Obama's community service plan

Originally Posted by PayLessShoes

i hate this country because of people like tical

selfish bastards.

i honestly hope America turns into what people want it to be

No one helps out anyone for ANYTHING, people die in the streets, people commit grand crimes, police and emergency say so what? it not my family who's dying. ive got to study for exams.
Capitalism. Read about it.

Here's a quick definition...
An economic system based on a free market, open competition, profit motive and private ownership of the means of production. Capitalism encourages private investment and business, compared to a government-controlled economy. Investors in these private companies (i.e. shareholders) also own the firms and are known as capitalists.

In such a system, individuals and firms have the right to own and use wealth to earn income and to sell and purchase labor for wages with little or no government control. The function of regulating the economy is then achieved mainly through the operation of market forces where prices and profit dictate where and how resources are used and allocated. The U.S. is a capitalistic system.
Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

It's a damn shame people can't appreciate what community service can mean. I started last year volunteering at the UVA Dialysis Center for three hours a week. I've continued this year and I'm doing Big Siblings. They are both great ways to make differences in not just the lives of others, but your own life as well. I wish I had started earlier.
im saying, thats a good thing you did, my good man..but i put 10 bucks you only did it just to have it shown on your resume
Paypal address is [email protected]. Please pay promptly.


People can do things for reasons that aren't selfish.
what's this capatlism you speak of? Ive never even seen that word before

helping people?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???

for the love of god NO! even if it benefits me in the long run???!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

You mean actually helping kids learn to read? maybe inticing them to become a scientist or lawyer? The same ones who you call hoodlums and tell them to get offtheir lazy behind?!!!!


I'll Die before you make me help other people...

even if CS is done just to put on your resume you leave with more than just an X amount of hours you completed. You learn some lessons being out there in thecommunity
Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

even if CS is done just to put on your resume you leave with more than just an X amount of hours you completed. You learn some lessons being out there in the community
@ your idealism
Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

even if CS is done just to put on your resume you leave with more than just an X amount of hours you completed. You learn some lessons being out there in the community
You could say the same about a job. Where you get an income plus you help out your community by giving a service or producing a product. Butforcing middle and high school kids to do X amount of service work is pretty unfair. That's my only beef with the plan. If it's optional, great. ButI'm not going to help someone because the government told me to. I'm going to help you if I feel you deserve it.

So if they did implement this idea, when would they do this? You can't cut hours during school because our kids are not learning the material now as thingsare. And if I was a kid, I'm sure as hell not sticking around school afterwards. Let me do my time and leave. I know there are other people who thinkit's a great idea, and I could see them honestly signing up to help out. But as I remember back in high school, I worked to get my money because I wantedto afford food and clothes for myself. And I generally worked right after school. I'm not raking leaves for free.
Originally Posted by PayLessShoes

i hate this country because of people like tical

selfish bastards.

i honestly hope America turns into what people want it to be

No one helps out anyone for ANYTHING, people die in the streets, people commit grand crimes, police and emergency say so what? it not my family who's dying. ive got to study for exams.
UMMM EXCUSE ME.... but your wrong.
Whoa, you took my words comepletely the wrong way. I've said over and over that those who do public works by their own choosing are valuable members ofsociety, and gahdamn sure should be commended. I like the program because it rewards those type of people...which will maybe encourage more voluntary sevice inthe future. I think that's !#**** great. I do.

ALL I said, it that its not right 4 that be imposed upon you, should you, 4 whateva reason, not be inclined. I don't like it as a REQUIREMENT because Idon't like being told what I HAVE 2 do, and I imagine plenty of folk feel that way. Never did I say that community works were unimportant or unnecessary.Who the hell would even make a statement like that? I said it should be done by those who CHOOSE 2 DO IT.

Apparently I was ambiguous about that...and 4 that, I apologize...
the fraternity i want to join makes us do community service regardless, everytime i do it with the brothers we just drink, smoke and plant trees or clean upplaces... this is going to be great
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by PayLessShoes

i hate this country because of people like tical

selfish bastards.

i honestly hope America turns into what people want it to be

No one helps out anyone for ANYTHING, people die in the streets, people commit grand crimes, police and emergency say so what? it not my family who's dying. ive got to study for exams.
Capitalism. Read about it.

Here's a quick definition...
An economic system based on a free market, open competition, profit motive and private ownership of the means of production. Capitalism encourages private investment and business, compared to a government-controlled economy. Investors in these private companies (i.e. shareholders) also own the firms and are known as capitalists.

In such a system, individuals and firms have the right to own and use wealth to earn income and to sell and purchase labor for wages with little or no government control. The function of regulating the economy is then achieved mainly through the operation of market forces where prices and profit dictate where and how resources are used and allocated. The U.S. is a capitalistic system.


Capitalism is an economic system. if you even read what you posted you would realize that.

what does the free market have to do with community service in our nation's high schools?
Originally Posted by T i c a l

You're right, I might not have a right to complain because I didn't vote, but I will become a resident of Mexico or Canada long before I pick up another person's trash or paint another person's house for free. The economy is in a +@+% hole and the government expects me to waste my time helping the community when I need to be earning money to live off of? You must be out of your !+$%##% mind.

- Tical.

