***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm not deflecting. I'm simply stating a fact. We as a people are doing worse under Obama than we were before. The implication is there. You can try and ignore it all you want, but it's a fact.

Fades back into the cosmos.

It affected all black people? No. But Obama's policies have effected a far larger number of black people than Katrina did. That was a very poor comparison.

I also find it interesting that none of you all wanted to address the Maryland governor's race or the MLK quote. I guess if it doesn't fit in yo your worldview you're first instinct is to ignore it. Makes sense.
You didn't answer any one of my questions. You are dismissed sir

Because the article explains it all. If blacks are faring worse under Obama, then we were doing better under Bush.

And why is that you think that is?

The article tries to argue causation, but all it talks about is correlation

-From the conservative journalist. Check ole boys other articles

-From a known biased conservative leaning newspaper

-Doesn't point to any policies Obama pushed to hurt blacks. Blames him for not speaking up for black folk, like the GOP doesn't flip their **** when he does :lol:

Yet wants up to accept it as fax.

Ok papi, ok


-Once again, you know the Washington Times is a right biased paper

Ole boy was talking about Congress not helping Obama.

-It goes to the point that Obama hasn't been able to help the black community the way he would like because he has a uncooperative legislative branch.

How long has Obama been asking for a job bill? Nothing

How long has he been calling for criminal justice reform? Nothing

An immigration bill? Nothing

-And it seems the conversation was about how Obama's recovery was going for different groups.

And you completely ignore the fact Obama was handed and absolute mess.
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And why is that you think that is?

The article tries to argue causation, but all it talks about is correlation

Ole boy was talking about Congress not helping Obama.

It goes to the point that Obama hasn't been able to help the black community the way he would like because he has a uncooperative legislative branch

-And it seems the conversation was about how Obama's recovery was going for different groups.

Obama is a poor leader, plain and simple. He is not equipped to do what needs to be done to make Congress work with him. Other President's had that skill, Clinton, Johnson, hell even Bush 43. Obama has stated many times that he hates the idea of playing politics. Well then, he should have never ran for President because that's the game you need to play on order to get things done. And he's failed...miserably.

Fades back into the cosmos.

It affected all black people? No. But Obama's policies have effected a far larger number of black people than Katrina did. That was a very poor comparison.

I also find it interesting that none of you all wanted to address the Maryland governor's race or the MLK quote. I guess if it doesn't fit in yo your worldview you're first instinct is to ignore it. Makes sense.

Like the GOP does with racism, income inequality, and the prison industrial complex?
And why is that you think that is?

The article tries to argue causation, but all it talks about is correlation

Ole boy was talking about Congress not helping Obama.

It goes to the point that Obama hasn't been able to help the black community the way he would like because he has a uncooperative legislative branch

-And it seems the conversation was about how Obama's recovery was going for different groups.

Obama is a poor leader, plain and simple. He is not equipped to do what needs to be done to make Congress work with him. Other President's had that skill, Clinton, Johnson, hell even Bush 43. Obama has stated many times that he hates the idea of playing politics. Well then, he should have never ran for President because that's the game you need to play on order to get things done. And he's failed...miserably.

Obama has been considered a much better President that his predecessor.

Playing politics is what made Clinton sing into laws he now regrets

The president shouldn't have to kiss Congress *** for them to govern. And lets keep it #1HUNNA, that wouldn't work for the GOP.

Their entire platform is saying no to Obama

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-From the conservative journalist. Check ole boys other articles

-From a known biased conservative leaning newspaper

-Doesn't point to any policies Obama pushed to hurt blacks. Blames him for not speaking up for black folk, like the GOP doesn't flip their **** when he does :lol:

Yet wants up to accept it as fax.

Ok papi, ok


He was talking about the unemployment rate.. Which was 12.7% for African Americans in January 2009 .

It is currently 9.1% for African Americans..

By the way in April of 2009 it got up to 15%, which is easily arguable that the upswing in the first few months of Obama's presidency in unemployment was playing catch up to the 2008 economy. Just like 2001 unemployment went up to catch up with 2000 economy.

It got as high as 16%. It is now down to 9.1%

Boy that sure sounds worse.

You are not only full of it. But disingenuous.
I also find it interesting that none of you all wanted to address the Maryland governor's race or the MLK quote. I guess if it doesn't fit in yo your worldview you're first instinct is to ignore it. Makes sense.

Mid-term time elections generally skew to Republicans. Why? Older demographic, who vote more often. Also Brown was not nearly the candidate O'Malley was.

Prince George County : Down about 30,000 votes (Brown won 84%)
Montgomery County: Down about 50,000 votes (Brown won 61%).
Baltimore county was barely won by O'Malley in 2010 (49%) of the vote. 2006 O'Malley lost Baltimore County. (50-47). Brown got nowhere near that.

Add that into not being as strong of a candidate as O'Malley, so he performed weaker in some other counties..

That's where you get your loss from.

