***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Thank you blco,

I see your point and at first glance the standard liberal position of civil liberterianism and economic intervention are internally contradictory.

Nevertheless, I support these seemingly contradictory position because the state is ultimately a collection of elected offices and established agencies and bureaucracies. Agencies that do or claim to regulate financial markets, oversee people's pensions, prevent pollution and to protect workers do use force but they use a small amount of actual force and they do or they can be tremendously beneficial. Conversely, the agencies that Conservatives tend to support have the opposite ratio. The DEA, the FBI, the ATF, the Local Sheriff and police departments wield a tremendous amount of actual force and in our current "tough on crime" political milieu, we see very few benefits to society.

So if we actually funded and empowered the CFPB, recessions could be prevented, pensions could be preserved, homes could be kept and the amount of force involved would be minimal. A few bankers who sell bad products or who over leverage would be fined.

Contrast this to the War on Drugs where the public health benefits are negligible, at best. These paltry social benefits come at the cost of millions of maimed, broken and imprisoned bodies.

As a Social Democrat, I try my best to make these distinctions and when we have robust and inquisitive free press, widespread education and an engaged electorate, we the people, should be able to make those distinctions. Obviously, any agency can indeed be used to severely oppress people and we do need eternal vigilance to try to prevent that from happening. I sincerely believe that Social Democrats are just as capable of maintaining eternal vigilance as people of any other political stripe.
It's the charade. The illusion of left vs right, democrat vs republican. One side takes a strong stance on a policy, the other side takes the opposite stance. If one side is heavily for or against something, it naturally evokes any person paying attention to either be for or against it. If that's the narrative they present, that's the issues people are going to think they care about.

In the case of issues like abortion, drug usage, gay marriage etc. who's to say who is really right or wrong? You can't. These are issues that only effect the person involved in the act and nobody else. There really is no right answer, whether it's morally, politically or ethically. It literally is a never ending debate. But the narrative is a heavily used narrative because this creates tension between the public. Splitting the people up in 2 sides while the oligarchy continues.

I'm certain that neither political party really gives a **** about abortion in relation to morality. Morality is non-existent in this government.
A lot of truth right here.

 All of the aforementioned are essentially non-issues for the very reasons you highlighted. They are subjective, and in all honesty never going to change. When people mention how annoyed they are about a politicians stance on abortion it's like nails on the chalkboard to me. It shouldn't matter because abortion will never not be legal. If you are voting on the issues, these should not be considered because they are illusions to the real issues.
It's the charade. The illusion of left vs right, democrat vs republican. One side takes a strong stance on a policy, the other side takes the opposite stance. If one side is heavily for or against something, it naturally evokes any person paying attention to either be for or against it. If that's the narrative they present, that's the issues people are going to think they care about.

In the case of issues like abortion, drug usage, gay marriage etc. who's to say who is really right or wrong? You can't. These are issues that only effect the person involved in the act and nobody else. There really is no right answer, whether it's morally, politically or ethically. It literally is a never ending debate. But the narrative is a heavily used narrative because this creates tension between the public. Splitting the people up in 2 sides while the oligarchy continues.

I'm certain that neither political party really gives a **** about abortion in relation to morality. Morality is non-existent in this government.

A lot of truth right here.

 All of the aforementioned are essentially non-issues for the very reasons you highlighted. They are subjective, and in all honesty never going to change. When people mention how annoyed they are about a politicians stance on abortion it's like nails on the chalkboard to me. It shouldn't matter because abortion will never not be legal. If you are voting on the issues, these should not be considered because they are illusions to the real issues.

False. Abortions and gay marriage are against Gods will and the U.S. will always be a Christian nation under God. I will vote for whoever defends my religious beliefs.

not srs. Amazing how people don't see religious fanaticism in any other religion aside from Islam
I'm catholic :nerd:
Almost flew over my head given some of the stuff I've read :rofl:

Wish I could rep
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson threatened to leave his party and launch an independent White House bid on Friday, accusing Republican Party leaders of trying to manipulate who wins the 2016 nomination.

Carson's threat came a day after party operatives said the race is so unpredictable that it could result in a contested convention in July when delegates meet to formally pick their presidential nominee.

Carson's concern is that party officials will rally around a candidate of their choice and exclude him.

"The party should not be doing anything that is deceptive and under the covers," Carson told reporters in Burlington, Iowa.

The retired neurosurgeon had led polls of Republican voters, but support has slumped in recent weeks as Carson has struggled to offer details of his foreign policy vision.

