Obama's community service plan

slave/sleɪv/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sleyv] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, slaved, slav⋅ing.

-noun [table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person: a slave to a drug.[/td] [/tr][/table]

OP in case you didnt know that is what a slave is. This is not slavery because for college students it is apparently OPTIONAL. Furthermore theywill be getting compensated for it. Not with a check but a tax credit that helps them save money.

As for high school and middle school students it is still not slavery just because it is a requirement. In many states including maryland you have to takecertain classes to graduate. In maryland you have to take 4 years of english, 4 years of math, 3 years of social studies, and 4 years of science. Youaren't getting compensated when you take those classes because you HAVE to take them to graduate and all you get is the merit of having done them. That isexactly like community service. You don't get money or a grade, but you get the merit of getting it done. Besides in many states including maryland youalready have to do community service in high school to graduate.
community service was mandatory in my middle school..so eh.. it's nothing to me.
kids take so much from the community.. with their stupid $%*%#
NOBODY should complain about this.. it's a fair trade
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

community service was mandatory in my middle school..so eh.. it's nothing to me.
kids take so much from the community.. with their stupid $%*%#
NOBODY should complain about this.. it's a fair trade
Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free.

Is it really that hard to read? He's encouraging community service.There is no way that he can make it mandatory. Stop trolling and ignoring the people whohave highlighted this already 5 times for you.
I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%*themselves.

- Tical.
It sure says "Require" in here.

And then he Administration CHANGED IT! WOW!!


Marxist Youth Corp FTL.
Nothing new. In my district everyone had to serve 50 hours to graduate high school. Now kids are going to get a tax refund. That sounds like progress.
this is why they say reading is fundamental. it says college students "WHO" conduct 100 hours of community service will receive the tax credit."WHO". "WHO." seriously read. and the middle school/high school requirement is nothing. my districts already required that when i was inmiddle school and high school. its good for the lazy middle class and rich kids to be forced into community service. it develops good habits, just like forcingthem to go to school develops good habits. plus its something to write about on your college applications rather than just how you barely survived AP calculuslike what every other confused high school student writes about.

this is also fantastic for any pre-law or pre-med college students. most of us already volunteer over 100 hours a year and now we get a tax credit for it. itsjust too bad i'm graduating in the spring and probably won't see any of that $ since it will be too late.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by iBlink

reigndrop wrote:
Originally Posted by iBlink

reigndrop wrote:
Whether it's required or not, the money for the this tax "credit", where is it coming from? We have at least 1.5 million in college if not more, say 1 million kids take up this program. Where is the 4 billion coming from?

The same place that provided for the $700 billion bailout.

Tax payers pockets.

False, not tax payers pockets, they'll just print more money to pay for this further devaluing our currency, leading to $4000 not being worth as much. WOOP!

Read up on floating exchange rates... this has been done for decades. None the less, the tax payers dollars will indeed be used to fund more of the president's plans.
Ok, so our money will be worth less when we exchange. But it will also be worth less if we print more of it. Could clarify though on how tax payers dollars are going to fund the president's plans? Taxing the upper class is going to only bring about $35 billion of revenue. We're also raising the corporate tax and capital gains for more revenue, but without a doubt, with this financial disaster, there will be more regulation leading to smaller taxable profits. How does the president expect to pay for his government program's and all these tax rebates?

1) "Could clarify though on how tax payers dollars are going to fund the president's plans?"
The government receives revenue through taxes. So all presidents have funded their plans through tax dollars. Thats's... how it's supposed to work.

2) "Taxing the upper class is going to only bring about $35 billion of revenue."
That is false. You almost certainly got that figure from some right-wing blog site, or heard it from some nutjob conservative radio host.

3) "We're also raising the corporate tax and capital gains for more revenue, but without a doubt, with this financial disaster, there will be more regulation leading to smaller taxable profits."
I have never heard Obama propose a corporate tax increase. I actually heard him say he would consider lowering it. But yes, Capital gains will likely be raised. And without a doubt, you don't what you're talking about. The lack of regulation lead to smaller taxable profits. Do you realize how many loopholes there were that companies have been using to avoid paying taxes? I can't remember the exact figures off head, but a ridiculous percentage of corporations paid little or no taxes last year.

Okay... I was asking where it was coming from. But since you wanted bring up Iraq, that's cool too. Iraq's $10 billion is being funded by LOANS. Once we stop the war, we won't have that $10 billion a month, that is unless we take up more loans.

Do you know how much interest the US pays on those war loans? That money goes directly to the taxpayers.

1. I know that. But is all that money enough?
2. False, WSJ said that, i'll edit with the article http://online.wsj.com/art...1.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
3. Obama has been really unclear, but the point is, both candidates want to close taxing loopholes, if that's even possible, and Obama even said he'dshut down corporate tax shelters, which would mean raising the total burden on corporate taxpayers dramatically. I'll repeat myself, with this FinancialCrisis there will be heavier regulation, which will lead to smaller taxable profits, which means LESS tax revenue. What does this mean, it essentially cancelseach other other out. Same taxes with no loopholes but smaller profits = Same taxes with loopholes and bigger profits.
4. The loans, are actually government issued bonds, which yield very little = very little interest. That is unless China bought 30 year bonds, which I highlydoubt, but nobody knows.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%* themselves.

