Yall hung up on which cell phone they're running skype on?
Yeah I don't see the big deal really.. I mean with all the phones out nowadays, if they used a BB or whatever you guys are saying it was.. who cares?

I'm still more irked that this dude Nazir is in the US causing accidents and abducting a CIA agent (like stated earlier) in broad daylight with no one seeing/questioning shh.

Other than that, great episode. I can suspend belief still because I know it's just a TV show and a damn good one at that.

that poor man's Jeremy Renner needs to get off'd though.
I don't follow the technology on what a BB can and can't do so it didn't really bother me, but having Nazir taking-out and abducting Carrie was a bit of stretch, I must admit. 

Having said that, he was seen on the convenience store cam, which was 5 blocks away from the crash, but was it him that did it? Could he have gotten help? They said witnesses said that they saw a man put the girl in a vehicle and sped off, but it wasn't necessarily Nazir?  Or did I miss some of the details?

It's still great TV with a great story, so having been caught-up in all the drama/suspense, I'm willing to let some of those details slide. 
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I don't think they stated clearly if it was actually Nazir himself or not, but I'm sure a dude of his status would have someone else do that for him no? I mean I'm not sure if they'll explain who did the dirty work next week when Carrie explains what happened to the rest of the squad but if they're smart they'll say someone else did it.

Like you said though, as long as it's entertaining not every little detail has to add up for me. I'm still enthralled by the whole storyline.. Brody not giving any dambs about taking out the VP, holding the phone away and straight up enjoying his death was a good touch - showing that he does have some resentment in him still about all the wrongs he did (mainly to Issa).

I'm interested in seeing where they go from here, I felt that offing the VP would be the finale this year.. but since Nazir said he knows he won't leave the US alive.. I feel he's gonna find a big way to go out and leave his mark. Should be a great road to the finale.
BTW, killing someone's pacemaker remotely isn't really that far fetched. Check out the links below for more details...

By the way, did Brody call the veep an infidel as he watched him die? :lol:


I never liked Estes. Always thought of him as a bureaucratic career opportunist, now I hate him even more. He's a straight up bad guy bent on making sure anyone doesn't find out about the drone strike that killed Issa & the other kids even if it means killing people. I hope someone puts a cap in his forehead & heart (double tap each) & I hope Brody is the one to do it (or better yet Saul).
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I never liked Estes. Always thought of him as a bureaucratic career opportunist, now I hate him even more. He's a straight up bad guy bent on making sure anyone doesn't find out about the drone strike that killed Issa & the other kids even if it means killing people. I hope someone puts a cap in his forehead & heart (double tap each) & I hope Brody is the one to do it (or better yet Saul).

You don't like Estes, and say he's a bad guy, but like Brody :smh:
I don't think they stated clearly if it was actually Nazir himself or not, but I'm sure a dude of his status would have someone else do that for him no? I mean I'm not sure if they'll explain who did the dirty work next week when Carrie explains what happened to the rest of the squad but if they're smart they'll say someone else did it.
Like you said though, as long as it's entertaining not every little detail has to add up for me. I'm still enthralled by the whole storyline.. Brody not giving any dambs about taking out the VP, holding the phone away and straight up enjoying his death was a good touch - showing that he does have some resentment in him still about all the wrongs he did (mainly to Issa).
I'm interested in seeing where they go from here, I felt that offing the VP would be the finale this year.. but since Nazir said he knows he won't leave the US alive.. I feel he's gonna find a big way to go out and leave his mark. Should be a great road to the finale.

I was wondering about Nazir also, but then I chalked it up to having most of his men arrested but wanting to carry out his plan.
I never liked Estes. Always thought of him as a bureaucratic career opportunist, now I hate him even more. He's a straight up bad guy bent on making sure anyone doesn't find out about the drone strike that killed Issa & the other kids even if it means killing people. I hope someone puts a cap in his forehead & heart (double tap each) & I hope Brody is the one to do it (or better yet Saul).
You don't like Estes, and say he's a bad guy, but like Brody
I enjoy not liking Estes... we need shady antagonists like him on shows like these!
^ Fascinating bit of complexity to his character, no doubt. That's what makes him so interesting and unlike any other character on TV, I suppose. 

He's not a hero, and at one point was the bad guy, but now has the chance to make-up for his wrongs (to a certain extent). Ultimately, he's a broken man. 
 Ultimately, he's a broken man. 

He's really not Nick Brody anymore.  He never has been in this show... He was completely transformed by Abu Nazir during his capture and not to his own fault.

Nick has been completely attached to the people who have shown him compassion and understanding since he's been back... Nazir from his time with him helping Issa in Iraq, and Carrie who knows him better than he knows himself at this point.

Jessica has never been able to accept who he is since returning... His son barely remembers who he was before and Dana used real emotion to talk him down from blowing up the VP and everyone else in the bunker.

Hes feels controlled by Nazir but also feels compelled to see Carrie's plan as well since she has tried convincing him that someday maybe they'd have a future.
Carrie told Nazir that he isn't getting out of this country.

So it's not really that big of a stretch of all those things that Nazir did in that episode.
Some preview scenes from next week's episode...Also included links in case they don't embed correctly...

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I love the show, but some scenes it's hard for me to suspend my disbelief.

two things:

1) Brody is now "working" with the CIA...why the hell isn't his phone tapped?

2) If he's a terror threat in some eyes, why would they let him wander off in the safehouse w/ no one keeping eyes on him?
I love the show, but some scenes it's hard for me to suspend my disbelief.
two things:
1) Brody is now "working" with the CIA...why the hell isn't his phone tapped?
2) If he's a terror threat in some eyes, why would they let him wander off in the safehouse w/ no one keeping eyes on him?

