Real Talk: What are Your Views of Homosexuality

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

What i dont get is when people say that your born with it... If your born gay than why are some people bisexuals? Another thing... I have a ? For all those heterosexuals that come on here trying to stick up for gay people and @%!# on people who dont agree with homosexuality... If you are about to have a baby right now and you can choose if you want your baby to be gay or not, which would you choose? Please dont give me the *%*%%#%+ answer " id love my child either way," because thats not what im asking.
Some people are bi for the same reason some are gay, they were born like that. I'm assuming of course, but that was be the only conclusion I could come to.
I dont @$#! all over people who dont agree, just shake my head and keep it moving. But, because I stick up for gay peoples rights, I'll bite and answer your question...
If I were having a child right now, I'd choose for him/her to be straight. Not because I would be ashamed, scared, or disapointed, but because I'd be able to communicate with him/her easier, help them through any relationship problems or questions easier, and know how what they were thinking and going through all around. If he/she were gay, it'd be a lot tougher to help them grow and learn, not because of them, but because I cant connect as easy. And I'd still love my child either way.

Now I have a question to all the Christian people who hate gay people, or oppose homosexuality. My bad in advance if theres something in the Bible saying homosexuality is a sin, I haven't read it. How can you hate, or at the least, disapprove of gay people when your religion teaches you to be accepting and loving of all people? I'm not classifying all Christians as hateful or ignorant, btw. This ? also has nothing to do with the marriage controversy in California, just a question I'm wondering.
I personally am loving of all [color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]human beings[/color], that doesnt really mean i have to love their lifestyle. I am christian, I have faith, I believe/love god, but that has absolutely nothing to do with my feelings toward homosexuality.

I am willing to bet if we poll 1000 heterosexuals, whether they support homosexuality or not, ALL of them would say they would choose the child be straight! Do you know why that is? Because if nothing else, subcontiously people still believe it is wrong. IMO Most people say they are accepting of it because it doesnt hit that close to home, but if it did im sure they would be none to happy!

Listen if thats the lifestyle people choose to live thats on them, but once you start having parades, taking days off, wanting your own %#++*** schools, come on man! Gays are now trying to get their own school in chicago right now. ARE YOU %#++*** KIDDING ME? Let somebody have come out and say they want to try to open an all Heterosexual school all %#++*** hell would break loose! COME ON MAN!!
1. By saying that you love them as human beings but you dislike their "lifestyle", you're making the assumption that homosexuality is just that...a lifestyle. There is mounting scientific evidence that points towards homosexuality being an innate trait as opposed to something developed later on in life. I consider myself a Christian too but I honestly think that the Bible shouldn't be taken literally all the time. The Old Testament is full of ridiculous things that do not pertain to life in modern times.

2. You ask a ridiculous hypothetical question (that's one thing I've realized ultra-conservative, anti-gays absolutely LOVE to use, word to "what if people decide they want to marry goats") in what I'd choose, if given the choice, whether my child would be straight or gay. Like someone else said, if I had to, I'd pick straight because I'd be able to relate more. But honestly, I'm not going to drill into my kid's mind that he HAS to pick girls over guys or vice versa. No one ever did that for me and I never had to make a conscious decision. I just KNEW who I was attracted to.

3. Do you understand the reasoning for the all-gay school? First of all, it's a school for students who feel like they can't continue studying in their regular schools due to discrimination. Do you understand the impact that would have on a kid? The focus here is on education. Maybe if more people didn't hold these backwards views like you yourself hold, these kinds of schools wouldn't be needed.
first off dont tell me about my views! I have a few gay friends and they accept and respect how I feel about that subject, so your opinion doesntmean %*$# to me. Secondly, Are you $$#!#$+ kidding me gay kids need their own school? at my high school gay kids were last people anybody made fun of! Everyonegot along with the openly gay kids. The "nerdy" kids got clowned on more, the "fat" kids got clowned on more! Should nerdy and fat kidsget their own schools too?
I am willing to bet if we poll 1000 heterosexuals, whether they support homosexuality or not, ALL of them would say they would choose the child be straight! Do you know why that is? Because if nothing else, subcontiously people still believe it is wrong. IMO Most people say they are accepting of it because it doesnt hit that close to home, but if it did im sure they would be none to happy!

Generalizations and spelling errors, oh my!

You have your mind made up, now go live inside of your bubble. You are not going to change anyones mind so why waste your time? You are expressing youropinions and no one else values them.