There you go. That's your answer.
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Yeah a good portion of young people/millenials unfortunately couldn't care less about midterms 
 If they did and actually turned up to vote, I doubt there'd ever be a Republican majority in either house..
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One of the reasons he lost lost two is because the ACA website roll out was a disaster and cost the state money, and he was in charge of it.

Which enraged the conservative base in MD too

He goofed at the wrong time, and he had to run running a mid term with lower turn out

And the only reason O'Malley came in into power in the first place though was because MD couldn't stand the Republican governor they had before him and booted his *** out after one term.
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Martin Luther King and I had very similar views on Dems and Republicans


King was not a partisan and never endorsed any political candidate. In a 1958 interview, King said “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

This quote...

Well in 1964 & 1965 the Republican Party was far more liberal but still had it's inner demon of white supremacy, and the Democratic Party was really a waring faction of progressives of the North and racist bigots of the South both fighting for the soul of the party. But that's to be expected of 1960s politics that both parties had progressives as well as bigots. But then turns out the Democratic Party were the ones to ram through social change for African Americans.... And the parties flipped and began the Southern Strategy of Republicans to appeal to angry whites in the South. That's a undeniable truth of U.S. History.

But I'm glad you feel solace in a quote from a different time, a different perspective, and different world.

But hey, Lincoln was a Republican too.
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Obama should've never caved to the GOP and taken out the public option
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Obama should've never caved to the GOP and taken out the public option

He didn't cave to the GOP for that

He caved to the Blue Dog democrats (aka like the GOP but without all the crazy). :smh: :lol:

But the bill was dead in the water if it didn't come out
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I'll be back later to respond. Work just got a bit busy. I have to go to DC. Perhaps I'll swing by the White House and say what up to you all lord and savior Obama.
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How do some of you feel about some of these leading Dems teaming up with the GOP to try to sink the Iran deal? 
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Martin Luther King and I had very similar views on Dems and Republicans


King was not a partisan and never endorsed any political candidate. In a 1958 interview, King said “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

This quote...

Well in 1964 & 1965 the Republican Party was far more liberal but still had it's inner demon of white supremacy, and the Democratic Party was really a waring faction of progressives of the North and racist bigots of the South both fighting for the soul of the party. But that's to be expected of 1960s politics that both parties had progressives as well as bigots. But then turns out the Democratic Party were the ones to ram through social change for African Americans.... And the parties flipped and began the Southern Strategy of Republicans to appeal to angry whites in the South. That's a undeniable truth of U.S. History.

But I'm glad you feel solace in a quote from a different time, a different perspective, and different world.

But hey, Lincoln was a Republican too.

Goldwater did the Republican party in w/ the Black vote. The Civil Rights Act was the nail in the coffin.

Yeah a good portion of young people/millenials unfortunately couldn't care less about midterms :lol:  If they did and actually turned up to vote, I doubt there'd ever be a Republican majority in either house..

We have to change that. I've grown annoyed at how the presidential election is hyped up but the midterms are downplayed.
How do some of you feel about some of these leading Dems teaming up with the GOP to try to sink the Iran deal? 

Twenty two Democratic and thirty six Republican members of Congress (total fifty eight) have just received a fully-paid, "bribe vacation" in Israel as guests of AIPAC, with the intention of ensuring that they vote against the Iran nuclear deal.

How do some of you feel about some of these leading Dems teaming up with the GOP to try to sink the Iran deal? 

Why didn't Obama just ask for a better deal? :rofl:

Obama was probably sitting in the Oval Office when he heard that.... *Slaps forehead* D'oh why didn't I just ask for a better deal?
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Poor leadership. World leaders don't respect him and apparently many in his own party. He brought this on himself.
If there was a better deal to be had you really think they wouldn't push for it? They finally came together on something that works for everyone after years and years of sanctions and hard negotiations. The deal has been agreed to by every major world power including US adversaries. It's also a damn good deal when you look at the specifics,there's almost no way they'd be able to build a bomb in secret with all the checks and balances put into the deal. They've even agreed to allowing inspectors at certain military sites for goodness sake 

As mentioned earlier,the big donors over at AIPAC are surely lining up the pockets of those politicians so hellbent on going to war with Iran on behalf of Israel 
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Poor leadership. World leaders don't respect him and apparently many in his own party. He brought this on himself.

:rofl: :rofl:

You realize America isn't the only country agreeing to this

And respect of world leaders. Brah Bush made America a damb near joke worldwide, Obama is way more respected.
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Poor leadership. World leaders don't respect him and apparently many in his own party. He brought this on himself.

You realize America isn't the only country agreeing to this

And respect of world leaders. Brah Bush made America a damb near joke worldwide, Obama is way more respected.
That "Cowboy diplomacy" sure was the envy of the World alright...
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If anything,give Netanyahu the damn peace prize because if it wasn't for his constant rhetoric and ridiculous threats of force,the US and Iran would've never been pressured back to the negotiating table for serious and productive talks. He's mad at the thawing of US-Iranian ties yet he's partly responsible for this rapprochment 
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