***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That's not the only tweet the reporter sent out at the suggestion of the Clinton aide, there were many others. And people still deny liberal media bias :smh: She was basically acting as a propagandist for the State Department. Can you imagine this kind of cozy relationship between a Bush aide and a CNN reporter? :lol: Unthinkable.


She was also suspended by CNN for letting her bias come through in a tweet regarding the Syrian refugee vote.

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Who here is asking for a politician to save them? But how runs the government is extremely important

But liberals and conservatives govern very different, the enact very different policies that have lasting effects on people's lives.

The policies they enact and the foundation for how industries industries organize, how society functions and what trajectory the next generation

The next president is especially important because the next one will probably have say over if the SCOTUS is going to be a left leaning or right leaning court for next generation. The Supreme Court in recent years has made gay marriage legal, upheld one of the biggest social programs in recent history, decided the 2000 election, and made corporations people.

Whether you disagree with the decision the made, everyone should be able to agree that who makes the decisions is important. And that's what we are discussing

Even though I disagree with conservative a lot, I see the importance of a healthy conservative movement within a country, and that they're a good ideas on the other side. if it just that I believe the GOP are the absolute worst representation of what a good conservative can be.

-I would wish that the entire population took politics seriously . Not seriously in supporting their favorite sports team, but seriously in looking at the policies governments support. Even if that meant I won't get my way most of the time.

At least I know the government won't answer to the people over special interest, and that we would be living in a democracy not a oligarchy.

-And I do believe some politicians care, maybe not for me personally of course, but has a nation as a whole. The thing is they only have to really answer to those who care the most politics. That's why special interest get their way so much, why senior citizens have them by the nuts, why the young get screwed, and the Tea Party can flourish.

Because like Sanders had been trying to tell people, things only get better when everyone cares. Not about a politician personally, but about the political process in general, and the laws they pass.

-I can help every struggling single mom, every black kid being steamrolled, every immigrant coming here to have better chance at life, every teenage mom that doesn't want one mistake to ruin her life, every kid that can't afford college, or every poor person not knowing where their next meal is coming from, allies oversea needing protection.....it could go on for hours

I try to do my part through donating and volunteering, I see the importance of private enterprise plays, but I know I ain't Superman, and that profits and altruism don't align most of the time. However I also know that the one thing that can help (or hurt) those people the most are government policies.

So I care about those, and as a result I care about all the nonsense that comes with it.

And while I disagree with folk like Crc, and DubA on a lot, I respect that they care too.

Not caring is just sticking your head in the sand and hoping while your *** is in the air, it doesn't get ******.

Keep you head up brah and protect dem cheeks, and the cheek of the people you care about famb :lol:

Exactly. But I think what he is saying is that the President doesn't "run the government". And he/she definitely doesn't run it with your interest in mind.

I don't really think the difference between "liberals, conservatives, democrats, republicans" etc. is anything more than an illusion. Just look at the Presidency and their Administrations. During the campaigns and the prime time television spectacles, that can only be compared to professional sports drafts or celebrity talent shows, they go head to head with their differences in policies yet somehow each one that get's in office continues the charade just as the last one did.

When I say illusion, I don't mean to say the definitions of the political representations/labels aren't real or don't exist, I just mean that these criminals use the label of the political party or ideology but their actions all lean more towards an oligarchy than anything else.
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Not sure if this is the place
But the senate just voted
And republicans won the vote to defund planned parenthood :smh:
Not sure if this is the place
But the senate just voted
And republicans won the vote to defund planned parenthood :smh:

Don't worry bro, Obama will veto it. Tax payer dollars will continue to fund abortions, no worries.
I'd be interested to see the real number of anti-abortion supporters in congress, and if their decision is truly based on being pro life, or if they are driven to keep young (mostly) people in a cycle of financial disadvantage? :nerd:
I don't know why Republicans are so obsessed with Planned Parenthood. They're not concerned with the real issues that are going on in this country.
I don't know why Republicans are so obsessed with Planned Parenthood. They're not concerned with the real issues that are going on in this country.

It's the charade. The illusion of left vs right, democrat vs republican. One side takes a strong stance on a policy, the other side takes the opposite stance. If one side is heavily for or against something, it naturally evokes any person paying attention to either be for or against it. If that's the narrative they present, that's the issues people are going to think they care about.

In the case of issues like abortion, drug usage, gay marriage etc. who's to say who is really right or wrong? You can't. These are issues that only effect the person involved in the act and nobody else. There really is no right answer, whether it's morally, politically or ethically. It literally is a never ending debate. But the narrative is a heavily used narrative because this creates tension between the public. Splitting the people up in 2 sides while the oligarchy continues.

I'm certain that neither political party really gives a **** about abortion in relation to morality. Morality is non-existent in this government.
Hopefully someone in here can answer this question for me, as I do not know the answer, nor can I find an answer on the interwebz.

