A History of God.

What do YOU know about God?

My screen name is in tribute to a rebel who defied an evil tyrant. :smokin The God of the Judeochristian bible is just as jealous, insecure and evil as the men who created him.

If you want me not to come at you in a condescending manner refrain from making comments about my "confidence". It's an insult especially coming from the likes of you. Stop it. :smh:

you're the one that references my god & i'm an ant and such, so why flip it back on me?

'from the likes of me' - if i insulted you, i guess you'd know since you insult everybody that thinks differently than you

frankly you're mad hostile & don't come across as in peace or harmony or oneness with anything

and please you don't have order me around like a tyrant

i challenge you to prove a point without getting personal with someone
i don't know you but respect that you have something to say, yet my words are worth nothing?
like there is a hierarchy in which you are on top & i am on the bottom, if that's the reality you want to
create for yourself - i see nothing positive about it
Has anyone's thought process actually ever changed after a religion thread on NT?

the reason i read them is to further develop my thought process, so yes
that is, i don't read these threads just to reinforce by belief system already set in stone

no like a black & white issue - shades of grey like jerry said
Has anyone's thought process actually ever changed after a religion thread on NT?
Some users have interesting things to say. Those that have the honest intent to learn, no matter what "side" they're on, can gain quite a bit from these discussions. 
His point is that sexual preference(identity) is grayer than we are willing to admit.

Yep human sexuality is a continuum from completely straight to completely gay. Most of us fall somewhere within that continuum but social constraints force most of us into both extremes.
you're the one that references my god & i'm an ant and such, so why flip it back on me?

'from the likes of me' - if i insulted you, i guess you'd know since you insult everybody that thinks differently than you

frankly you're mad hostile & don't come across as in peace or harmony or oneness with anything

and please you don't have order me around like a tyrant

i challenge you to prove a point without getting personal with someone
i don't know you but respect that you have something to say, yet my words are worth nothing?
like there is a hierarchy in which you are on top & i am on the bottom, if that's the reality you want to
create for yourself - i see nothing positive about it

I don't have to do anything, the bottom line is you weren't respectful with your comments to me either. Respect is earned and you have giving me a reason to not treat you like you are below me.

" feel your over-the-top pseudo confidence in what you spew is merely a way for you to feel more in control of things you don't have all the answers to."

This comment is what prompted the condescending manner with which I approach you. It's blasphemous, especially when I never claimed to have answers to everything. I have some magical beliefs I don't have answers to, the only thing I'm sure of when it comes to religion is that the judeochristian God doesn't exist and if he does he is objectively evil. You comment was a subtle way for you to take a shot at me, and you expected me to ignore it and go about my business.

En tu aula. Somebody don' told you WRONG.
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I don't have to do anything, the bottom line is you weren't respectful with your comments to me either. Respect is earned and you have giving me a reason to not treat you like you are below me.

" feel your over-the-top pseudo confidence in what you spew is merely a way for you to feel more in control of things you don't have all the answers to."

This comment is what prompted the condescending manner with which I approach you. It's blasphemous, especially when I never claimed to have answers to everything. I have some magical beliefs I don't have answers to, the only thing I'm sure of when it comes to religion is that the judeochristian God doesn't exist and if he does he is objectively evil. You comment was a subtle way for you to take a shot at me, and you expected me to ignore it and go about my business.

En tu aula. Somebody don' told you WRONG.

no, i expected you to not ignore it, i expected an arrogant response, but that's not why i quoted you
^^^^Then what do you keep crying about? :lol:

Anyhow I think we need to revive Ancient forms of religion that were based mainly on Ancestor worship. I think those religions were more personal and less corrupt than modern religions. I'm going to build a pagan shrine to my granny (RIP) |I
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His point is that sexual preference(identity) is grayer than we are willing to admit.

Yep human sexuality is a continuum from completely straight to completely gay. Most of us fall somewhere within that continuum but social constraints force most of us into both extremes.
I don't know if it's as easy to describe it as a continuum, when there are finite choices (distinction/designations) to be made. Ultimately there are to genders (sans genetic disorders) that interact sexually with one another, the traditional interactions has been m/f...anything past that has been unusual and out of the norm. The types of unusual interactions are easy to shortlist and categorize.

I say that the idea of preference is gray because the choices affecting identity are subject to a number of definitions and interpretations are they indeed choices (and what degree of control do people have over choice), or is it a matter of being born a certain way. I don't think that these issues have been categorically defined (granted I may be naive on this point).

