A History of God.

You ever seen a body? Dead human being is same as alive in all physicals aspects, he didn't disappear. No longer alive though. Where did that go? Where is science to free me from this truth?

O science let me pray to you to extend my life , and I pledge to the supremaxy of man.

There is a large difference between a dead body and a living one. Main one being that bioelectrical phenomena subsides after death, so the brain and sense organs stop functioning. What I think you are asking is the question of what is consciousness and what happens to it after death. I would say it cannot be ascertained. It's like trying to understand a thing in itself through itself. It's a impossible measure. So, we can conjecture about the dualistic existence of a soul of a body or that consciousness is material but neither will provide solid proof. The thing about consciousness is that it can only be understood through direct experience rather than a third person. So, the best suggestion to give is to inquire into your own mind and the awareness that is present.
There is a large difference between a dead body and a living one. Main one being that bioelectrical phenomena subsides after death, so the brain and sense organs stop functioning. What I think you are asking is the question of what is consciousness and what happens to it after death. I would say it cannot be ascertained. It's like trying to understand a thing in itself through itself. It's a impossible measure. So, we can conjecture about the dualistic existence of a soul of a body or that consciousness is material but neither will provide solid proof. The thing about consciousness is that it can only be understood through direct experience rather than a third person. So, the best suggestion to give is to inquire into your own mind and the awareness that is present.

I don't think you seen my post right above the one you quoted.

The truth is all this is material, our conscience is not. How can that be explained?
The truth is all this is material, our conscience is not. How can that be explained?
It is material to a certain extent. By altering the brain, you can alter a person's conscience. You can check out the split-brain experiments for that. What I'm wondering my self is if all of conscious awareness is material? In particular, the space in which consciousness occupies or operates on. Is that material or what is that? 
It is material to a certain extent. By altering the brain, you can alter a person's conscience. You can check out the split-brain experiments for that. What I'm wondering my self is if all of conscious awareness is material? In particular, the space in which consciousness occupies or operates on. Is that material or what is that? 

You are right man, I really did mean to say say consciousness and NOT conscience. That was an error from me. And yea man I was wondering the same thing.
The truth is all this is material, our conscience is not. How can that be explained?
It is material to a certain extent. By altering the brain, you can alter a person's conscience. You can check out the split-brain experiments for that. What I'm wondering my self is if all of conscious awareness is material? In particular, the space in which consciousness occupies or operates on. Is that material or what is that? 

no i wouldnt think so. i'd think the way you think, conscious, etc., is pretty much just like electricity going through a wire, in your brain waves in a much more complexly (real word? lol) designed scale.
^not if he was inadequate & knew it & perhaps wasn't appropriate for the position in the first place...
would have already pissed em off
but if god is all knowing...why would he be surprised or be happy/upset about something that one he set into place, and two he already knew. If god created this man, and ahead of time knew he would be a pope, and resign from being a pope because he set it to be this way. how/why would he get mad? Doesnt make sense. The way yall describing god its like he sets ppl up for dummy missions/suicide...then gets upset about it. In a way setting up ppl for failure, and then gets mad,punish them for failing. How is this good? How is he kind? I dont understand how you followers would get upset mad at a person who does you wrong in anyway and couldnt control it, or placed in a position in which they had no choice. But praise a god, who wrongs you purposely put you through pain and hardship, and has a choice in the matter.

So its like you saying if i robbed you cause i was in a position i had no choice and had to feed my family...you would hate me and condemn me. Yet if god chose to give your first born a deadly illness to kill them after birth...you not only accept it, but think him worship him and praise him for doing so. And he caused you hardship for no other reason but im "god" and i can do this...dont question me son, my ways are not yours.
^not if he was inadequate & knew it & perhaps wasn't appropriate for the position in the first place...
would have already pissed em off
but if god is all knowing...why would he be surprised or be happy/upset about something that one he set into place, and two he already knew. If god created this man, and ahead of time knew he would be a pope, and resign from being a pope because he set it to be this way. how/why would he get mad? Doesnt make sense. The way yall describing god its like he sets ppl up for dummy missions/suicide...then gets upset about it. In a way setting up ppl for failure, and then gets mad,punish them for failing. How is this good? How is he kind? I dont understand how you followers would get upset mad at a person who does you wrong in anyway and couldnt control it, or placed in a position in which they had no choice. But praise a god, who wrongs you purposely put you through pain and hardship, and has a choice in the matter.