What's the difference between a Presidential Campaign contribution and a donation? By definition they are pretty much the same thing. I'm wondering if it's any different in the world of politics.
Not sure if this is the place
But the senate just voted
And republicans won the vote to defund planned parenthood
Don't worry bro, Obama will veto it. Tax payer dollars will continue to fund abortions, no worries.
That's actually part of the reason Obamacare is failing because Congress isn't funding the federal subsidies to the exchanges.
I don't know why Republicans are so obsessed with Planned Parenthood. They're not concerned with the real issues that are going on in this country.
40 million lives isn't an issue?
-Nice you finally admit the GOP is trying to sabotage the law.

-and of course, lets act like the only thing Planned parenthood does is abortions. :rolleyes

But i guess this women can just hop on Medicaid, unless they make to much and they live in a state that didn't extend the benefit just to spite Obama.

Or the could just rely on a strong social safety net to help them raise the child, not like the legislature is fighting tooth an nail to destroy it.

The Republican Party, "We care about babies, but once they are born, **** them"
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I don't know why Republicans are so obsessed with Planned Parenthood. They're not concerned with the real issues that are going on in this country.

It's the charade. The illusion of left vs right, democrat vs republican. One side takes a strong stance on a policy, the other side takes the opposite stance. If one side is heavily for or against something, it naturally evokes any person paying attention to either be for or against it. If that's the narrative they present, that's the issues people are going to think they care about.

In the case of issues like abortion, drug usage, gay marriage etc. who's to say who is really right or wrong? You can't. These are issues that only effect the person involved in the act and nobody else. There really is no right answer, whether it's morally, politically or ethically. It literally is a never ending debate. But the narrative is a heavily used narrative because this creates tension between the public. Splitting the people up in 2 sides while the oligarchy continues.

I'm certain that neither political party really gives a **** about abortion in relation to morality. Morality is non-existent in this government.

Dude sorry, but stop. You basically rant about how political parties work and assume that is the reason there is so much tension in society.

Yes politicians are opportunist, but their still we be tensions in society regardless if politicians didn't rustle people for vote, and instead graciously made compromises.

Politicians reaction to the population just as much, i would argue even more, than the public reacts to politicians.

People love to grab the moral high ground, love to get outrage, politicians more than anything provide them with the talking points that keep the circlejerk moving. But so do their friends, pastors, etc.

There are just more people more interested in getting their way, than making the system fair.
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Dude sorry, but stop. You basically rant about how political parties work and assume that is the reason there is so much tension in society.

Yes politicians are opportunist, but their still we be tensions in society regardless if politicians didn't rustle people for vote and graciously made compromises.

Politicians reaction to the population just as much, i would argue even more than the public reacts to politicians.

People love to grab the moral high ground, love to get outrage, politicians more than anything provide them with the talking points that keep the circlejerk moving. But so do their friends, pastors, etc.

There are just more people more interested in getting their way, than making the system fair.

I agree with you. There absolutely needs to be some sort of government for the time being. People are at each others throats over ideologies and opinions all day. But you can't sit here and say most of what people fight about aren't provoked by politicians and mainstream media.

I don't advocate any type of political change or reform. It's bigger than politics. It's the entire system. This is more of a collective consciousness issue.

Which is why I go on forums and talk to the public. The public is what matters. Otherwise I'd be screaming my head off at politicians.

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So you post in a thread filled with people interested in the political process, about how futile the political process is.

And with all dude respect provide no evidence to back this up, or an cogent argument for people to wrap there heads around, all your doing is repeating your opinion. After a while, people will just tune you out.

You gotta forward to explanation of the solution to the issue, and what a better system will look like.

No offense famb, but without that part, your rants here are just as pointless as you think the whole 'left v. right' debates are.

Not trying to throw shade but i would like you to expand on your points much more, if you want people to listen.
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-Nice you finally admit the GOP is trying to sabotage the law.

-and of course, lets act like the only thing Planned parenthood does is abortions.

But i guess this women can just hop on Medicaid, unless they make to much and they live in a state that didn't extend the benefit just to spite Obama.

Or the could just rely on a strong social safety net to help them raise the child, not like the legislature is fighting tooth an nail to destroy it.

The Republican Party, "We care about babies, but once they are born, **** them"
No, not sabotaging it, using their power of the purse granted by the constitution. It was a partisan super-majority that passed the law against the will of the people and according the the constitution, congress holds the power of the purse so its ultimately up to them to fund those initiatives with our money. For the past 6 years, the people have been voting out the Democrats associated with the law with only the President still standing in the way of a full repeal so it's not like it's an unpopular thing.
-Nice you finally admit the GOP is trying to sabotage the law.

-and of course, lets act like the only thing Planned parenthood does is abortions. :rolleyes

But i guess this women can just hop on Medicaid, unless they make to much and they live in a state that didn't extend the benefit just to spite Obama.

