Real Talk: What are Your Views of Homosexuality

Why can't they adopt though, two ppl of the same sex can raise a child just as well as two ppl from the opposite sex. I know a copule of kids who havelesbian moms and their pops aint around and they came out fine. My mother raised me by herself, my pops was around but I honestly can't say he taught me%+#+. I learned what not to do from watching him make mistakes. I can't name one lesson he actually meant ot teach me, my mother taught me all of it. So ifmy moms can raise me by herself and other ppl's moms can too, why can't two women raise a kid.

And studies were done in Sweden or some country in Europe where Gay ppl had full rights, and guess what their kids turned out fine. It's not the sexualorientation of your parent's that matte, it's how they raise you and the amount of love that goes into raising you that makes a difference. The factthat they had two parents alone was good, they actually faired better than a lot of kids with just one parent
This is by far the best thread out of all of them
Glad some people cantalk about it and be civil

Anyways, I don't flaunt my sexuality. Sexuality in itself is very complex and I'll be the first to admit that. I prefer women but I will also be thefirst to admit I have fallen in love with a dude before- although there was no sexual activity involved in that situation

At the end of the day- gay, bi, straight people are all people. How many of you dudes go
while thinking of gays then go
when seeing two girls make out? It's really unfortunate and there's somuch involved in this topic that its pretty much impossible to explain it all.

It just makes me sad that people can be so mean to gays. I do believe that most are born that way but some maybe are not. Just because you don't like oragree with who someone is doesn't mean you have to be so disrespectful.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

This is by far the best thread out of all of them
Glad some people can talk about it and be civil

Anyways, I don't flaunt my sexuality. Sexuality in itself is very complex and I'll be the first to admit that. I prefer women but I will also be the first to admit I have fallen in love with a dude before- although there was no sexual activity involved in that situation

At the end of the day- gay, bi, straight people are all people. How many of you dudes go
while thinking of gays then go
when seeing two girls make out? It's really unfortunate and there's so much involved in this topic that its pretty much impossible to explain it all.

It just makes me sad that people can be so mean to gays. I do believe that most are born that way but some maybe are not. Just because you don't like or agree with who someone is doesn't mean you have to be so disrespectful.
So you like males?
Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

This is by far the best thread out of all of them
Glad some people can talk about it and be civil

Anyways, I don't flaunt my sexuality. Sexuality in itself is very complex and I'll be the first to admit that. I prefer women but I will also be the first to admit I have fallen in love with a dude before- although there was no sexual activity involved in that situation

At the end of the day- gay, bi, straight people are all people. How many of you dudes go
while thinking of gays then go
when seeing two girls make out? It's really unfortunate and there's so much involved in this topic that its pretty much impossible to explain it all.

It just makes me sad that people can be so mean to gays. I do believe that most are born that way but some maybe are not. Just because you don't like or agree with who someone is doesn't mean you have to be so disrespectful.
So you like males?
Fixed and, I think he's Bi.
They're actually cooler, per capita, than a lot of heterosexual people.

I got nothing against homosexuality.
Originally Posted by M00DSWING7

As long as you ain't tryin to sword fight with me.... Then I'm cool with you being gay.

I just have a hard time looking at two dudes and two chicks but hey its their life.
Eyeris is a girl.

I dont agree with homosexuality but with that said, I dont hold anything against someone because they are nor do I treat them a certain way. Long as your notbeing OD flamboyant/throwing your lifestyle in my face we'll be fine.
Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

They can do their thing and all, but when I have children, I don't want them to have a view two men kissing each other... That's just me.
Oh, and they shouldn't be able to adopt either, TWO men can't have children together for a reason... same goes to lesbians.

infertile couples shouldn't be able to adopt then. and you don't want your children to see two guys kissing each other... but i'm guessingyou'd be okay if you saw your child had lesbian porn eh?
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

They can do their thing and all, but when I have children, I don't want them to have a view two men kissing each other... That's just me.
Oh, and they shouldn't be able to adopt either, TWO men can't have children together for a reason... same goes to lesbians.

infertile couples shouldn't be able to adopt then. and you don't want your children to see two guys kissing each other... but i'm guessing you'd be okay if you saw your child had lesbian porn eh?
^ Read bolded part.
I personally like lesbians, call it a double standard but i'm attracted to women and I like women.... two is just double the fun and to me isn'tdisgusting. Men on the other hand and all of the women i've asked about it agree that they don't think men with men is a good thing for lack of betterwords.
An infertile couple and two men are by no means comparable, we all know it's meant to be a man and a woman together seeing as they can actually naturallyreproduce, if men and men had been together when the first human beings were created NONE of us would be here worrying about it right now .. you can keepmaking comparisons all you want but I think we all know that a man and a woman are meant to be together, it's just whether you choose to live with them inharmony or not, I just don't me or my children to be flipping through T.V and see Jake Gyllenhaal getting piped by Heath...
Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

