Obama's community service plan

Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

I'm starting to wonder if Tical has any friends.

Yeah, not wanting to spend all of my time helping the community must make me a real loner in the social aspect of my life.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Skitz O

Also...parents, are you ready to send your kids off to do community service? Well, get prepared. Obama will require all students from middle school to college work community service every year in order to graduate. Middle school and High school will do 50 hours a year, and college students will do 100 hours a year. Sounds like fun...forced labor is where its at... http://change.gov/americaserves/http://change.gov/americaserves/http://change.gov/americaserves/
My high school already had this mandatory. Community service= picking up trash btw. It can be helping kids out or working at a homeless shelter. No one really complained because it helped on the resume...
I feel community service should be volunteer... something you want to do.... not something someone tells you to do.
And it especially should not be something you're FORCED to do.
Get the hell out of here with that.

Next thing you know he's going to say 2 years of MILITARY SERVICE IS REQUIRED.

You may call me crazy but I wouldn't be THAT surprised....
Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Skitz O

glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called community service...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely different idea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just call it mandatory community service. Guess we're heading back to those days when the government can just force people to work for free....
slaves got paid $4000 bucks?
No one is getting paid $4,000 bucks, are you guys really that ignorant? It says a program that will offer TAX REFUNDS TO COLLEGE STUDENTS FOR THEIR FIRST $4,000 IN TUITION. Nowhere does it say anything about middle school kids that are forced to work, or high school students forced to work. And again, just for clarification, A TAX REFUND IS NOT PAYING YOU FOR YOU SERVICES, ITS GIVING YOU BACK MONEY THAT YOU ALREADY HAD AND THE GOVERNMENT TOOK FROM YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE. .

Are you that ignorant? Either way it's $4000 extra in your pocket when it's all said and done. Also, it's optional for college students. Highschool students are already required to do community service already anyway...at least at good schools.
The thing is CS and Military service is extremely different. CS u can be at home, go back home whenever u want, still make $ outside,c ur family, potentiallybe positive in the community.. Forced military service u gotta be away from fam, home, do something potentially negative( killing)that'll never fly again.I swear the analogies u guys come up with are crazy. Community service is just like slavery and if we r required to do so they're gonna require us to domilitary services in the future. Ya'll don't want change cuz u expect the negative when u should want change to bring even more positivity
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man if you guys cared so much about your community, you would've been doing it before your savior offered his lil incentive.

Well if you look at the majority of this thread ppl (myself included) already have
Yeah I know all about required community service to get into college, or to pad your resume, or what have you, but I'm talking about waking upone morning and deciding to do it out of the goodness of your christian heart. I highly doubt "the majority" have done that.
President Obama....
But it's also important that a president speaks to military service as an obligation not just of some, but of many. You know, I traveled, obviously, a lot over the last 19 months. And if you go to small towns, throughout the Midwest or the Southwest or the South, every town has tons of young people who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's not always the case in other parts of the country, in more urban centers. And I think it's important for the president to say, this is an important obligation. If we are going into war, then all of us go, not just some.
*Scratches head*

I guess he's trying to say that more people in urban centers should be going into the army?
Using the word "obligation" scares me though.
Originally Posted by DB WEST

Originally Posted by Skitz O

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Skitz O

glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called community service...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely different idea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just call it mandatory community service. Guess we're heading back to those days when the government can just force people to work for free....
slaves got paid $4000 bucks?
No one is getting paid $4,000 bucks, are you guys really that ignorant? It says a program that will offer TAX REFUNDS TO COLLEGE STUDENTS FOR THEIR FIRST $4,000 IN TUITION. Nowhere does it say anything about middle school kids that are forced to work, or high school students forced to work. And again, just for clarification, A TAX REFUND IS NOT PAYING YOU FOR YOU SERVICES, ITS GIVING YOU BACK MONEY THAT YOU ALREADY HAD AND THE GOVERNMENT TOOK FROM YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE. .

Are you that ignorant? Either way it's $4000 extra in your pocket when it's all said and done. Also, it's optional for college students. High school students are already required to do community service already anyway...at least at good schools.
No-one is saying that .

Hence the OPTIONAL part . You don't HAVE to do it , God .

It's only mandatory for the Middle School / High School students .

Unless you're getting your information from a different source than the one I'm getting it from, community service will be a requirement for college students andthat's where people are complaining.

I guess he's trying to say that more people in urban centers should be going into the army?
Using the word "obligation" scares me though.