So its like you saying if i robbed you cause i was in a position i had no choice and had to feed my family...you would hate me and condemn me. Yet if god chose to give your first born a deadly illness to kill them after birth...you not only accept it, but think him worship him and praise him for doing so. And he caused you hardship for no other reason but im "god" and i can do this...dont question me son, my ways are not yours.
What I find really laughable, and disappointing at the same time, is when people refer to "god" as "he". Like "god" is a individual or something and has emotions.

imo, the word "god" is a metaphor that is severely misunderstood.
What I find really laughable, and disappointing at the same time, is when people refer to "god" as "he". Like "god" is a individual or something and has emotions.

imo, the word "god" is a metaphor that is severely misunderstood.
so your opinion is fact?
but if god is all knowing...why would he be surprised or be happy/upset about something that one he set into place, and two he already knew. If god created this man, and ahead of time knew he would be a pope, and resign from being a pope because he set it to be this way. how/why would he get mad? Doesnt make sense. The way yall describing god its like he sets ppl up for dummy missions/suicide...then gets upset about it. In a way setting up ppl for failure, and then gets mad,punish them for failing. How is this good? How is he kind? I dont understand how you followers would get upset mad at a person who does you wrong in anyway and couldnt control it, or placed in a position in which they had no choice. But praise a god, who wrongs you purposely put you through pain and hardship, and has a choice in the matter.

So its like you saying if i robbed you cause i was in a position i had no choice and had to feed my family...you would hate me and condemn me. Yet if god chose to give your first born a deadly illness to kill them after birth...you not only accept it, but think him worship him and praise him for doing so. And he caused you hardship for no other reason but im "god" and i can do this...dont question me son, my ways are not yours.

Honestly i can not read all this...since my quip was obviously partially in jest as was the quote I responded to. Sometimes one answers absurd with absurd.

Man, I put a little effort into my previous post in this thread, yet I get quoted on the 2 second smart-*** response instead!
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"The average Christian" - what is that to you? you love semantics but dislike when people generalize, so please indulge me?
I have met many people in my life that are '...as passionate about helping others and being selfless as they are with promoting hate..." - some Christian, some not.

It bugs us all that when we feel like we don't have all the answers, like we don't have control. I feel your over-the-top pseudo confidence in what you spew is merely a way for you to feel more in control of things you don't have all the answers to. Live & learn.

You know about the real Anton Lavey? He was a circus musician just like Farrakhan was a calypso singer. A pied piper of sorts, a wrangler. Also curious on your opinion of LaVey & how some of his teachings contrasted to most modern religions or cults.

I don't even think Jesus existed as portrayed. I think a lot of things in life are scams. Yet I have read the Bible. The whole thing. Have you? One can choose to take very positive lesson from the stories in it if they want to.

A paradox of the duality of one is something I have yet to get a grasp on.
Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat tails. - Clarence Darrow
I would be fool to think I will ever get all the answers I'm looking for.

Ok average Christian on NT, sorry about the generalization. I'm sure there are more progressive and less hateful Christians in real life.

The only thing I'm confident about is my supremacy as a human-being. I am confident that I am a God on this planet. You project your mentality as a lesser being onto me because you are too used to living a life without control of your own destiny. You are the equivalent of an ant to your God and I shall treat you as such. I

I have read the bible, it has been said atheists and agnostics are actually better biblical scholars than most religious folks. It was a very fascinating historically based work of fiction. Epic battles, brothels, sodomy, people getting nailed to 2 by 4s. What's not to like?

Yea people can choose to do whatever the hell they want with a book written by men, many of whom were evil to the core. I'm glad you have chosen to interpret it as positive but not everyone shares that sentiment. It's like the guns don't kill people humans kill people debate. Religions doesn't kill people, humans equipped with religion kill people.

I never said I have all the answers but as a man of science it is my job to contemplate of all the possibilities and do what I can through observation and research to gain a better understanding of life and our universe.
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My 2 cents on the gay thing. People say they don't support is cause it's in the bible. But aren't you supposed to love your neighbor? Like you would love yourself?

Would god hate gay people? Aren't we all gods children? If he didn't like homosexuality he wouldn't have made it an issue am I right or wrong?