According to Obama's plan, the gov't isn't expecting you to do anything for free. They would be paying you, or giving you tax credits ifyou're in college, to perform community service.
Originally Posted by PayLessShoes

i hate this country because of people like tical

selfish bastards.

i honestly hope America turns into what people want it to be

No one helps out anyone for ANYTHING, people die in the streets, people commit grand crimes, police and emergency say so what? it not my family who's dying. ive got to study for exams.

Sorry man, I have my family, my friends, and myself to worry about. There's not enough time in my day to go around saving the world but since you feel sostrongly about it you can go put in hours upon hours of work for free. Be sure to let me know how long you last in your little fantasy world.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by PayLessShoes

i hate this country because of people like tical

selfish bastards.

i honestly hope America turns into what people want it to be

No one helps out anyone for ANYTHING, people die in the streets, people commit grand crimes, police and emergency say so what? it not my family who's dying. ive got to study for exams.
Capitalism. Read about it.

Here's a quick definition...
An economic system based on a free market, open competition, profit motive and private ownership of the means of production. Capitalism encourages private investment and business, compared to a government-controlled economy. Investors in these private companies (i.e. shareholders) also own the firms and are known as capitalists.

In such a system, individuals and firms have the right to own and use wealth to earn income and to sell and purchase labor for wages with little or no government control. The function of regulating the economy is then achieved mainly through the operation of market forces where prices and profit dictate where and how resources are used and allocated. The U.S. is a capitalistic system.

Capitalism is an economic system. if you even read what you posted you would realize that.

what does the free market have to do with community service in our nation's high schools?

He was talking about helping people and why people are so selfish. People in America are mostly capitalistic and they want to make money. Meaninga me first society. And if you don't like that, you could always move to Europe...
I'm Not Sure If He Has Addressed It Or Not (In Reference To OP), But Why Are YouComplaining About Individuals Being "Required" To Do Community Service When The Majority Of High schools And Middle Schools Have It As A MandatoryRequirement Already. I'm Sure Some of These KidsDon't Want to Do the Community Service the Schools Require Themto Do, But They Do It, So Let's Stop Complaining So Much and Move On.....

There's not enough time in my day to go around saving the world
who said anything about that? since when is community service going to save the world? who's asking you to paint houses?

have you actually ever DONE any community service? and of what kind? I did and defintely didnt have to paint houses and pick up trash, because i wouldnt dothat.

I find it funny that the same people who don't want to help anyone out in any fashion, yet complain and complain and when certain things arent going rightin their neighborhoods. If you dont want to help anyone out, cool. I'm not mad. Just shut your mouth, and study for an exam when the topic comes up onwhats wrong in the inner city, when you could have done something. make your money and move into a penthouse and scoff at the poor people.

Letting the place you live in turn into a crime zone and haven for thieves and drug dealers
Man if you guys cared so much about your community, you would've been doing it before your savior offered his lil incentive.
Originally Posted by AirJz

I'm Not Sure If He Has Addressed It Or Not (In Reference To OP), But Why Are You Complaining About Individuals Being "Required" To Do Community Service When The Majority Of High schools And Middle Schools Have It As A Mandatory Requirement Already. I'm Sure Some of These KidsDon't Want to Do the Community Service the Schools Require Them to Do, But They Do It, So Let's Stop Complaining So Much and Move On.....

thats what i was asking..if its already required in some places why yall complaining now?
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by AirJz

I'm Not Sure If He Has Addressed It Or Not (In Reference To OP), But Why Are You Complaining About Individuals Being "Required" To Do Community Service When The Majority Of High schools And Middle Schools Have It As A Mandatory Requirement Already. I'm Sure Some of These KidsDon't Want to Do the Community Service the Schools Require Them to Do, But They Do It, So Let's Stop Complaining So Much and Move On.....

thats what i was asking..if its already required in some places why yall complaining now?

I'm not complaining, just simply stating that I pay for college so I'll be goddamned if anyone tells me I have to pick up trash because I chose to seekhigher learning.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man if you guys cared so much about your community, you would've been doing it before your savior offered his lil incentive.
I'm usually one to be cynical and pessimistic when it comes to the "leaders" of this world, but if Obama is able to galvanize drovesof people to work in civil service areas, especially during a time when the unemployment rate is the highest it's been 14 years, I don't see how youcan rage against him.
He's not in office yet, but we should give him and his new New Deal a chance.

I'm not complaining, just simply stating that I pay for college so I'll be goddamned if anyone tells me I have to pick up trash because I chose to seek higher learning.

- Tical.
That's my only gripe with his plan. Like I said before, this would work better, imo, if it was incentive based.
I have done and will continue to do community service before this. Ur selfish attitude was inherited by the way the Past America has treated u so I don'tblame u for ur views.but there is a time for change, n y not now
No I'm not ready for it... and no it won't happen/last.... and no my kids wouldn't being doing it if they didn't want to.
This is America, home of the free & freedom.
Thank you Obama.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man if you guys cared so much about your community, you would've been doing it before your savior offered his lil incentive.

Well if you look at the majority of this thread ppl (myself included) already have
TICAL, doing CS grants u $ 4000 worth towards ur education so ur hard work does not have to be all spent on ur education, u can use it towards URSELF or urfriends n family
TICAL, doing CS grants u $ 4000 worth towards ur education so ur hard work does not have to be all spent on ur education, u can use it towards URSELF or urfriends n family
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