They can do their thing and all, but when I have children, I don't want them to have a view two men kissing each other... That's just me.
Oh, and they shouldn't be able to adopt either, TWO men can't have children together for a reason... same goes to lesbians.

infertile couples shouldn't be able to adopt then. and you don't want your children to see two guys kissing each other... but i'm guessing you'd be okay if you saw your child had lesbian porn eh?
^ Read bolded part.
I personally like lesbians, call it a double standard but i'm attracted to women and I like women.... two is just double the fun and to me isn't disgusting. Men on the other hand and all of the women i've asked about it agree that they don't think men with men is a good thing for lack of better words.
An infertile couple and two men are by no means comparable, we all know it's meant to be a man and a woman together seeing as they can actually naturally reproduce, if men and men had been together when the first human beings were created NONE of us would be here worrying about it right now .. you can keep making comparisons all you want but I think we all know that a man and a woman are meant to be together, it's just whether you choose to live with them in harmony or not, I just don't me or my children to be flipping through T.V and see Jake Gyllenhaal getting piped by Heath...

stopped reading after double standards, everything you typed was just you repeating yourself.
In my life, I'm equally concerned about my income, education, job, health, family and other people's sexual preferences.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

They can do their thing and all, but when I have children, I don't want them to have a view two men kissing each other... That's just me.
Oh, and they shouldn't be able to adopt either, TWO men can't have children together for a reason... same goes to lesbians.

infertile couples shouldn't be able to adopt then. and you don't want your children to see two guys kissing each other... but i'm guessing you'd be okay if you saw your child had lesbian porn eh?
^ Read bolded part.
I personally like lesbians, call it a double standard but i'm attracted to women and I like women.... two is just double the fun and to me isn't disgusting. Men on the other hand and all of the women i've asked about it agree that they don't think men with men is a good thing for lack of better words.
An infertile couple and two men are by no means comparable, we all know it's meant to be a man and a woman together seeing as they can actually naturally reproduce, if men and men had been together when the first human beings were created NONE of us would be here worrying about it right now .. you can keep making comparisons all you want but I think we all know that a man and a woman are meant to be together, it's just whether you choose to live with them in harmony or not, I just don't me or my children to be flipping through T.V and see Jake Gyllenhaal getting piped by Heath...

stopped reading after double standards, everything you typed was just you repeating yourself.
Can't think of anything? This is a post your opinionthread after all i'm sure you read the whole thing either way... You aren't going to change my opinion, you can shout ignorance all you want butit's just how I see it, move along and [Eazy]Don't quote me boy cuz I ain't said ssshhh[Eazy]
I love gay people, because my religion (Christianity) teaches me to love everyone. In the 'nature vs. nurture' debate, I say it's nurture. I'veseen too many people flip-flop on their sexual orientation to say they were just born that way and I can't believe God set his people up to fail. I thinkhomosexuality is a sin: the verses regarding Sodom are in the Old Testament - but Jesus says in Matthew 5:17 that he came to fulfill, not abolish, the law andPaul repeatedly warns against sexual immorality. However all sex outside of marriage is sin, lying is sin, lust is sin, extreme and unwarranted anger is sin.Add to the mix the fact that breaking any of the law is breaking all of the law, and that leaves me with a big plank in my own eye and not enough time to worryabout someone else's toothpick. I don't advocate gay marriage (I'd rather see civil unions across the board, and leave marriage to the religioussphere), and I'm not screaming in the streets for gay rights, but I think everyone deserves my basic respect and I'm prepared to give it.
think of what? you already stated it's a double standard.. obviously everything i argue against you'll just bring up another double standard. im notgoing to go back and forth with you if all your answers are basically going to be the same. the way you're bringing it up is, homosexuality is bad ifit's guys... but girls get a pass.
Do what you want.... As a Hispanic and Black man ... how dare I dislike or even go against someone for their sexual preference?? Actually as humans how can wejudge one another for sexual preference after almost every race and religion has had some type of prejudice against it?
Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

here we go again...

but i dissagree with you, i consider homosexuality something you pick up as you age.

but one another note, wassup with all these homosexual men with HIV? kinda makes me not feel sorry for em cuz alot of em creep on the down low and infect alotof innocent women.
I can bring up double standards because we all know women and men are different mentally and physically... I never said I promoted lesbianism I just like them,either way it goes, it's not like i'm on a crusade against homosexuals, I deal with things I don't like everyday and you can't blame me forbeing disgusted by something because that's just ME and how I think.. he asked for my opinion they can do their thing but i'm not going to support themor actively persecute them.
Gay couples can't raise children right? You act like there aren't millions of messed up kids that have heterosexual parents. Also, is being in anorphanage/ group home better than in a house with a loving homosexual couple? Hell no.
i read all that and agreed with it until u bought the corny !%! bible quotes. **** with that.
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