Real Talk: What are Your Views of Homosexuality

Originally Posted by khadafi252

i am VERY tolerant of it. if people of the same gender love each other, then hell, go for it. love and companionship is one of the most powerful things someone could experience. why deprive someone of that, whether straight or homosexual?

and this is real talk. i think homophobes of the scum of the earth and if it were legal to, i would murder EVERY SINGLE ONE I CAME ACROSS. especially you homophobe idiots on niketalk.
Calm down there buddy. In through your mouth, out through your nose.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

i read all that and agreed with it until u bought the corny !%! bible quotes. **** with that.
What didn't you like about the "bible quotes"? Do you disagree with it? Do you not believe in the bible? Express yourself don'tjust say ****.
They're cool in my book. I never chose to be straight so I can only believe that its the same for them. They should have equal rights and people shouldmind their own business in things that don't negatively affect them.
IMO Being Gay is a Choice...They Had to Go Through Something When They Were Young to CHOOSE to be Gay.

I Dont Believe in Being Gay was Through Genes and All That Stuff...If So...Why Has a Rising Population or People Now, are Gay and Not back then?

If Gays Were To Exist in the Beginning....Wouldnt there Be ALOT More Gays Now?
I have nothing against homosexuality. I understand that some guys feel like girls, hence your male divas (e.g. - Kanye West), and that some girls feel likeguys, etc. I'll never know what it is like to feel that you are a woman trapped in a man's body or vice versa.

My personal stance? I don't really enjoy the company of gay males that act like females, with assumed high pitch voices and the hand waving and over allflamboyancy. Again, if that is what feels natural to them, that's fine, but it can still annoy me. If I am to be in the company of gay males, I'drather them just act like men. A gay man can still be tough and rugged, not tender and fragile.

So what it boils down to for me - men should act like men, gay or not. The sexual preference does not bother me, but the demeanor does.
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

IMO Being Gay is a Choice...They Had to Go Through Something When They Were Young to CHOOSE to be Gay.

I Dont Believe in Being Gay was Through Genes and All That Stuff...If So...Why Has a Rising Population or People Now, are Gay and Not back then?

If Gays Were To Exist in the Beginning....Wouldnt there Be ALOT More Gays Now?

There has been homosexuals since the beginning of record history. Although they was never any census of gays I'm assuming it was probably the samepercentage as now.

Wouldnt there Be ALOT More Gays Now
Homosexuality isn't a contagious disease man.

Originally Posted by eaalto

I have nothing against homosexuality. I understand that some guys feel like girls, hence your male divas (e.g. - Kanye West), and that some girls feel like guys, etc. I'll never know what it is like to feel that you are a woman trapped in a man's body or vice versa.

My personal stance? I don't really enjoy the company of gay males that act like females, with assumed high pitch voices and the hand waving and over all flamboyancy. Again, if that is what feels natural to them, that's fine, but it can still annoy me. If I am to be in the company of gay males, I'd rather them just act like men. A gay man can still be tough and rugged, not tender and fragile.

So what it boils down to for me - men should act like men, gay or not. The sexual preference does not bother me, but the demeanor does.
I would assume whatever makes them gay is the same thing that makes them effeminate.

Do ya'll think it's a coincident that almost all gays, across the world act effeminate...or "acting like a female."

I'm really too lazy to find any evidence backing this up. But I find it really hard to swallow that all gays, especially from all different cultures ,actthat way just to prove their gay... or whatever maybe the reason you think they act that way.
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

IMO Being Gay is a Choice...They Had to Go Through Something When They Were Young to CHOOSE to be Gay.

I Dont Believe in Being Gay was Through Genes and All That Stuff...If So...Why Has a Rising Population or People Now, are Gay and Not back then?

