Official State of the Union Address

Originally Posted by RockDeep

The Republican response was a Produced Joke.

Instead of done in the backroom of an office they recreate a Mini State of the Union so people can fake Clap?

They strategically place two lil Black Kids and a Black woman and Asian in the background?

The dude talks about Off shore drilling which the Pres already did?

Come on man. People aren't stupid.

Aren't you the same Party who made Palin your VP candidate.. oh yeah. Smart all around.

As for any responsible analysis, you go to the News Station where you want to hear what you want. Fox and CNN obviously are right side leaners. MSNBC leans to the other side.

Use your own thought Process for analysis I say.
as a whole ... we are though
 and that's part of the problem

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Ok, I see people are getting stuck on the "strategically placed" black man and Asian woman in the background. People see the Republicans as a party that greatly lacks diversity, what's the point of complaining about them trying to appeal to a broader audience? RockDeep, indeed [some] people aren't stupid, which is why there were people who weren't jumping up at every empty promise *cough* I mean proposal that Obama made tonight during his State of the Union. We will see what's to come in the future and how much the Democrats succeed with the hopes of bipartisanship. One thing I feel confident about is that the Democrats won't be getting the office in 2012, it's sure to go to a Republican (I feel).

NSJ - Im not one of those guys who thinks words will change America.  No doubt Obama can give a good Speech.. but I say it's been a year.  ONE YEAR.  They were after dudes throat after his first 100 days.  It takes alot of undoing for whats been done the last 8 years.

AND THEN needing to move forward.  I say if Obama isn't re-elected after this term, America will just keep teetering, because we gave the last dude 8 years and worse 4 additional years after the 1st four to keep the BS up.  We will see where we are in 3 more years eh?

I wasn't expecting him to change the world by now... The Republicans def dont want him to either.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Wow, MSNBC is a joke. Instead of actually having a substantive analysis of the republican response, they instead choose to talk about how no one knows him, and how there were no recognizable in the crowd.
Think about who you're talking about right now. If you or anyone else expected MSNBC to give a legit analysis of the Republican response, you're mental. I only watch FOX and CNN. If you want good feedback on the response, watch 1-of-the-2 news stations.

So you're saying that Fox news is fair?
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Ok, I see people are getting stuck on the "strategically placed" black man and Asian woman in the background. People see the Republicans as a party that greatly lacks diversity, what's the point of complaining about them trying to appeal to a broader audience? RockDeep, indeed [some] people aren't stupid, which is why there were people who weren't jumping up at every empty promise *cough* I mean proposal that Obama made tonight during his State of the Union. We will see what's to come in the future and how much the Democrats succeed with the hopes of bipartisanship. One thing I feel confident about is that the Democrats won't be getting the office in 2012, it's sure to go to a Republican (I feel).

NSJ - Im not one of those guys who thinks words will change America.  No doubt Obama can give a good Speech.. but I say it's been a year.  ONE YEAR.  They were after dudes throat after his first 100 days.  It takes alot of undoing for whats been done the last 8 years.

AND THEN needing to move forward.  I say if Obama isn't re-elected after this term, America will just keep teetering, because we gave the last dude 8 years and worse 4 additional years after the 1st four to keep the BS up.  We will see where we are in 3 more years eh?

I wasn't expecting him to change the world by now... The Republicans def dont want him to either.

If you think Obama is undoing anything then you're kidding yourself.

If the last 18 months has taught us anything it is that the President is hardly in charge of any policy that is actually important. To be honest, Obama just seems lost.

If Obama is lost.. what was Bush?

THen you would admit Bush put us in some serious Kim Chi?
Uh-ohhhh... Did anyone see how CNN "planted" that black republican in their focus group? Do they really think were that stupid?

Originally Posted by RockDeep


If Obama is lost.. what was Bush?

THen you would admit Bush put us in some serious Kim Chi?

America was put into some serious "Kim Chi" in the late 70's when the decision was made to sell out the country for the benefit of the top few % of the popualtion.
In all seriousness, the position we are in is just as much the product of an apathetic and irresponsible popualtion as it is of the kleptocracy that now rules this nation. 

