Obama's community service plan

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by T i c a l

It's the principle of the thing. My government isn't going to tell me I have to do anything based solely on the fact that I'm in college when I'm paying to be there.

The thing is, I'll most likely be graduated by the time this idiotic policy would get put into effect anyway so all you do-gooders can have fun with it. You can come paint my house, weed my yard, and pick up the garbage on my street and I'll tell them what good samaritans you all are.

- Tical.
You ever take time to realize the world is bigger than you?
It's not, me and the people I know are all that matters. The world doesn't give a @@*$ about me, so why should I give a @@*$ about theworld?

- Tical.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by T i c a l

It's the principle of the thing. My government isn't going to tell me I have to do anything based solely on the fact that I'm in college when I'm paying to be there.

The thing is, I'll most likely be graduated by the time this idiotic policy would get put into effect anyway so all you do-gooders can have fun with it. You can come paint my house, weed my yard, and pick up the garbage on my street and I'll tell them what good samaritans you all are.

- Tical.
You ever take time to realize the world is bigger than you?
It's not, me and the people I know are all that matters. The world doesn't give a @@*$ about me, so why should I give a @@*$ about the world?

- Tical.
If that's how you wanna view it, good for you. But don't expect the government to adjust to the way you think

college is out of the picture for a lot of people, purely because of the cost...there is a bigger picture whether you acknowledge so or not.

All the people complaining about this are the people who can probably buy their way into whatever school they want to go to. That makes sense.
uh oh the OP skitz O has returned. let's tremble in fear as our country goes to hell. look out what will the antichrist do next!!!!

wait wait daytona 5000 is here too. he thinks his opinions are valid but judging from his avy and sig he only like his black leaders as militants. i hope youshare the same fate as X.

wait wait. Fede, i'm as real a doctor as doogie houser chimes in, ....

uh oh. grandmaster T-bone don't want it either.

Same ole character coming in to cry.

wheres wawajewawaa so u guys can complete this circle jerk.

U really think something like this will pass.

i'll spell it out for u.

just because yr pal Bush got away w abuse of power doesnt mean every prez wiill, even if Obama tries.

but but dem maj ftl.... shut yr mouth.

crybabies come in groups.

as far as i'm concern you collectively offer nothing to this couintry so go find a Dr. K and off it
Sorry, there's no way he's making me do anything to graduate. And since I'm paying for my own education and he's not, he can't make mesorry. I put my work in when I was in HS in order to get into a better college. I have my own volunteering to do at hospitals n such to get into med school. Idon't have time for that stuff in college.
you guys saying "i paid for this, i did work, i did this i did that, so i dont have to give back to the community, they didnt do $!+% for me"
you guy srealize most of u probably went to public schools, drive on public roads, and will receive scholarships funded by the government, so please.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

I am curious where all this money is going to come from.
That's what I said a few pages back. It's essentially coming from our own pockets or that of our parents. No school is going to give you atuition credit.
I am glad to see that Obama's people did a U-turn and changed from wanting to force young people into unpaid labor to incentivizing it.

Even if he did stick with forcing young people to "volunteer," NT, at this point in time, would still love the idea because they are either too oldto be forced to serve or they are young people who are still riding the wave of Obamamania. Right now he could enslave everyone in the country to build him hisown set of monuments and a large chunk of the country would gleefully march off into slavery.

Taken in isolation, it seems like their is nothing wrong with requiring community service because it is something that is noble to do. In the broader context,even a fairly mild form of coercion like requiring unpaid labor for a certain group of people sets the precedent that it is perfectly okay to make a claim onthe time and labor of a group based on how small its political clout is. The people who are most gung ho about this idea are the people who are not going to beforced to "volunteer." If we had the " Middle Aged Congressmen, Newsweek Staff, Major Newspaper Editors, University Professors and LawyersMandatory Service Act," we would not see such enthusiasm for forced labor on the part of opinion shapers.

edit: After checking some more of the comments all I can say is wow. You guys who are all for forced labor are acting like President Obama is reading and willbe handing out positions of authority in his government based on how loyal you guys sound.