If Gays Were To Exist in the Beginning....Wouldnt there Be ALOT More Gays Now?
nothing happened to me when i was younger. i was quite ''normal'' infact.. so kill that noise.
homosexuals have always existed.. just because they didn't make themselves known like a lot of us do today doesnt meant they weren't alive and well.
If homosexuality was encoded on a gene, like the OP or someone said, then there would be no homosexuals today. period point blank
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

IMO Being Gay is a Choice...They Had to Go Through Something When They Were Young to CHOOSE to be Gay.

I Dont Believe in Being Gay was Through Genes and All That Stuff...If So...Why Has a Rising Population or People Now, are Gay and Not back then?

If Gays Were To Exist in the Beginning....Wouldnt there Be ALOT More Gays Now?

There has been homosexuals since the beginning of record history. Although they was never any census of gays I'm assuming it was probably the same percentage as now.

Wouldnt there Be ALOT More Gays Now
Homosexuality isn't a contagious disease man.

Originally Posted by eaalto

I have nothing against homosexuality. I understand that some guys feel like girls, hence your male divas (e.g. - Kanye West), and that some girls feel like guys, etc. I'll never know what it is like to feel that you are a woman trapped in a man's body or vice versa.

My personal stance? I don't really enjoy the company of gay males that act like females, with assumed high pitch voices and the hand waving and over all flamboyancy. Again, if that is what feels natural to them, that's fine, but it can still annoy me. If I am to be in the company of gay males, I'd rather them just act like men. A gay man can still be tough and rugged, not tender and fragile.

So what it boils down to for me - men should act like men, gay or not. The sexual preference does not bother me, but the demeanor does.
I would assume whatever makes them gay is the same thing that makes them effeminate.

Do ya'll think it's a coincident that almost all gays, across the world act effeminate...or "acting like a female."

I'm really too lazy to find any evidence backing this up. But I find it really hard to swallow that all gays, especially from all different cultures ,act that way just to prove their gay... or whatever maybe the reason you think they act that way.

Well my case in point is that not all gay males are effeminate. There are plenty that act like normal guys, they just prefer to sleep with men. I'm talking about the overly flamboyant gay guys. I worked with one that spoke in an assumed high pitch voice. It was not his natural voice. He assumedit. He spoke that way all the time in public, but it was not his natural voice. If he were to speak naturally, he wouldn't sound so effeminate. He TRIESto sound effeminate, he DOESN'T NATURALLY sound that way. Do you catch my drift? I don't care that he sucks off men and takes it in the butt, Ireally don't. But I get annoyed by the fact that he goes out of his way to assume a high pitched voice and act overly feminine.
If homosexuality was encoded on a gene, like the OP or someone said, then there would be no homosexuals today. period point blank

That is the dumbest +$*! I have ever heard. That is like saying since a lot of times, cancer comes to a person genetically, that it shouldn't exist. Iswear people who are anti-gay have the most unsound arguments out there. I REALLY want to see you try to defend what you just said. Homosexuality is NOT achoice FOR THE MOST PART. I am not denying there are people out there who through their enviroment, choose to be gay. BUT AT THE SAME TIME, A LOT OFHOMOSEXUALS ARE GENETICALLY PROGRAMMED THAT WAY. TELL ME THE LAST TIME YOU CHOSE TO BE STRAIGHT?
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

IMO Being Gay is a Choice...They Had to Go Through Something When They Were Young to CHOOSE to be Gay.

I Dont Believe in Being Gay was Through Genes and All That Stuff...If So...[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Why Has a Rising Population or People Now, are Gay and Not back then?[/color]

If Gays Were To Exist in the Beginning....Wouldnt there Be ALOT More Gays Now?
All quoted from:

