinely better than what came before him. Voting for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996 was not a vote of ignorance by the black community.

-Hillary Clinton is not some much worst option that Bernie Sanders. If someone did get informed about their policies. Some saying, even someone black, "yeah they both wanna do similar things but Clinton's plans seem more sensible/pragmatic"

Even look at the debates. Clinton is able to explain a policy proposal much better than Bernie.

And many Bernie fans are not helping with their antics

-And if people are ignorant about Bernie Sanders, anyone, that is Bernie's fault not of any black person.

Bernie somehow only realized he need to take black issues seriously after BLM ran up on him for a 2nd time.

-And you don't think it is hypocritical for Sander's supporters to dump all of Bill's sins on Hillary, like itis her political inheritance. But be so vexed that she inherited some positives things too.
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:lol: Clinton family has a history of pandering from this...


To this...


What's the word?

not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
synonyms: insincere, dishonest, untruthful, false, deceitful, duplicitous, lying, mendacious; hypocritical
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