Teixeira to Yankees...

Teixeira is a once in a decade player. A gold glove switch hitting middle of the order hitter at the age of 28. $180 million contract isnt out of context for that type of player. Not ofter to players of his caliber combined with his age come along. The Nationals and Orioles were both in on the negotiations and right in range with the Yankees offer, that just shows you how much value he has.

This isnt your typical free agent signing and I would expect anyone to get a deal like this in the near future. The only possibilities I could think of would be Joe Mauer and Grady Sizemore.
We're happy for Tex.

I suppose Jeter's contract, Arod's, Giambi's, Pavanos, Sheffield's, Damon's etc all were fair and balanced as well relative to what theygot out of it (obviously some were - Jeter, etc).

Face it, the market for all level of players keeps getting drivin up by the same teams, and the rest of the MLB continues to fall further behind. When you doget the one odd team making an insane offer it is realistically their only offer they can make like that for 5 years and they do it because they want tocompete at least one time on a player.

But i look at teams like the Twins who for all their faults (and i have many with them) offer their own pitcher Santana $100 mil and it was laughed at by theagents (gee where did he end up?), or the Brewers offering Sabathia around $100 mil (gee where did he end up?) and everyone knew they had no chance, or theIndians even trading Sabathia by the deadline because they knew their money would not be in his ballpark. Yada yada.

No hate on the Yankees, the topic is the system. I fault everyone in it, yes including the owners of certain small market teams.
Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

Originally Posted by RyGuy45

So the Yankees "overpaid" by $10 million which is actually $1.5 million a year more? Please
When the market is set by the same 3-4 teams yes you are probably going to get some people saying they overpaid.

But hey, we are at a point now in baseball where teams can offer $100 mil + contracts to their own players and they aren't even in the ballpark.

In better news these contracts also mean we just increase the numbers even more next year and so on, can't wait for the 25 MLB teams who can't even offer $160 mil to their superstars without getting the door slammed on them.
Teixeira is a once in a decade player. A gold glove switch hitting middle of the order hitter at the age of 28. $180 million contract isnt out of context for that type of player. Not ofter to players of his caliber combined with his age come along. The Nationals and Orioles were both in on the negotiations and right in range with the Yankees offer, that just shows you how much value he has.

This isnt your typical free agent signing and I would expect anyone to get a deal like this in the near future. The only possibilities I could think of would be Joe Mauer and Grady Sizemore.
What about David Wright or Jose Reyes, they will be 27 and 26 respectively when their contracts are up
Im talking about players that would realistically become free agents. I would assume the Mets would resign both, although if they didnt they would both reach the $200+ range with Wright probably coming close to A-Rod money.

I hope your right about the Mets resigning both

I truly believe that it will come down to Mets and Dodgers for Manny
Not directed towards you, just the countless amount of people saying the Yankees overpaid for what is arguably a top 5 talent in baseball.

Do you think it is worth it to the Yankees to pay him $1.5 million more a year than let him go to a division rival? He swings the balance of power in the best divsion in baseball to us in our mind. Say Boston did land him, the Yankees have to react and sign Manny to a 3 year deal when he is already 38. Now the Red Sox cant get what would have been our consolation prize since Manny wont go there.
For my money, I wouldn't pay Teixeira that much money... And while I don't think he's worth 23 million a year, it's hard to screamabout how they overpaid when that's what the market dictated...

But no, I don't fault the Yanks for topping the highest offer to keep him away from Boston... They've got the money. They can afford to take on severalmonster contracts like this... Don't see how you blame them for it...
I'm saying we can't be the evil empire until we win in October, and Cashman has more work to do. LET'S GO YANKEES clap clap clap clap clap
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

But no, I don't fault the Yanks for topping the highest offer to keep him away from Boston... They've got the money. They can afford to take on several monster contracts like this... Don't see how you blame them for it...
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

But no, I don't fault the Yanks for topping the highest offer to keep him away from Boston... They've got the money. They can afford to take on several monster contracts like this... Don't see how you blame them for it...
Yup that is true.
Obviously he's not close to Arod or Manny money but since he was the best offensive FA this offseason, supply and demand.
I hear you. We definitely need to perform in Oct.

There's no excuse for the past few years.

This is a good start, though.
Originally Posted by NikeAirBound

I'm saying we can't be the evil empire until we win in October, and Cashman has more work to do. LET'S GO YANKEES clap clap clap clap clap
cashman has done enough. if y'all can't win it with this team, it's pretty pathetic.
I feel like the yankees are destroying baseball, for me at least. Im a huge baseball fan and i dont even want to watch whats going to happen this season. Givethem there rings now cause Manny is going to sign there too. Does anyone else feel this way. Im just not excited about the upcoming season at all now.
This is why football must have a salary cap. How can the Yankees lose with this lineup? These aren't aging stars they are acquiring like they have in thepast.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

This is why football must have a salary cap. How can the Yankees lose with this lineup? These aren't aging stars they are acquiring like they have in the past.
Nope... These are three high-quality players in themiddle of their primes...
Thsi could shape up to be a dominating year for you guys.


Possibly the most EPIC FAIL known to man.

Only time will tell But I would like to see the latter.


Tex about to join in the fun with A-Rod & CC

[JD] In the Ferrari or jaguar, switchin' four lanes, Wit' the top down screaming out Money ain't a thang [/JD]
This is bull %#+*!

And only cuz it's not the Mets doing it.

We better swoop in and get Manny now.
Yanks spending money like crazy. Is it worth it just to be a mediocre team with an all-star lineup?
Originally Posted by auright

Yanks spending money like crazy. Is it worth it just to be a mediocre team with an all-star lineup?
Mediocre huh? Season's already done?
And yeah it'll be worth it to the people spending HUGE money on season tickets....
Dudes still acting like this is a bad move by the Yankees, but please tell me what's wrong with fielding the best team possible.

I'd really like to know.
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