Or the could just rely on a strong social safety net to help them raise the child, not like the legislature is fighting tooth an nail to destroy it.

The Republican Party, "We care about babies, but once they are born, **** them"

No, not sabotaging it, using their power of the purse granted by the constitution. It was a partisan super-majority that passed the law against the will of the people and according the the constitution, congress holds the power of the purse so its ultimately up to them to fund those initiatives with our money. For the past 6 years, the people have been voting out the Democrats associated with the law with only the President still standing in the way of a full repeal so it's not like it's an unpopular thing.


A supermajoirty that was voted in by the nation. Who knew about the healthcare crisis before 2008, and had a chance to repeal it in 2012. And who is the "people", middle and upper middle class whites? A group that already gets their health insurance subsidized btw.

You hate for this law is pushing into the delusional territory

And lets keep it #100 about what these actions are doing, denying people health insurance.

-And lets not act like the reason dems are getting voted out is because of the ACA. Complete ********.

Thank the tea party and all their disgusting **** that come along with them for that, or not and live in denial, if that makes you feel better
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So you post in a thread filled with people interested in the political process, about how futile the political process is.

And with all dude respect provide no evidence to back this up, or an cogent argument for people to wrap there heads around, all your doing is repeating your opinion. After a while, people will just tune you out.

You gotta forward to explanation of the solution to the issue, and what a better system will look like.

No offense famb, but without that part, your rants here are just as pointless as you think the whole 'left v. right' debates are.

Not trying to throw shade but i would like you to expand on your points much more, if you want people to listen.

YES. Most people aren't interested in politics at all. At least the people in this thread are. Granted some more invested then others but it's worth a shot. I don't really care if I'm ignored or misunderstood as long as it leads to at least one person finding the truth on their own.

And I've definitely provided proof on more than one occasion. But people don't respond well to truth. Especially since truth usually involves the individual having to change. Which is why I trolled a couple of threads. Proof never got a response, but rustling jimmies got plenty of responses.

What I will take blame for is forgetting how heavily invested in the charade people are. That is my fault. I sometimes get lost in my own bubble of optimism and forget what the reality is.

Your opinion is noted and I will try to provide more cogent points.
No, not sabotaging it, using their power of the purse granted by the constitution. It was a partisan super-majority that passed the law against the will of the people and according the the constitution, congress holds the power of the purse so its ultimately up to them to fund those initiatives with our money. For the past 6 years, the people have been voting out the Democrats associated with the law with only the President still standing in the way of a full repeal so it's not like it's an unpopular thing.

What's the alternative plan? For 6 years, we've heard nothing but "repeal" but no plan.
-Nice you finally admit the GOP is trying to sabotage the law.

-and of course, lets act like the only thing Planned parenthood does is abortions.

But i guess this women can just hop on Medicaid, unless they make to much and they live in a state that didn't extend the benefit just to spite Obama.

Or the could just rely on a strong social safety net to help them raise the child, not like the legislature is fighting tooth an nail to destroy it.

The Republican Party, "We care about babies, but once they are born, **** them"
No, not sabotaging it, using their power of the purse granted by the constitution. It was a partisan super-majority that passed the law against the will of the people and according the the constitution, congress holds the power of the purse so its ultimately up to them to fund those initiatives with our money. For the past 6 years, the people have been voting out the Democrats associated with the law with only the President still standing in the way of a full repeal so it's not like it's an unpopular thing.

A supermajoirty that was voted in by the nation. Who knew about the healthcare crisis before 2008, and had a chance to repeal it in 2012. And who is the "people", middle and upper middle class whites? A group that already gets their health insurance subsidized btw.

You hate for this law is pushing into the delusional territory

And lets keep it #100 about what these actions are doing, denying people health insurance.

-And lets not act like the reason dems are getting voted out is because of the ACA. Complete ********.

Thank the tea party and all their disgusting **** that come along with them for that, or not and live in denial, if that makes you feel better
The super-majority was voted in because there was an anti-Bush/Republican movement happening because of the economy. In the words of James Carville, "It's the economy stupid". Look at any change of power and the people always vote their wallet. If the economy is good, the incumbent party gets voted back in. If it's bad you'll see a continuous march to the opposition.

I don't HATE the law. I think it was completely unnecessary and a complete lie to the American people. It was pushed as households would save an average of $2000 each and they could keep their doctor of the liked it. Neither are true and it was proven that both statements were made only as an attempt to pass the law. Not to mention that deductibles are around $6000/household now on top of skyrocketing premiums on top of it. Why didn't we take a harder look at the factors leading to America's bad health instead like terrible diets and lack of exercise? When 1/3 of our children are obese of course healthcare costs will increase. The ACA addressed the symptom, not the problem.
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