  • "Many historical figures, including Socrates, Lord Byron, Edward II, Hadrian, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci, and Christopher Marlowe had romantic or sexual relationships with people of their own sex."
  • "E. E. Evans-Pritchard also recorded that male Azande warriors (in the northern Congo) routinely took on boy-wives between the ages of twelve and twenty, who helped with household tasks and participated in intercrural sex with their older husbands."
  • "Homosexual and transgender individuals were also common among other pre-conquest civilizations in Latin America, such as the Aztecs, Mayans, Quechas, Moches, Zapotecs, and the Tupinambá of Brazil."
  • "In East Asia, same-sex love has been referred to since the earliest recorded history."
  • "The earliest Western documents (in the form of literary works, art objects, as well as mythographic materials) concerning same-sex relationships are derived from ancient Greece."
  • "In Ancient Rome the situation was reversed. Though the young male body remained a focus of male sexual attention, free boys were off limits as sexual partners. All the emperors with the exception of Claudius took male lovers."
I think to me, it just doesn't make sense. Between the choice of a man or a woman...I'm going with the woman. Men are disgusting. Like, who would want that?

But in my opinion homosexuality is all natural. It has been a part of human existence for a VERY long time. It didnt just start with flamboyant dudes. Whoeverstates that gays cant be married due to the whole men with women thing, they need to explain where they aquire their grasp of marriage. If they ge it from thebible, they must understand that there is a seperation of church and state (or so we think
) in the U.S. Therefore any gender can get amrried to any gender.

Sometines im in the school that think that life experiences determine sexuality. If your a male conditioned to like females, you will. If your a maleconditoned to like females, but gets raped/molested by a man, there is some chance that your own sexuality will become blurred and you will be unsure.

Sometimes you just dont have a choice in what your brain wants you to like, its impossible. You may not have choice in having these feelings. But you do have achoice if decide to act upon the feelings.
I gotta be honest. I only read the OPs post and the few after that.

But I feel that homosexualtiy is innate aka you're born with it. Why would anyone want to endure the lashings from society that homosexuality brings? Notme. I have had friends good/bad that are straight/gay. And I have no problem with it. My father is extremely homophobic. I just think thats part of the way hegrew up though, in the south, not very accepting of differences, whatever. I however, grew up in Southern California, grew up with people on both sides of thefence. I am a devout catholic. I go to church every sunday and try to follow the reliegion as much as I can. But i really do think homosexuality isnt a choice.

I live in CA, like I said before. And personally, I think Prop 8 is discrimination against homosexuals. Thats just me though...
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

IMO Being Gay is a Choice...They Had to Go Through Something When They Were Young to CHOOSE to be Gay.
do you have any evidence or testimonies, maybe even your own, that there was some sort of conscious choice in sexual orientation? provide proof.
I Dont Believe in Being Gay was Through Genes and All That Stuff...If So...Why Has a Rising Population or People Now, are Gay and Not back then?
science has not pin pointed the exact reason for homosexuality but science has cornered the influences. they are: environmental, emotional,hormonal, and biological factors. it is not genetic or in our DNA (human genome already mapped, no gay gene) so that is why Gays have not "raised inpopulation."
If Gays Were To Exist in the Beginning....Wouldnt there Be ALOT More Gays Now?
read above
Originally Posted by socaking

I think Prop 8 is discrimination against homosexuals. Thats just me though...
How can you "think" that denying people rights is discrimination? Its the truth.
Youre playing my words. I guess I should have said. "its definitely a discrimination"
and I believe that. And to add to the fire. it was 49% to 51% in favor of prop 8. How is that the majority?
Religion and people who misinterpret the writings play a big part in descrimination of homosexuals. I'm Christian and the way the "Christian"community act towards homosexuals sometimes sickens me.
What i dont get is when people say that your born with it... If your born gay than why are some people bisexuals? Another thing... I have a ? For all thoseheterosexuals that come on here trying to stick up for gay people and @%!# on people who dont agree with homosexuality... If you are about to have a baby rightnow and you can choose if you want your baby to be gay or not, which would you choose? Please dont give me the *%*%%#%+ answer " id love my child eitherway," because thats not what im asking.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