It is not about being for or against community service it is about being for or against slavery. Yes it is slavery, it is serfdom, it is a labor tax in kind,it is a corvee, when you force someone, presumably under threat of punishment to do unpaid labor. This is a very mild form of forced labor but still the noseof the camel under the tent.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

But it is required...maybe YOU should step your comprehension game up, I said nothing about who it was required 4...I just said its wrong 2 force PEOPLE 2 do things, not HS students, college students, basket weaving class students...PEOPLE. You can't do it. Point blank period. If people wanna perform community service, great fine, cool, give them a blue star sticker 2 put on they shirt...but if they don't want 2, then they shouldn't have 2. All I said.

99% of kids don't want to go to school, but kids are still "forced to" by the government. so if you're gonna go with that argument, you should also argue that going to school should be optional, based on whether the kids "feel like" going or not.
Originally Posted by potus2028

*Fede DPT*
Well, change was what the Obama campaign was all about, right?
Fede literally has no credibility left on this forum... i wouldn't be cosigning him.

Son, it's no use in fighting with that dude. The Obama people CHANGED the website from yesterday. As I posted the original and the newly REVISED one last page.

it was brought to their attention that people might misinterpret the intent of the plan, so they changed it. what is the problem there?
you prove nothing with that. i know you got those pics from the Sean Hannity forums or something.

It's like saying "I will cut taxes for 95% of Americans." but instead not really giving a "TAX CUT" just a REBATE CHECK.

what the bloody hell are you talking about. the "rebate check" applies for workers who don't pay income taxes, but still pay payroll taxes. that way, the tax cut can cover everybody it is intended to.

People misinterpret? It's the TOTAL opposite of what he originally said. And honestly, I did not get those from Hannity's Forums.

Keep thinking that. Who do you think the $250 or family $500 checks are for? So not only is Obama going to give out "Stimulus" checks, he's going to raise taxes for the top 5% and cut for 95% while trying to balance the budget? First, the he's giving out check of money the country ALREADY doesn't have. Secondly, he wants to spend more on Public Entitlement. Third, to balance the budget he will have to tax ALOT more than only 35% to 39.6% for the top 5% or he'll tax a more broader population.

Listen, I want to support Obama, he's my president-elect. But, he's making it really hard for me to stand behind him, sorry.

Obama never said he was going to balance the budget. and no one is even expecting him to, because it would be next to impossible. Bush hascompletely @%+#%% us over. it would probably take the next 2-3 presidents to balance the budget.

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

I am glad to see that Obama's people did a U-turn and changed from wanting to force young people into unpaid labor to incentivizing it.

Even if he did stick with forcing young people to "volunteer," NT, at this point in time, would still love the idea because they are either too old to be forced to serve or they are young people who are still riding the wave of Obamamania. Right now he could enslave everyone in the country to build him his own set of monuments and a large chunk of the country would gleefully march off into slavery.

Taken in isolation, it seems like their is nothing wrong with requiring community service because it is something that is noble to do. In the broader context, even a fairly mild form of coercion like requiring unpaid labor for a certain group of people sets the precedent that it is perfectly okay to make a claim on the time and labor of a group based on how small its political clout is. The people who are most gung ho about this idea are the people who are not going to be forced to "volunteer." If we had the " Middle Aged Congressmen, Newsweek Staff, Major Newspaper Editors, University Professors and Lawyers Mandatory Service Act," we would not see such enthusiasm for forced labor on the part of opinion shapers.

edit: After checking some more of the comments all I can say is wow. You guys who are all for forced labor are acting like President Obama is reading and will be handing out positions of authority in his government based on how loyal you guys sound.

It is not about being for or against community service it is about being for or against slavery. Yes it is slavery, it is serfdom, it is a labor tax in kind, it is a corvee, when you force someone, presumably under threat of punishment to do unpaid labor. This is a very mild form of forced labor but still the nose of the camel under the tent.
if it is "forced labor", please explain how requiring PE to graduate from public school is not forced labor as well.
Originally Posted by knightlovesqueen

uh oh the OP skitz O has returned. let's tremble in fear as our country goes to hell. look out what will the antichrist do next!!!!

wait wait daytona 5000 is here too. he thinks his opinions are valid but judging from his avy and sig he only like his black leaders as militants. i hope you share the same fate as X.

wait wait. Fede, i'm as real a doctor as doogie houser chimes in, ....

uh oh. grandmaster T-bone don't want it either.

Same ole character coming in to cry.

wheres wawajewawaa so u guys can complete this circle jerk.

