***Official Political Discussion Thread***

City facing a supposed fiscal crisis. Mayor demands massive cuts every where. Citizens of NYC will get less services. And cops get a massive pay increase.

This is why people get pissed about police spending. Services get cut to fund forces that are bad at their jobs
Not that I know of? It’s an old Cuban revolutionary term applied to reactionaries.

But you never know what white people will run with…


hmmm it sounds similar to uncle tom,
tbh I think it's a little weird for non cubans to be using a racialized term like this because a cuban has political opinions they don't like.

but to each their own.
Here I am just thinking you were calling him a 🪱

Anyways if Cubans don’t take offense to it why should you? Reminds me of white people pushing latinx.
well that's the thing I heard from a cuban in real life that it was a slur.
but i don't know how prevalent that interpretation is.

Yeah, like I said, I don’t know what white people have done with it. Mojadito hits different when Chicanos use it versus white people and I’d never post a tap dancing gif to refer to an African American, so I get what you’re saying.

But I stand by my contention that while the term is pejorative and contemptuous, it doesn’t lean on a foundation of race-based oppression. It is, fundamentally, a political term so it makes sense to use it to refer to someone’s politics.

Usually I just use pendejo to refer to my sellout hermanos from Cuba (and elsewhere). I’m not sure which they’d prefer.

Come to think of it, historically, the pre-revolutionary Cuban regime (like many in Latin America) leaned heavily on anti-indigenous and anti-African racism. To the extent that Fidel had any race-based sentiment when he used worm, it was anti-European. So I guess you could make an argument that it might be reverse racism…
Yeah, like I said, I don’t know what white people have done with it. Mojadito hits different when Chicanos use it versus white people and I’d never post a tap dancing gif to refer to an African American, so I get what you’re saying.

But I stand by my contention that while the term is pejorative and contemptuous, it doesn’t lean on a foundation of race-based oppression. It is, fundamentally, a political term so it makes sense to use it to refer to someone’s politics.

Usually I just use pendejo to refer to my sellout hermanos from Cuba (and elsewhere). I’m not sure which they’d prefer.

Come to think of it, historically, the pre-revolutionary Cuban regime (like many in Latin America) leaned heavily on anti-indigenous and anti-African racism. To the extent that Fidel had any race-based sentiment when he used worm, it was anti-European. So I guess you could make an argument that it might be reverse racism…

I think I heard David Pakman I think make the point that it's mostly used today as a derogatory term for specifically white latin american people.
but im not sure.

it sounds to me like an uncle tom analog,
so as a non latin american person I think id be hesitant about using it.
My Dad and that whole side of my family are from Nicaragua. The older people on that side of the family were not just supporters of the Contras, many of them were Contras. They always talk like they had ever taken by the Sandinistas. The reality is that people in my Nicaraguan family had been funneling their ill gotten gains to the US since the 1910’s and on the eve of the Sandinistas “taking over” (aka winning an election) they had money and households already established in California, Texas, Florida, PR, and Mexico City. They were fine, plus they finessed the federal government for building contracts, and they are racist against brown and black skinned Latinos who come to the US, and the obviously most of them support Trump before Trump had completed his escalator ride.

So, don’t feel guilty at all about saying “gusano” because reactionaries from Latin America have earned that title.
My Dad and that whole side of my family are from Nicaragua. The older people on that side of the family were not just supporters of the Contras, many of them were Contras. They always talk like they had ever taken by the Sandinistas. The reality is that people in my Nicaraguan family had been funneling their ill gotten gains to the US since the 1910’s and on the eve of the Sandinistas “taking over” (aka winning an election) they had money and households already established in California, Texas, Florida, PR, and Mexico City. They were fine, plus they finessed the federal government for building contracts, and they are racist against brown and black skinned Latinos who come to the US, and the obviously most of them support Trump before Trump had completed his escalator ride.

So, don’t feel guilty at all about saying “gusano” because reactionaries from Latin America have earned that title.

How is this different from "uncle tom"?

and do you think its acceptable for non black people to call black people "uncle tom"?
How is this different from "uncle tom"?

and do you think its acceptable for non black people to call black people "uncle tom"?

I’d say the term you mention is a word used by black people to describe other black people who are collaborators with white supremacy.

Gusanos are almost always white people from Latin America who collaborate with white Anglo elites from the US to oppress the Afro and indigenous majority in Latin American countries.

I think I did call Ninja a Tom back in 2016 but I haven’t done so since and felt kind of bad about it. It’s not nearly as bad as calling a black person the n-word, but Tom has a similar in group/out group dynamic. Plus there no shortage of neutral pejoratives that one could use for Clearance Thomas, Larry Elder, Candace Owens, et al.

More recently, I’ve adopted my own “Caitlin Jenner rule.” If you’re a reactionary from a marginalized group, I’ll affirm who you are then proceed to say why their views are harmful. So if I ever encounter an enby Cuban or Nicaraguan or Venezuelan exile who claims that those countries were “rich,” before the left came to power, I’ll tell that Gusanx why they is wrong. :lol:
I just spent ten minutes reading the “Joost Broekers” twitter feed and feel like I should have huffed airplane glue instead.

The Dutch are amazing because you“re always pleased to know another one, but every so often you encounter something like this and you remember that they can just be the worst.
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