This has nothing to do with Repub/Dem. Politics in a corrupt nation is all a charade. It's not any more real than "Reality" TV.
When the stock market tanks tomorrow, you'll know what everyone thought of his speech.   
I don't know man...IMO, Obama looked defeated tonight after being in charge after one year in office. He was kicking the same ole jargon when he was running for office. I hope the best not only for Obama, but more importantly for the people in the USA. we are in some serious %*+# right now, and this guy will probably not deliver on his campaign promises to get us atleast half way there.
Originally Posted by KICKS OFF

He was kicking the same ole jargon when he was running for office.   
Thats exactly why the markets will probably tank tomorrow.  I think now people see right through his rhetoric.
Originally Posted by KICKS OFF

I don't know man...IMO, Obama looked defeated tonight after being in charge after one year in office. He was kicking the same ole jargon when he was running for office. I hope the best not only for Obama, but more importantly for the people in the USA. we are in some serious %*+# right now, and this guy will probably not deliver on his campaign promises to get us atleast half way there.
For better or worse, I have to agree.  We'll see how things turn out...
Originally Posted by mjd77

Originally Posted by KICKS OFF

He was kicking the same ole jargon when he was running for office.   
Thats exactly why the markets will probably tank tomorrow.  I think now people see right through his rhetoric.
What happens if the dow increases 200 points?  
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by Deuce King

It seems like Pres. Obama is back to form, this is what I'm talking about!!
If he goes through with what he says, this speech will definitely be remembered.

lmao yeah ok. that was mediocre at best.

lol... some of those comments are so spot on.

Obama's fiscal profligacy has produced "stories... all across America." He's a regular Mark Twain!

 "Jobs must be our number one focus in 2010" = Sorry, we're going call it quits on health care reform.

Giving billions to big banks: Embodiment of evil. Giving $30 billion small banks: The best thing in America.

Obama wantsthe government to lend directly to small businesses... which is goingto raise the cost of credit across the country... how does this helpbusinesses?

High speed rail to nowhere.  Your tax dollars: transporting tourists between the airport and Busch Gardens since...

instead ofpunishing companies that go overseas (no more jobs for Haitians!), whynot just make the laws in the U.S. more business-friendly so theywouldn't leave in the first place?

A jobsbill... based on the same logic as the stimulus... which didn't stopunemployment from slipping from 7.6% to 10%... yep, that's gonna help

Speaking of clean energy jobs in Germany, the think tank RWI found:
Inthe end, Germany’s PV promotion has become a subsidization regime that,on a per-worker basis, has reached a level that far exceeds averagewages, with per worker subsidies as high as 175,000 € (US $ 240,000). …

AlthoughGermany’s promotion of renewable energies is commonly portrayed in themedia as setting a “shining example in providing a harvest for theworld
so we're going to screw developing nations bythrowing more subsidies at U.S. farms and businesses, and punishingU.S. corps when they invest overseas. then when third-world disasterslike haiti happen, we'll throw a bunch of money at them to show howmuch we care.
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

From the booing in the background, I expect another "you lie" situation tonight.

COmplete disrespect.

This never happened with ANY other President. Why should it with a Black one?
Complete disrespect is Obama saying he's going to get tough with Wall Street. Obama received the most campaign contributions EVER from Wall Street last cycle. To compound matters, before being elected Obama voted FOR the bailout.

Also, there's Obama's backdoor dealings with drug/insurance CEO's to hammer out the health care legislation. Obama met with zero citizen delegations.

Does that sound like Obama ever intends to get "tough" with Wall Street/Corporate America?

This is bigger than the Republicrats. This is about the People and this president is showing he's nothing more than a corporate puppet.
Originally Posted by mjd77

When the stock market tanks tomorrow, you'll know what everyone thought of his speech.   
You should stay out of discussions that involve business, the stock market, and economics if you think a speech has anything to do with daily stock market gyrations.

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

President Obama gave a very good speech last night. I'm interested to see how the student loan and small business proposals pan out.
Nothing will get done. The bill will get passed around like hot potato and they will move onto the next problem without ever solving anything. Just look at the health care reform. Bush went into 2 wars without any proof, just off speculation and they can't take care of a health care bill. Just shows who is running America. The govt has been digging this country into a deep hole and I don't see them coming out of it.
Originally Posted by mjd77

When the stock market tanks tomorrow, you'll know what everyone thought of his speech.   
This is the type of stupidity I have come to expect in political threads on nike talk

He needs to realize that those guys mocking him, laughing at him, talking under their breathe, and disrespect him DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH HIM.. They truly hate him as a person and everything he stands for... So the appeasement of the Republicans is %%%#$*% ridiculous... Grow a set and run over them.

Also, the black women that was in the background for Gov. McDonnell response speech last night should be ashamed, SMH.
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