***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I think many of you need to read Chris Matthews book Hardball. A bestseller and staple on every college level Political Science class. The fact that your all arguing with me about how Washington works shows that you really have no idea. Maybe because I live out here and see it first hand it's not surprising. But yes, essentially you have to kiss *** to get **** done no matter who you are. Especially if you came into the White House with no real "friends" in town like how Obama did.

It may sound stupid but that is exactly how it is. I'm sorry that you all live in a fairytale where elected officials do things because it's good for the country. That's not how it works at all.

Like I said earlier pick up the book Hardball it's a fairly simple and short read but it's a very good peek inside how wheeling and dealing is done in DC. Things as simple as seating placements at a White House dinner are planned out extensively based on what the immediate needs of that particular administration are. So say, Obama needed the Chairman of the Armed Service Committees support on a deal so that the rest of the committee would fall in line, you can get your bottom dollar he'd probably be sitting right next to the President, and be first to have his picture taken with the President when that time comes. It sounds silky and juvenile but that's how it is. And not just on the federal level. State and local politics are the same, except regular people have more access to their elected officials.

Rusty, lives around here perhaps he knows some people in the political class and can show that I'm not just blowing smoke.
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Nobody from what I've seen is arguing with how it works most seem to be just be upset that this is the state of affairs

I don't see how anyone wouldn't be upset by the current set up
Rico we all know how it works. By the way, that Chris Matthews book is not a staple of College Level PoliSci classes.

What you don't get from what others are saying, and refuse to recognize is that Obama HAS done all that childish nonsense of making people feel important, and he's gotten no compromise from it ever.

Not a single president in recent history has dealt with an opposition this opposed to a candidate. It sure as hell is not because of not sitting them at the right table, or not compromising with them. Because he's done all that. The Republican Party is fundamentally against everything Obama is, and stop at nothing to oppose him.

That didn't happen with Bush vs. Dems

Or Clinton vs. Republicans (and they tried to impeach him)

Didn't happen with Bush I or Reagan vs. Democrats

Didn't happen with Carter vs. Republicans.

Now we all get that they have different political views, and will never agree on everything. That's fine. No one wants that. We want intellectually HONEST debates. But unfortunately as we've seen Obama could propose a Republican law, written by republicans, change only the name of who proposed it on the top, and Republicans will still oppose it. Why? Because the Republicans never want to give Barack Obama a win.


You tell me when this level of disrespect and hatred was ever done by Democratic Party members of Congress to Bush. I'm sure plenty hated him, but they were at least respectful, and would compromise with him.

Their level of disrespect toward Obama even allows lowly Daily Caller writers to think it is okay to interrupt the President of the United States.

This is certainly a party that wants to work with Obama. Right? I mean why would they, he never even does anything with him. Probably doesn't talk to them at all.





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I think many of you need to read Chris Matthews book Hardball. A bestseller and staple on every college level Political Science class. The fact that your all arguing with me about how Washington works shows that you really have no idea. Maybe because I live out here and see it first hand it's not surprising. But yes, essentially you have to kiss *** to get **** done no matter who you are. Especially if you came into the White House with no real "friends" in town like how Obama did.

It may sound stupid but that is exactly how it is. I'm sorry that you all live in a fairytale where elected officials do things because it's good for the country. That's not how it works at all.

Like I said earlier pick up the book Hardball it's a fairly simple and short read but it's a very good peek inside how wheeling and dealing is done in DC. Things as simple as seating placements at a White House dinner are planned out extensively based on what the immediate needs of that particular administration are. So say, Obama needed the Chairman of the Armed Service Committees support on a deal so that the rest of the committee would fall in line, you can get your bottom dollar he'd probably be sitting right next to the President, and be first to have his picture taken with the President when that time comes. It sounds silky and juvenile but that's how it is. And not just on the federal level. State and local politics are the same, except regular people have more access to their elected officials.

Rusty, lives around here perhaps he knows some people in the political class and can show that I'm not just blowing smoke.

