Obama's community service plan

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by T i c a l

awash242 wrote:
Originally Posted by T i c a l

I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%* themselves.

- Tical.

Why am I not surprised to find out you have a problem with this....

I don't know what that means, but I don't really care. I don't give a baker's @*@! about my community or helping people, especially when it's for free. Time is money and not only do I have exams to study for, but I have rent and bills to pay so the governemnt can go pick up their own trash and paint their own houses.

- Tical.

just out of curiosity what race/ethnicity are you?

I ask because I think this is exactly what latinos/blacks need. Our biggest problem is that we don't give a f**k about our communities. I was reading a chapter in my Sociology book on Race/Ethnicity and it said that one reason that Asian Americans can boast about having the highest wages, and highest graduation rates is because of their sense of community. Apparently Asian immigrants adapt to their environment better and are more willing to help uplift their community.

The point is we expect our gov. to do everything for us when we aren't even willing to do sh*t for ourselves. Now of course this doesn't apply universally to all latinos/blacks, but I feel like it does apply to a lot of us. What is so wrong with giving back to our community? Do you not want to help others succeed? And yes helping serving our communities can help us succeed. I know a lot of kids that get into trouble because they don't know what else is out there or because their community is fool of kids with nothing to do but get into trouble. If we can help kids get out of that cycle than what is so wrong about that? Besides stuff like this looks great on resumes.

He's white. I think he was the dude who made some racist remarks in a thread recently.
It's a damn shame people can't appreciate what community service can mean. I started last year volunteering at the UVA Dialysis Center for three hoursa week. I've continued this year and I'm doing Big Siblings. They are both great ways to make differences in not just the lives of others, but your ownlife as well. I wish I had started earlier.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

It's a damn shame people can't appreciate what community service can mean. I started last year volunteering at the UVA Dialysis Center for three hours a week. I've continued this year and I'm doing Big Siblings. They are both great ways to make differences in not just the lives of others, but your own life as well. I wish I had started earlier.
im saying, thats a good thing you did, my good man..but i put 10 bucks you only did it just to have it shown on your resume

Obama Supporters doesn't it feel great to see all these BITTER, DISGRUNTLED, ANGRY, SALTY McCain Supporters crying on here now?

Keep it up I am enjoying every moment of this.


I WISH I had been forced to do that much community service when I was younger.

I did some in JHS and HS because it was required, and it was a great learning and growing experience.

That's the problem with this country now. No one cares about to good of all, we're all just trying to get ahead on our own. You have no idea how muchof a difference it would make if everyone dedicated just 2% of their time to helping others.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by T i c a l

awash242 wrote:
Originally Posted by T i c a l

I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%* themselves.

- Tical.

Why am I not surprised to find out you have a problem with this....

I don't know what that means, but I don't really care. I don't give a baker's @*@! about my community or helping people, especially when it's for free. Time is money and not only do I have exams to study for, but I have rent and bills to pay so the governemnt can go pick up their own trash and paint their own houses.

- Tical.

just out of curiosity what race/ethnicity are you?

I ask because I think this is exactly what latinos/blacks need. Our biggest problem is that we don't give a f**k about our communities. I was reading a chapter in my Sociology book on Race/Ethnicity and it said that one reason that Asian Americans can boast about having the highest wages, and highest graduation rates is because of their sense of community. Apparently Asian immigrants adapt to their environment better and are more willing to help uplift their community.

The point is we expect our gov. to do everything for us when we aren't even willing to do sh*t for ourselves. Now of course this doesn't apply universally to all latinos/blacks, but I feel like it does apply to a lot of us. What is so wrong with giving back to our community? Do you not want to help others succeed? And yes helping serving our communities can help us succeed. I know a lot of kids that get into trouble because they don't know what else is out there or because their community is fool of kids with nothing to do but get into trouble. If we can help kids get out of that cycle than what is so wrong about that? Besides stuff like this looks great on resumes.

I'm white, but I don't see how race has anything to do with this. NT nowadays only sees in black and white and acts like there's a huge race warraging just because Obama was running. I didn't vote, but had I voted it would've been for Obama because McCain was too much like Bush and had anamazingly dumb VP candidate. Race really doesn't have anything to do with not wanting to waste my time doing random @@$%+@+@ for a bunch of people Idon't know when I can be working to better my own life through working FOR MONEY or studying for my college courses. No one besides my parents has done$@@$ for me to help me get to where I am so I don't see why I should go out of my way to do anything for anyone else especially when my time is so limited.

- Tical.
A slave is a person who is owned by someone.
Get ya facts up.
if you dnt like it move to canada and play hockey
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

That's the problem with this country now. No one cares about to good of all, we're all just trying to get ahead on our own.

