***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So funny how the Biden criticism triggers yall

Just like Trumpanzees

Dude this thread has criticized Biden plenty over the years

No one voted for him in the primary

It is the low information garage you are posting we got an issue with

What you did last night with your friend's asinine text is the equivalent to posting the ranting of a anti-mask anti-vaccine Trumper because they happen to be a nurse

You routinely make yourself look stupid in here in a desperate attempt to act like you are some dude that can call it down the middle

And on this subject, you are doing the opposite. You want to present bad faith criticisms of Biden to somehow balance this thread.

You are basically trolling this thread, but seemingly too up your own *** to realize it

Go listen to your A Tribe Called Quest album, and do better

Bad faith criticism?

I’m literally posting Biden’s own quotes lol

my friend’s text are interesting and worthy of sharing because the perspective of a marine on the ground in AFG is unique and important to understand
Yes bad faith, because you handwave the realities of the situation. Biden made a comment before the Afghan government fell, and the army decided not to fight the Taliban. The assumptions he made his comment on no longer apply. So I don't see what I am supposed to take from it.

You post drive-by post like these....

You are posting criticism of Biden for balance, yet you can't do like other people and follow up with a cogent explanation of your views.

When mentioned you in regards to a post about the media elevating pro-war criticisms of Biden and suppressing takes about him doing the right things. Your response was...

this just happens to be the one issue that has united all sides against how poorly the withdrawal was executed :lol:

You are a "both sides" dude, that ignored the fact that both sides were not being hurt.

You post this...

4 marines killed today after 18 months of zero American fatalities

Politics aside this has been an unbelievable disaster

And fail to mention the reason we didn't have casualties is that we had a peace deal in place with the Taliban. That is why there were no deaths.

So yeah, bad faith nonsense.

Yet you want to talk about echo chambers and people being triggered.

-Your friend's texts are garbage. They mean nothing. They are no important. All we got from this text is that one of the soldiers that serve in the country is a delusional Trumper.

He said so much done **** in those texts beyond just being made at Biden. **** about gas prices, the stock market, minorities. Stuff that went beyond his perspective on the evacuation, but you somehow still felt we needed to read them

Your friend is one guy. Thousands of troops have serves in Afghanistan. Hearing his perspective is not important. You are just using his military status as a cover to make his "Trumpanzee" ranting seem credible.

With most both side dudes, you think your contrarianism adds something to the discussion, no matter how low effort it is.
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Bad faith criticism?

I’m literally posting Biden’s own quotes lol

my friend’s text are interesting and worthy of sharing because the perspective of a marine on the ground in AFG is unique and important to understand

Get better friends :lol:
Bad faith criticism?

I’m literally posting Biden’s own quotes lol

my friend’s text are interesting and worthy of sharing because the perspective of a marine on the ground in AFG is unique and important to understand
They aren’t interesting, they’re embarrassing :rofl: they are worthy of shaming. Not unique either. Many other that did the same thing. Sorry🤷🏽‍♂️. It’s unique in that he’s crying like a *****
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So funny how the Biden criticism triggers yall

Just like Trumpanzees

Context is everything.

Remember when the Biden administration had to be formally put in charge to find out that there was no vaccine distribution plan created by the Trump admin?

Remember how the Trump admin did not want to be involved in the transition, which is how the US has been able to coordinate policy decisions that would endure from one president to the next?

Posting a series of out-of-context gotchas is not proof of being unbiased or politically aware.

How about you explain how Biden could have extended the withdrawal deadline without angering the Taliban and with the guarantee that they wouldn't turn against us troops? Your peon soldier buddy's opinion doesn't count, unless he's a general.
the perspective of a marine on the ground in AFG is unique

"The perspective of a peon on the chessboard is unique"

There's 10s of thousands of opinions from service members on the ground. What matters is what their higher ups say, because that's who the service members answer to, that's what drives US foreign policy.
I’m sure 99% of this thread hates Pompeo. But the words of a US Secretary of State matter.

Quoting Clownpeo now?

Why would the Taliban attack when they know you're leaving and not taking with you anything they value?

What is it with politics and its ability to smoothen people's brains?
keep trying. I don’t care how many times you call him names or clown someone on the internet :lol:. Keep going cool guy
You care. You wouldn’t of posted that embarrassing mess if you didn’t care about his “unique perspective” :rofl:and the reaction people would give
the taliban freed those ISIS prisoners, unless you don’t believe Biden’s Pentagon

So the attack is the Taliban's fault because they freed ISIS prisoners

Hmmm Interesting logic

So is Trump responsible for the Taliban taking over the country since he freed their leader and help thousands of their fighter get out of jail?
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