Continue fighting the battle you will never win!
Originally Posted by 18key

Well, everyone has parades nowadays. Nothing really to do but let them have one. Not like its hurting anything or anyone, I would hope. And I agree, you dont have to love their lifestyle to accept them for who they are, and I guess my question wasn't aimed at you since you do accept all people regardless, but more or less the people who are blinded by their views and dont accept people different than them.

I cant speak on having a poll and having everyone choose their child to be straight, so I wont argue with you on that since human nature is so $!@*#* up and impossible to predict.

And an all gay school is wrong, I'll give you that. But in my eyes its wrong because you have people segregating themselves from the masses. Now, that would be detrimental to the growth and acceptance of gay people and culture that they have worked so hard to create. By blocking yourself ('yourself' as in they) off, no matter the intentions, even if it's to harbor a safe and understanding environment, you turn your back on the people who accept you and fight for your rights as well as those who dont like you and what you stand for. Throughout history, it was never a choice of the oppressed people to be segregated, which is why that idea of an all gay school is so damn stupid.
I can respect all of that!
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

What i dont get is when people say that your born with it... If your born gay than why are some people bisexuals? Another thing... I have a ? For all those heterosexuals that come on here trying to stick up for gay people and @%!# on people who dont agree with homosexuality... If you are about to have a baby right now and you can choose if you want your baby to be gay or not, which would you choose? Please dont give me the *%*%%#%+ answer " id love my child either way," because thats not what im asking.
Some people are bi for the same reason some are gay, they were born like that. I'm assuming of course, but that was be the only conclusion I could come to.
I dont @$#! all over people who dont agree, just shake my head and keep it moving. But, because I stick up for gay peoples rights, I'll bite and answer your question...
If I were having a child right now, I'd choose for him/her to be straight. Not because I would be ashamed, scared, or disapointed, but because I'd be able to communicate with him/her easier, help them through any relationship problems or questions easier, and know how what they were thinking and going through all around. If he/she were gay, it'd be a lot tougher to help them grow and learn, not because of them, but because I cant connect as easy. And I'd still love my child either way.

Now I have a question to all the Christian people who hate gay people, or oppose homosexuality. My bad in advance if theres something in the Bible saying homosexuality is a sin, I haven't read it. How can you hate, or at the least, disapprove of gay people when your religion teaches you to be accepting and loving of all people? I'm not classifying all Christians as hateful or ignorant, btw. This ? also has nothing to do with the marriage controversy in California, just a question I'm wondering.
I personally am loving of all [color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]human beings[/color], that doesnt really mean i have to love their lifestyle. I am christian, I have faith, I believe/love god, but that has absolutely nothing to do with my feelings toward homosexuality.

I am willing to bet if we poll 1000 heterosexuals, whether they support homosexuality or not, ALL of them would say they would choose the child be straight! Do you know why that is? Because if nothing else, subcontiously people still believe it is wrong. IMO Most people say they are accepting of it because it doesnt hit that close to home, but if it did im sure they would be none to happy!

Listen if thats the lifestyle people choose to live thats on them, but once you start having parades, taking days off, wanting your own %#++*** schools, come on man! Gays are now trying to get their own school in chicago right now. ARE YOU %#++*** KIDDING ME? Let somebody have come out and say they want to try to open an all Heterosexual school all %#++*** hell would break loose! COME ON MAN!!
1. By saying that you love them as human beings but you dislike their "lifestyle", you're making the assumption that homosexuality is just that...a lifestyle. There is mounting scientific evidence that points towards homosexuality being an innate trait as opposed to something developed later on in life. I consider myself a Christian too but I honestly think that the Bible shouldn't be taken literally all the time. The Old Testament is full of ridiculous things that do not pertain to life in modern times.

2. You ask a ridiculous hypothetical question (that's one thing I've realized ultra-conservative, anti-gays absolutely LOVE to use, word to "what if people decide they want to marry goats") in what I'd choose, if given the choice, whether my child would be straight or gay. Like someone else said, if I had to, I'd pick straight because I'd be able to relate more. But honestly, I'm not going to drill into my kid's mind that he HAS to pick girls over guys or vice versa. No one ever did that for me and I never had to make a conscious decision. I just KNEW who I was attracted to.

