***Official Political Discussion Thread***

But most of this country gets their healthcare subsidized, including you, and we were on the early stages of a crisis in 2008.

Everyone agreed something had to be done. Every candidate had a reform plan

What about the people with preexisting conditions? or the working poor?

And you're suggesting is that we do nothing policy wise, so the system can keep benefiting you, and wait till the population gets it's act together.

And all the people that have their lives destroyed in the interim, by you know being in a car accident, or being poor/lower class, or getting cancer, what **** em?

And strangely enough, lets get your act together so it solves a part of the issue (not all), not all and maybe that might benefit me in the long run too.

All i hear is selfishness and no solutions

And it really is selfish because like i said, you get you healthcare subsidies too. And for every person his bill hurt, i and can give a story about how it helped another

Finally for a law the "people" seem to not want, they sure are signing up for it a lot. :lol:


there was anti bush movment becuase the GOP and Bush;

got us into two wars without funding them

Threw away the surplus on tax cuts that didn't work

Tortured people

Lied to get us into said wars

And i could go on and on

-People where gonna throw their ***** out before the economy went pop, the Dems where still taking the White House. Stop acting like the crash is what cause it

The GOP ****** up for years. The racist *** tea party has been the GOP's saving grace

How ******* disgusting is that. :smh:
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Feels like the war on common sense is being lost 

 Senate Republicans vote down legislation that would block suspected terrorists, felons, mentally ill from buying guns http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/senate-gop-votes-terrorist-gun-bill-article-1.2454448
Like how the hell is this even justifiable?!?! 
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Feels like the war on common sense is being lost :smh:

[QUOTE url="[URL]http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/senate-gop-votes-terrorist-gun-bill-article-1.2454448[/URL]"]
 Senate Republicans vote down legislation that would block suspected terrorists, felons, mentally ill from buying guns http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/senate-gop-votes-terrorist-gun-bill-article-1.2454448
Like how the hell is this even justifiable?!?! :stoneface:

Follow the money, get your answers
Feels like the war on common sense is being lost 
 Senate Republicans vote down legislation that would block suspected terrorists, felons, mentally ill from buying guns http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/senate-gop-votes-terrorist-gun-bill-article-1.2454448
Like how the hell is this even justifiable?!?! 
Follow the money, get your answers
Word,that pimp named Wayne LaPierre has ridiculous pull thanks to all his pros in congress 
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Question for the rest of the millennials which is majority of NT I assume, What could we do within the next ten years to make changes to some of this crazy crap going on in this country? We're almost to the point where we are going to take over, since GenX doesn't have the gumption to do so.

Every article I read I just get more and more disgusted at the decisions these cats make and realize that these decisions will affect us when we get into certain positions.
Question for the rest of the millennials which is majority of NT I assume, What could we do within the next ten years to make changes to some of this crazy crap going on in this country? We're almost to the point where we are going to take over, since GenX doesn't have the gumption to do so.

Every article I read I just get more and more disgusted at the decisions these cats make and realize that these decisions will affect us when we get into certain positions.

From a political standpoint, Famb I'm slowly losing hope.

2008 was our wake up call.

A lot of the policies of the boomers championed simply failed

The economy crashed so we knew the pendulum had to swing back on the regulation side, we were in two bad wars so the country loss it's taste for war, our surplus got pissed away on the rich so once again supply side economic was exposed for by nonsense, our international reputation tarnished and we wanted it back, and the nation was ready to extend the social safety for the first time in a long time through healthcare reform.

But we made the mistake for voting in a black man, and too compound that, he has done too good a job at cleaning up Bush's mess.

So we get a uptick in white nationalism loons, and people got back to be too being comfortable.

The more I think of it the more I believe in a perfect world, if Jon Edwards won't have been a scumbag in his private life, and he won have presidency. America would be much well off right now, and think those feelings are going to linger for a while.

Unless things get has bad as they did in 2008, millennials aren't gonna be motivated to do a damb thing, but pass the buck off too Generation Z.

So reverse some of the trends we see is gonna take sacrifice and sweeping reforms, and without a crisis to put pressure on folk, I don't see it coming.
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Question for the rest of the millennials which is majority of NT I assume, What could we do within the next ten years to make changes to some of this crazy crap going on in this country? We're almost to the point where we are going to take over, since GenX doesn't have the gumption to do so.

Every article I read I just get more and more disgusted at the decisions these cats make and realize that these decisions will affect us when we get into certain positions.

It'll never come from within the system. Why would it? The system may be broken to anyone with the eyes to see it but it works perfectly fine for those that are benefiting from it.

In my opinion, there's only one answer. It's an answer that people don't want to hear because it's an inconvenient answer. Inconvienent to people who still identify themselves in the boxes and people who depend on the boxes. But it's the only answer that makes any kind of sense to me. And that answer is revolution.
I don't think any one person is equipped to answer that question but it needs to happen. When people wanted to end the holocaust I don't think we needed an answer to what happens after the holocaust, we just know it needed to be ended
I don't think any one person is equipped to answer that question but it needs to happen. When people wanted to end the holocaust I don't think we needed an answer to what happens after the holocaust, we just know it needed to be ended


So no answer just red herrings

You've already admitted most people won't be open to your ideas, I ask you to expand on them and you got nothing.

You want people to take a course of action, you won't even articulate what comes afterward. Jeeez man

You claim you want the entire system torn down but you can't answer how people will be keep safe, how they will be educated, how will they be able to travel, how decisions will be made, how resources be separate, nothing?