Originally Posted by dnob 04

A slave is a person who is owned by someone.
Get ya facts up.
if you dnt like it move to canada and play hockey

Yes, because in Canada it's not mandatory that you do community service, but you do have to play hockey whether you like it or not.


- Tical.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Oh, that was cute
But that's different and you know it...school is necessary...there are certain basic things you need 2 know 2 even pretend 2 be a functional member of society like reading, writing and...that other thing I never fully grasped...point is, community service is not one of those things. Its great, and more power 2 those who choose 2 do it...but nobody should be forced 2 do labor 4 no compensation. Would I call it slavery? Hell*censored*no...but I gotta say nobody should be compelled 2 work.

Oh, and I'm not an Obama basher in the least...can't really call me a supporter either, he does have some ideas I like, but some (like this one) I don't. I really like the sentiment behind it, but its being implemented the wrong way IMO.
so now, we get to the root of your ideology. you don't think community service is that important to asociety. you should have just come out and said that... you had already implied your absolute apathy towards doing positive works in the community, but i'mglad you put it in writing.

and no, it's not different. in fact, learning hard work and community service at a young age is even more important than some of the things kids are forcedto learn in school. because when those kids grow up and become members of society, a person that takes time out of his life to build homes for hurricanevictims is more significant than a person who can recite the 57 countries of Africa and their capitals, or who knows the difference between a predicate and anappositive.

if you honestly cannot see the importance of instilling hard work and community values, i don't even know what to say.... other than, i hope you stick tobeing the funny guy and never seek public office.

im saying, thats a good thing you did, my good man..but i put 10 bucks you only did it just to have it shown on your resume

come on, man. don't make assumptions about him. even if he was intially motivated to do it for his resume, maybe he realized that he likes it and wants tocontinue doing it. a lot of people get involved through school or college application requirements, and end up taking it further.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by T i c a l

awash242 wrote:
Originally Posted by T i c a l

I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%* themselves.

- Tical.

Why am I not surprised to find out you have a problem with this....

I don't know what that means, but I don't really care. I don't give a baker's @*@! about my community or helping people, especially when it's for free. Time is money and not only do I have exams to study for, but I have rent and bills to pay so the governemnt can go pick up their own trash and paint their own houses.

- Tical.

just out of curiosity what race/ethnicity are you?

I ask because I think this is exactly what latinos/blacks need. Our biggest problem is that we don't give a f**k about our communities. I was reading a chapter in my Sociology book on Race/Ethnicity and it said that one reason that Asian Americans can boast about having the highest wages, and highest graduation rates is because of their sense of community. Apparently Asian immigrants adapt to their environment better and are more willing to help uplift their community.

The point is we expect our gov. to do everything for us when we aren't even willing to do sh*t for ourselves. Now of course this doesn't apply universally to all latinos/blacks, but I feel like it does apply to a lot of us. What is so wrong with giving back to our community? Do you not want to help others succeed? And yes helping serving our communities can help us succeed. I know a lot of kids that get into trouble because they don't know what else is out there or because their community is fool of kids with nothing to do but get into trouble. If we can help kids get out of that cycle than what is so wrong about that? Besides stuff like this looks great on resumes.

I'm white, but I don't see how race has anything to do with this. NT nowadays only sees in black and white and acts like there's a huge race war raging just because Obama was running.I DIDNT VOTE but had I voted it would've been for Obama because McCain was too much like Bush and had an amazingly dumb VP candidate. Race really doesn't have anything to do with not wanting to waste my time doing random @@$%+@+@ for a bunch of people I don't know when I can be working to better my own life through working FOR MONEY or studying for my college courses. No one besides my parents has done $@@$ for me to help me get to where I am so I don't see why I should go out of my way to do anything for anyone else especially when my time is so limited.

- Tical.

if you didnt vote, then you have no opinion. America will never reach its potential with selfish people like yourself. Did you not get hugged whenyou were a kid
Slavery is the systematic exploitation of labour. As a social-economic system, slavery is a legal or informal institution under which aperson is compelled to work for another under terms in which a lifetime of duty is expected with no sort of benefits (whippings, beingseperated from your loved ones, no rights whatsover....)

Community service refers to service that a person performs for the benefit of his or her localcommunity. People become involved in community service for a range of reasons - forsome, serving community is an altruistic act, for others it is a punishment.(i can see where the OP can be confused butcontinue reading)

The philosophy behind alternative sentencing is at least partially that providingservices that benefit society is a more constructive way to punish perpetrators. Through community service, the community sees a benefit while saving the costsassociated with incarceration. It is also thought to be a way to introduce the idea of ethical action into the value of the perpetrator. Opponents worry that requiring community service as a punishment sets a poor example for young people who might associate communityservice with a negative impression.
Community service is only one of a variety of alternative sentencing techniques designed to be more effective atreforming perpetrators, to reduce recidivism, to benefit society, to help people, and to reduce the overall cost to society of sentencing criminals.

