Obama's community service plan

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by knightlovesqueen

uh oh the OP skitz O has returned. let's tremble in fear as our country goes to hell. look out what will the antichrist do next!!!!

wait wait daytona 5000 is here too. he thinks his opinions are valid but judging from his avy and sig he only like his black leaders as militants. i hope you share the same fate as X.

wait wait. Fede, i'm as real a doctor as doogie houser chimes in, ....

uh oh. grandmaster T-bone don't want it either.

Same ole character coming in to cry.

wheres wawajewawaa so u guys can complete this circle jerk.

U really think something like this will pass.

i'll spell it out for u.

just because yr pal Bush got away w abuse of power doesnt mean every prez wiill, even if Obama tries.

but but dem maj ftl.... shut yr mouth.

crybabies come in groups.

as far as i'm concern you collectively offer nothing to this couintry so go find a Dr. K and off it


I wont even address this.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I don't support McCain but the ignorance in here is overwhelming. The majority of you only know DEMOCRAT GOOD, REPUBLICAN BAD with no basis what so ever.

I'm taking 21 units right now while working and setting up a business. I have barely 10 hours a week of my own free time which I use to workout or spend time with friends and squeeze out 30 minutes a day checking message boards. Frankly, I don't have time to fool around with community service unless I want to be part of the living dead with 4 hours of sleep a night.

Yes, Obama is our president.
No, you don't have to agree with his every single action.
why aren't you guys reading and understanding?

Damn did yall magically merge posts or something?
stupid plan. barack literally has the masses in his hand. you can march them off a cliff if he wanted to.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man if you guys cared so much about your community, you would've been doing it before your savior offered his lil incentive.

Well if you look at the majority of this thread ppl (myself included) already have
Yeah I know all about required community service to get into college, or to pad your resume, or what have you, but I'm talking about waking up one morning and deciding to do it out of the goodness of your christian heart. I highly doubt "the majority" have done that.
Not everyone is so self-centered that they don't want to do community service. I have done a lot and not for a resume or because I was forcedto. And no I'm not Christian so it wasn't out of the goodness in my "christian heart". I'm not pinning this on either side of theargument, but a lot of people on NT are extremely narrow minded, ignorant, and selfish.
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

I can't believe yall are tripping over a community service plan. Mind you a plan public schools have already been using for years and something for college that will be used by students as much as work study is.
Wow and yall have the nerve to call the Obama supporters on here stupid and/or petty.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man if you guys cared so much about your community, you would've been doing it before your savior offered his lil incentive.

Well if you look at the majority of this thread ppl (myself included) already have
Yeah I know all about required community service to get into college, or to pad your resume, or what have you, but I'm talking about waking up one morning and deciding to do it out of the goodness of your christian heart. I highly doubt "the majority" have done that.
Not everyone is so self-centered that they don't want to do community service. I have done a lot and not for a resume or because I was forced to. And no I'm not Christian so it wasn't out of the goodness in my "christian heart". I'm not pinning this on either side of the argument, but a lot of people on NT are extremely narrow minded, ignorant, and selfish.

It's not about being "selfish". It's the fact that the president-elect of the United States stated in the ORIGINAL memo on the website thathe would REQUIRE middle schooler, high schoolers and college students to do community service. Require? What country do we live when the soon to be leader ofthe free world is telling students what to do in their free time?

It's funny, Obama is a Constitutional lawyer and in indirectly violating the 13th Amendment.

We are slowly but surely moving towards Socialism with the Dems trying to institute the Fairness Doctrine for national radio. Dems are mad because nobody wantsto listen the Far Left garbage that is on the radio i.e. Air America going bankrupt and want to make it "fair" so left-wing commentators get"equal" time.
And again public schools have been doing this for years. You should have started complaining about this at least ten years ago, but now all the sudden Obamahas it outlined on his website the United States is going to swallowed into the deep scary abyss of socialism.

Seriously grow the hell up and wait until the man makes it into the office to actually do something before you throw the man under the bus. At least untilthen.
if it's not required, people have nothing to be complaining about because we already have a federal work-study program.
cmon yall...19 pages..about community service.???? are yall serious?? we talking about community service...not picking cotton...not going to war..but communityservice..
Originally Posted by jefffort5

cmon yall...19 pages..about community service.???? are yall serious?? we talking about community service...not picking cotton...not going to war..but community service..


Dudes in here not even reading the plan and making the same dumb arguments FTL...
cmon yall...19 pages..about community service.???? are yall serious?? we talking about community service...not picking cotton...not going to war..but community service..


Reminded me of the AI "practice" rant.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by jefffort5

cmon yall...19 pages..about community service.???? are yall serious?? we talking about community service...not picking cotton...not going to war..but community service..


20 pages and Obama hasn't even been sworn in.� Republicans "OH NOOOO the SKY is Falling the SKY is Falling."

This is only the start, expect thousands of similar threads like this one about every single Obama idea.� If the Republicans can impeach Clinton for gettinghis !*%# wet, imagine the millions of tactics they will try in the next 4 years to impeach Obama over the dumbest things.�

Republicans are acting like sore losers.� I guess that's why most are bitter people as evident in this thread.���
You're acting like NT is a hotbed of Republicanism. People are generally uncomfortable with coerced labor unless one is temporary intoxicated withObamamania. So many people disliked the idea that he had the text changed on his website so that his proposal would be completely different.

I wonder what people have to gain from "gloating" over Obama's victory on a board where almost everyone supported him. Again people, Barack Obamais not reading this thread thinking "hmm, so and so, is really doing a good job of backing me up, I think I'll give him a Cabinet post."

As far as Republicans attacking him from day one is concerned, does it really hurt you personally? Every president has a built in set of enemies that they havemade because of past trangressions, statements on the campaign trail or simple ideological differences. Obama will be criticized and the fact that so many haveattached their own self esteem to his level of adoration is a recipe for a lot of hurt feelings in the coming years.
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