Obama's community service plan

But it is required...maybe YOU should step your comprehension game up, I said nothing about who it was required 4...I just said its wrong 2 force PEOPLE 2 dothings, not HS students, college students, basket weaving class students...PEOPLE. You can't do it. Point blank period. If people wanna perform communityservice, great fine, cool, give them a blue star sticker 2 put on they shirt...but if they don't want 2, then they shouldn't have 2. All I said.
It's been like this in middle schools and high schools for years , but since Mr. Barack mentioned it everybody wanna make it like he's the bad guy .
Funny .

MANY schools have this already . Kids HAVE to do community service to graduate . There's nothing wrong with that, it's just another part of thecurriculum . It's not slavery , it's teaching kids something more . If your logic is correct OP , how is school not slavery ? EVERY kid HAS to go untilthe age of 16 .
Originally Posted by IRAPTHOUGH

It's been like this in middle schools and high schools for years , but since Mr. Barack mentioned it everybody wanna make it like he's the bad guy .
Funny .

MANY schools have this already . Kids HAVE to do community service to graduate . There's nothing wrong with that, it's just another part of the curriculum . It's not slavery , it's teaching kids something more . If your logic is correct OP , how is school not slavery ? EVERY kid HAS to go until the age of 16 .
hmm..did kneesh give one of her alternate accounts to another NTer?
Yea, i was under the impression that all m.s. and h.s. students had to do community service n e ways just to graduate, i had to do 60 hours. Also in thereading, it was college students WHO do 100 hours of community service, its not mandatory. It couldnt be mandatory, we pay for college and think about all thepeople who are in college. i've seen students who were 60+...And wat about the ppl that are part time. It just wouldnt work to force community service, andthats not their plan.

P.s. yea i see that they changed it, but fact of the matter is "they changed it" cuz their would be no possible way to make community servicemandatory for college students, the universitys could, but not a government order for ALL schools.
Originally Posted by potus2028

But it is required...maybe YOU should step your comprehension game up, I said nothing about who it was required 4...I just said its wrong 2 force PEOPLE 2 do things, not HS students, college students, basket weaving class students...PEOPLE. You can't do it. Point blank period. If people wanna perform community service, great fine, cool, give them a blue star sticker 2 put on they shirt...but if they don't want 2, then they shouldn't have 2. All I said.

Son, it's no use in fighting with that dude. The Obama people CHANGED the website from yesterday. As I posted the originaland the newly REVISED one last page.

It's like saying "I will cut taxes for 95% of Americans." but instead not really giving a "TAX CUT" just a REBATE CHECK.

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by potus2028

But it is required...maybe YOU should step your comprehension game up, I said nothing about who it was required 4...I just said its wrong 2 force PEOPLE 2 do things, not HS students, college students, basket weaving class students...PEOPLE. You can't do it. Point blank period. If people wanna perform community service, great fine, cool, give them a blue star sticker 2 put on they shirt...but if they don't want 2, then they shouldn't have 2. All I said.

Son, it's no use in fighting with that dude. The Obama people CHANGED the website from yesterday. As I posted the original and the newly REVISED one last page.

It's like saying "I will cut taxes for 95% of Americans." but instead not really giving a "TAX CUT" just a REBATE CHECK.


I think a lot of you are missing the OP's jist of it. Yeah there is nothing wrong with doing community service, but it's the fact that it is beingforced upon people, and they have no choice.
Skitz O wrote:
brooklynnyc3000 wrote:
It's not slavery GOOD LORD.....

If you don't want to do it.. DON'T, simple as that.

If you don't want to do it then fine, I guess you ain't going to college.
I am going to take this time out and ask you, CAN YOU READ? Seriously, have you read what you are responding to. THERE IS NO CHOICE NOT TO DO IT, THAT IS MY ENTIRE POINT. Its not "simple as that." Its either do 50 hours of community service A YEAR ( not total, but every year) for middle school and high school, or you don't graduate. Then you move on to 100 hours a YEAR, NOT TOTAL, if you want to get your degree.

5 hours a week 10 weeks a year, and 5 hours a week for 20 weeks its not that hard I mean everyone has 5 hours free a few days a week. No one is not capable ofdoing it. If you do it over the course of a year it is 1 hour a week for middle & high schoolers and 2 hours a week for college student. "Ask not whatyour country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

And comparing this to slavery is reckless and beyond ridiculous. And if you are black and people from slavery heard you say this, they would slap you in theface and if you are not black they would slap you in the face 10 times harder.

Slavery doesn't benefit anyone but the people you are working for..

Community Service benefits the government, benefits the people you are helping and benefits the person doing the community service. (1. you will have to payfor college first but you get that money back in a tax credit meaning you pay $4,000 less in taxes over time so technically you get your money back, 2. youlearn about other people and you make a difference in someone's life.)

You must be so privelledged that you cannot even muster up the strength to help others for the benefit of the country. Maybe someone should smack that silverspoon out of your mouth and show you there are 200 million + people in this country its not just YOUR COUNTRY it is EVERYONE'S YOU CAN'T SEE THAT THENLEAVE IT..

And being forced to do it or incentive to do it whatever the case is necessary. I am 19 and I see some of the kids my age and get pissed because they are soselfish and so much of a d--- that they only think about themselves and no one else.

if it is forced then you give incentive.... But then again no where does it say IT IS MANDATORY. It says it calls on middle schoolers, and high schools bysetting A GOAL of 50 connunity service hours. Goal implies not everyone is going to be able to but they ask you do 50 hours if you can... College studentsget $4000 back in paying less taxes if they do 100 hours doesnt say it is mandatory

Maybe if you get that 100% full scholarship that you stated earlier they should take it back because I see a 3rd grade reading level.
But it is required...maybe YOU should step your comprehension game up, I said nothing about who it was required 4...I just said its wrong 2 force PEOPLE 2 do things, not HS students, college students, basket weaving class students...PEOPLE. You can't do it. Point blank period. If people wanna perform community service, great fine, cool, give them a blue star sticker 2 put on they shirt...but if they don't want 2, then they shouldn't have 2. All I said.

