***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Larry Elder aka. The Sage from South Central, has made a living being the imaginary black friend of every reactionary in Southern California for the last quarter century. His schtick appeals to Orange County doyennes, who think black people are naturally less intelligence, to Riverside subcontractors, who think black people deserve more police scrutiny because they breakdance all the time, and yo retired cops living in Simi who collect Rhodesian coins.

I’ll be posting some of his most horrendous statements in a little bit but I know, already, it won’t be a exhaustive since there’s just so much build up after nearly 30 years of being on the air and shilling for white supremacy.

I could see why someone might consider Danny Vineyard a racist because of the neo nazi stuff.....But remember..... 1994 Joe Biden helped past the Crime Bill, and some might consider him a racist because of that.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, consider that people trip and fall, with their mouths wide open, and land face first on curbs all the time. Plus, Mr. Vineyard plays hoops so you know he’s got no racial animus. Plus, if he were president, he’d meet with Kanye, AND he’d give money to HBCUs. As far as the chest tattoo goes, sigh.”
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Lizakers Lizakers

In April, Senator Josh Hawley tore into President Joe Biden’s planned withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden had, at that point, just announced that American troops would be leaving the country they had occupied for two decades by September 11—a date months later than the one that had previously been set by President Donald Trump.

For Hawley, this was unacceptable. “President Biden should withdraw troops in Afghanistan by May 1, as the Trump administration planned, but better late than never. It’s time for this forever war to end,” the Missouri senator tweeted on April 13.

Now that Biden is moving to end that forever war, Hawley’s tone has changed considerably.
As chaos has engulfed the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan—suicide blasts killed 13 American troops and scores of Afghan civilians at Kabul’s airport yesterday—Hawley issued a scathing statement calling on the president to resign over his handling of the evacuation. Biden, Hawley wrote, “has now overseen the deadliest day for U.S. troops in Afghanistan in over a decade, and the crisis grows worse by the hour.”
“We must reject the falsehood peddled by a feckless president that this was the only option for withdrawal. This is the product of Joe Biden’s catastrophic failure of leadership,” he continued. “It is now painfully clear he has neither the will nor the capacity to lead. He must resign.”

The guy who raised his fist in support of the insurrection? Why would anyone give merit to what he has to say?

there are plenty of elected officials with more credibility who’ve criticized the withdrawal. Asking for a resignation is over the top (although if Trump was in office they’d be impeaching him now). I just want accountability rather than shifting blame to the prior administration.
I just want accountability
Accountability for what exactly? If we go down the list of options available to this administration, which scenario violates the deal put in place by the previous admin without putting Americans' lives (military and civilian) at risk? Which option outside of full blown colonization of Afghanistan would make America look like it won?

And then, there's the often forgotten reality that the Afghan government Americans were dealing with was full of crooks. They gave guarantees that they would be able to withstand Taliban assaults for some time; they gave guarantees their troops were ready, when they knew they didn't even pay their soldiers for 6-9 months. As soon as the US left, their president was running right behind them. The Taliban were literally paying soldiers off to keep them from fighting (never ever ever heard of successfully bribing the enemy to make sure he doesn't shoot you 😆). Don't they bear some sort of responsibility too? Not many in that government seemed to be committed to this vision of Afghanistan free from Taliban control. Aren't they accountable too, or is it all Biden's fault?
Accountability for what exactly? If we go down the list of options available to this administration, which scenario violates the deal put in place by the previous admin without putting Americans' lives (military and civilian) at risk? Which option outside of full blown colonization of Afghanistan would make America look like it won?

And then, there's the often forgotten reality that the Afghan government Americans were dealing with was full of crooks. They gave guarantees that they would be able to withstand Taliban assaults for some time; they gave guarantees their troops were ready, when they knew they didn't even pay their soldiers for 6-9 months. As soon as the US left, their president was running right behind them. The Taliban were literally paying soldiers off to keep them from fighting (never ever ever heard of successfully bribing the enemy to make sure he doesn't shoot you 😆). Don't they bear some sort of responsibility too? Not many in that government seemed to be committed to this vision of Afghanistan free from Taliban control. Aren't they accountable too, or is it all Biden's fault?

