***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Not sure if they are comparable
You complained about a children's show advocating LGBT issues, so I asked how you're handling all the advocacy that is in public and impossible to avoid. How are they not comparable? Kids as young as 2-3 (toddlers) can already compare and contrast. What do you do when they ask you why their classmates/friends have two mommies, two daddies, or no mom/dad (in the case of single parents)?

The thing children's "advocates" need to realize is that parents who hide the existence of LGBT folks from their kids are setting themselves up for disappointment; kids always challenge what they're taught as they grow up, and when they find out that the truth is not what you put in front of them, they will question everything else they learned from you.

Anyway, this is the kind of **** laws that are being passed in TX as the result of this new era of moral panic:

The bill defines "sexually oriented performances" as "a male performer exhibiting as a female, or a female performer exhibiting as a male, who uses clothing, makeup, or other similar physical markers and who sings, lip syncs, dances, or otherwise performs before an audience."

If Prince were alive, it would be illegal for him to wear high heels on stage in TX; Trump would run afoul of the law. The Insane Clown Posse would be illegal in TX. Bob Marley's dreadlocks could be interpreted as a female hairstyle and he too would be illegally performing in TX.

See how stupid this entire thing is?
mister friendly mister friendly @nickname.esco
Very simple question: Do you think sexuality is learned behavior?
This is interesting and allow me to chime i. First what is sexuality? 2nd, what do you mean by learned? I ask these question myself and had some interaction with some coworkers talking about their kids. And from what I gathered, it could be influential even among kids like suggestive and could also lead to false sense of sexual orientation.
This is interesting and allow me to chime i. First what is sexuality? 2nd, what do you mean by learned? I ask these question myself and had some interaction with some coworkers talking about their kids. And from what I gathered, it could be influential even among kids like suggestive and could also lead to false sense of sexual orientation.
When did you choose your sexual orientation?
You complained about a children's show advocating LGBT issues, so I asked how you're handling all the advocacy that is in public and impossible to avoid. How are they not comparable? Kids as young as 2-3 (toddlers) can already compare and contrast. What do you do when they ask you why their classmates/friends have two mommies, two daddies, or no mom/dad (in the case of single parents)?

The thing children's "advocates" need to realize is that parents who hide the existence of LGBT folks from their kids are setting themselves up for disappointment; kids always challenge what they're taught as they grow up, and when they find out that the truth is not what you put in front of them, they will question everything else they learned from you.

Anyway, this is the kind of **** laws that are being passed in TX as the result of this new era of moral panic:

If Prince were alive, it would be illegal for him to wear high heels on stage in TX; Trump would run afoul of the law. The Insane Clown Posse would be illegal in TX. Bob Marley's dreadlocks could be interpreted as a female hairstyle and he too would be illegally performing in TX.

See how stupid this entire thing is?
Except we both know that’s not true. These laws will never be enforced as written. Instead enforcement will be capricious and specifically punitive. So not only does my home state oppress people for being themselves, it sacrifices the rule of law to do so.
No I think people can be coerced to do things they might not be aware by suggestion especially at young ages.
Coerced into what exactly? You think kids who aren't gay are just going to start kissing same-sex kids or something?
If anything, it's the other way around. Due to heterosexuality naturally being the norm and continued stigmatization, people who are gay tend to engage in heterosexual romantic behavior initially, even though that's not what they're truly attracted to.


I rarely see large displays of LGBT advocacy in the public like the all the pride flags in the video for toddlers.

I believe the law says children. Big arena for act catered to adults should be fine. Want to have a bondage drag show at kiddie hour in the park they might have problems.

Not all sex is romantic or involves attraction. Some sex is just transactional. I don’t believe all peoples sexual orientation is rigid. Think your local women’s Basketball player in college who was Queen of the ladies but later gets with men and has children.
Not all sex is romantic or involves attraction. Some sex is just transactional. I don’t believe all peoples sexual orientation is rigid. Think your local women’s Basketball player in college who was Queen of the ladies but later gets with men and has children.
...You do realize there's a thing such as bisexuality right? My closest friend is bisexual. It's not some 'phase' or a myth.

The moral panic is being used by republicans to turn red states into mini-dictatorships.
that is one area that the so-called republicans I'm not in agreement with, the same disagreement I have with certain parties that want some certain "orientation" being taught in schools.
Not all sex is romantic or involves attraction. Some sex is just transactional. I don’t believe all peoples sexual orientation is rigid. Think your local women’s Basketball player in college who was Queen of the ladies but later gets with men and has children.
Once they rejected the Blue’s Clues propaganda and got right with god
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that is one area that the so-called republicans I'm not in agreement with, the same disagreement I have with certain parties that want some certain "orientation" being taught in schools.
Those two things are not equivalent.

Using strawman arguments to push restrictive laws is not the same as teaching about gender and sexual orientation. Not teaching about homosexuality, gender dysphoria, and intersex folks is not gonna make them disappear. Moreover, supporting laws that restrict coverage of such topics definitely opens the door to legitimizing laws that ban instruction on the Black part of American history, thanks to our justice system's reliance on precedent.

I rarely see large displays of LGBT advocacy in the public like the all the pride flags in the video for toddlers.

So you don't see bumper stickers, billboards, and flags in residential and commercial facilities? Don't see rainbow colors during TV games and ads?
I believe the law says children. Big arena for act catered to adults should be fine. Want to have a bondage drag show at kiddie hour in the park they might have problems.

You do realize that there is a very old and very strong tradition of women and men portraying the opposite sex in theatre (which is performed for ALL ages), right? Such a tradition even extends to voice acting in video games and animation, which are media primarily consumed by kids.

There's no defending this stupid law.
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