What i dont get is when people say that your born with it... If your born gay than why are some people bisexuals? Another thing... I have a ? For all those heterosexuals that come on here trying to stick up for gay people and @%!# on people who dont agree with homosexuality... If you are about to have a baby right now and you can choose if you want your baby to be gay or not, which would you choose? Please dont give me the *%*%%#%+ answer " id love my child either way," because thats not what im asking.
Some people are bi for the same reason some are gay, they were born like that. I'm assuming of course,but that was be the only conclusion I could come to.
I dont @$#! all over people who dont agree, just shake my head and keep it moving. But, because I stick up for gay peoples rights, I'll bite and answeryour question...
If I were having a child right now, I'd choose for him/her to be straight. Not because I would be ashamed, scared, ordisapointed, but because I'd be able to communicate with him/her easier, help them through any relationship problems or questions easier, and know how whatthey were thinking and going through all around. If he/she were gay, it'd be a lot tougher to help them grow and learn, not because of them, but because Icant connect as easy. And I'd still love my child either way.

Now I have a question to all the Christian people who hate gay people, or oppose homosexuality. My bad in advance if theres something in the Bible sayinghomosexuality is a sin, I haven't read it. How can you hate, or at the least, disapprove of gay people when your religion teaches you to be accepting andloving of all people? I'm not classifying all Christians as hateful or ignorant, btw. This ? also has nothing to do with the marriage controversy inCalifornia, just a question I'm wondering.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

What i dont get is when people say that your born with it... If your born gay than why are some people bisexuals? Another thing... I have a ? For all those heterosexuals that come on here trying to stick up for gay people and @%!# on people who dont agree with homosexuality... If you are about to have a baby right now and you can choose if you want your baby to be gay or not, which would you choose? Please dont give me the *%*%%#%+ answer " id love my child either way," because thats not what im asking.
Some people are bi for the same reason some are gay, they were born like that. I'm assuming of course, but that was be the only conclusion I could come to.
I dont @$#! all over people who dont agree, just shake my head and keep it moving. But, because I stick up for gay peoples rights, I'll bite and answer your question...
If I were having a child right now, I'd choose for him/her to be straight. Not because I would be ashamed, scared, or disapointed, but because I'd be able to communicate with him/her easier, help them through any relationship problems or questions easier, and know how what they were thinking and going through all around. If he/she were gay, it'd be a lot tougher to help them grow and learn, not because of them, but because I cant connect as easy. And I'd still love my child either way.

Now I have a question to all the Christian people who hate gay people, or oppose homosexuality. My bad in advance if theres something in the Bible saying homosexuality is a sin, I haven't read it. How can you hate, or at the least, disapprove of gay people when your religion teaches you to be accepting and loving of all people? I'm not classifying all Christians as hateful or ignorant, btw. This ? also has nothing to do with the marriage controversy in California, just a question I'm wondering.
I personally am loving of all [color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]humanbeings[/color], that doesnt really mean i have to love their lifestyle. I am christian, I have faith, I believe/love god,but that has absolutely nothing to do with my feelings toward homosexuality.

I am willing to bet if we poll 1000 heterosexuals, whether they support homosexuality or not, ALL of them would say theywould choose the child be straight! Do you know why that is? Because if nothing else, subcontiously people still believe it is wrong. IMO Most people say theyare accepting of it because it doesnt hit that close to home, but if it did im sure they would be none to happy!

Listen if thats the lifestyle people choose to live thats on them, but once you start having parades, taking days off, wanting your own %#++*** schools, comeon man! Gays are now trying to get their own school in chicago right now. ARE YOU %#++*** KIDDING ME? Let somebody have come out and say they want to try toopen an all Heterosexual school all %#++*** hell would break loose! COME ON MAN!!
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

What i dont get is when people say that your born with it... If your born gay than why are some people bisexuals? Another thing... I have a ? For all those heterosexuals that come on here trying to stick up for gay people and @%!# on people who dont agree with homosexuality... If you are about to have a baby right now and you can choose if you want your baby to be gay or not, which would you choose? Please dont give me the *%*%%#%+ answer " id love my child either way," because thats not what im asking.
Some people are bi for the same reason some are gay, they were born like that. I'm assuming of course, but that was be the only conclusion I could come to.
I dont @$#! all over people who dont agree, just shake my head and keep it moving. But, because I stick up for gay peoples rights, I'll bite and answer your question...
If I were having a child right now, I'd choose for him/her to be straight. Not because I would be ashamed, scared, or disapointed, but because I'd be able to communicate with him/her easier, help them through any relationship problems or questions easier, and know how what they were thinking and going through all around. If he/she were gay, it'd be a lot tougher to help them grow and learn, not because of them, but because I cant connect as easy. And I'd still love my child either way.