3. Do you understand the reasoning for the all-gay school? First of all, it's a school for students who feel like they can't continue studying in their regular schools due to discrimination. Do you understand the impact that would have on a kid? The focus here is on education. Maybe if more people didn't hold these backwards views like you yourself hold, these kinds of schools wouldn't be needed.
first off dont tell me about my views! I have a few gay friends and they accept and respect how I feel about that subject, so your opinion doesnt mean %*$# to me. Secondly, Are you $$#!#$+ kidding me gay kids need their own school? at my high school gay kids were last people anybody made fun of! Everyone got along with the openly gay kids. The "nerdy" kids got clowned on more, the "fat" kids got clowned on more! Should nerdy and fat kids get their own schools too?
I understand what I say may not change your views. I'm not out to do that. I'm not so delusional as to think that a few strokes of mykeyboard can change the world. What I can only hope for is that as time goes on, people become less and less intolerant of others.

Whoopdeedoo. You have some gay friends. Congratulations? You having gay friends is completely irrelevant to your arguments against homosexuality.

Let's not call this a gay school because technically, it isn't. This is a school for kids who can't focus on school due to discrimination. So yes,those "nerdy" and "fat" kids could go there too if they felt that they couldn't focus at their current school. From reading what youposted, I've come to the realization that you believe the world revolves around you. I mean, how else would you have come up with the conclusion that justbecause the gay kids at YOUR high school weren't picked on meant that it was the same EVERYWHERE else.
Well i believe to each their own.. I am a Christian, and I know that the bible condemns men lying with men. But I also believe men and women have free choiceto live their lives and see fit, the wil be judged later on and thats between them and HIM... wit that said, i have no problem with homosexuality..

I will say though..i never used the term "gay" as meaning stupid..i use it as meaning unnatural...And i could go into this long rant about whether ornot you are born homosexual, but im jus gonna say this..After God Created man, he created woman as a "partner". He did not create another man, and awoman, and let the man choose between the two. Therefore, one is "natural" and one is not natural.

Anyways i know about 60 percent of NT is atheist anyways so this isn't the time for religious argument...
Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

What i dont get is when people say that your born with it... If your born gay than why are some people bisexuals? Another thing... I have a ? For all those heterosexuals that come on here trying to stick up for gay people and @%!# on people who dont agree with homosexuality... If you are about to have a baby right now and you can choose if you want your baby to be gay or not, which would you choose? Please dont give me the *%*%%#%+ answer " id love my child either way," because thats not what im asking.
Some people are bi for the same reason some are gay, they were born like that. I'm assuming of course, but that was be the only conclusion I could come to.
I dont @$#! all over people who dont agree, just shake my head and keep it moving. But, because I stick up for gay peoples rights, I'll bite and answer your question...
If I were having a child right now, I'd choose for him/her to be straight. Not because I would be ashamed, scared, or disapointed, but because I'd be able to communicate with him/her easier, help them through any relationship problems or questions easier, and know how what they were thinking and going through all around. If he/she were gay, it'd be a lot tougher to help them grow and learn, not because of them, but because I cant connect as easy. And I'd still love my child either way.

Now I have a question to all the Christian people who hate gay people, or oppose homosexuality. My bad in advance if theres something in the Bible saying homosexuality is a sin, I haven't read it. How can you hate, or at the least, disapprove of gay people when your religion teaches you to be accepting and loving of all people? I'm not classifying all Christians as hateful or ignorant, btw. This ? also has nothing to do with the marriage controversy in California, just a question I'm wondering.
I personally am loving of all [color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]human beings[/color], that doesnt really mean i have to love their lifestyle. I am christian, I have faith, I believe/love god, but that has absolutely nothing to do with my feelings toward homosexuality.

I am willing to bet if we poll 1000 heterosexuals, whether they support homosexuality or not, ALL of them would say they would choose the child be straight! Do you know why that is? Because if nothing else, subcontiously people still believe it is wrong. IMO Most people say they are accepting of it because it doesnt hit that close to home, but if it did im sure they would be none to happy!

Listen if thats the lifestyle people choose to live thats on them, but once you start having parades, taking days off, wanting your own %#++*** schools, come on man! Gays are now trying to get their own school in chicago right now. ARE YOU %#++*** KIDDING ME? Let somebody have come out and say they want to try to open an all Heterosexual school all %#++*** hell would break loose! COME ON MAN!!
1. By saying that you love them as human beings but you dislike their "lifestyle", you're making the assumption that homosexuality is just that...a lifestyle. There is mounting scientific evidence that points towards homosexuality being an innate trait as opposed to something developed later on in life. I consider myself a Christian too but I honestly think that the Bible shouldn't be taken literally all the time. The Old Testament is full of ridiculous things that do not pertain to life in modern times.

