Wrestling Thread Mar 21-27 | 3/25 Smackdown - Del Rio vs Christian, Barrett vs Kofi

And now it's your turn, [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Club29[/color].

Listen son.  I'm not going to come out here and bury the rest of the talent in the NTWT because God knows we have a lot of it here.  But I'm not going to cut some goofy promo like Hypercutter.  I'm not going to dance around like a fool like Tennhouse.  With me, there's no gimmicks needed.  I'm going to shoot straight with you, so listen up.

You come in here running your mouth, making brash posts, thinking you're the big boy on the block.  I got news for your Club, no one is knocking me off my throne at the top of the Niketalk Wrestling Thread.  I built this place.  The Niketalk Wrestling Thread is 4wrestling, and 4wrestling is the Niketalk Wrestling Thread.  Neither exists without the other, and without the other, neither can exist.

No one here likes you.  Don't kid yourself.  You may think you play the cool, cocky bad guy, but really, you just come off as a rat bastard.  There's a reason you post in yellow.  It's because you're a [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]coward[/color].  No one has ever respected a coward, and respect is one thing you will never have.  I've built my name off dedication and hard work in this thread, month after month, year after year.  I will NOT let you come in here and disrespect me like you have.  You may think this is a game, but trust me son, this is not a game.  I take the Niketalk Wrestling Thread damn seriously.

You can play in fantasy land pretending you're Anderson Silva or Jack Swagger, but come April 3rd, I'm going to knock you back to reality.  No more excuses.  No more running.  In two weeks, you're mine.

I was really hoping 4/11/11 would be a friday so sole's theme could be ...

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If he's Jericho, then he needs to remember Jericho jobbed to the one man rock band. He's in for a DAMN rude awakening.


Why yes Heath, I am the man.
It's a few days old, but I figured I would still post it since JNSQ usually does.

BTW what the hell is a ninong?
Glad I didnt watch last night after reading how bad it was on here. Thanks for keeping me in the loop!
the burial of kofi kingston continues

i wonder if theres backstage heat on him
SmackDown Spoilers from Columbus.

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* Booker T comes out to an amazing pop. Cole comes out to heat.

* Smackdown starts off with a backstage segment where Teddy Long is telling Edge that if he or Alberto Del Rio touch either other before Wrestlemania they will both be banned from the event.

* Rey Mysterio b. CM Punk
- Rey had a quick start to the match then missed a flying cross body allowing CM to control. Punk mainly focusing attacks on the ribs of Rey. Eventually he goes for an attack off the ropes but Rey countered with a dropkick to gain the upper-hand. Rey hit CM with an Asia moonsault. Cody Rhodes comes in as a distraction and the match ends in disqualification. Rey is helped out of the ring by officials.

* Edge and Christian are shown backstage. Edge says he's still going to be in the corner for Christian tonight. He walks away.

* Edge vs. Drew McIntyre
- As soon as the bell ring Edge goes after Drew. Drew quickly gains the upper-hand working on Edge's arm. Edge eventually gains control and wins via his finished. After the match Edge connects with a spear.

* Lay-Cool b. Rosa Mendez & Kelly Kelly
- Layla has the Snooki hair do and they were both fist pumping they are also not even wearing their ring gear. Rosa and Kelly go straight for the attack. Quick match ending when Layla hits a reverse neck breaker for the win. After the match Laycool cut a quick promo saying that their opponents for Wrestlemania are no challenge.

* Wade Barrett b. Kofi Kingston to win the Intercontinental Championship.
- Kofi was going for trouble in paradise but ref got distracted. He connected trouble on heath allowing Wade to hit wasteland following a pinfall. After the match Justin hit a 450 splash.

* Teddy Long & Albero Del Rio are backstage.

* Undertaker is on stage cutting a promo. He says that Triple H has figured out how to win. He then says he can't wait till Monday to tell Triple H what he thinks.

Jack Swagger beat R-Truth. Swagger won with the ankle lock in three minutes. Swagger and Cole took a victory lap after the match

Christian (w/Edge) defeated Alberto Del Rio (w/Ricardo Rodriguez, Brodus Clay). Del Rio delivered some nasty leg kicks early on. He got in Edge's face and encouraged him to smack him. Christian had the match won, but Ricardo put Del Rio's leg on the ropes. Christian came back and won with the Killswitch. Edge teased hitting Del Rio with a chair, but Christian hit Del Rio with the chair instead.
I don't think it's been posted here yet. There is no Smackdown taping next week. Next week's Smackdown (2 days before Mania) will just be a video recap show along with footage from WrestleMania Axxess. So the tapings from last night are the last Smackdown show before Mania. So no Christian in the main event, although he still may screw Edge.

my son saw that, when he saw andre the giant (his favorite wrestler other than rey mysterio) he got mad juiced.
he'll be getting it soon.
I don't even think Kofi has heat. Why does he have heat? Because he's losing? It's part of the business. He's featured in all of their merchandising and I don't see them shying away from putting him on TV. I just think they need him to get other guys over.