Now I have a question to all the Christian people who hate gay people, or oppose homosexuality. My bad in advance if theres something in the Bible saying homosexuality is a sin, I haven't read it. How can you hate, or at the least, disapprove of gay people when your religion teaches you to be accepting and loving of all people? I'm not classifying all Christians as hateful or ignorant, btw. This ? also has nothing to do with the marriage controversy in California, just a question I'm wondering.
I personally am loving of all [color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]human beings[/color], that doesnt really mean i have to love their lifestyle. I am christian, I have faith, I believe/love god, but that has absolutely nothing to do with my feelings toward homosexuality.

I am willing to bet if we poll 1000 heterosexuals, whether they support homosexuality or not, ALL of them would say they would choose the child be straight! Do you know why that is? Because if nothing else, subcontiously people still believe it is wrong. IMO Most people say they are accepting of it because it doesnt hit that close to home, but if it did im sure they would be none to happy!

Listen if thats the lifestyle people choose to live thats on them, but once you start having parades, taking days off, wanting your own %#++*** schools, come on man! Gays are now trying to get their own school in chicago right now. ARE YOU %#++*** KIDDING ME? Let somebody have come out and say they want to try to open an all Heterosexual school all %#++*** hell would break loose! COME ON MAN!!
1. By saying that you love them as human beings but you dislike their "lifestyle", you're making the assumption that homosexualityis just that...a lifestyle. There is mounting scientific evidence that points towards homosexuality being an innate trait as opposed to something developedlater on in life. I consider myself a Christian too but I honestly think that the Bible shouldn't be taken literally all the time. The Old Testament isfull of ridiculous things that do not pertain to life in modern times.

2. You ask a ridiculous hypothetical question (that's one thing I've realized ultra-conservative, anti-gays absolutely LOVE to use, word to "whatif people decide they want to marry goats") Like someone else said, if I had to, I'd pick straight because I'd be able to relate more. Buthonestly, I'm not going to drill into my kid's mind that he HAS to pick girls over guys or vice versa. No one ever did that for me and I never had tomake a conscious decision. I just KNEW who I was attracted to.

3. Do you understand the reasoning for the all-gay school? First of all, it's a school for students who feel like they can't continue studying in theirregular schools due to discrimination. Do you understand the impact that would have on a kid? The focus here is on education. Maybe if more people didn'thold these backwards views like you yourself hold, these kinds of schools wouldn't be needed.
Well, everyone has parades nowadays. Nothing really to do but let them have one. Not like its hurting anything or anyone, I would hope. And I agree, you donthave to love their lifestyle to accept them for who they are, and I guess my question wasn't aimed at you since you do accept all people regardless, butmore or less the people who are blinded by their views and dont accept people different than them.

I cant speak on having a poll and having everyone choose their child to be straight, so I wont argue with you on that since human nature is so $!@*#* up andimpossible to predict.

And an all gay school is wrong, I'll give you that. But in my eyes its wrong because you have people segregating themselves from the masses. Now, thatwould be detrimental to the growth and acceptance of gay people and culture that they have worked so hard to create. By blocking yourself ('yourself'as in they) off, no matter the intentions, even if it's to harbor a safe and understanding environment, you turn your back on the people who accept you andfight for your rights as well as those who dont like you and what you stand for. Throughout history, it was never a choice of the oppressed people to besegregated, which is why that idea of an all gay school is so damn stupid.
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