A History of God.

The day the average Christian is as passionate about helping others and being selfless as they are with promoting hate is the day I pledge to reconvert to Christianity. I love all the Christian holidays, I gave up abstinence for lent.

I'll also convert if they admit that Jesus Christ loves gays and was probably gay himself. :nerd: I see the gay church being a movement like the black church soon. :nerd:
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so are you saying religion is a formula? thats kinda what your eluding to. how does a event change base on whose telling it? Again if i read the sports page about the superbowl,be it ny times, the bleacher report, etc...end result the score and what happen in the game etc...ultimately would be the same. So then the deciding factor to which paper i picked up would be based on my preference ie preacher of the writer who covered it? So again how would a different church/pastor change what happens the rules laws or the message that is in the bible? So again you are telling this man to search until he finds someone he likes and can convince him fool him trick him...into believing something untrue or rather unfounded. Because as stated we cannot prove or disprove any of it... so the only other thing is to get someone to believe based on no evidence, truths nor proofs. And that would be based on likeability, and the ability to sell/convince trick connive the person.
shoelyesses, I don't know if you're new here. But stop posting so many words, Summardude only understands gifs and stupid.
your boy made an argument out of lolz? Why even bother?
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your boy made an argument out of lolz? Why even bother?

Yea because he assumed your response meant you disagreed with him. :lol:

I'm tryna teach him to keep his exchanges with you short and with mad pictures. He don't know you like I do. :tongue:
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Can anyone attest to the validity of the video before I watch it? Don't really want to waste my time...
I been here.
Can anyone attest to the validity of the video before I watch it? Don't really want to waste my time...
Did you watch the first part (the religious part) of Zeitgeist? It's like that but expanded on with more fleshed out info on past myths and religions.
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I don't understand the fascination of proving to those who believe in God that there is none and proving to those who don't believe that there is one...If you believe in God then you believe that eventually all will have to know that he in fact is God. There will be no doubt. If you don't believe in God then simply don't...If you want to share why you don't then share but what's the point in arguing over it? You want to be the first person to dispute God so that when it's all said and done (you die) you can what...die knowing you knew there wasn't one? I mean what do you gain by being hateful about your belief? If there is a God then you will have to answer for your behavior, if not then you won't...but what do you gain by discouraging people from believing?

Same goes for believers, I mean isn't it Christs example you're supposed to follow? Can you see him arguing with people who refuse to believe? Didn't he say if you are not received then shake the dust off your feet and move on?

This is all just to say what's the point in all this?
I don't think there's a fascination or that ppl are trying to prove one way or the other at this point. It's about discussing it and exposing ignorance. That has it's limits as well though where you gotta part ways and just realize ppl don't believing in things that don't make sense and their comfortable with the history of hypocrisy, violence and out and out evil.
so your whole purpose in discussing religion is in to tell people that they are ignorant?
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I just want Christians to admit that they really don't believe that "all sins are created equal."

I am a Christian, and I see this alot. The way I understand it, we as Christians are supposed to believe that in God's eyes, all sins are equal. The thing is, when it comes to modern

society (and common sense) the belief is that some sins are indeed worse than others. (ex. killing someone vs. telling a lie) So the way I've always understood and interpreted it, is

that yes killing someone is worse than telling a lie, but in God's eyes, the sins are equal, because he can forgive anyone for any sort of transgression. So that's why we are taught as

Christians to believe that all sins are equal. Because we can be forgiven for any sin.

Not trying to push my religion on you or anyone else, just wanted to share my thoughts. I think too many people, both religious and non-religious try to force their own ideas upon other people.
^Wow. In one post son put homosexuals in the same breath as pedos and completely disregarded the lifestyle and the idea they could geniunely love each other.
umm not for nothing, but google da prophet Mohammad's wife's age.

and also google da history of da age of consent.

as far as religion is concerned, as technology and science becomes better and better it'll fall by da wayside.

notice how nickname for sneakers stick because niketalk establishes them? then see how da nickname becomes bastardizes as new

people enter da culture

imagine a folk stories a bunch of nomads were talking about

1000's of years before around a camp fire before modern science...fast forward now and these stories are "truths" to people who dunno

The day the average Christian is as passionate about helping others and being selfless as they are with promoting hate is the day I pledge to reconvert to Christianity. I love all the Christian holidays, I gave up abstinence for lent.

I'll also convert if they admit that Jesus Christ loves gays and was probably gay himself. :nerd: I see the gay church being a movement like the black church soon. :nerd:

"The average Christian" - what is that to you? you love semantics but dislike when people generalize, so please indulge me?
I have met many people in my life that are '...as passionate about helping others and being selfless as they are with promoting hate..." - some Christian, some not.

It bugs us all that when we feel like we don't have all the answers, like we don't have control. I feel your over-the-top pseudo confidence in what you spew is merely a way for you to feel more in control of things you don't have all the answers to. Live & learn.

You know about the real Anton Lavey? He was a circus musician just like Farrakhan was a calypso singer. A pied piper of sorts, a wrangler. Also curious on your opinion of LaVey & how some of his teachings contrasted to most modern religions or cults.

I don't even think Jesus existed as portrayed. I think a lot of things in life are scams. Yet I have read the Bible. The whole thing. Have you? One can choose to take very positive lesson from the stories in it if they want to.

A paradox of the duality of one is something I have yet to get a grasp on.
Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat tails. - Clarence Darrow
I would be fool to think I will ever get all the answers I'm looking for.
^not if he was inadequate & knew it & perhaps wasn't appropriate for the position in the first place...
would have already pissed em off
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I've seen homosexual behavior of my GF's male dogs and cats. So, how homosexuality is not present in nature is a pile of nonsense. Among humans, sexuality is not a choice but rather a combination of base level of hormones in your body and the culture that you were brought up in. In a similar light, a paranoid schizoid person doesn't choose to have "demonic" hallucinations and a sociopath to lack remorse and kill. All these results are from the complexities of certain subsets the human physiology and interactions with the environment. It seems that are our lives are largely determined by our genes and even the propensity to "sin". So, the fact that sinning is embedded into us and that it isn't of choice, largely contradicts much of the theist arguments.
You ever seen a body? Dead human being is same as alive in all physicals aspects, he didn't disappear. No longer alive though. Where did that go? Where is science to free me from this truth?

O science let me pray to you to extend my life , and I pledge to the supremaxy of man.

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My 2 cents on the gay thing. People say they don't support is cause it's in the bible. But aren't you supposed to love your neighbor? Like you would love yourself?

Would god hate gay people? Aren't we all gods children? If he didn't like homosexuality he wouldn't have made it an issue am I right or wrong?

That reminds me of those people that protest gay funerals and things with those posters saying god hates ****. They say that the bible says gay is wrong. But yet they go around spewing their hate onto other people. Would Jesus do that? To me I understand if you don't like it and you don't support it. But saying you hate them and its wrong cause its in the bible is loco

There's plenty of things in the bible and I'm sure if someone saw certain things you'd say the same thing
So all the girls who claim to have had enough of men and turn to girls...and the dudes who go to jail and get turned out. Are those not "choices" or was there underlying homosexuality there and it just had to be activated or something?
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