That reminds me of those people that protest gay funerals and things with those posters saying god hates ****. They say that the bible says gay is wrong. But yet they go around spewing their hate onto other people. Would Jesus do that? To me I understand if you don't like it and you don't support it. But saying you hate them and its wrong cause its in the bible is loco

There's plenty of things in the bible and I'm sure if someone saw certain things you'd say the same thing

We aren't all God's children. It is actually made clear in the bible that God favors certain groups than others. Many religious people have used this mentality as a way to conquer, slaughter, rape and wage war against other groups. Gay people are just another group that are a part of Satans minions and the accursed sons to Ham.
so your opinion is fact?

never said it was fact. BUT if you think about it, and I mean really think, leave out the belief system and use rational and logical thinking... does it really make sense that "god" has a gender and is an individual that sits way up in the heavens watching over us, judging us with human reactions such as anger, rage, stratification, happiness, etc.

again imo and level of understanding and reasoning, "god" is a metaphor for the probability of everything and anything being in existence within the universe(s). There is no one "god" as described in the bible (which I admit I have never read and would like to read fully one day). As I type this I realize that I have come to the conclusion that the universe is "god". And "god" in itself is the universe.

I've never really thought out loud and expressed my thoughts on "god" before in words. Just kicked around ideas and thoughts in my head. So excuse me if what I have typed seems a bit all over the place and scattered.

just my .02
So all the girls who claim to have had enough of men and turn to girls...and the dudes who go to jail and get turned out. Are those not "choices" or was there underlying homosexuality there and it just had to be activated or something?

Girls choosing to do that tend to be in an experimental phase which is actually normal behavior. Males who get turned put in prison are forced into a role that I'm assuming they can't or do not want to break. No idea if there's been studies on this.

Underlying homosexuality can be "activated" in a way. Some people literally don't know until they try it.

Dude bringing up homosexuality being biologically incorrect made me think of the people who say sex is meant to be for procreation. While that can be the outcome, animals as well as humans use intercourse for pleasure as well as dominance. If the purpose is for pleasure, within the law, I don't see anything wrong with your partner being of the same sex.

Human consciousness is one of my favorite subjects. The thoughts of why we are self aware, why we have the ego, whether or not our biological death is the death of our mind... I'm asking these questions every day.

The theory that our body dies and our consciousness jumps universes/dimensions to be implanted into another body with a clean slate if fascinating to me. As well as the extended version of the same theory that accounts for "jumping" into a brain in the same universe leading to memories of past lives and things like that.

you had to slip a few slights didn't you, you couldn't resist, powerless to the whim

what do you know about my god anyway? seriously, cause i didn't mention anything about it if there is one to mention

and ya, you seem to agree about interpretation, yet beforehand you just had to mention mostly negative aspects sensationalizing it
personally i find the battles, the history, the linage as boring & overwritten - it's the other stuff like in deuteronomy (spelling?) that i take from

human science is so limited in the present compared to it's potential, thus it can not be one's only course to understand things

i'm glad you addressed at least some of my points seriously, thank you
but your name calling and stuff just takes away from the intelligent things you say

but about Anton LaVey...your screen name pays tribute to a deceiver in my opinion, a very cunning deceiver at that
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so your opinion is fact?

never said it was fact. BUT if you think about it, and I mean really think, leave out the belief system and use rational and logical thinking... does it really make sense that "god" has a gender and is an individual that sits way up in the heavens watching over us, judging us with human reactions such as anger, rage, stratification, happiness, etc.

again imo and level of understanding and reasoning, "god" is a metaphor for the probability of everything and anything being in existence within the universe(s). There is no one "god" as described in the bible (which I admit I have never read and would like to read fully one day). As I type this I realize that I have come to the conclusion that the universe is "god". And "god" in itself is the universe.

I've never really thought out loud and expressed my thoughts on "god" before in words. Just kicked around ideas and thoughts in my head. So excuse me if what I have typed seems a bit all over the place and scattered.

just my .02

Ego ego ego. They say we were created in his image. Man imagines himself in the likeness of God.
never said it was fact. BUT if you think about it, and I mean really think, leave out the belief system and use rational and logical thinking... does it really make sense that "god" has a gender and is an individual that sits way up in the heavens watching over us, judging us with human reactions such as anger, rage, stratification, happiness, etc.

again imo and level of understanding and reasoning, "god" is a metaphor for the probability of everything and anything being in existence within the universe(s). There is no one "god" as described in the bible (which I admit I have never read and would like to read fully one day). As I type this I realize that I have come to the conclusion that the universe is "god". And "god" in itself is the universe.

I've never really thought out loud and expressed my thoughts on "god" before in words. Just kicked around ideas and thoughts in my head. So excuse me if what I have typed seems a bit all over the place and scattered.

just my .02

It makes PERFECT sense that Gods have genders....