2. You ask a ridiculous hypothetical question (that's one thing I've realized ultra-conservative, anti-gays absolutely LOVE to use, word to "what if people decide they want to marry goats") in what I'd choose, if given the choice, whether my child would be straight or gay. Like someone else said, if I had to, I'd pick straight because I'd be able to relate more. But honestly, I'm not going to drill into my kid's mind that he HAS to pick girls over guys or vice versa. No one ever did that for me and I never had to make a conscious decision. I just KNEW who I was attracted to.

3. Do you understand the reasoning for the all-gay school? First of all, it's a school for students who feel like they can't continue studying in their regular schools due to discrimination. Do you understand the impact that would have on a kid? The focus here is on education. Maybe if more people didn't hold these backwards views like you yourself hold, these kinds of schools wouldn't be needed.
first off dont tell me about my views! I have a few gay friends and they accept and respect how I feel about that subject, so your opinion doesnt mean %*$# to me. Secondly, Are you $$#!#$+ kidding me gay kids need their own school? at my high school gay kids were last people anybody made fun of! Everyone got along with the openly gay kids. The "nerdy" kids got clowned on more, the "fat" kids got clowned on more! Should nerdy and fat kids get their own schools too?
I understand what I say may not change your views. I'm not out to do that. I'm not so delusional as to think that a few strokes of my keyboard can change the world. What I can only hope for is that as time goes on, people become less and less intolerant of others.

Whoopdeedoo. You have some gay friends. Congratulations? You having gay friends is completely irrelevant to your arguments against homosexuality.

Let's not call this a gay school because technically, it isn't. This is a school for kids who can't focus on school due to discrimination. So yes, those "nerdy" and "fat" kids could go there too if they felt that they couldn't focus at their current school. From reading what you posted, I've come to the realization that you believe the world revolves around you. I mean, how else would you have come up with the conclusion that just because the gay kids at YOUR high school weren't picked on meant that it was the same EVERYWHERE else.

Organizers behind a plan to develop Chicago's first public high school catering to gay and lesbian students have changed the name and broadened the focusof the school to include all disenfranchised groups of students, according to officials.

They originally wanted it to be just for gay and lesbians, but then they had to change it! SO... originally it was only going to be for gay and lesbian kids!
^I acknowledge that. That's why I said technically it's not an all-gay school. It's assumed that the vast majority of the students there will begay. Pick at the semantics all you want but you're just avoiding the actual issues. I'll check back tomorrow to see if anything"enlightening" has been posted but I seriously doubt it
at these organizers thinking that high school students will all getalong because its a 'disenfranchised group of students.' No matter what, its high school, there will always be cliques, people picking on someone, orgroups casting out people. Cant believe they think their idea will work as well as they want.
Im against homosexuality because it contradicts the continuation of the human species. Then again, homosexuality could be a human evolutionary trait that aidsin the prevention of over population.
i tried to read all that *%#* just too much not scared of gays but dont wanna come in contact with them...and i dont believe in same sex marriage
I'm pretty sure that, quite possibly, a lot of what I'm about to say has already been enumerated but I'm, regardless going to share my p.o.v...

But what really challenged and completely changed my views on homosexuality was the thought that it was something people were born with. In other words it's biological.

Science now has pretty good evidence that homosexuality is actually biological. Studies have found that the prenatal androgenic exposure like testosterone can explain homosexuality (Maucieri, Stone 2008). More specifically the exposure given during 5th months of gestation (Lippa 2003). Or how things like the order of birth can influence homosexuality. The more children a mother has the more likely Y-linked antibodies are to be exposed to the fetus (Maucieri, Stone 2008).

Science keeps finding more and more biological differences between gays and heterosexuals like the difference in size hypothalamic nucleus (Greenberg, Bailey 1993). Greenberg and Bailey also cited that boys who are a bit feminine at an early age usually turn out to be homosexuals in adulthood.

There's literally thousands of pieces of evidence that link homosexuality with being innate, something not caused by individual behavior choices or environment. I don't' have the time nor patience to cite all of them.
1. I'm in the sciences so believe me when i say this--"homosexuality is not biological orinnate". Such a "hypothesis" (and yes, that's what it is) is very wrong or at the very least, quite misleading. I espouse this point of viewsimply because if homosexuality were indeed a consequence of genetically innate processes, everything we know about natural selection--with emphasis on sexualselection--and evolution would have to be re-evaluated.

