***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I know Raskin got cancer, but he really do look like Prison Mike with the scarf on:

When I think of this “anti woke” nonsense, especially the reactionaries who accuse trans people of being “groomers” who turn out to be pedophiles,, along side abortion bans, efforts to lower age of consent, and a general disgust at women who are not “trad,” I can see several things at play.

First, I’m thinking of what J. Sakai said. Dominant nations and social classes seek to dominate and control access to resources, which can be turned into commodities and capture the surplus value derived from the transformation of natural resources into commodities. The classic example, literally, is the process of turning wool into coats. Sakai points out that before the ruling class can extract surplus value from the non ruling class people, there needs to be a continuous supply of exploitable people in the first place. Where do they come from? From people with uteruses (PWU which I’m going to use interchangeably with women in this post) of course. Those bodies are the most important and essential resource, they produce the commodity without which not other exploitation can take place.

This is why they hate unmarried women, women who call their pets “fur babies,” age of consent laws, and trans people. They see cis women not reproducing as theft, trans masc people as vandalism, and trans femme people as fraud, within this framework where birthing capacity is property same as a commercial property or office equipment.

The best left response within this framework of birthing people as resources and babies/future workers was the Combahee River Collective which emerged as black feminists pointed out the undeniable fact that contrary to the hegemonic discourse around public assistance, mothers on welfare are not a drain on society. Instead they ultimately produce massive amounts of surplus in the form of children, especially black children. Black people are likely to have their labor heavily exploited for the benefit of the bourgeoisie, their bodies being taken by the carceral system or the military thus benefiting the state, and those who do accumulate some wealth will have it taken for the benefit of capital, the state. Those who do gain wealth frequently see that wealth, especially home equity, and distributed to capital and white workers.

So these mothers on welfare, basically formed a union as they saw that the work of birthing and raising children, is a form of labor and that the projects and welfare office were as much, if not more so, a workplace defined by exploitation just as much as any factory or construction site is.

So of course, some buffoon will smash the “trans bud lights” to “save” children from “groomers” and immediately commit a sex crime against a child. It may seem like hypocrisy but those two actions are totally consistent in a framework of women as commodities.
If a fascist looks up to you and has their own MAGA movement and cpac and all that it’s time to look in the 🪞not swing off their nuts. :rofl:

Dudes have zero self awareness.
They're not hiding anymore.

They want to make sure Jim Crow comes back before they die.

Most of these people were probably kids/teens during the years of segregation. Biden was 21 in 1964; McConnell was 22. The 65-75 year olds spent their formative years being told about the "undesirables" coming into their schools, neighborhoods, and community centers. The 75-85 y.o had probably internalized a lot of attitudes that they've never really tried to challenge.

The more I think about it this way, the less surprised I am when it comes to conservatives and their actions.
The optimist in me thinks we just need to wait till all these old :emoji_poop: stains die off. Then maybe things can get better. The pessimist in me worries it'll be too late by then.
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