- Tical.

Why am I not surprised to find out you have a problem with this....

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

This is just small step in the right direction towards restoring the commraderie that make us one united nation, able to confront challenges small and large .. . This has nothing to do w/ Republicans or Democrats . . . It is my firm belief that the American people are like none other on this earth. I believe thatif/when the American people can polarize around the notion of "making America great again" we will be unstoppable and able once again be seen"as a city upon a hill-- [where] the eyes of all people are upon us."

Americans are the most innovative people in the world . . .

However, this starts with education . . . funding for R&D in the sciences, favorable tax conditions that allow American corporations to thrive withoutbeing sucked dry, new immgration policies ETC ETC ETC

Whoever compared this policy to slavery was either looking for an emotional reaction or is just so ignorant to the direction that America needs to startheading in, that he/she can't think straight.
Originally Posted by nnarum

I just don't see how this should be required for middle and high schoolers. Will this be done during school hours, or after hours? There is no way you can convince EVERY kid to do school work after school hours... It's just not possible.

Atlanta Pub Schools already requires Comm Serv to graduate.. No biggie. Good idea. America is so selfish... Whats wrong with giving back?
I cant believe the OP is comparing community service to slavery, what an ignorant sob
Community service is giving back to your community, helping out atparks, hospitals, ymca's, whatever. It doesnt always have to be about YOU, you selfish greedy fool. Most high schools I know, including mine require acertain amount of service hours to graduate anyway, so its not like this is a brand new idea Obama's proposing. And if it can help me out with paying forcollege, thats a great benefit
But nobody is lookin at the fact that some people DON'T WANT 2 DO IT. And if that's so, that's fine. They shouldn't receive the benefits of theplan. But 2 REQUIRE people 2 do things against they will that will not benefit them...is WRONG, point blank period. I know I don't want 2 be told I MUST doanything, and I'm sure plenty of Americans feel the same way.

Side Note:
Kinda unrelated, but what is 'giving back'? What if you didn't get anything? I know damn well my community aint do $#!+ 4 me that I didn'tearn...
Originally Posted by Beats05

this is why they say reading is fundamental. it says college students "WHO" conduct 100 hours of community service will receive the tax credit. "WHO". "WHO."
Originally Posted by Beats05

this is why they say reading is fundamental. it says college students "WHO" conduct 100 hours of community service will receive the tax credit. "WHO". "WHO." seriously read. and the middle school/high school requirement is nothing. my districts already required that when i was in middle school and high school. its good for the lazy middle class and rich kids to be forced into community service. it develops good habits, just like forcing them to go to school develops good habits. plus its something to write about on your college applications rather than just how you barely survived AP calculus like what every other confused high school student writes about.

this is also fantastic for any pre-law or pre-med college students. most of us already volunteer over 100 hours a year and now we get a tax credit for it. its just too bad i'm graduating in the spring and probably won't see any of that $ since it will be too late.

Read what I just posted above their, bub. The socialist regime changed it because it was too [/Barack Obama] Socialistic [/Barack Obama].
Originally Posted by potus2028

But nobody is lookin at the fact that some people DON'T WANT 2 DO IT. And if that's so, that's fine. They shouldn't receive the benefits of the plan. But 2 REQUIRE people 2 do things against they will that will not benefit them...is WRONG, point blank period. I know I don't want 2 be told I MUST do anything, and I'm sure plenty of Americans feel the same way.

Side Note:
Kinda unrelated, but what is 'giving back'? What if you didn't get anything? I know damn well my community aint do $#!+ 4 me that I didn't earn...
the service for college students to receive benefits is optional. if you don't want to do it, don't do it.

the only required community service is for the HS students.

realtalk, Obama should have required Hooked-On-Phonics sessions and Sylvan Learning Center camps along with the community service... reading comprehension issad for some of you dudes
Originally Posted by awash242

Originally Posted by T i c a l

I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%* themselves.

- Tical.

Why am I not surprised to find out you have a problem with this....

I don't know what that means, but I don't really care. I don't give a baker's @*@! about my community or helping people, especially whenit's for free. Time is money and not only do I have exams to study for, but I have rent and bills to pay so the governemnt can go pick up their own trashand paint their own houses.

- Tical.
For one , it isn't mandatory .

For two , what's wrong with working ? I'm in College &nd a few of my Professors has made us do Community Service for the class . That was mandatory, and that was for no pay at all . I'm underage , I'm not in the tax bracket , that $4000 is love to me . Even if it wasn't for $4000, I stillwouldn't have a problem doing it .

To get places , you HAD to have done Community Service SOMEWHERE . To get in a good college , chances are you had to have Community Service on your record , Iknow I had to .

For three , I wish they had this in my Middle School . You people don't understand ... kids these days are spoiled &nd don't understand hard work... I know I didn't at first . This is the problem with chilldren these days , their PARENTS . Years ago , parents wouldn't mind , they'd be like,"sure go ahead", while parents today don't WANT their children to help .

Stop crying .
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