No one is arguing about how things work is Washington. They are:

A) Saying it shouldn't be that way

B) The GOP's strategy is to block Obama is every turn, no bipartisanship at all cost, goes far beyond what is the norm in Washington.

Lets keep it #1HUNNA. Obama has extended the Olive branch a number of times at in was slapped out of his hand damb near every time

Like at the Healthcare Summit, when the GOP tried to lecture dude instead of having a discussion

Or their part in sinking the Grand Compromise.

Another time Obama invited Republican leader to the White House for talks, they refuse to come. AND AT THE SAME TIME, the Obama meeting was scheduled to be had they hold a presser complaining that Obama won't sit down at talk with them.

--------I get, you don't like Obama, fine.

But like not lie about the reality of the situation. The GOP has been the ones acting like lil children, far beyond the "this is how Washington works" steez.

Their entire political strategy BEFORE the Tea Party came about was to denial Barry any type of bipartisanship. They're only interested in dealing with the man when they have too (government shutdown), or when they are getting their way (Trade Deal)

They did the same thing to Clinton too.

Obama has been willing to compromise, and compromise, and compromise over and over. And has alienated so many on the left as a result. Everyone sees this but you.

Even dudes that shade Obama for being a disappointment in many area still acknowledge the foolishness he has had to deal with has been OD.
No one is arguing about how things work is Washington. They are:

A) Saying it shouldn't be that way

B) The GOP's strategy is to block Obama is every turn, no bipartisanship at all cost, goes far beyond what is the norm in Washington.

Lets keep it #1HUNNA. Obama has extended the Olive branch a number of times at in was slapped out of his hand damb near every time

Like at the Healthcare Summit, when the GOP tried to lecture dude instead of having a discussion

Or their part in sinking the Grand Compromise.

Another time Obama invited Republican leader to the White House for talks, they refuse to come. AND AT THE SAME TIME, the Obama meeting was scheduled to be had they hold a presser complaining that Obama won't sit down at talk with them.

--------I get, you don't like Obama, fine.

But like not lie about the reality of the situation. The GOP has been the ones acting like lil children, far beyond the "this is how Washington works" steez.

Their entire political strategy BEFORE the Tea Party came about was to denial Barry any type of bipartisanship. They're only interested in dealing with the man when they have too (government shutdown), or when they are getting their way (Trade Deal)

They did the same thing to Clinton too.

Obama has been willing to compromise, and compromise, and compromise over and over. And has alienated so many on the left as a result. Everyone sees this but you.

Even dudes that shade Obama for being a disappointment in many area still acknowledge the foolishness he has had to deal with has been OD.

I base my views on Obama's leadership abilities on his own admissions about not liking to play the political games (so he doesn't) and people is Congress complaints about the Obama administrations lack of access. And this is coming from both sides, which is why he has such a hard time getting his fellow Dems on board for certain proposals. Compromise is what you do after all else fails, and Obama historically has tried to get his way and when that failed, speech, and when that fails compromise. However, there are so many different actions he could have taken in between those three steps that might have given him a couple Ws. But his unwillingness to jump into the political fray of Washington has alienated him from some of the people that coyld have helped him get a lot more done.

Yes some Republicans have vowed to block him at every turn but the majority has not. A lot of these public statements are just posturing, political red meat for the Rush Limbaugh and Grover Norquists. Bit at the end of the day Obama opened himself up to this obstructionist behavior when he refused to play ball the Washington way. It's very difficult to bad mouth the President in public when you're on the White House roster multiple times flying on Air Force One or hanging out in Camp David.
Rico your either being as delusional as the Tea Party right now, or maybe your simply being intentionally dishonest

Some Republicans? Mitch McConnell pressured every GOP senator to pledge they won't give him bipartisanship

2 mins in:


Listen to what she says, and go look at the voting records of the GOP when during the first 2 years when he had a cooperative Congress.