View media item 267648

you had to slip a few slights didn't you, you couldn't resist, powerless to the whim

what do you know about my god anyway? seriously, cause i didn't mention anything about it if there is one to mention

and ya, you seem to agree about interpretation, yet beforehand you just had to mention mostly negative aspects sensationalizing it
personally i find the battles, the history, the linage as boring & overwritten - it's the other stuff like in deuteronomy (spelling?) that i take from

human science is so limited in the present compared to it's potential, thus it can not be one's only course to understand things

i'm glad you addressed at least some of my points seriously, thank you
but your name calling and stuff just takes away from the intelligent things you say

but about Anton LaVey...your screen name pays tribute to a deceiver in my opinion, a very cunning deceiver at that

What do YOU know about God?

My screen name is in tribute to a rebel who defied an evil tyrant. :smokin The God of the Judeochristian bible is just as jealous, insecure and evil as the men who created him.

If you want me not to come at you in a condescending manner refrain from making comments about my "confidence". It's an insult especially coming from the likes of you. Stop it. :smh:
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1. Knowledge

2. Wisdom

3. Understanding 

4. Freedom 

5. Justice

6. Equality 

7. Food

8. Clothing 

9. Shelter

10. Love

11. Peace

12. Happiness
So all the girls who claim to have had enough of men and turn to girls...and the dudes who go to jail and get turned out. Are those not "choices" or was there underlying homosexuality there and it just had to be activated or something?
These are specific, hypothetical instances that I'm willing to bet do not represent the population as a whole. That said, what's your point?
1. Knowledge

2. Wisdom
3. Understanding 
4. Freedom 
5. Justice
6. Equality 
7. Food
8. Clothing 
9. Shelter
10. Love
11. Peace
12. Happiness

I came up with a mnemonic device to remember those.

Just say the word "wufjefcslph".
so your opinion is fact?

never said it was fact. BUT if you think about it, and I mean really think, leave out the belief system and use rational and logical thinking... does it really make sense that "god" has a gender and is an individual that sits way up in the heavens watching over us, judging us with human reactions such as anger, rage, stratification, happiness, etc.

again imo and level of understanding and reasoning, "god" is a metaphor for the probability of everything and anything being in existence within the universe(s). There is no one "god" as described in the bible (which I admit I have never read and would like to read fully one day). As I type this I realize that I have come to the conclusion that the universe is "god". And "god" in itself is the universe.

I've never really thought out loud and expressed my thoughts on "god" before in words. Just kicked around ideas and thoughts in my head. So excuse me if what I have typed seems a bit all over the place and scattered.

just my .02
Appreciate your thoughts!

That's an intriguing idea, that the universe is God. There is a religion for that ...I think Wiccans believe that the universe/nature is God.

I say the following with regard to the narrative of the bible:

The bible refers to God in the masculine, keep in mind that both man and female where created in his image (so in that regard, both male and female are equal in his book). Feel free to twist the scriptures how you see fit (I say this to bible critics, not to you EM).

That is not to say that humans 'look like' God, no man has seen God, so how are we to know what he looks like. The bible further states that God is not like a man(human) that he should be restricted by 'diet', dwelling', etc...he is not human. The description that we get of him are merely figurative to help us grasp something that is profound. With that being said he does have a personality, he is a personality...we can grasp that personality in reading the bible. In that respect we are made in his image, we are able to reflect the qualities of reason, conscience, intelligence, love etc. 

Further, God is not restricted by gender roles he is not like a man he is not like a woman...he is God.

Granted man has twisted and convoluted gender roles for millenia, but that shouldn't not be an indictment on who or what God is.
So all the girls who claim to have had enough of men and turn to girls...and the dudes who go to jail and get turned out. Are those not "choices" or was there underlying homosexuality there and it just had to be activated or something?
These are specific, hypothetical instances that I'm willing to bet do not represent the population as a whole. That said, what's your point?
His point is that sexual preference(identity) is grayer than we are willing to admit.
So all the girls who claim to have had enough of men and turn to girls...and the dudes who go to jail and get turned out. Are those not "choices" or was there underlying homosexuality there and it just had to be activated or something?
These are specific, hypothetical instances that I'm willing to bet do not represent the population as a whole. That said, what's your point?
His point is that sexual preference(identity) is grayer than we are willing to admit.
If that's the case then I agree. I wasn't sure if he was trying to say that those examples prove that it's a choice. 
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