It is looking more and more like you just want to troll, and more than anything else brah

-But of course, I'm probably saying all this because the idea of revolution makes me so uncomfortable. :rolleyes
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You really asked me to break down how a better society would be ran...

"Come on famb".

I gave you my answer but you just want a debate. I'm expressing my opinion just like anybody else you just get all in your feelings. Maybe you are uncomfortable idk.
Not to mention im on slow as galaxy s3 im not about to write the new manual for spaceship earth because rusty Shackleton wants to get into a pissing contest.
Question for the rest of the millennials which is majority of NT I assume, What could we do within the next ten years to make changes to some of this crazy crap going on in this country? We're almost to the point where we are going to take over, since GenX doesn't have the gumption to do so.

Every article I read I just get more and more disgusted at the decisions these cats make and realize that these decisions will affect us when we get into certain positions.
It'll never come from within the system. Why would it? The system may be broken to anyone with the eyes to see it but it works perfectly fine for those that are benefiting from it.

In my opinion, there's only one answer. It's an answer that people don't want to hear because it's an inconvenient answer. Inconvienent to people who still identify themselves in the boxes and people who depend on the boxes. But it's the only answer that makes any kind of sense to me. And that answer is revolution.
What kind of revolution?
Question for the rest of the millennials which is majority of NT I assume, What could we do within the next ten years to make changes to some of this crazy crap going on in this country? We're almost to the point where we are going to take over, since GenX doesn't have the gumption to do so.

Every article I read I just get more and more disgusted at the decisions these cats make and realize that these decisions will affect us when we get into certain positions.

It'll never come from within the system. Why would it? The system may be broken to anyone with the eyes to see it but it works perfectly fine for those that are benefiting from it.

In my opinion, there's only one answer. It's an answer that people don't want to hear because it's an inconvenient answer. Inconvienent to people who still identify themselves in the boxes and people who depend on the boxes. But it's the only answer that makes any kind of sense to me. And that answer is revolution.

What kind of revolution?

I don't think any one person is equipped to answer that question
So the GOP wants to defund planned parenthood so these 40 million (mostly minority) babies can come into the world. Many of which will end up poverty. Then when said babies grow up and need a quality education they won't get it because, you know, poor neighborhoods mean poor, overcrowded schools.

Then when said babies become adults and attempt to join the workforce they'll be denied because the craptastic education they received didn't prepare them for anything. So when said adults apply for public assistance and unemployment your typical conservative talking heads will say "You guys just need to pull yourselves up by the bootstraps. No handouts!"

What a brillant ******* plan!!
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Yall heard about the GOP stopping a bill to prevent terror suspects from buying guns :lol: Its incredible how much a chokehold the NRA got on these guys. They claim it wouldnt have stopped the shooting in San Bernadino anyways but still its mad how beholding they are to them. Wayne La Pierre gotta be named pimp of the century for this mess :smh:
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^^ that's a slippery slope though, who's to say everyone on that list is a terrorist. Passing that would set the precedent that hey we put you on a list you can't arm yourself. America ain't having that, I can see why they voted it down.
^^ that's a slippery slope though, who's to say everyone on that list is a terrorist. Passing that would set the precedent that hey we put you on a list you can't arm yourself. America ain't having that, I can see why they voted it down.

This is true.. Especially with all these militia types out there on the far right. They know some of them would have been subjected to the rules if implemented.

Feel the Bern!

As far as the terrorist suspect list in concerned. I side with the NRA on this. There is a disturbing trend of lists and registries that punish people without a far trial or even without any judicial review. If we can take away someone's freedoms because the executive branch decides that someone is in a class of feared or hated persons then we have subverted the whole notion of being presumed innocent.

If someone who is a "suspected terrorist" loses his second amendment rights because of executive fiat, we could perhaps have a "suspected child rapist" list and we could put people (say the President's political enemies) on the sex offender registry without a trial and cause them to lose their jobs and home without a trial or even an alleged victim. We could have a "mentally disturbed registry" and suspend people's right to vote indefinitely.

Too many Americans are so obsessed with security at all costs that they empower the state to the point that it becomes a much greater danger than any crazy loner, pedophile or terrorist ever could be.

Feel the Bern!

As far as the terrorist suspect list in concerned. I side with the NRA on this. There is a disturbing trend of lists and registries that punish people without a far trial or even without any judicial review. If we can take away someone's freedoms because the executive branch decides that someone is in a class of feared or hated persons then we have subverted the whole notion of being presumed innocent.

If someone who is a "suspected terrorist" loses his second amendment rights because of executive fiat, we could perhaps have a "suspected child rapist" list and we could put people (say the President's political enemies) on the sex offender registry without a trial and cause them to lose their jobs and home without a trial or even an alleged victim. We could have a "mentally disturbed registry" and suspend people's right to vote indefinitely.

Too many Americans are so obsessed with security at all costs that they empower the state to the point that it becomes a much greater danger than any crazy loner, pedophile or terrorist ever could be.


Right on.

Although I totally agree with your fear of empowering the state, that seams to clash harshly with your support of Bernie Sanders. Socialism is the ultimate empowering of the state.
There is a difference between the state stepping in when private entities fail to serve the people fully and fairy. For example providing affordable healthcare

And empowering the state to potentially strip people of their rights.

Because in scenario two, often times leads to minority groups being disproportionately hurt.

I believe in gun control, but every policy has to be scrutinized to see if they can be exploited in the future.
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