***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bern and Killer Mike 

What do people think of this type of stuff. Feel like it's a very slipery slope. In 100 years will people be trying to get rid of bill clinton's name because he was against gay marriage?

This is the kind of social justice i feel just makes people feel better and righteous as opposed to actually having a meaningful impact on minorities.
It's a bit late to call it a slippery slope; it's already happening.

You're right though; this stuff can engender bitterness and possibly even low-key racism. We live in a very interesting time.
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What do people think of this type of stuff. Feel like it's a very slipery slope. In 100 years will people be trying to get rid of bill clinton's name because he was against gay marriage?

This is the kind of social justice i feel just makes people feel better and righteous as opposed to actually having a meaningful impact on minorities.

IMO its pointless. There's far better things to focus your energy towards. They're basically asking the school to erase him off history, which is impossible.

But, at the same time if they feel that strongly about this, I can't be upset at their effort. Still leaning towards "pointless" though.

Was there a thread on the Yale halloween fiasco/idiocy?
[h1]Vermin Supreme running for president, still wants to give everyone a pony[/h1]

In News  by Jamie Peck  / November 24, 2015

Perennial political candidate Vermin Supreme filed papers on Friday to run for the presidential primary in New Hampshire.

In a field that includes 30 Republicans and 28 Democrats, the Maryland Democrat stands out for his unique headgear, lush, wizard-like beard, and consistently pro-pony platform. Asked about how he’d defeat terrorists, he answered  “Hooves on the ground and boots on our heads!” Political Monitor  reports  that Mr. Supreme paid his $1,000 registration fee in $50 bills marked “not to be used for bribing politicians.”

Other policy positions Vermin espouses include going back in time to kill baby Hitler, mandatory tooth brushing for all citizens, and buying everyone a pony.

Of course, this ain’t his first rodeo; this will be the protest candidate’s seventh run for president of these United States, and he’s been using absurdist humor to agitate against bourgeois democracy and stir up protest votes since the 1980s. But with “serious” candidates for president like Ben Carson and Donald Trump getting more outlandish by the day, the Vermin message seems more relevant than ever.

For instance: Vermin’s been talking about killing baby Hitler for years, and now it’s a question  that the actual candidates are seriously discussing. One can only hope they’ll start talking about a free pony program next.

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Privilege is invisible to the privileged. As a result, when marginalized groups want a small safe space or they push back against dehumanizing language, assumptions and narratives, they receive scorn and ridicule from every direction. At the same time, mainstream America is allowed to bend history and the English language to its will and it knows that most of the World is a safe space.

Conservatives are mortally offended when someone wants to change the same of a football team in Washington DC and they forget that in Washington DC, the 43rd President and his allies changed and abused language. Torture became enhanced interrogation, having our allies torture became extraordinary rendition, Prisoners of war became enemy combatants. Hell, conservatives could not even countenance the word "french fries." No one accused Congress of being too P.C., not even the "liberal media." If college student petitioned to have the same of a food changed in their dinning hall, all hell would break loose.

As far as safe spaces are concerned, the suburbs, the country club, the golf course, the well manicured parks, the board room, the Trump Towers, a Mitt Romney or Hillary Clinton 50k a plate fundraiser are all safe spaces, as long as you are privileged. If Black students want a corner of the quad or Trans students want some building in the basement of the Humanities Building, the press should ask why some people feel so marginalized that they only feel safe in some tiny out of the way place.

If we applied language evenly, we would see that conservatives have much greater powers of blocking or changing words and phrases and narratives that they do not like. We would see that for marginalized people, most of the World is an unsafe space and for the privileged, almost every space is safe, even the university safe spaces!
@Rexanglorum -- you just triggered me with your male privilege. How dare you, you patriarchal dinosaur.

[insert SJW shaming language and ad hominem insult]
Who knew Killer Mike would be the most important political endorsement of the Democratic presidential nomination process?
If everything is as bad and unsafe for the people you are referring to, why would you want them to have pretend safe spaces in college when they clearly aren't going to have the same safe spaces in the real world?

Wouldn't it be better to prepare them to face the real world which contains privilege and unfair practices?
If everything is as bad and unsafe for the people you are referring to, why would you want them to have pretend safe spaces in college when they clearly aren't going to have the same safe spaces in the real world?

Wouldn't it be better to prepare them to face the real world which contains privilege and unfair practices?

Why should they have to deal with that 24/7?

You don't see the benefit in having a space away from that? These spaces are all temporary. Or the benefit in being around people that relate to your issues? Or seeing how other people in your situation get by in this "privileged and unfair" world?

Or being around people that are trying to come up with a solution to these issues? There are ways to combat the problems. Being around people who face them everyday is a great way to start.
Who knew Killer Mike would be the most important political endorsement of the Democratic presidential nomination process?

This is a huuuuge stretch and I love Killer Mike.

You really think the yuppie, Volvo wagon driving white folks care what Michael Render thinks?

His endorsement of Bernie is big news in the hip-hop community and amongst younger folks. But those 2 groups make up a small percentage of the Democratic voting base. His endorsement probably won't move the needle for Bernie at all.
This is a huuuuge stretch and I love Killer Mike.

You really think the yuppie, Volvo wagon driving white folks care what Michael Render thinks?

His endorsement of Bernie is big news in the hip-hop community and amongst younger folks. But those 2 groups make up a small percentage of the Democratic voting base. His endorsement probably won't move the needle for Bernie at all.