Biden has had no problem reneging on Trump deals and commitments, but suddenly with this issue he was beholden to Trumps deal? Makes no sense

yes Taliban was going around telling AFG soldiers that their families would be slaughtered unless they put down their weapons and didn’t resist. I mean how do you counter that? It was inevitable they’d take over when we left. But there were tactical mistakes and plans pushed through hastily on our part. Just want Biden to own up to some of it rather than deflect and shift blame every chance he gets.
Biden has had no problem reneging on Trump deals and commitments, but suddenly with this issue he was beholden to Trumps deal? Makes no sense
What have you been following? Because he did go back on commitments he had control over and hesitated on a number of promises he made on the campaign trail, as some expected him to (student loans is an example).

It takes two (or more parties) to sign a peace accord, and deciding to go against it would most likely result in more danger for Americans in Afghanistan. The only objection to the hasty withdrawal that makes sense is the desire to get as many Americans as possible out of there, but the Trump administration significantly harmed the State department, which would make the withdrawal faster; handwaving this reality shows you don't understand how immigration and refugee resettlement works.

I want to know which scenario you do propose, in which the US comes out of Afghanistan unscathed.
What have you been following? Because he did go back on commitments he had control over and hesitated on a number of promises he made on the campaign trail, as some expected him to (student loans is an example).

It takes two (or more parties) to sign a peace accord, and deciding to go against it would most likely result in more danger for Americans in Afghanistan. The only objection to the hasty withdrawal that makes sense is the desire to get as many Americans as possible out of there, but the Trump administration significantly harmed the State department, which would make the withdrawal faster; handwaving this reality shows you don't understand how immigration and refugee resettlement works.

I want to know which scenario you do propose, in which the US comes out of Afghanistan unscathed.

the biggest misstep was underestimating how quickly the Taliban would take hold of the country. That miscalculation ended all hopes of an orderly, methodical withdrawal. If you go back to Biden’s quote, they severely miscalculated this

also not engaging with US allies who pleaded with him to extend the 8/31 deadline to allow more time for evacuations, was at best not a good look. Those allies gave lives to this 20 year war and deserved a consultation

When the Taliban took control, the original plan should’ve been ripped up and a contingency plan should have been ready, but it doesn’t seem there was one for this scenario where Taliban so quickly would take Kabul
Fill your body with these 10 things you don't know what the contents are, instead of this 1 thing.

best thing about the last 5 years is people were/are more than willing to show who they truly are

another lawyer in my firm has smoked cigarettes for more than 2/3rds of his life.. this man got 2 daughters under 5 and then on top of that a father and brother that have this rare heart condition that they can’t even have caffeine or chocolatde.. THAT guy is an anti-vaxer.. also happens to be a trump defender

people made it easy for me to avoid having convos or interactions beyond what I need to
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the biggest misstep was underestimating how quickly the Taliban would take hold of the country.
You do realize that it took more than 7 months to build the Afghan security forces, right? Biden didn't give the Afghan government money and equipment as soon as he was sworn in. The "300k soldiers" on paper is not
the work of the Biden administration; it's the work of all the administrations prior to his, starting with Bush Jr.

The only way Biden owns this conflict is if he decides to go against what was the unspoken Afghan policy of the US over the last 20 years: keep one foot out at all times.

This is one of the most outrageous criticisms of Obama. Yet they didn’t say anything about Trumps oversized suits, extra long ties or platform shoes. Make it make sense.

Damn I missed a day in here. Yall were having all this fun without me?


Private company practices in the public sector. You hate to see it. I have some industry experience working with deferred costs and based on that article, this won’t resolve itself until next decade unless they just completely ignore the obligations they promised with their cuts. I imagine they took a look at historical data and figured they risk of paying the hours out at higher rates wasn’t significant. Eventually they have to start chipping away, though.
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