DiBiase on the other hand..
And now it's your turn, Club29.

Listen son.  I'm not going to come out here and bury the rest of the talent in the NTWT because God knows we have a lot of it here.  But I'm not going to cut some goofy promo like Hypercutter.  I'm not going to dance around like a fool like Tennhouse.  With me, there's no gimmicks needed.  I'm going to shoot straight with you, so listen up.

You come in here running your mouth, making brash posts, thinking you're the big boy on the block.  I got news for your Club, no one is knocking me off my throne at the top of the Niketalk Wrestling Thread.  I built this place.  The Niketalk Wrestling Thread is 4wrestling, and 4wrestling is the Niketalk Wrestling Thread.  Neither exists without the other, and without the other, neither can exist.

No one here likes you.  Don't kid yourself.  You may think you play the cool, cocky bad guy, but really, you just come off as a rat bastard.  There's a reason you post in yellow.  It's because you're a coward.  No one has ever respected a coward, and respect is one thing you will never have.  I've built my name off dedication and hard work in this thread, month after month, year after year.  I will NOT let you come in here and disrespect me like you have.  You may think this is a game, but trust me son, this is not a game.  I take the Niketalk Wrestling Thread damn seriously.

You can play in fantasy land pretending you're Anderson Silva or Jack Swagger, but come April 3rd, I'm going to knock you back to reality.  No more excuses.  No more running.  In two weeks, you're mine.



You've activated my trap card.

You see Jesse, its imperative that you understand one thing: Im not trying to knock you off your precious little throne.

No one is! What would the fun be in that? It would be like WWE without Vince.

And thats what I see you as! the V-Mac of NTWT

But remember when V-Mac put the title on himself? Or booked himself in the oh-so many main events that he did? People thought it was a joke.

Your inability to let your "baby" evolve has led you to believe that you're better than you really are.

And come 'Mania, im going to show you that you're as mediocre as an Homebrelobo promo ( <3 you HL)

The whole point of what I said wasnt to put anyone down. I just knew that with the right ammo, I could really set off your guns and make you come at me (bro) with all the ferocity you have.

The most fun i've ever had is breaking someone when they're giving it everything they got.

So say what you will about me burying the roster: my focus isnt them. My focus is not just beating you, but destroying you.

I remember once during a sparring match i cut someone's eyebrow open with my elbow, requiring 8 stitches.

In a way i felt bad, for having done that to him.

But in many ways, a part of me was excited! Excited at the idea that a part of that fella's soul now belonged to me.

Everyday for the rest of his life he would look in the mirror and gawk at his humongous gash on his face. He would immediately think of one person at that time.


Until the day that the Grim Reaper would call his name, I was now a part of his identity; I was a part of how people looked at him, and acted around him.

See I dont want to make a gash on your face, I want to make a gash in the very core of your inner being.

So that every day you wake up and you remember that on that night, the superior man won.

Come 'Mania, im gonna make sure ive done everything in my power to motivate you to come at me with your very best.

And then im going to cackle with great satisfaction when it flat out wasnt good enough.

Cute cats, bud!

It'd be a shame for this "rat bastard" to get ahold of them somehow....a real shame.

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Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I don't even think Kofi has heat. Why does he have heat? Because he's losing? It's part of the business. He's featured in all of their merchandising and I don't see them shying away from putting him on TV. I just think they need him to get other guys over.

DiBiase on the other hand..

kofi has been on a losing streak since winning the belt. not to mention, all of his merchandise is 80% at the wwe shop site
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I don't even think Kofi has heat. Why does he have heat? Because he's losing? It's part of the business. He's featured in all of their merchandising and I don't see them shying away from putting him on TV. I just think they need him to get other guys over.

DiBiase on the other hand..

kofi has been on a losing streak since winning the belt. not to mention, all of his merchandise is 80% at the wwe shop site

If you've been watching his matches on SmackDown the announcers are continuously making note of his losing streak. To me that says they are 1: Going somewhere with this. Or 2: Conditioning the fans to get used to him being a lower mid-carder. Only time will tell. Non of that means he has heat, though. It's just the nature of the business. Not everyone can be winning, or a top guy.


@ Club. Getting the kitties involved? This is getting personal.

SideNote- Last call (No Scott Hall) for someone to step up for GM. I've been in talks with 4W regarding NTWT Mania. We will be splitting costs for software and I will be running said software. In addition the NTWT Mania card will be solidified by this weekend so everyone can get their promos set for next week.

What do you guys think about that All Stars game?

It looks mad fun, I love games that dont take themselves too seriously.
^ I'll probably be renting it. It looks like it would be fun to sit down and play after a bowl, or beer. I doubt it will have much replay value, though.
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