U really think something like this will pass.

i'll spell it out for u.

just because yr pal Bush got away w abuse of power doesnt mean every prez wiill, even if Obama tries.

but but dem maj ftl.... shut yr mouth.

crybabies come in groups.

as far as i'm concern you collectively offer nothing to this couintry so go find a Dr. K and off it
So much anger!
Originally Posted by T i c a l

It's the principle of the thing. My government isn't going to tell me I have to do anything based solely on the fact that I'm in college when I'm paying to be there.

The thing is, I'll most likely be graduated by the time this idiotic policy would get put into effect anyway so all you do-gooders can have fun with it. You can come paint my house, weed my yard, and pick up the garbage on my street and I'll tell them what good samaritans you all are.

- Tical.

I honestly don't agree with your views on public service and this policy, but I TOTALLY agree with what you just said...weird.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Next thing you know he's going to say 2 years of MILITARY SERVICE IS REQUIRED.

Come on, man. Be real.

Y'all kill me.

I know .

They need to redirect that anger towards Bush for sending our young men to war ALREADY .

But nah , they're crying about stuff that hasn't even happened yet .
"all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 oftheir college education is completely free."

what part of that says you're gonna be required to do it? it says if you do partake, there's an incentive. College students lives vary, so im sure theydont fully expect you to do it if you don't wish to. So as i see it, reading it with a clear comprehension of things as i always do, if you're acollege student, and dont want to do community service, nothing changes for you. As for the secondary students, you are forced to do other things you don'tlike to graduate anyways, so this is no big deal to me, especially if its something good. Going to a catholic school for part of my secondary education, i hadto do community service anyways. Only people i see having trouble with this are lazy/selfish kids.

PS. It is really sad how hate and bitterness can cloud your judgment and comprehension. Ive seen too much of that lately.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by dnob 04

Originally Posted by T i c a l

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by T i c a l

awash242 wrote:
Originally Posted by T i c a l

I'm paying for college, so anyone telling me that I have to do any amount of work that I don't want to do and am not getting paid for can go +$%* themselves.

- Tical.

Why am I not surprised to find out you have a problem with this....

I don't know what that means, but I don't really care. I don't give a baker's @*@! about my community or helping people, especially when it's for free. Time is money and not only do I have exams to study for, but I have rent and bills to pay so the governemnt can go pick up their own trash and paint their own houses.

- Tical.

just out of curiosity what race/ethnicity are you?

I ask because I think this is exactly what latinos/blacks need. Our biggest problem is that we don't give a f**k about our communities. I was reading a chapter in my Sociology book on Race/Ethnicity and it said that one reason that Asian Americans can boast about having the highest wages, and highest graduation rates is because of their sense of community. Apparently Asian immigrants adapt to their environment better and are more willing to help uplift their community.

The point is we expect our gov. to do everything for us when we aren't even willing to do sh*t for ourselves. Now of course this doesn't apply universally to all latinos/blacks, but I feel like it does apply to a lot of us. What is so wrong with giving back to our community? Do you not want to help others succeed? And yes helping serving our communities can help us succeed. I know a lot of kids that get into trouble because they don't know what else is out there or because their community is fool of kids with nothing to do but get into trouble. If we can help kids get out of that cycle than what is so wrong about that? Besides stuff like this looks great on resumes.

I'm white, but I don't see how race has anything to do with this. NT nowadays only sees in black and white and acts like there's a huge race war raging just because Obama was running.I DIDNT VOTE but had I voted it would've been for Obama because McCain was too much like Bush and had an amazingly dumb VP candidate. Race really doesn't have anything to do with not wanting to waste my time doing random @@$%+@+@ for a bunch of people I don't know when I can be working to better my own life through working FOR MONEY or studying for my college courses. No one besides my parents has done $@@$ for me to help me get to where I am so I don't see why I should go out of my way to do anything for anyone else especially when my time is so limited.

- Tical.
if you didnt vote, then you have no opinion. America will never reach its potential with selfish people like yourself. Did you not get hugged when you were a kid

You're right, I might not have a right to complain because I didn't vote, but I will become a resident of Mexico or Canada long before I pick up another person's trash or paint another person's house for free. The economy is in a +@+% hole and the government expects me to waste my time helping the community when I need to be earning money to live off of? You must be out of your !+$%##% mind.