99% of kids don't want to go to school, but kids are still "forced to" by the government. so if you're gonna go with that argument, youshould also argue that going to school should be optional, based on whether the kids "feel like" going or not.
Originally Posted by potus2028

*Fede DPT*
Well, change was what the Obama campaign was all about, right?
Fede literally has no credibility left on this forum... i wouldn't be cosigning him.

Son, it's no use in fighting with that dude. The Obama people CHANGED the website from yesterday. As I posted the original and the newly REVISED one last page.

it was brought to their attention that people might misinterpret the intent of the plan, so they changed it. what is the problem there?
you provenothing with that. i know you got those pics from the Sean Hannity forums or something.

It's like saying "I will cut taxes for 95% of Americans." but instead not really giving a "TAX CUT" just a REBATE CHECK.

what the bloody hell are you talking about. the "rebate check" applies for workers who don't pay income taxes, but still pay payroll taxes. thatway, the tax cut can cover everybody it is intended to.
really now????? Community is like slavery??? What are you like 13? Put down the COD4 and for God's sake go out and do somethign productive instead ofsitting around your lazy behind and forcing others to go into your believes.

Good for nothing kids these days.

Your anti-Obama thread is a FAILURE!
Originally Posted by heyson

I think a lot of you are missing the OP's jist of it. Yeah there is nothing wrong with doing community service, but it's the fact that it is being forced upon people, and they have no choice.
and to that, the majority of us who already had community service "forced upon us" in middle/high school have been responding thatit's already being done, there was nothing bad about it when we did it, and people just need to man the *!%+ up instead of crying at the first mention ofhard work.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000


Drink up

i don't even get the point of that kool-aid pic anymore.... i mean, Obama already won bruh

if you think his plans are bad, what are you gonna do about it now? its not like you can vote against him or anything. all you can do is just chill for thetime being and give him a fair chance. he's not even in office yet.

but of course you won't do that. you're just mad that McCain lost, period.
Oh, that was cute
But that's different and you know it...school is necessary...there are certain basic things you need 2 know 2 even pretend 2 be afunctional member of society like reading, writing and...that other thing I never fully grasped...point is, community service is not one of those things. Itsgreat, and more power 2 those who choose 2 do it...but nobody should be forced 2 do labor 4 no compensation. Would I call it slavery? Hell*censored*no...but Igotta say nobody should be compelled 2 work.

Oh, and I'm not an Obama basher in the least...can't really call me a supporter either, he does have some ideas I like, but some (like this one) Idon't. I really like the sentiment behind it, but its being implemented the wrong way IMO.
Originally Posted by ESPNonthescreen

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000


Drink up

i don't even get the point of that kool-aid pic anymore.... i mean, Obama already won bruh

if you think his plans are bad, what are you gonna do about it now? its not like you can vote against him or anything. all you can do is just chill for the time being and give him a fair chance. he's not even in office yet.

but of course you won't do that. you're just mad that McCain lost, period.
I didn't expect you to.

And how come when someone is against Obama they are automatically Pro-McCain? " You're just salty McCain lost, Obama 08

Originally Posted by Skitz O

^^so you fixed it by just ignoring the fact that a tax refund is not actual payment. Good Job...on par for most Obama fans, ignore everything horribly wrong with his idealogies.
So you have your schooling paid for by the government and you're complaining about community service?
Originally Posted by T i c a l

awash242 wrote:
Originally Posted by T i c a l

I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%* themselves.

- Tical.

Why am I not surprised to find out you have a problem with this....

I don't know what that means, but I don't really care. I don't give a baker's @*@! about my community or helping people, especially when it's for free. Time is money and not only do I have exams to study for, but I have rent and bills to pay so the governemnt can go pick up their own trash and paint their own houses.

- Tical.

just out of curiosity what race/ethnicity are you?

I ask because I think this is exactly what latinos/blacks need. Our biggest problem is that we don't give a f**k about our communities. I was reading achapter in my Sociology book on Race/Ethnicity and it said that one reason that Asian Americans can boast about having the highest wages, and highestgraduation rates is because of their sense of community. Apparently Asian immigrants adapt to their environment better and are more willing to help uplifttheir community.

The point is we expect our gov. to do everything for us when we aren't even willing to do sh*t for ourselves. Now of course this doesn't applyuniversally to all latinos/blacks, but I feel like it does apply to a lot of us. What is so wrong with giving back to our community? Do you not want to helpothers succeed? And yes helping serving our communities can help us succeed. I know a lot of kids that get into trouble because they don't know what elseis out there or because their community is fool of kids with nothing to do but get into trouble. If we can help kids get out of that cycle than what is sowrong about that? Besides stuff like this looks great on resumes.
I read over his Voluntary Public Service Plan in his "Blueprint for Change" on barackobama.com just to make sure for myself. Most of the programs,expanding Americorps/Peace Corps, creating job programs for youths; sound like his version of the New Deal. I don't consider it a bad thing at all. Withunemployment being so high, this is a great way to give people some jobs.
The only thing I don't like is what other people have mentioned here -- the mandatory 100 hours of service in college. I believe this program would workbest if it was incentive-based rather than a requirement.
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