***Official Political Discussion Thread***

They have a chance. Bernie would have got mopped up. And I doubt Trump would be doing everything in his power to steal this election if he wasn't shook he was going to lose.
This ain't gonna be pretty debate. Mud and turds will be thrown when Trump and Biden get on stage together. It's bigger than the election. All the spygate stuff will be driving the discussion and very little attention to policy.
deuce king deuce king

You’re very clear about what you do not like, you’re the best in this thread at it.

if you don’t mind, could you tell us what you do like. These aren’t rhetorical questions.

1.) was there anything the Sanders campaign could have done or said or policy proposals that would have persuaded you to support him?
2.) same question but for the Harris campaign?

More importantly,

3.) if you were in charge what are the things you’d do for the black community that not bring done or not being proposed by the Democratic Party?

Thank you for asking me my take on these matters. Also thank you for your patience rexanglorum rexanglorum I had to take some time to get with my family.............now back to regularly scheduled programming.

1. For me I honestly don’t think there’s much Sanders could have done to garner any support from me from the start. Sanders stared out on a bad note with me beginning this 2020 campaign season as he stepped on Stacey Abrams State of the Union response and post address. I didn’t like that.....didn’t like that at all. I didn’t see a direct reach out to the black community or even an attempt at one. I believe Sanders even came out and said he was against reparations for black people. You combine all that together and Bernie Sanders was DOA with me and any other black people.

Also pertaining Bernie Sanders I personally just didn’t see him winning the Democratic primary. I always felt that the country was going to go with the safest bet, and the safest bet was and is Joe Biden. When you know people, and you have street sense you know if and where people are going to go. In short, what’s understood doesn’t need to be explained so with that being said I knew that Bernie Sanders didn’t stand a chance. That’s without me going around and personally surveying each and every Democratic voter.

2. In regards to Kamala, when you’re the new kid on the block like she was, you have to either wait your turn or establish yourself amongst the group effectively so folks can know who and what you are all about. I don’t think Kamala did anything blatantly wrong during her presidential run (key word blatantly) I just think not enough people knew who she was or as I pointed out in my #1 point above wanted to go against the safest bet which was Joe Biden.

When your new and not that many people know you and you splash onto the scene like a then President Obama did at John Kerry’s Democratic Convention you have to follow-up with that in grand fashion by releasing a book or something along the lines like Obama did.......”The Audacity Of Hope”. Not only was it a great book in its own regard but it gave people a chance to learn Barack Obama and figure who he is, what he’s about, and more importantly what he stands for. Not saying Kamala Harris HAD to release a book or something like that but it would have been nice and only helped her presidential bid. Having a voting record in the Senate is nice and all but in order to run for the highest office in the land people have to BELIEVE in you. People can’t believe in you if they don’t know who you are. Especially with so much on the line with Trump being in office and wanting him replaced.

Also just to clarify something from a few days ago.....I know I said “horrible” in regards to Joe Biden selecting Kamala Harris a few days ago, but that’s not to say that Kamala Harris as a VP pick is horrible or that’s she’s a horrible person because I don’t believe she is. I might have personally wanted someone else to get the VP selection but as the end of the day that doesn’t matter because Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris. So if Biden is cool with Kamala by his side that’s good enough for me. I said something out of pocket about Kamala a few months ago once she dropped out of the presidential race and my brotha RustyShackleford RustyShackleford corrected me on something that I said about her personally.....which he should have and I appreciate him and anyone else who chimed in on that. Steel sharpens steel......and I’m from the Each One Teach One era so if you see one of your own doing something wrong or that you don’t agree with you let him or her know. That’s what love of family and love of community is all about. Very happy for Kamala Harris.........and for any and all AKA’s worldwide. This is y’all time for shine. Like my brother George told Ethel back in the day on the campus of Howard University.......”tell your friends to get with my friends.....and we can be friends......we can do this every weekend”.....’06/‘08.

3. Your third point is obviously the most complex question of them all. For starters If I were in charge I would enhance or more so enforce the hate laws that are already on the books, particularly as it pertains to black people. I would also set up government funding for community mentor groups in inner cities. For example here in DC we have male mentor community groups that help intervene neighborhood beefs and help establish black male figures in the community. These community groups are funded by DC Government. I would look to invest and establish a network like this in just about every state that has predominantly black communities.

