Wrestling Thread Mar 21-27 | 3/25 Smackdown - Del Rio vs Christian, Barrett vs Kofi

the WWE being his home. Cornball.
Why the hell was Cena holding up an imaginary microphone?

"Jack Wagons"
Cena has to know deep down inside that he's a cornball and pure garbage...he just has to.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

and last week's ending is completely erased for me...

Pretty much.

Forget Cole, Cena is the ultimate troll in WWE and has been for a while.
Quick thoughts....

Overall, a 3/10 show.  The only highlight for me was once again Lawler and Cole.

Cena/Miz.  Flat/boring.

HHH's promo.  Boring.  The video package was pretty good, but it was too far over the top.

Orton getting interviewed at his tour bus was the most obvious foreshadowing ever.

Core vs Kane/Show, have no interested.

Sheamus squashing Evan Bourne and laying out Bryan.  All too rushed.

Morrison/Ziggler/Divas.  A whatever segment.

Not a positive show.  The Rock has a LOT of work to do next week.
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