Brett Favre signs with the Minnesota Vikings

Can somebody gif this, because it was my exact reaction but not the same thing I said
S&T probably has the most "mature" collective group of regulars on this forum, but one of the wildest dumb +#%% things said on here is wanting soand so to "get injured". a grown $@* man wishing injury on another dude because you don't like them? Because you don't like how they handled a certainsituation? Because you don't like the media attention they receive? Really...

Foul as hell, I tell ya.

At the end of the day, they all just play a game...if it's that serious, y'all need to straighten out what's really important in life.

so tired of this old man...i wish he would just go work construction with his wrangler jean wearin' #!%
^ Your boy TJ is history Paul

Originally Posted by freddymartinez

its going to be sweet seeing rodgers and crew handle the vikes
I keep hearing this, but how are the Packers going to handle/throttle (as some people are saying) the Vikes?...I'm waiting for someone to comethrough with actual reasons instead of saying it without providing an explanation.
2,000 season tickets since NOON???!!! Wow, I am like 23423523543 on the Bears season ticket waiting list.
Originally Posted by JPZx

^ Your boy TJ is history Paul

Originally Posted by freddymartinez

its going to be sweet seeing rodgers and crew handle the vikes
I keep hearing this, but how are the Packers going to handle/throttle (as some people are saying) the Vikes?...I'm waiting for someone to come through with actual reasons instead of saying it without providing an explanation.

Yuuup. And I kind of relinquished my disdain for this move. I don't think Sage is worth much in the long run and TJ I didn't feel good after seeing hisfirst game action this year. Preseason or not, I felt like it was an indicator of another year of sub par inconsistency.

Having said that, Favre is a welcomed addition and the plot has thickened for NFL football 2009/2010. I just pray this doesn't unravel at the seams,because this will be the case of two possible extremes. Deep deep run possibly ending in the Super Bowl...Or a complete backfire and a domino effect typemeltdown for this whole organization.

This year will almost decide the direction of this team for years to come.
^^^ you cant possibly be serious about laughing at that ... ... seriously, its not one bit funny from the poor photoshop to the horrible play on words withthat title ... stupid favre or not ...
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

^^^ you cant possibly be serious about laughing at that ... ... seriously, its not one bit funny from the poor photoshop to the horrible play on words with that title ... stupid favre or not ...

Sooo...Two thumbs down?
You really think he'll play into 2010 though? If he stays healthy and we do well, I'm aware it's a possibility but I can't getpast the fact that he wholeheartedly hates training camp and he would indeed need to go through with that if he played with us next year because we have himunder contract.

If he had signed with us before training camp started, he would have had the easiest training camp of any NFL player in the history of time and that is ascientific fact, in the words of Champ Kind.

Dude would be 41 years of age during the majority of the 2010 season, and if he put on a front of, "I'm not going to be a Viking" just threeweeks ago when it was so widely reported that he would be for so long JUST because he didn't want to attendtraining camp like a lot of people are speculating, then I don't think he'd be able to go through it next year either, one year of age older.

I'm still going to stand by my opinion that this is a one-year deal no matter what the contract says, nothing more.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

^^^ you cant possibly be serious about laughing at that ... ... seriously, its not one bit funny from the poor photoshop to the horrible play on words with that title ... stupid favre or not ...

Sooo...Two thumbs down?

see thats humor
Nah..I meant strictly the 2009 season, which runs into 2010. Kind of like an NBA schedule depicts.
Sorry for the confusion.

At this point I could care less about next season.
Marley just become a Vikings fan already
....we're Super Bowl-bound apparently
Originally Posted by JPZx

Marley just become a Vikings fan already
....we're Super Bowl-bound apparently

im not making it a secret, im pulling for the vikings ... i firmly believe the cowboys have 7 wins tops in them and therefore i will need to have a team thatis actually in the hunt ... not only do i hate the packers for doing what they did to favre, but i grew up emulating the dude ... hes the epitome of whatfootball is supposed to be about ...
Originally Posted by JPZx

at this video....especially the part with Percy
@ Percy pointing @ him when he walks away...

@ the Nike shirt Brett has on.� I swear to God that thing is fromthe late 90's.
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