A poll of Republican voters in the early voting state of New Hampshire conducted by public television station WBUR found that Carson's support has fallen to only 6.0 percent from 17 percent in mid-September.

A so-called "brokered convention," in which no single candidate has a sufficient number of nominating delegates to become the presidential nominee in the November election, used to be a common feature of American politics, but there has not been one in more than 60 years.

Top party operatives, at a dinner hosted by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus, discussed the possibility that the Republican battle for a nominee will extend to the July 18-21 convention in Cleveland, officials told Reuters on Thursday.

They stressed that the issue came up only briefly.

In a statement, Carson expressed concern that party leaders would attempt to influence the nominating process.

"If the powerful try to manipulate it, the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next summer may be the last convention," he said.

If there were plans for a brokered convention, he said, "I assure you Donald Trump won't be the only one leaving the party."

"Dr. Carson, don't worry," Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer said on CNN. Spicer said the discussions concerned the delegate selection process. "It's nothing more than that," he said.

Donald Trump's rise to the top of the 14-candidate field has confounded establishment Republicans who have been waiting in vain for the New York billionaire's insurgent campaign to collapse.

Trump has repeatedly threatened to embark on an independent run for the White House if the party does not treat him fairly.
They're trying REALLY hard for Trump not to win. It seems like the more the RNC tries to take down Trump, the more the people want to vote for him to stick it to the RNC for all the shenanigans they've been pulling.
The is no punish in America for being a racist, but there is if you get labelled as one

All this bigotry, xenophobia and racism Trump is spewing has been part of the GOP base and platform for decades. But before they played coy about it.

Now Trump is using it to his benefit, exposing American conservatism for what it really is in the process, and they're mad :smh: :lol:

Trump run is just the chickens coming home to roost.

-But good on Carson for calling out the RNC for their games.
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They're trying REALLY hard for Trump not to win. It seems like the more the RNC tries to take down Trump, the more the people want to vote for him to stick it to the RNC for all the shenanigans they've been pulling.
this is not suprising at all.  

and did ben carson really expect the republican party to back a black nominee?
They're trying REALLY hard for Trump not to win. It seems like the more the RNC tries to take down Trump, the more the people want to vote for him to stick it to the RNC for all the shenanigans they've been pulling.
this is not suprising at all.  

and did ben carson really expect the republican party to back a black nominee?
It's all about power. Neither is from the establishment. Bush was supposed to win, but he's been screwing things up royally by not being able to even answer the basic questions.

If you look at the top 4 candidates, Rubio is the only one that's even remotely an "insider". But he's probably the most moderate too.
Same with Carson :lol:,they'd split that GOP vote so much I doubt it would even matter who the democratic candidate would be :lol:

Plot Twist:
Trump and Carson drop out of GOP race. Run as Independents. Trump as Pres, Carson as VP.

Trump isn't going to take his L and go home. No matter how the primaries turn out.
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Same with Carson :lol:,they'd split that GOP vote so much I doubt it would even matter who the democratic candidate would be :lol:

Plot Twist:
Trump and Carson drop out of GOP race. Run as Independents. Trump as Pres, Carson as VP.

Trudeau better be ready for the mass immigration of Americans if that happened.

Imagine a US Prez that's banned in most developed countries :rofl:
If Trump and or Carson run as independents I wonder who the hell would win the Republican nomination. I don't see Rubio getting it FWIW.
I'd put money on either Rubio or Cruz. Cruz has been running as the more "mainstream" GOP alternative to Trump with him tagging along and agreeing with a lot of what he says. He'd get those Trump sympathizers but GOP loyalists along with his tea party base.
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If Trump and or Carson run as independents I wonder who the hell would win the Republican nomination. I don't see Rubio getting it FWIW.

I think the establishment will try their hardest to get Rubio nominated

Carson, Cruz and Trump might split the far right votes in some states, leaving it open to Rubio

Rubio is a hard-core conservative, but still more marketable to moderate republicans

I think he gets it.

I think as a independent Carson has no shot to affect any states, Trump maybe, depending on who his running mate is.

If it is Ted Cruz, the GOP is ******.

Cruz is not getting on the ticket unless he a) wins the nomination b) Trump wins and picks because he played nice with him

Cruz is too unlikable, dishonest, and his rhetoric is too out there. His best skill is debating and as VP he will only get one chance at that, and someone like O'Malley could handle him easily.
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Rubio is the only one that has a real chance but i don't think the base will come out and vote for him
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