No Congress, even a heavily Democratic one, will follow him if his plan is to have some sort of mandatory military service.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by AirJz

I'm Not Sure If He Has Addressed It Or Not (In Reference To OP), But Why Are You Complaining About Individuals Being "Required" To Do Community Service When The Majority Of High schools And Middle Schools Have It As A Mandatory Requirement Already. I'm Sure Some of These KidsDon't Want to Do the Community Service the Schools Require Them to Do, But They Do It, So Let's Stop Complaining So Much and Move On.....

thats what i was asking..if its already required in some places why yall complaining now?

I'm not complaining, just simply stating that I pay for college so I'll be goddamned if anyone tells me I have to pick up trash because I chose to seek higher learning.

- Tical.
No-one is saying that .

Hence the OPTIONAL part . You don't HAVE to do it , God .

It's only mandatory for the Middle School / High School students .
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man if you guys cared so much about your community, you would've been doing it before your savior offered his lil incentive.

Well if you look at the majority of this thread ppl (myself included) already have
Yeah I know all about required community service to get into college, or to pad your resume, or what have you, but I'm talking about waking up one morning and deciding to do it out of the goodness of your christian heart. I highly doubt "the majority" have done that.

I'm not a Christian, so i can't speak on that
My high school did not require service and i did well over 200 hours of it, including overseas...and i still volunteer.
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man if you guys cared so much about your community, you would've been doing it before your savior offered his lil incentive.

Well if you look at the majority of this thread ppl (myself included) already have
Yeah I know all about required community service to get into college, or to pad your resume, or what have you, but I'm talking about waking up one morning and deciding to do it out of the goodness of your christian heart. I highly doubt "the majority" have done that.

I'm not a Christian, so i can't speak on that My high school did not require service and i did well over 200 hours of it, including overseas...and i still volunteer.
God bless your soul. If you (and others) really did than kudos, the rest are doing it for the money though. The mention of 4 G's and you guysare all for people doing their part in the community . Please
In Canada you need 40 hours to graduate high school but thats it. I guess a little community service never hurt anyone.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

But it is required...maybe YOU should step your comprehension game up, I said nothing about who it was required 4...I just said its wrong 2 force PEOPLE 2 do things, not HS students, college students, basket weaving class students...PEOPLE. You can't do it. Point blank period. If people wanna perform community service, great fine, cool, give them a blue star sticker 2 put on they shirt...but if they don't want 2, then they shouldn't have 2. All I said.

99% of kids don't want to go to school, but kids are still "forced to" by the government. so if you're gonna go with that argument, you should also argue that going to school should be optional, based on whether the kids "feel like" going or not.
Originally Posted by potus2028

*Fede DPT*
Well, change was what the Obama campaign was all about, right?
Fede literally has no credibility left on this forum... i wouldn't be cosigning him.

Son, it's no use in fighting with that dude. The Obama people CHANGED the website from yesterday. As I posted the original and the newly REVISED one last page.

it was brought to their attention that people might misinterpret the intent of the plan, so they changed it. what is the problem there?
you prove nothing with that. i know you got those pics from the Sean Hannity forums or something.

It's like saying "I will cut taxes for 95% of Americans." but instead not really giving a "TAX CUT" just a REBATE CHECK.

what the bloody hell are you talking about. the "rebate check" applies for workers who don't pay income taxes, but still pay payroll taxes. that way, the tax cut can cover everybody it is intended to.

People misinterpret? It's the TOTAL opposite of what he originally said. And honestly, I did not get those fromHannity's Forums.

Keep thinking that. Who do you think the $250 or family $500 checks are for? So not only is Obama going to giveout "Stimulus" checks, he's going to raise taxes for the top 5% and cut for 95% while trying to balance the budget? First, the he's givingout check of money the country ALREADY doesn't have. Secondly, he wants to spend more on Public Entitlement. Third, to balance the budget he will have totax ALOT more than only 35% to 39.6% for the top 5% or he'll tax a more broader population.

Listen, I want to support Obama, he's my president-elect. But, he's making it really hard for me to standbehind him, sorry.
I dont disagree with 400 hours of community service at all. I don't understand why anyone is having a problem with this.
at this point..with so much other stuff that needs to be fixed..i really could care less about this..
I'm guessing that this is related to how he served the community in Chicago and now wants everyone to do the same. He should know that people do not wantto be forced to
do stuff. He is underestimating the "youth" if he thinks everyone is dumb enough to follow this.

