***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Pompeo wasn't respected by a single person in Kansas before he sucked Trump's **** to get his position in the admin. He was thought of as a clown of the highest order. But we're supposed to respect the words of a dip**** who cant, or wont, separate fact from fiction when speaking on subjects he says he was involved with? Pls.


So funny how the Biden criticism triggers yall

Just like Trumpanzees

no one would accuse me of being excessively deferential to the left.
or being unwilling to criticize democrats.

so please please take it from me; these people are trying to trick you.

These same people who are criticizing the withdrawal,
spent 20 years and 2 trillion dollars in Afghanistan "nation building"

So Biden expected the afghan government to last enough to conduct an orderly deliberate withdrawal...

but it turns out the foreign policy establishment have been lying the entire time,
and the 20 years and 2 trillion they spent was a total waste of time and money.

so who should you be mad at?

the lying liars who wasted 2 trillion dollars and enriched themselves?
or Joe Biden for revealing the truth of the situation and ending the scam?
no one would accuse me of being excessively deferential to the left.
or being unwilling to criticize democrats.

so please please take it from me; these people are trying to trick you.

These same people who are criticizing the withdrawal,
spent 20 years and 2 trillion dollars in Afghanistan "nation building"

So Biden expected the afghan government to last enough to conduct an orderly deliberate withdrawal...

but it turns out the foreign policy establishment have been lying the entire time,
and the 20 years and 2 trillion they spent was a total waste of time and money.

so who should you be mad at?

the lying liars who wasted 2 trillion dollars and enriched themselves?
Joe Biden for revealing the truth of the situation and ending the scam?
Look at you defending your savior Biden.
Echo chamber

don’t criticize Biden

If you do, we will all join together and call you names, laugh and embarrass you and try to stop you from posts that call out Biden’s failures so we can all feel good about who we voted for
You are either a troll or completely delusional

You complain about people not criticizing Biden (which is not true, any long time reader of this read would now), while you have routinely failed to present a cogent criticism of Biden

You are just demanding we treat low effort right-wing talking points with the same respect we treat observable reality

I don't need to cheerlead Biden to feel good about how I voted last November. The other option was a corrupt delusional racist. Whose actions in regards to Afghanistan you ignore because it gets in the way of your takes.

So please, spare me the pearl-clutching
echo chamber in terms of left leaning politics and Pro Biden

a quick sampling of my previous posts on Joe Biden:

in a healthier democracy, a Joe Biden and a Bernie/Yang wouldn´t even be in the same party.

as a socialist with a permanent suntan, it is most profoundly unsatisfying to have the legitimacy of my political perspective be tied directly to voting Joe Biden for President of the United States in the 2020 election.

Joe Biden is about as inspiring as a root canal, and I legit despise that I´m going to have to go out of my way to personally endorse this cardboard cutout of a 90s-era politician in a national election, but this speaks for itself:


so no I'm not pro-Biden at all, it's just that the other guy...um...was Donald Trump.

will admit I did say he would win the Presidential Election in a fight, and I stand by that.

I mean, Joe has always had that fiesty streak in him, so mentality comes into play.

he doesn´t strike me as a guy that´s scared to square up, and although he´s probably a basic level striker at best, dude has had a stutter all his life so you know this mf has been in fight after fight...you know how kids are.

for some reason I can also see him having some farmer-style catch as catch can grappling skills.

...but all that´s speculation...what I know for a fact--what I would be willing to bet every peso in my pocket on--is that President Donald John Trump has never been socked in the mouth, not even once. you can just tell.

on that alone, I give the edge in this match to the challenger.
no one would accuse me of being excessively deferential to the left.
or being unwilling to criticize democrats.

so please please take it from me; these people are trying to trick you.

These same people who are criticizing the withdrawal,
spent 20 years and 2 trillion dollars in Afghanistan "nation building"

So Biden expected the afghan government to last enough to conduct an orderly deliberate withdrawal...

but it turns out the foreign policy establishment have been lying the entire time,
and the 20 years and 2 trillion they spent was a total waste of time and money.

so who should you be mad at?

the lying liars who wasted 2 trillion dollars and enriched themselves?
or Joe Biden for revealing the truth of the situation and ending the scam?
He is not being tricked

You are

Because you think dude is somehow reachable when in fact his "both sides" steez is just a cover to peddle right-wing talking points.

Remember, he is same dude that posted this....
I enjoy listening to both sides and hearing all arguments. I find Brett Baer and Shannon Bream to be very reasonable in their arguments. I listen to Fox to hear what republican elected officials have to say. It’s a shame the liberal news shows don’t interview GOP lawmakers and vice versa

there’s is a lot of BS on MSNBC and CNN as well, in general all corporate news is bad.

Don't save him Osh, he don't wanna be saved.
echo chamber in terms of left leaning politics and Pro Biden
Amen. All these libs bend over backwards and gobble up Joe with NO hesitation or criticism. Ever. Especially between the years of 2017-2021. Nope. All I remember is the good, God fearing Patriots in here were watching Libs celebrate the fact Biden cakewalked to the Democratic nomination. Youd never see the RIGHT side of America in an echo chamber, repeating all the same talking points and act like their leader is a perfect and infallible God Emporer.
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