1. Pretty sure it is tapped, they have listened in before this season, just I guess no one is listening. I am just assuming that the people that are in the know on who/what Brody is, is very minimal(probably just the 5-6 people we see with quinn in the room they operate in), so they may not be listening in 24/7.
2. I really doubt anyone at safehouse has any clue that Brody is/was a terrorist, their task was protecting and keeping his family there, not Brody, before he left the safehouse he really had just showed up to there visit(maybe pick them up idk). You saw the look on the ladies face, when Brody was on the phone and said he would be resigning from congress, and declining the VP bid. She didn't have any kind of clue why he would be doing that.

But in all seriousness, they deferentially should have been tracking and monitoring Brody the second they found out Carrie was kidnapped/missing. No clue why Saul, Quinn, or Estes didn't bother think about it. The only reason they didn't merk Brody in the limo was because they needed him still if they wanted Abu Nazir. Obviously Nazir would figure out Brody snitched on him, and if they couldn't get to his family, Carrie has to be the next best mark, especially since Nazir and his group already know about there intimate history.
The safehouse lady was grillin' Brody when he told Saul he was going to resign his name as a VP candidate, so maybe that will come into play.
The show started in 'smart' it's just doing thing for shock value.

-Skype on a Blackberry Curve
-Kidnapping a CIA agent in broad daylight (in the middle of a big city)
-CIA conveniently stops monitoring a terrorist suspects cell phone (Brody)
-Saul to Brody: 'Have you heard from Carrie?'. Brody: 'No'. Saul: 'okay, I'll call you back ...take care'
-A senator running around the Vice Presidents office, and shouting terrorist threats into a cellphone with no consequence
-Bringing a crowbar to a gunfight
-The skype was dumb as **** but Nazir sending pics instead would've been less tension.
-That's believable for a terrorist cell. If anything give it a pass in comparison to 24.
-That's perplexing but keep in mind there's another double agent in the CIA, could've been covering up Brody's tracks. As of now, I agree to an extent it is a bit absurd.
-Overall weird scene but what did you want Saul to do? He should've been more frantic so we could believe he could've overlooked Brody's hesitation. The main thing was finding Carrie and then Nazir not looking in to what Brody was doing.
-When he said his name was the problem but unless his office is bugged aint like anybody but the vp and his assistant secretary would be hanging around his office or constantly walking by that wing of the house. When Brody initially called and that guy answered who I assume was his secretary it was shown his desk wasn't near the office. Keep in mind they were in his home not the white house. It was shown again when brody was directed to his office. Gotta have some suspension of disbelief.
-Carrie crazy.

I think this ep was great given the conversation and the confrontation in the end.
The safehouse lady was grillin' Brody when he told Saul he was going to resign his name as a VP candidate, so maybe that will come into play.
Noticed that to. Made me wonder how in the loop she's in. Does she even know he was turned? I don't think so.
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obviously the worst episode so far 

Awful episode IMO.

Finally wateched it...that was just poorly executed from go. :smh:
Every step of it was hacky and loose and rushed and weakly acted and paced.
It felt like a season 6 episode of 24. :smh:

The thing is...nothing that happened in this episode was that ridiculous. This show trades on that thin line between the ridiculous and suspenseful, and buoys itself with great acting, smart writing, very good direction and excellent pacing. All of these things didn't make it into this episode. In fact, Damian Lewis was really, really bad in this. The scene with the VP felt like how the American Horror Story people would handle it.

This episode was what the people who hate or just assume they'd hate Homeland would expect this show be. And the worst part is, very important things happened in this episode.

Just my opinion. Sloppy. Hope they get right for the next one.
Disagree with everyone who said the episode was terrible. A lot of big storyline items were addressed or created in this episode. I cant believe people are complaining about what phone was being used to Skype or that its completely unbelievable that Carrie could have been taken in the daytime without anyone noticing (which by the way is incorrect as there was a witness who claimed he saw a man dragging Carrie out of the car. Forget about that part?)
Damn crazy ep...Nazir gettin taken out...I imagine he's got a number 2 who will take over...curious to see where they take the show that Brody is somewhat clear....if quinn doesnt murk him first

Roya went ham after Carrie thought she was breakin her down
I watched this ep thinking we're approaching the series finale until I searched and found out the show got renewed for a 3rd season :lol: :pimp:

Great ep, I thought it was gonna get crazy when it was literally just Carrie and one soldier. I can't completely question procedure but if the lead agent conducting the search could just be left alone while the rest of the search team seem to walk a damn half mile away while she ends up running away and screaming they need to be more intelligent than that :lol:

Lot of good scenes showing the conclusion of the drama side with Brody and his family. Dana should've got smacked though. The disrespect was going too far.

Carrie picking up on what Roya said was good to bring the end to Nazir. Roya playing her was funny. Wish Carrie took a pic of his body just to rub it in Roya's face. I fully expected Quinn to torture her though.

I still expect Brody to kill Quinn next ep. Don't see him *****ing up and letting him go. After his talk with his wife, I was thinking he'd die right there if Quinn was on some sniper steez.

Can't wait for the finale. Really wished there was a preview clip but I can understand not doing it. I'm still gonna search for spoilers.
"the bear" is a great nickname for saul

saul gotta be the only person with any morals left

lol at dana literally crying over spilled milk

chris just wanted to play video games dawg

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"if this goes according to plan this will be the last time we see eachother"[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]aka brody a triple agent , or this is what that dude nazir wanted[/font]

everything seems to be going to plan i think its gonna go down at the vice president's funeral

because you have to figure nazir just died ,  and bam estes and quinn iz dead

i dont know man , shows getting pretty intense
Terrible. Show has gone from unbelievable to "unbelievably bad" in 2 episodes
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