Community Service also allows one to be positively involved with the community. No $ can amount to how important this is, especially in America due to the pastpathways we have taken. REQUIRING OR DEMANDING community service for students (the worlds future leaders) will open their minds and expose them to the peopleof their community and hopefully we will be able to make change, together, for the better .
Originally Posted by dnob 04

Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by T i c a l

awash242 wrote:
Originally Posted by T i c a l

I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%* themselves.

- Tical.

Why am I not surprised to find out you have a problem with this....

I don't know what that means, but I don't really care. I don't give a baker's @*@! about my community or helping people, especially when it's for free. Time is money and not only do I have exams to study for, but I have rent and bills to pay so the governemnt can go pick up their own trash and paint their own houses.

- Tical.

just out of curiosity what race/ethnicity are you?

I ask because I think this is exactly what latinos/blacks need. Our biggest problem is that we don't give a f**k about our communities. I was reading a chapter in my Sociology book on Race/Ethnicity and it said that one reason that Asian Americans can boast about having the highest wages, and highest graduation rates is because of their sense of community. Apparently Asian immigrants adapt to their environment better and are more willing to help uplift their community.

The point is we expect our gov. to do everything for us when we aren't even willing to do sh*t for ourselves. Now of course this doesn't apply universally to all latinos/blacks, but I feel like it does apply to a lot of us. What is so wrong with giving back to our community? Do you not want to help others succeed? And yes helping serving our communities can help us succeed. I know a lot of kids that get into trouble because they don't know what else is out there or because their community is fool of kids with nothing to do but get into trouble. If we can help kids get out of that cycle than what is so wrong about that? Besides stuff like this looks great on resumes.

I'm white, but I don't see how race has anything to do with this. NT nowadays only sees in black and white and acts like there's a huge race war raging just because Obama was running.I DIDNT VOTE but had I voted it would've been for Obama because McCain was too much like Bush and had an amazingly dumb VP candidate. Race really doesn't have anything to do with not wanting to waste my time doing random @@$%+@+@ for a bunch of people I don't know when I can be working to better my own life through working FOR MONEY or studying for my college courses. No one besides my parents has done $@@$ for me to help me get to where I am so I don't see why I should go out of my way to do anything for anyone else especially when my time is so limited.

- Tical.
if you didnt vote, then you have no opinion. America will never reach its potential with selfish people like yourself. Did you not get hugged when you were a kid

You're right, I might not have a right to complain because I didn't vote, but I will become a resident of Mexico or Canada long before I pick upanother person's trash or paint another person's house for free. The economy is in a +@+% hole and the government expects me to waste my time helpingthe community when I need to be earning money to live off of? You must be out of your !+$%##% mind.

- Tical.
people are talking about "how does community service help ME when i don't benefit" CS is supposed to benefit the community. Americans are selfishbecause that is the way America brought us up. It is a time for change and a simple community service act may help that. Drop your selfish ways and Americawill be able to achieve greatness that no one has ever seen before
Half these idiots cant read. 4000 dollars tax free does not equal 4000 dollars saved. Talk about making mere cents per hour if you break it down. Communityservice sets apart students who have done it and students who decide not to do it. Forcing it means there is no point in doing community service.
its not about doing X amount of hours. its about positively affecting and being apart of your community. Community service can be rebuilding homes, schools,not just picking up trash or cleaning graffity.

EDIT and money is very important. imagine the connects you can build within your community if you do serve it. It'll broaden your ability to network. ifyou got your community to back you, you can have the world in your hands.
i went thru this whole entire post...and see one problem that nobody has addressed yet..its already like this for high schools and middle schools in somestates.so why all of a sudden is it a bad thing? or ppl wanna lash out against it? There are far more worse things we get forced to do..u gonna complain aboutcommunity service? *face palm*
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

Drop your selfish ways and America will be able to achieve greatness that no one has ever seen before
hopefully positive greatness. i'm not talking about killing people. thats the type of negative mindset that restricts america from growing
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by iBlink

reigndrop wrote:
Originally Posted by iBlink

reigndrop wrote:
Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more, say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?

The same place that provided for the $700 billion bailout.

Tax payers pockets.

False, not tax payers pockets, they'll just print more money to pay for this further devaluing our currency, leading to $4000 not being worth as much. WOOP!

