Is Nike no longer as cool as it used to be?

you mad they make sizes for bigger people? assuming you want the above models to get into the gym and lose weights, they need clothes to wear while doing so correct? Also the top girl isn't even fat.

No no. I didn’t mean for this to come off as fat shaming. I just picked the first two pictures that popped up on Nikes website when I clicked on “clothing” tab under women. First one looks like it’s marketed as designer aesthetic, (which is a pretty niche market) and the pink outfit is more all inclusive to traditional gym attire.

In my opinion, it seems like they need to pick an identity and do it well, in order to maintain what made them dominant in the first place.
Don't care for the Dames, Spydas and Traes, but adidas is doing a good job with the Ants and Hardens as far as setting them apart visually. They stand out on the court and really epitomize the players.
Nike’s fallen off. IMO, they’re not worth the premium right now.

They need more meaningful innovation and cultural impact to be more relevant in a time where our attention can see an entire landscape of appealing athletic wear brands and products. That said, they’re always one impactful person or product away from relevance.
I mean yea I don’t disagree with the new Jordan’s. But to me Jordan’s died with the 23. That’s the very last one I recognize. I stopped wearing Js in 2009 personally outside of Jordan 1 lows so I go even further.

But I still wear Kobe’s casually as those are the last shoes I wore when I played balled before I had to give it up so it’s nostalgic to me. But outside of that yea I wear AM1s some flyknits and such. Nike designs have gotten lazy but style shifts are a big reason. Nike never really did dad shoes which are in now. But I can’t even get down with that style 🤷‍♂️

Edit: I do wear Pegasus but they are comfortable as hell for walking.

Same died after the 23
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