Think about it this way. We have males and we have females. Our species can only procreate, naturally, when males copulatewith females. The male penis and the female vagina were evolutionary crafted for each other to maximize our ability to procreate and consequently pass on ourgenes. This is just mother nature doing her thing--it's just how things are.

What it all comes down to, with every species/organism on this planet, is passing your genes on to the nextgeneration--that's "survival". This is the innate goal of every species. This "survival" can only be accomplished through (male xfemale) interaction/copulation. This is the biologically natural way of things. Two or more mutually exclusive males, without female sexual interaction, cannotpass on their genes to the next generation. It's biological impossible. This is why nature has majorly selected for heterosexual interactions, relative tohomosexual interaction.

Furthermore, if homosexuality were in fact biologically innate, then there would be a natural tendency for all ofus--every single last one of us--to "act" homosexual or rather, there would be a greater disposition for us to act homosexual.

2. Here is the problem with most scientific experiment/studies. If you're out looking to find proof for X, Y,Z--chances are you'll find it because you're scientifically blind. These studies were geared toward finding PROOF that homosexuality is indeed innate.Think about it. These researchers were hoping to find PROOF and EVIDENCE to VALIDATE their hypothesis' so from the get-go, they were scientificallybiased.

During slavery, scientist scrutinized the anatomy of Blacks for differences that would suggest their inferiority towhites. (Same kind of thing happened in Nazi Germany with respect to Jews). The funny thing is that, because they were actively looking for it, they indeedfound "PROOF" and "EVIDENCE" to "VALIDATE" their clearly biased and insidious claims. The point is, these scientific studies thatfind evidence in the form of "prenatal adrogenic testasterone exposure" and "sizedifferences in the hypothalamic nucleus" need to be taken with a grain of salt. Like honestly, am i really to believe that the variability in hypothalamicNUCLEUS size is really evidence for a predisposition to homosexuality, COMON...

3. Once again, I will take all these proofs with a grain of salt.lanlnanl

So why after it being pretty accepted in the scientific community that homosexuality is innate do we still hold prejudices against gay?
The real scientific community has far from accepted claims that homosexuality is innate. But if this wasthe case however, people would still be prejudice simply because it's not the "natural" way of things. Let's face it, people are ignorant andabove all, stubborn. We shun what is different. History is proof of this.

I do not support gay "marriage." Marriage is between a man and a woman, and just because people have sodomized marriage in itself with adultery and other activities that hurt the name of marriage that does not mean that marriage is not still sacred.
1. What you are saying is very contradictory. Even though heterosexual couples have clearly sodomizedmarriage--it's still sacred...

2. If no one has ever told you, I'm telling you now. Marriage is not a sacred because it is a union between "man and woman". Marriage is sacredbecause it is a union between two people that love each other unconditionally. When two people choose to enter this "binding" agreement where theywill honor each other, care for each through the good and bad, and most importantly--love each other for all the days of their lives--that's when marriageis sacred. Clearly a homosexual couple is capable of such "sacredness" just as well as a heterosexual couple...

3. It really bothers me when people use this whole "marriage--is--a--sacred--act" between a "man--and--a--woman" example to justify someunfounded reason as to why homosexual couples cannot get married. The idea that marriage is a sacred union, especially in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, isbeyond stupid. What's so sacred about a union that has become so bastardized that, a two week old couple can fly to a place called "Sin City"(Las Vegas), go to a "drive through chapel", and get married by a guy dressed in an Elvis costume. Not to mention this all happens in less than 15minutes or you get your money back. Like is this really what y'all consider sacred. And don't even get me started on divorce rate in this country...

My point is, people need to drop the whole "marriage--is--sacred--a--act--between--a--man--and--a--woman" because in AMERICA, that's ludicrous.If homosexuals want to get married, let them. Heck, they might actually bring meaning this concept of marriage in AMERICA.

I do not like "flamboyantly" gay people, who just throw it in your face with their feminine qualities. I cannot accept that and will not, call me closed minded, but a man is not supposed to talk at a higher pitch than dogs can hear. And furthermore, should not be wearing women's clothing.
The great majority of gays that I've met don't act "feminine" or "masculine". They act like regular everyday people.Furthermore, you're being a tad bit melodramatic in suggesting that they, all or the majority of them, talk in high-pitched voices and wear femaleclothing. Like I said, the gay people that I have met act "normal"...