Read up on floating exchange rates... this has been done for decades. None the less, the tax payers dollars will indeed be used to fund more of the president's plans.
Ok, so our money will be worth less when we exchange. But it will also be worth less if we print more of it. Could clarify though on how tax payers dollars are going to fund the president's plans? Taxing the upper class is going to only bring about $35 billion of revenue. We're also raising the corporate tax and capital gains for more revenue, but without a doubt, with this financial disaster, there will be more regulation leading to smaller taxable profits. How does the president expect to pay for his government program's and all these tax rebates?
1) "Could clarify though on how tax payers dollars are going to fund the president's plans?"
The government receives revenue through taxes. So all presidents have funded their plans through tax dollars. Thats's... how it's supposed to work.

2) "Taxing the upper class is going to only bring about $35 billion of revenue."
That is false. You almost certainly got that figure from some right-wing blog site, or heard it from some nutjob conservative radio host.

3) "We're also raising the corporate tax and capital gains for more revenue, but without a doubt, with this financial disaster, there will be more regulation leading to smaller taxable profits."
I have never heard Obama propose a corporate tax increase. I actually heard him say he would consider lowering it. But yes, Capital gains will likely be raised. And without a doubt, you don't what you're talking about. The lack of regulation lead to smaller taxable profits. Do you realize how many loopholes there were that companies have been using to avoid paying taxes? I can't remember the exact figures off head, but a ridiculous percentage of corporations paid little or no taxes last year.

Okay... I was asking where it was coming from. But since you wanted bring up Iraq, that's cool too. Iraq's $10 billion is being funded by LOANS. Once we stop the war, we won't have that $10 billion a month, that is unless we take up more loans.

Do you know how much interest the US pays on those war loans? That money goes directly to the taxpayers.

1. I know that. But is all that money enough?
2. False, WSJ said that, i'll edit with the article http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122480790550265061.html?mod=googlenews_wsjhttp://online.wsj.com/art...1.html?mod=googlenews_wsjhttp://online.wsj.com/art...1.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
3. Obama has been really unclear, but the point is, both candidates want to close taxing loopholes, if that's even possible, and Obama even said he'd shut down corporate tax shelters, which would mean raising the total burden on corporate taxpayers dramatically. I'll repeat myself, with this Financial Crisis there will be heavier regulation, which will lead to smaller taxable profits, which means LESS tax revenue. What does this mean, it essentially cancels each other other out. Same taxes with no loopholes but smaller profits = Same taxes with loopholes and bigger profits.
4. The loans, are actually government issued bonds, which yield very little = very little interest. That is unless China bought 30 year bonds, which I highly doubt, but nobody knows.

Ugh... lost long replies to Yuku multiple times...

1) Enough to do what? You were expecting that Obama will be able to balance the budget, or will never spend a dime against the deficit? Every expert has acknowledged that such a thing would be impossible. There will obviously have to be some deficit spending... but not the outrageous kind we are seeing from the current administration. I am not worried about Obama spending against the defict... it will pale in comparison to what Bush has done, and I expect that we will still see returns from it.

The Wall Street Journal: OPINION JOURNAL

I predicted that you got the numbers from a right-wing blog site. So... you post the source, and what is it? A right-wing blog site.

3) Umm... Obama isn't a "candidate" anymore. That ship has sailed. He is the next president, at least refer to him as such. Now as for the corporate tax... the US has some of the higher rates, but lowest revenue returns in the world, giving them the least effective tax policy in the world. You know what that means? Corporations aren't paying their share of taxes, and it will lead to more problems if it is not fixed. I'm not going to cry because George Soros can't hide his profits in an offshore account, while last year my dad gets audited because he forgot to report $83 dollars.

The lack of proper regulation has allowed corporations to hide from the government and continue committing illegal and immoral practices against the American people. But with these regulations in place, more and more Americans can compete in the market. When more people are profiting, the government can collect more revenue. It's a cycle.

4) The US is spending $200 billion of taxpayer dollars a year on the war.

It's not a loan.

The issue of borrowing from China is even worse, because it devalues our dollar. China could collapse our economy right now if they chose to.

1. I'm sorry our president put himself on a mantle by promoting change. If he's going to change things, why does there need to be deficit spending? Also, I hope you haven't forgotten, we will be in Afghanistan with more troops, while it won't cost as much, it'll still cost the"taxpayers" money if that's what you care about. Also, I'll state my point again, there will be heavier regulation, which will lead tosmaller taxable profits, which means LESS tax revenue. What does this mean, it essentially cancels each other other out. Same taxes with no loopholes butsmaller profits = Same taxes with loopholes and bigger profits. I asked initially, how's Obama going to pay for these programs and nobody's answered.
i hate this country because of people like tical

selfish bastards.

i honestly hope America turns into what people want it to be

No one helps out anyone for ANYTHING, people die in the streets, people commit grand crimes, police and emergency say so what? it not my family who'sdying. ive got to study for exams.
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