Teixeira to Yankees...

the fact of the matter is that the yankees are in win now mode. they cant wait for a whole bunch of seasons for prospects. they're trying to git r done alamimami heat
Small market teams should actually thank the Yankees. Signing Tex means Manny has no where to go and might have to take a lesser deal somewhere else. Thatmeans Dunn, Burell and Bradley might come cheap to many teams.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

What I posted in the other Teixera post about a week ago.
At the mercy of sounding like im hating on the Yankees. They are the reason players get overpaid. Granted other teams have gone this route recently but it was the Yankees who started overpaying, and now other teams start high because they are scared that the Yankees can swoop in at anytime and just pick whoever they want. Prices will continue to soar until MLB puts a salary cap on it. Because it will only get worse when say Puljos is a free agent. Because Tex is gonna cash in Puljos who is better will Get an astronomical amount for his contract. It is starting to get ridiculous but the MLB is at fault as well for letting it get this out of hand.

The Yankees didn't do this... Tom Hicks blew the top off it when he offered A-Rod 10 years and a quarter billion dollars...

I think it's ridiculous that Mark Teixeira is getting paid this much money, but I don't fault the Yankees for doing everything they can to get the mosttalented players available... They aren't breaking any rules... They're putting together the most talented roster they can by any means necessary...Whether they win with it or not is to be determined...

And I think it's worth mentioning, but Mark Teixeira was one of the most outspoken guys in the Rangers clubhouse about how happy he was that Alex Rodriguezhad been traded... If I remember correctly, he went as far as calling A-Rod a prima donna and saying he felt with Alex out of the clubhouse, the team couldrelax a lot more and be in a better position to win more ball games...
Interesting how things work out, huh?
The earliest many Yankees prospects can be ready for the big leagues is 2009 and 2010...more likely 2010
Originally Posted by JoE TwEnTy1

It seems as though all the offers where around the same and Tex choose the Yankees over everyone else.

And how if he signed for Boston or Washington for the same money its not over paying but for us it is?
Didnt say that what so ever. If you had been keeping up with the other post everyone is saying he is getting overpaid. Except for Jrain thinkinghe was goin to the nationals for 200 million. If he signed with us ida said the same thing, but woulda been happy just like you guys are because in baseballif youve got the money you can spend it with no penalty. Yankee fans just take it easy
[table][tr][td]Seasonal Averages (per 162 games played)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]YEARS[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]AB[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]H[/td] [td]2B[/td] [td]3B[/td] [td]HR[/td] [td]RBI[/td] [td]BB[/td] [td]SO[/td] [td]SB[/td] [td]CS[/td] [td]AVG[/td] [td]OBP[/td] [td]SLG[/td] [td]OPS[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5.58[/td] [td]162[/td] [td]612[/td] [td]101[/td] [td]177[/td] [td]40[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]36[/td] [td]121[/td] [td]79[/td] [td]124[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]1[/td] [td].290[/td] [td].378[/td] [td].541[/td] [td].919[/td] [/tr][/table]
919 OPS would put Tex at 5th best in the AL last year (aka 919 avg OPS = GOOD)
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Why get so stuck on the fact that he's overpaid.
What difference does it really make?
and people saying NY-ers will be calling for his head.... please.... have you not seen our team lately??
The Yankees should be fine even if he just starts off doing "alright" (he AVERAGES 36 HR like 115 RBI)
1. Damon- LF
2. Jeter- SS
3. A-Rod- 3B
4. Tex- 1B
5. Matsui- DH
6. Nady- RF
7. Posada- C
8. Cano- 2B
9. Melky-CF


You forgot Swisher.

There is no point in getting hung up on the contract and all that. We paid what we had to get him.
Definitely makes our defense better. I can't say it's going to make us win, becuase it seems like none of these FA we have signed make us win.

I think Hank is proving he just wants to try to get the best players at every position he can.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Teix favored us all along?

It was then learned that Teixeira had favored the Yankees all along and according to sources he conveyed that to them this week.

I knew it! I had a feeling he did.... that's why he waited so long!
He was just waiting for Cashman to make a deal, knew it.

Welcome to NY Tex
Originally Posted by bkmac

Teix favored us all along?

It was then learned that Teixeira had favored the Yankees all along and according to sources he conveyed that to them this week.
http://www.nydailynews.co...n_eightyear_deal_wit.html href="http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/b...yankees_closing_in_on_eightyear_deal_wit.html" target=_blank>http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/b...yankees_closing_in_on_eightyear_deal_wit.htmlhttp://www.nydailynews.co...n_eightyear_deal_wit.html


Please tell me you don't even slightly believe that... Funny that only comes out AFTER the Angels pull their offer and the Red Sox stopped talkingto Scott Boras for a week...


Please tell me you don't even slightly believe that... Funny that only comes out AFTER the Angels pull their offer and the Red Sox stopped talking to Scott Boras for a week...

Seriously. There's only one thing that Boras and Teix favored and that's money. The Yankees were the only team willing to pony up thatmuch cash and that's why he went to NY.

Please tell me you don't even slightly believe that... Funny that only comes out AFTER the Angels pull their offer and the Red Sox stopped talking to Scott Boras for a week...

I believe it's definitely true..... why would he have waited this long to sign????
And if you believe the Red Sox pulled their offer or stopped talking to Boras & didn't want him............ I got a Brooklyn Bridge to sell you

Originally Posted by MFr3shM

Teixeira is a beast he will do a greater job than Giambi.
That's for damn sure...
A power hitting 1B with a good avg

And gold glove defense??

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

By the way
@ Red Sox Nation

yall just got JACKED!


They are STILL the better team regardless

If you guys dont make the WS with this team,
Originally Posted by TBONE95860


Please tell me you don't even slightly believe that... Funny that only comes out AFTER the Angels pull their offer and the Red Sox stopped talking to Scott Boras for a week...

I believe it's definitely true..... why would he have waited this long to sign????
And if you believe the Red Sox pulled their offer or stopped talking to Boras & didn't want him............ I got a Brooklyn Bridge to sell you

I never said I thought the Red Sox pulled their offer... But whatever that offer was, they had reached their limit and told Boras it was take it or leave it...I don't doubt for one second they stopped negotiating with Boras after they visited Teixiera in Texas for that couple of days... It wouldn't be thefirst time they have attempted to call Boras' bluff on the "We've got a mystery team offering X years at Y dollar amount" bull crap...

He waited this long to sign because he was trying to squeeze every dollar he possibly could out of the Yankees or Red Sox... He knew damn well the Yankees werefeeling out the market and would jump in at the last minute with a huge offer if they felt the Red Sox were getting close to a decision... Even as early asthis morning, everything reported said he was close to a decision, and the Yankees hadn't even made a firm offer... I guarantee you what it came down tois, the Red Sox didn't offer the $184 million everybody thought they had, and Teixeira started the "Oh, I prefer the Yankees, but the Red Sox have thehighest offer" crap to spin off more money...

You seriously believe he preferred the Yankees the whole time and it just happened to be the Red Sox that Teixeira was having the most heated negotiationswith?
Yeah, right... Teixeira and Boras played the Yankees and Red Sox off of each other and went to the highest bidder...
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