Actually, Bernie's pretty good with the Volvo driving white folks. His low poll numbers are from lack of support from minority communities (I'll never understand blacks infatuation with the Clintons....but anyways)

This could move the needle in a positive direction. More so in the actual primaries than whatever CNN poll is out this week.
I agree that it could move the needle in a positive direction. But Mike's co-sign isn't the "most important political endorsement". It may be big to the demographic of NT because a lot of us rock with Mike. But in general, I can't see this being some tipping point where Bernie begins to overtake Clinton in the polls. Killer Mike is that dude and has been for years, but he ain't got the juice like that.
This is a huuuuge stretch and I love Killer Mike.

You really think the yuppie, Volvo wagon driving white folks care what Michael Render thinks?

His endorsement of Bernie is big news in the hip-hop community and amongst younger folks. But those 2 groups make up a small percentage of the Democratic voting base. His endorsement probably won't move the needle for Bernie at all.

Actually, Bernie's pretty good with the Volvo driving white folks. His low poll numbers are from lack of support from minority communities (I'll never understand blacks infatuation with the Clintons....but anyways)

This could move the needle in a positive direction. More so in the actual primaries than whatever CNN poll is out this week.

Think about the two clowns that came before Bill.

-But yeah, Killer Mike is not a major endorsement.
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Ummm what? There is no deal. Just a set of "political commitments"

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani discouraged his nation’s parliament from voting on the nuclear deal in order to avoid placing legal burdens on the regime. “If the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is sent to [and passed by] parliament, it will create an obligation for the government. It will mean the president, who has not signed it so far, will have to sign it,” Rouhani said in August. “Why should we place an unnecessary legal restriction on the Iranian people?”
So mr i want a legacy couldn't even get iran to sign the deal but we are supposed to be reassured that they will abide by the terms?

Would you even sell an apartment without getting the buyer's signature on it? There is no binding deal and you just brush it off lol.

Rouhani's quote shows you what iran thinks. They are under no obligation to do ****.


From 2 days ago. Iran threatening to walk away from the "deal" unless international inspectors stop investigating into their past work on the nuclear program

Take the blinders off for one second. Jeez.
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The fact the U.S. got nothing out of it, including hostages, deemed this a failure. It stinks even more now that Iran can do what they want with no repercussions.
So mr i want a legacy couldn't even get iran to sign the deal but we are supposed to be reassured that they will abide by the terms?

Would you even sell an apartment without getting the buyer's signature on it? There is no binding deal and you just brush it off lol.

Rouhani's quote shows you what iran thinks. They are under no obligation to do ****.


From 2 days ago. Iran threatening to walk away from the "deal" unless international inspectors stop investigating into their past work on the nuclear program

Take the blinders off for one second. Jeez.

And stop sipping on "we have to do whatever Israel says" kool-aid

-So the deal is not signed by them, how does that change anything really? If they break the agreement are we gonna take them to court? Or are we gonna throw the damb sanctions back on like we've been saying all along?

The deal being signed or not signed changes nothing really. They break the deal, we sanction, just like Kerry says in the letter.

-And I find it harlious conservatives are talking about we can't trust the Iranians to hold to the deal, while at the same damb time, talking about how if they had the choice, they would violate the deal themselves and throw the sanctions back on.

They are openly telling the world that America might be untrustworthy, because one election could put a conservative President in power and the deal could go poof.

Which is exactly the concern with the Iranians, is it not? :lol:

-And the last time conservatives ran the show, they lied to the country to send us to war in the middle east, which destabilized the entire region. Remember that? But they have the guts to call someone untrustworthy. How funny

The hypocrisy is so thick, you can cut it with a damb knife.

The Iranian people must live in economic despair because ole chicken lil himself Benjamin Netanyahu is rustled. Man please :rolleyes
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I'm sure the sanctions will be super easy to "snap back" lol. You can keep your doctor too.

Your obsessed with israel as if doing what boeing and exxon want is so much better and american interests aren't at stake.

I state a point that the deal was never even signed and iran is already balking at parts of it regarding their past activities and the first thing you can think of is israel.
I'm sure the sanctions will be super easy to "snap back" lol. You can keep your doctor too.

Your obsessed with israel as if doing what boeing and exxon want is so much better and american interests aren't at stake.

I state a point that the deal was never even signed and iran is already balking at parts of it regarding their past activities and the first thing you can think of is israel.

-How will economic sanctions be hard to be put back in place? Explain this to me.

-And you're really going to play the "big business" card, more hypocrisy. The GOP are the party of corporate interest, they don't even attempt to hide it, they are proud of it.

-Like lets not forget America and Iran weren't the only countries involved in this deal and that it will benefit the people of Iran greatly.

-And how is doing what Israel wants so important to American interest, btw?

-I brought up Israel because you know they were the major talking point for the right during the negotiations. But I also pointed out what hypocrites conservatives are being about this "outrage".

Yet you want to ignore that entire part, and somehow paint me as "obsessed" with Israel and that is somehow making me not see the truth.

Well I see it brah, I see conservatives being hypocrites.

-BTW, I got keep my doctor. Many didn't, I'll admit that it was wrong for Obama to over promise like that.

But that being your comeback to sending thousands of troops to die, and blowing 1.7 trillion on a pointless war is straight up hilarious.

The two are not even in the same ballpark famb
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