Revamp and build back up investment and funding for HBCU’s and government scholarships for black scholars. School might not be for everybody but it’s certainly very important for possible advancement in society and more important for learning OUR history. I would also set up a committee to discuss reparations for black people and see if and what an agreed upon package of reparations would look like for the black community. This is just a brief view of some of the starters I would look into for US to help get the ball rolling. There’s obviously much more the further in depth I would go.

Again, thanks for asking rexanglorum rexanglorum .
And the Dems are gonna lose to Trump because the party chose weak candidates lmao.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just this morning Trump admitted to sabotaging the USPS in an attempt to swing the election, yet you chose to continue to complain about other Democratic voters not agreeing with you during the primary.

Famb, you too reactionary for your own good my dude, Trump loves left wingers that behave like you.

They are stealing this thing right under your nose, yet your want to litigate the primary again. Good grief
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Y'all got all this temporary reactionary allegiance that's not gonna last lol.

it’s politics, you should react to things that are happening and what people do and say

youre not marrying these people or having kids with them

even if you get a great presidential candidate that would soon be president, max youre getting is 8 years in the US
it’s politics, you should react to things that are happening and what people do and say

youre not marrying these people or having kids with them

even if you get a great presidential candidate that would soon be president, max youre getting is 8 years in the US
A politician is as good as your insurance agent. They will talk you up a good game on how much policy coverage you have. How little you have to pay every month. You liked their professionalism and the company they were associated with.

When your basement floods and you call in your claim and the adjuster you deal with tells you that shiny policy you bought from that guy with the nice sign and the suit won't cover your loss who is to blame? The guy in the suit that talked to you and made you feel good and sold you a terrible policy, or you the individual not focusing on the policy coverage you are spending your money on?

You call your agent to complain and that guy in the suit with the nice smile and associations has packed up and left town. Moved on to a much better paying job and the new agent you are assigned to can't do anything but blame the last agent for what they failed to do for you.

My point is focus on policy, not politicians.
A politician is as good as your insurance agent. They will talk you up a good game on how much policy coverage you have. How little you have to pay every month. You liked their professionalism and the company they were associated with.

When your basement floods and you call in your claim and the adjuster you deal with tells you that shiny policy you bought from that guy with the nice sign and the suit won't cover your loss who is to blame? The guy in the suit that talked to you and made you feel good and sold you a terrible policy, or you the individual not focusing on the policy coverage you are spending your money on?

You call your agent to complain and that guy in the suit with the nice smile and associations has packed up and left town. Moved on to a much better paying job and the new agent you are assigned to can't do anything but blame the last agent for what they failed to do for you.

My point is focus on policy, not politicians.

Interesting you bring this up seeing a Bernie was light on specifics of his policy and could really never answer how he was going to fund his revolutionary ideals. Do you think somehow a guy who has been in the political sphere for 40+ years ISN'T somehow playing by the same rules as everybody else?
:rofl: at Cornel West being a grifter.

Is that because he was critical of Obama or politicians you like?

RustyShackleford RustyShackleford
I called Jimmy Dore and Krystal Ball grifters.

When did I say something about Cornel West recently besides in your imagination? Please point it out.

I agree with West on somethings but dude be saying some dumb **** too. Like I know economics, he is not gonna convince me the Dems and GOP are equally as bad on the issue. I know basic civics and follow politics, so I can tell some of his takes are very flawed.

Like a fool he was telling people to vote for a scammer like Jill Stein. He couldn't even stand up to Bill Maher when he got pressed for doing that.

Also, West goes after any black liberal the gains too much popularity in the politic circles. His beef with Obama is partly personal but is whatever, I lost respect for dude for his attack on Coates though. That was some sucka ****.
Interesting you bring this up seeing a Bernie was light on specifics of his policy and could really never answer how he was going to fund his revolutionary ideals. Do you think somehow a guy who has been in the political sphere for 40+ years ISN'T somehow playing by the same rules as everybody else?
I fault Bernie for not being specific about reparations and trying to hold the middle ground. During that time reparations was the hot button issue. In politics you have to wait your turn. There are a lot of back door and gentlemens agreements that decide who is in charge over us voting. I just feel like Bernie patiently waited his turn and the climate changed.
Much like Hillary waited her turn and the climate changed drastically.