- Tical.
are you ******ed? you would get killed in mexico and i was reading that canada has a lot of unemployment and high taxes. what does that mean? itmeans you will be working for other people to live because your tax money go to welfare, medicaid, medicare, etc. It will be the same thing as doing communityservice...actually even worse because community service takes a lot less from you cosidering you don't have to do it all your life and it requires less.While taxing on the other hand goes to stupid things like welfare, unemployment checks, medicare, medicaid, free health insurance. (sarcasm)

Anyway back to the point i was making before. This has to do a lot with race. Do you think because your white you deserve everything? Even if you do there aremany that do and what they and you don't realize that your well being was earned on the backs of minorities. Whether it was the advantages your given frombirth or the fact that immigrants are helping to sustain this economy by doing jobs that nobody else want's to do. The least you can do is give back tothose who are less fortunate regardless of what race they are. You talk about not having enough time to do anything besides things that benefit you, BUT pleasetell me how posting on NT benefits you? and im sure you don't study all day and night so im sure you have other free time to BS. So why not spend a liltime giving back?
I don't support McCain but the ignorance in here is overwhelming. The majority of you only know DEMOCRAT GOOD, REPUBLICAN BAD with no basis what so ever.

I'm taking 21 units right now while working and setting up a business. I have barely 10 hours a week of my own free time which I use to workout or spendtime with friends and squeeze out 30 minutes a day checking message boards. Frankly, I don't have time to fool around with community service unless I wantto be part of the living dead with 4 hours of sleep a night.

Yes, Obama is our president.
No, you don't have to agree with his every single action.
im ready to do mine i cant complain cuz i have to have a certain amount to graduate from my school anyway
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

"all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free."

what part of that says you're gonna be required to do it? it says if you do partake, there's an incentive. College students lives vary, so im sure they dont fully expect you to do it if you don't wish to. So as i see it, reading it with a clear comprehension of things as i always do, if you're a college student, and dont want to do community service, nothing changes for you. As for the secondary students, you are forced to do other things you don't like to graduate anyways, so this is no big deal to me, especially if its something good. Going to a catholic school for part of my secondary education, i had to do community service anyways. Only people i see having trouble with this are lazy/selfish kids.

PS. It is really sad how hate and bitterness can cloud your judgment and comprehension. Ive seen too much of that lately.

OP must not be in college cause dude obviously can't read!
"IF" IF IF IF IF its right there in black and white.
I can't believe yall are tripping over a community service plan. Mind you a plan public schools have already been using for years and something for collegethat will be used by students as much as work study is.
Wow and yall have the nerve to call the Obama supporters on here stupid and/or petty.
Right now he could enslave everyone in the country to build him his own set of monuments and a large chunk of the country would gleefully march off into slavery.

Give me a break, man. I'm sick of this argument.

Can't some people just have a dissenting opinion? A lot of schools already require some community service to graduate. Hell, I did about 3 hours a week inJHS. And that was back in the late '90s.

You can have your opinion, but please don't chalk up a different perspective to Obama's mind control.
Originally Posted by knightlovesqueen

uh oh the OP skitz O has returned. let's tremble in fear as our country goes to hell. look out what will the antichrist do next!!!!

wait wait daytona 5000 is here too. he thinks his opinions are valid but judging from his avy and sig he only like his black leaders as militants. i hope you share the same fate as X.

wait wait. Fede, i'm as real a doctor as doogie houser chimes in, ....

uh oh. grandmaster T-bone don't want it either.

Same ole character coming in to cry.

wheres wawajewawaa so u guys can complete this circle jerk.

U really think something like this will pass.

i'll spell it out for u.

just because yr pal Bush got away w abuse of power doesnt mean every prez wiill, even if Obama tries.

but but dem maj ftl.... shut yr mouth.

crybabies come in groups.

as far as i'm concern you collectively offer nothing to this couintry so go find a Dr. K and off it


I wont even address this.

not a fan of the revised plan

I think we're in for ALOT of revising during this administration.

Alot of people dont understand that Obama received ALOT of money from Far-Lefties. In politics you dont receive money for "nothing", with a Bluehouse and Senate, and with Rahm Emmanuel who is really Partisan, he's going to be tugged more left than centered, even if he wants to be centered.
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