Official State of the Union Address

Originally Posted by BallinB

I'm sure its been mentioned but why is there a standing ovation after everything Obama says? Its a little too much

Is this the first State of the Union Address you have ever watched? That happens in every State of the Union my man.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Republican response..... Who's excited?
Spoiler [+]

*turns off television*

Hopefully the Republicans don't use this opportunity as a rebuttal to try and steal Obama's thunder.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

promise the moon

All this promising as usual, but how many of his proposals will follow through.
The student loans proposal did get me excited though.
yeah a nice speech is all it is
he gave nice speeches before he became president

he still has not done anything and will n ot do anything against lobbyists, corporations, etc
I don't expect any transparency either

I wonder what happens if the economy is not stronger next year
yes schadenfreude
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Deuce King

It seems like Pres. Obama is back to form, this is what I'm talking about!!
If he goes through with what he says, this speech will definitely be remembered.
I guess it's just "wait and see," but I don't think anyone should place much weight on Obama's words and promises any longer.
obama seems like a really nice guy. too bad this nation needs someone with brass bolas to make a change.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by Essential1


He needs to realize that those guys mocking him, laughing at him, talking under their breathe, and disrespect him DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH HIM.. They truly hate him as a person and everything he stands for... So the appeasement of the Republicans is %%%#$*% ridiculous... Grow a set and run over them.
You don't like Obama?
As a person, yes I like him... As a politician, I voted for him, campaigned for him, and defended him. I'd love nothing more than support him.. But this guy is appeasing Republicans way too much. He needs to drop the Bipartisanship line because it is +$!%@@!+ when Republicans hate him.. Let it go, and do progressive agenda. Go to the left not the center right on everything..
Everybody went SMACK at Jindal.

"The Republicans want to make sure they don't end up with a Bobby Jindal type of response"

Jindal YOU SUCK!!
Being openly gay in the military will NOT be a good thing...

I have no problem with gays in the military, but it's a stigma you do NOT want around the good ol' boys.
Essential1 wrote:
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Essential1 wrote:

He needs to realize that those guys mocking him, laughing at him, talking under their breathe, and disrespect him DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH HIM.. They truly hate him as a person and everything he stands for... So the appeasement of the Republicans is %%%#$*% ridiculous... Grow a set and run over them.
You don't like Obama?

As a person, yes... As a politician, I voted for him, campaigned for him, and defended him. I'd love nothing more than support him.. But this guy is appeasing Republicans way too much. He needs to drop the Bipartisanship line because it is @++$!#@+ when Republicans hate him.. Let it go, and do progressive agenda. Go to the left not the center right on everything..

   I understand your feelings.  But what you don't see is he doesn't appease the Republicrats.  He has locked them out of all forms of negotiations and only is changing his tone because he lost his super majority.  And his progressive agenda and moving farther left, which he wants this country to do, is exactly why voters in Massachusetts said no and voters around the country will.  The majority of Americans want to get back to the basics and fix our economy, end these wars (while protecting ourselves from terrorism).  They don't want to move to a progressive socialist America.  Tonight he sunk his feet in the mud and could very well come back to bite him in this years elections.
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Being openly gay in the military will NOT be a good thing...

I have no problem with gays in the military, but it's a stigma you do NOT want around the good ol' boys.
Are gay people citizens of this country?

Then they should be allowed to serve as who they are...

The only people who have a problem are those who can't handle it because they are intolerant..
He's right though... How are we going to have a 1,000 page proposal no one has fully read? And they want to pass it before someone reads it? Fishy...
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by NYVictory45

Lol @ black woman and asian man front and center
What's so funny about them?
They're carefully placed, along with the white woman and man in the military to try to appeal to as many groups as possible and to look more diverse.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Being openly gay in the military will NOT be a good thing...

I have no problem with gays in the military, but it's a stigma you do NOT want around the good ol' boys.
"Don't ask, don't tell"
Didn't something happen if your business actually got out?
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Being openly gay in the military will NOT be a good thing...

I have no problem with gays in the military, but it's a stigma you do NOT want around the good ol' boys.
Both my parents were in the military and they pretty much knew when someone was gay or not after being around them long enough. I don't see why its such a big deal. Granted, I could see the military housing alot more anti-gay people than many other professions but still, its long overdue.
BTW, I know A LOT of people in Afghanistan right now who are not fans of Obama... They prefer the way Bush ran things. Just sayin'
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Essential1 wrote:
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Essential1 wrote:

He needs to realize that those guys mocking him, laughing at him, talking under their breathe, and disrespect him DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH HIM.. They truly hate him as a person and everything he stands for... So the appeasement of the Republicans is %%%#$*% ridiculous... Grow a set and run over them.
You don't like Obama?
As a person, yes... As a politician, I voted for him, campaigned for him, and defended him. I'd love nothing more than support him.. But this guy is appeasing Republicans way too much. He needs to drop the Bipartisanship line because it is @++$!#@+ when Republicans hate him.. Let it go, and do progressive agenda. Go to the left not the center right on everything..

   I understand your feelings.  But what you don't see is he doesn't appease the Republicrats.  He has locked them out of all forms of negotiations and only is changing his tone because he lost his super majority.  And his progressive agenda and moving farther left, which he wants this country to do, is exactly why voters in Massachusetts said no and voters around the country will.  The majority of Americans want to get back to the basics and fix our economy, end these wars (while protecting ourselves from terrorism).  They don't want to move to a progressive socialist America.  Tonight he sunk his feet in the mud and could very well come back to bite him in this years elections.
lol...The polls of Democrats/Independents who voted for Obama and either stayed home or voted for Brown say 100% different... But no point of bringing those up because you will never cease the argument. It's ok
It's funny because you can tell they're trying hard to show the republican party as this inclusive, diverse group of people, which they really aren't. if i thought they were really trying to diversify their party and move away from this all-white southern image then i wouldn't find it funny, i'd find it commendable. but i dont believe the party is trying to do that. i believe they want to move even more to the right which is why i can't eff with them even though i have serious problems with the dems.
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