Don't even dare to compare being gay to black. You cannot even compare the persecution and travails of black Americans to the challenges of being gay, especially since homosexuality has, in many regards, been mainstreamed into culture and society and is largely accepted over the course of a few decades. Whereas blacks were, oh yeah-SLAVES. And were hung from trees, lynched, persecuted, couldn't vote, couldn't do anything on par with their fellow citizens. Homosexuals can. So please, cut the histrionics."
Someone pointed out that there were holes in this argument. Please point them out because I fail to see them. I'm black and I am empathetic tothe difficulties homosexual couples are facing but I think it is very irresponsible to parallel their struggles with past and present Black struggles.

What I don't get is when people say that your born with it... If you're born gay than why are some people bisexuals? Another thing... I have a? For all those heterosexuals that come on here trying to stick up for gay people and @%!# on people who don't agree with homosexuality... If you are about to have a baby right now and you can choose if you want your baby to be gay or not, which would you choose? Please don't give me the *%*%%#%+ answer," I'd love my child either way," because that's not what I'm asking."

If I could choose the sexual preference of my child, I would choose for the to be heterosexual simply becauseit's what I most identify with. Furthermore, being a heterosexual male, I feel confident that I can guide them through the difficulties of life. I knownothing about being homosexual. I can comment on it, but I know nothing about living that lifestyle--so I would not choose for my child an orientation that Iknow nothing off.

It's hard enough trying to guide a heterosexual adolescent through puberty even with all the examples in society.Imagine what it would be like for parents who know nothing about homosexuality and have a homosexual child.
we are all animals ... our main purpose is to make more of our own species ... if youre gay you cant do that ... case closed
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

I am willing to bet if we poll 1000 heterosexuals, whether they support homosexuality or not, ALL of them would say they would choose the child be straight! Do you know why that is? Because if nothing else, subcontiously people still believe it is wrong. IMO Most people say they are accepting of it because it doesnt hit that close to home, but if it did im sure they would be none to happy!

Generalizations and spelling errors, oh my!

You have your mind made up, now go live inside of your bubble. You are not going to change anyones mind so why waste your time? You are expressing your opinions and no one else values them.

Continue fighting the battle you will never win!
Seriously.. that's the dumbest crap I've heard. I hope my children are straight so they don't have to go through what I go through,not because somewhere deep down in my subconscious I believe it's wrong.. and I'm pretty much speaking for everyone else in your little generalization.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

we are all animals ... our main purpose is to make more of our own species ... if youre gay you cant do that ... case closed
Okay? How many people who aren't gay don't want kids, don't have kids, and can't have kids?
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

I am willing to bet if we poll 1000 heterosexuals, whether they support homosexuality or not, ALL of them would say they would choose the child be straight! Do you know why that is? Because if nothing else, subcontiously people still believe it is wrong. IMO Most people say they are accepting of it because it doesnt hit that close to home, but if it did im sure they would be none to happy!

Generalizations and spelling errors, oh my!

You have your mind made up, now go live inside of your bubble. You are not going to change anyones mind so why waste your time? You are expressing your opinions and no one else values them.

Continue fighting the battle you will never win!
Seriously.. that's the dumbest crap I've heard. I hope my children are straight so they don't have to go through what I go through, not because somewhere deep down in my subconscious I believe it's wrong.. and I'm pretty much speaking for everyone else in your little generalization.


Well be in Sue's for your Bday and toast to that
I think its unnatural and a sexual abomination. I pretty much classify it with beastiality and people who enjoy sex with small children. Do I think they shouldbe discriminated against? No. But their culture is unacceptable to me and it really annoys me that it is attempted to be thrown into mainstream society.
I think I will stay out of this one. Every time one of these comes up I always feel like I am trying to reverse the ******ation in the ******ed. I supposeit's easier to hate in the face of discomfort than to accept differences.
I personally don't agree with homosexuality but it don't really affect me. I do think its unfair that they are treated any different than other humanbeing in terms of the marriage thing and their insurance rights and stuff like that. I just can't stand the flamboyant ones or over the top lesbians,can't nobody tell me they are BORN like that. It's all an ACT in my opinion.
gay is the new black in terms of rights and acceptance. in about 60 years, a homosexual with be president. my views have changed as well. i used to hate thegay thing. but they dont bother me or anything. i still think God frowns on it but one sin is equal to all sins so its just another thing to him. i just showthem the love of christ and as long as they aint on me then im good with it. however, the flamboyant mfers really tick me off no joke
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