MAJORITY, nearly all, Republicans did not offer Obama bipartisanship. Even they had the Blue Bogs pressuring Obama to the right so they could have gotten some concessions from Obama

And then the Tea Party came to town and the GOP rode that white nationalist wave back into control of Congress.

They only govern when they absolutely have to pa.

-The Grand Compromise, Infrastructure Bill, Jobs Bill, Immigration Bill. All could get done if the GOP would compromise, because the President is willing to go against the left to make some sort of deal.

The Tea Party has made this impossible now. Dudes like Eric Cantor get voted out in a primary because he is not right wing enough. :x So even the ones that would be open to a compromise, like Boehner, are shook.

Yet he is knocked for him not kissing the *** of people that swore to oppose his every move. :rolleyes

C'mon B

No one is buying what your selling
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The only way they can hope to stand a chance in a general election is if they change the rules,good old voter suppression 
. Sounds a lot like the Conservatives in power over here that love to redraw voting districts/lines to their advantage and employ shady *** tactics such as robocalls 
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To move away from the pointless debates with Rico, does anybody think support for full blown Marijuana legalization is Bernie Sanders "hail mary" play against Hillary?
The only way they can hope to stand a chance in a general election is if they change the rules,good old voter suppression :lol: . Sounds a lot like the Conservatives in power over here that love to redraw voting districts/lines to their advantage and employ shady *** tactics such as robocalls :rofl: :smh:  

Clowns are finessing the map in my state as we speak :rofl: They out here using Black inmates to skew their districts. The more I hear about this election **** the more I laugh. A pack of rich dudes deciding the fate of hundreds of millions while the millions sit by & let these dudes finesse them up out of even basic rights. LOL
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Brahs, after thinking about it some more, I've decided to vote for Bern Gawd in the primaries

Even though I still think he gonna catch a fade from Clinton, ole boy has one me over with this pure trillness

Still gonna ride hard for Hilldawg in the general doe. Election is too important. SCOTUS gotta get flipped :smokin
Clowns are finessing the map in my state as we speak :rofl: They out here using Black inmates to skew their districts. The more I hear about this election **** the more I laugh. A pack of rich dudes deciding the fate of hundreds of millions while the millions sit by & let these dudes finesse them up out of even basic rights. LOL

It's sad how spot on this from the local level on up
Tell me again... Why should black people vote for Republicans?

:rofl: at MLK being against Black Lives Matter... A clear lack of understanding / lack of care about trying to understand Black Lives Matter, the struggles of minorities and reality of minorities.

How can anyone believe that MLK wouldn't be wholeheartedly against Republicans.
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Tell me again... Why should black people vote for Republicans?

:rofl: at MLK being against Black Lives Matter... A clear lack of understanding / lack of care about trying to understand Black Lives Matter, the struggles of minorities and reality of minorities.

How can anyone believe that MLK wouldn't be wholeheartedly against Republicans.


Da **** :lol:

I knew Huck was a clown but ole boy invents new ways to be outrageous.

BLM is about elevating black above whites :smh:

MLK would be appalled at folk fighting against police brutality against black folk :x

:rofl: :rofl: The GOP is on some next level delusional steez
Funny enough,Walker is supposed to be considered as one of the more mainstream and rational choices :lol:. They're all nuts

Anybody who can say with a straight face they think the GOP can obtain a significant percentage of the minority vote is delusional. These clowns ain't winning another election any time soon with this foolishness.

Like at least lie and pretend you care :lol:. They're so out of touch they can't even come up with a decent response.
Huckster is in it for the money, a book deal and a spot on fox news. He's been clown status for a while now.
How do yall feel about Jeb and his "Anchor babies" comments?

(CNN)Donald Trump mocked Jeb Bush on Twitter on Tuesday morning after the former Florida governor dug himself into a deeper hole explaining his "anchor babies" comment.

"In a clumsy move to get out of his 'anchor babies' dilemma, where he signed that he would not use the term and now uses it, he blamed ASIANS," Trump wrote.