All politicians are playing the game. There are winners and losers. But that manifest it which position you end up getting chosen for. I feel like Bernie was a step in the reparations direction.

Biden and Kamala are a step in the tough on crime direction. They are dogwhistle candidates to make ppl feel like there is a political emphasise on safety vs reforming social programs.
I called Jimmy Dore and Krystal Ball grifters.

When did I say something about Cornel West recently besides in your imagination? Please point it out.

I agree with West on something but dude be saying some dumb **** too. Like a fool he was telling people to vote for a scammer like Jill Stein. he couldn't even stand up to Bill Maher when he got pressed for doing that.

Also, West goes after any black liberal the gains too much popularity in the politic circles. His beef with Obama is partly personal but is whatever, I lost respect for dude for his attack on Coates though. That was some sucka ****.
The video I posted was about what Cornell West. You just saw "The Hill" and didn't go any further. Krystal Ball is just another talking head on tv mayne.

What did he say about Coates?
A politician is as good as your insurance agent. They will talk you up a good game on how much policy coverage you have. How little you have to pay every month. You liked their professionalism and the company they were associated with.

When your basement floods and you call in your claim and the adjuster you deal with tells you that shiny policy you bought from that guy with the nice sign and the suit won't cover your loss who is to blame? The guy in the suit that talked to you and made you feel good and sold you a terrible policy, or you the individual not focusing on the policy coverage you are spending your money on?

You call your agent to complain and that guy in the suit with the nice smile and associations has packed up and left town. Moved on to a much better paying job and the new agent you are assigned to can't do anything but blame the last agent for what they failed to do for you.

My point is focus on policy, not politicians.

that‘s why you read exactly what you are signing before signing and paying for said insurance

and guess what, you can always get more/better coverage

you can also change your insurance provider

and to your point, if you actually read your policy and the insurer isn’t providing you what you paid for guess what sue them.. happens all the time

you aren’t marrying an insurer either.. you aren’t obligated to be with them for life
that‘s why you read exactly what you are signing before signing and paying for said insurance

and guess what, you can always get more/better coverage

you can also change your insurance provider

and to your point, if you actually read your policy and the insurer isn’t providing you what you paid for guess what sue them.. happens all the time

you aren’t marrying an insurer either.. you aren’t obligated to be with them for life
Have you read your full policy for your car? Do people read all the TOS in everything they buy or use? Do people even really have time to? Or are we typically having faith on people following up on their words with action?
Cornell West
Politicians come and go. Policy is what remains. Y'all are more focused on the show. How often do campaign promises manifest?
I am an economist. We talk about policy in here all the damn time.

You have not posted anything here about policy. Biden has his entire policy agenda on his website, you on the other hand have focused on all him a weak candidate. Saying you want "tangibles", yet you ignore the best roadblock to progressive change, the Senate filibuster.

So spare me this accusation, if anyone is too focused on the other stuff besides policy, it is you.
Politicians come and go. Policy is what remains. Y'all are more focused on the show. How often do campaign promises manifest?

policy changes all the damn time

and ain’t no one lies on the level of trump, just look at social security for a recent example

they are literally in court fighting the affordable care act
Politicians come and go. Policy is what remains. Y'all are more focused on the show. How often do campaign promises manifest?

I think you have it confused. There's only one way that progressive POLICY will be enacted going forward. And that has less to do with who's in the oval office.
The video I posted was about what Cornell West. You just saw "The Hill" and didn't go any further. Krystal Ball is just another talking head on tv mayne.

What did he say about Coates?
I watched the video, and then made a comment about Krystal Ball, and made a comment about you behaving like a plain jane disgruntled Bernie supporter. The joke was about the comment you are spreading.

For someone that calls people just talking heads, there sure is a pattern in the comment you like to propagate.
Have you read your full policy for your car? Do people read all the TOS in everything they buy or use? Do people even really have time to? Or are we typically having faith on people following up on their words with action?

yes I’m fully aware of the level of coverage I receive for my car, house and life insurance policies

my health insurance is through my law firm, so I deal with things as they arise
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