@ thinking a $4,000 tax credit is enough when forced to do that

@ the states that already force students to do that

@ me refusing to do any community service and getting into college
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Skitz O

glad you guys are up for it, I guess slavery is all good. And no, you DO NOT get money for it, thats why it is called community service...d'd'd'ddeeee. And you also have no choice, its one thing to offer incentives to encourage community service, its a completely different idea to REQUIRE it. Or did you forget, we use community service to PUNISH criminals...from now on i will stop referring to slavery as slavery, I will just call it mandatory community service. Guess we're heading back to those days when the government can just force people to work for free....
slaves got paid $4000 bucks?

and a mule

but seriously, this is not slavery fool (op, not you)
Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by dnob 04

Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by T i c a l

awash242 wrote:
Originally Posted by T i c a l

I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%* themselves.

- Tical.

Why am I not surprised to find out you have a problem with this....

I don't know what that means, but I don't really care. I don't give a baker's @*@! about my community or helping people, especially when it's for free. Time is money and not only do I have exams to study for, but I have rent and bills to pay so the governemnt can go pick up their own trash and paint their own houses.

- Tical.

just out of curiosity what race/ethnicity are you?

I ask because I think this is exactly what latinos/blacks need. Our biggest problem is that we don't give a f**k about our communities. I was reading a chapter in my Sociology book on Race/Ethnicity and it said that one reason that Asian Americans can boast about having the highest wages, and highest graduation rates is because of their sense of community. Apparently Asian immigrants adapt to their environment better and are more willing to help uplift their community.

The point is we expect our gov. to do everything for us when we aren't even willing to do sh*t for ourselves. Now of course this doesn't apply universally to all latinos/blacks, but I feel like it does apply to a lot of us. What is so wrong with giving back to our community? Do you not want to help others succeed? And yes helping serving our communities can help us succeed. I know a lot of kids that get into trouble because they don't know what else is out there or because their community is fool of kids with nothing to do but get into trouble. If we can help kids get out of that cycle than what is so wrong about that? Besides stuff like this looks great on resumes.

I'm white, but I don't see how race has anything to do with this. NT nowadays only sees in black and white and acts like there's a huge race war raging just because Obama was running.I DIDNT VOTE but had I voted it would've been for Obama because McCain was too much like Bush and had an amazingly dumb VP candidate. Race really doesn't have anything to do with not wanting to waste my time doing random @@$%+@+@ for a bunch of people I don't know when I can be working to better my own life through working FOR MONEY or studying for my college courses. No one besides my parents has done $@@$ for me to help me get to where I am so I don't see why I should go out of my way to do anything for anyone else especially when my time is so limited.

- Tical.
if you didnt vote, then you have no opinion. America will never reach its potential with selfish people like yourself. Did you not get hugged when you were a kid

You're right, I might not have a right to complain because I didn't vote, but I will become a resident of Mexico or Canada long before I pick up another person's trash or paint another person's house for free. The economy is in a +@+% hole and the government expects me to waste my time helping the community when I need to be earning money to live off of? You must be out of your !+$%##% mind.

- Tical.
Get that @*** out of here. You know DAMN well you ain't moving to Canada of Mexico because you're being forced to do community service,and if you do good we don't need people like you in this country.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

No I'm not ready for it... and no it won't happen/last.... and no my kids wouldn't being doing it if they didn't want to.
This is America, home of the free & freedom.
Thank you Obama.
You should be the last person to complain. You know damn well you're not out working long hours to support anybody because I'm pretty suremommy and daddy have you covered.
It's whatever. My HS required 30 hours a year anyway in order to graduate. And you can always lie about community service...
It's the principle of the thing. My government isn't going to tell me I have to do anything based solely on the fact that I'm in college whenI'm paying to be there.

The thing is, I'll most likely be graduated by the time this idiotic policy would get put into effect anyway so all you do-gooders can have fun with it. You can come paint my house, weed my yard, and pick up the garbage on my street and I'll tell them what good samaritans you all are.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

It's the principle of the thing. My government isn't going to tell me I have to do anything based solely on the fact that I'm in college when I'm paying to be there.

The thing is, I'll most likely be graduated by the time this idiotic policy would get put into effect anyway so all you do-gooders can have fun with it. You can come paint my house, weed my yard, and pick up the garbage on my street and I'll tell them what good samaritans you all are.

- Tical.
You ever take time to realize the world is bigger than you? Not everybody can afford to pay for college on their own, that's obviously whothis plan is intended for.

Some of you are laughable, acting as if the government is going to come knocking at your door if you don't do volunteer work.

Comparing this to slavery is despicable, and highly offensive, than again most of you probably know nothing about slavery, can't argue with the ignorant.

No I'm not ready for it... and no it won't happen/last.... and no my kids wouldn't being doing it if they didn't want to.
This is America, home of the free & freedom.
Thank you Obama.

Pathetic. Really it is.
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