Asians are very offended that JEB said that anchor babies applies to them as a way to be more politically correct to hispanics. A mess!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2015
"Asians are very offended that JEB said that anchor babies applies to them as a way to be more politically correct to hispanics. A mess!" Trump then wrote, a few minutes later.

In a clumsy move to get out of his "anchor babies" dilemma, where he signed that he would not use the term and now uses it, he blamed ASIANS

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2015
Trump, who spent much of Monday night blasting away at Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, appeared by Tuesday morning to have shifted his focus back to Bush. He knocked Bush in a third morning tweet, saying "Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference!"

Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2015
On Monday, Bush found himself in a new mess when, while trying to clean-up controversy over his use of the term "anchor babies," he said the offensive term was "frankly, more related to Asian people."

Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii called on the Republican presidential candidate to "immediately retract his statements and apologize to the Asian community for his insensitive behavior."

Bush's comments "regarding the children of Asian immigrants are derogatory and offensive," Schatz said in a statement.

It all started when the former Florida governor visited McAllen, Texas, located near the U.S.-Mexico border on Monday and defended his use of the term "anchor baby" to describe the children born on U.S. soil to parents who came into the country illegally. The phrase is considered offensive by many Latinos.

On Monday, Bush argued that he's been "immersed in the immigrant experience" personally -- his wife is from Mexico -- and said it's "ludicrous" for Democrats to say he was using the word in a derogatory fashion.

Further attempting to clarify his comments, the Republican presidential contender said he was actually talking about immigrants other than those who cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

"What I was talking about was the specific case of fraud being committed where there's organized efforts and, frankly, it's more related to Asian people coming into our country, having children in that organized efforts taking advantage of a noble concept which is birthright citizenship," he said. "I support the 14th amendment."

Campaign spokeswoman Kristy Campbell later clarified that he was referring to widely reported federal investigations into "birth tourism."

In March, for example, The New York Times reported that federal agents raided three businesses in Southern California that arranged for pregnant Chinese women to come to the United States on a tourist visa, give birth, then obtain birth certificates and U.S. passports for their newborns.

CNN also reported on the thriving birth tourism business in 2013.

"The next president must have a plan to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws," Campbell said in a written statement. "Gov. Bush is the only candidate in the entire presidential field who has presented a serious, conservative, comprehensive reform agenda to fix our broken immigration system."

Pro-Hillary Clinton Democratic groups American Bridge and Correct the Record were quick to pounce on his word choice of "Asian people," and sought to paint Bush as insensitive at a time when Republicans are trying to broaden its base and become more inclusive.

Bush earlier Monday argued that Democratic attacks against him over semantics amount to nothing more than political correctness.

"I think we all need to take a step back and chill out a little bit as it relates to the political correctness, that somehow you have to be scolded every time you say something," Bush said.

Follow @CNNpolitics
CNN's Dan Merica contributed to this report

Birthright Citizenship might be another big point in 2016, and it's almost like they can ride w/ it considering that many of the people Jeb attacked w/ the statement can't vote. People are too sensitive, if it's true, then it's true.
I might be wrong, but isn't birth tourism committed by well off people doe?

That have the children here, get all the documents, then go back to there country with the child.

And the reasoning for them doing this is to give the kid more options in the future, especially when the reach college age.

Seems to me he said something stupid, then back tracked into an even dumber excuse.
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I might be wrong, but isn't birth tourism committed by well off people doe?

That have the children here, get all the documents, then go back to there country with the child.

And the reasoning for them doing this is to give the kid more options in the future, especially when the reach college age.

Seems to me he said something stupid, then back tracked into an even dumber excuse.

Pretty much. But you also have those that save up there money, and travel over here when they're about due to deliver then fly over here to give birth. Same w/ those south of the border.

Jeb just digging deeper and deeper into a hole, just shut up and let your team take care of it...

I'm interested to see where the GOP goes w/ this attack on Trump too. We have 2 months until election time and Trump looks like the frontrunner. Bernie's been quiet and Hill dawg got her own issues. BLM is quiet.
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