As for earlier concerns made in the thread regarding levels of sin:

Sin is sin, there is no checklist of saying oh this sin is worse than the other but if I do this it will cover for the other sin etc. The bible does speak of there being an unforgiveable sin (and that sin is not homosexuality).

Heterosexuality and homosexuality are both in the same boat, how? The bible states to share the marriage bed only with your wife (i.e.not commit fornication), so a person who bangs women out of wedlock  has no right to start judging a person who bangs guys. That is the truth of it.

Now homosexuality brings about differing concerns, can I have a relationship with a person of the same gender...the bible does not condone that, it describes it as a sin. 

I'll add more later...
^^^yea my continuum did not take into account a lot of factors, I was strictly speaking on the 2 traditional genders or male and female. When you start adding transgender folks in there things start to get a little blurry. The point is human sexuality is far from straight forward. In fact this is a part of what makes us human and unique. Most animals just rape or court to procreate then go about their business. As a species that has sex as recreation, our sexual lives are already abnormal when you compare us to other animals. What other animal watches weird ****** BBW porn?
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Question, for the believers. What are YOUR thoughts on the following

1. Why do you think God is a man?

2. Where did God come from?

What are YOUR theories on this.

I gotta find that book i read on the hierarchy system & religious beliefs of the ancient mound builders of North America.
Can't expound on the subject now cause I wouldn't be accurate without a review, but their society or civilization or whatever
you want to call it was set up differently than most. Most of the artifacts are either still buried or were destroyed/hidden/stolen when cross-country
railroads were built in the 1800's.

On another note, I personally do not believe 'God' is a tall man with a long white beard like in The Simpsons. I think some people
refer to God as a man to be concise (like when there's a group of men & women and one says "you guys", or that they grew up in a culture
that constantly portrays God as a man over woman over neither. Not really a conscience thought. Not saying that's a good reason.

Also, God to some may have actually been just a messenger or watcher personified & they misunderstood. I think of the Sodom & Gomarrah story in the Bible.
Not cause of the whole 'destroy the gays' aspect, but if you read it...Abram or Abraham meets 'God' who is accompanied by two others.
He stands with 'God' as they watch over the cities from afar (and do the whole 'would you spare them if you can find one' bit.) Now, this is why
I find the story interesting...to Abraham, the man next to him is God - the God. But I mean, the way the story reads, it is though this 'God' has
peers, co-workers if you will - equals in some sense. Was that really 'God' - the creator or the heavens & universe, or was that just a man
from another place as the character in the show Twin Peaks? A being who also answers to the universe, not the creator of it.

If you can follow that rant, you have some clues as to what I believe is possible.

PS - No joke, if anybody else is down to go to the Amazon & do the whole ayahuasca thing - let me know. It's something I've been thinking about.
Something I feel I need to face.

Was pretty honest & open in this post...so rip away! and feel free to use it as fodder against me in future posts
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^^^Your characterization of the Abrahamic Gods is interesting, I have some theories as to what Gods may be. Some of what is said in Ancient aliens is laughable but I agree with their overall message that some of the Gods that we worship are simply extraterrestrial beings. It is not inconceivable that human beings are a lesser being to a far more intelligent creature we do not comprehend. After all a lot of human beings are Gods on this planet to lesser beings.
Or God could be the Sun?

Many civilizations worshipped the sun as God, I mean back in the day before space exploration all those celestial beings must have looked majestic and God-like. In a metaphorical and scientific sense the sun literally is a God. It is the sole reason for all the existence of life on this planet. :smokin
so your whole purpose in discussing religion is in to tell people that they are ignorant?
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^Wow. In one post son put homosexuals in the same breath as pedos and completely disregarded the lifestyle and the idea they could geniunely love each other.
umm not for nothing, but google da prophet Mohammad's wife's age.

and also google da history of da age of consent.

as far as religion is concerned, as technology and science becomes better and better it'll fall by da wayside.

notice how nickname for sneakers stick because niketalk establishes them? then see how da nickname becomes bastardizes as new

people enter da culture

imagine a folk stories a bunch of nomads were talking about

1000's of years before around a camp fire before modern science...fast forward now and these stories are "truths" to people who dunno

I know there's a history of that but in the world today, that kind of senseless rationalizing is just offensive. At least in the past there was a societal system that although cruel and brutal established that as the norm. Pedophiles being accepted is not the norm for today.
Has anyone's thought process actually ever changed after a religion thread on NT?
In early pages I've seen NTers post that they've appreciated posts and have decided to gain more knowledge and be more open minded. They usually lurk though.

I've never seen any theist on here say they've changed their mind on here. I think.
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let me give you guys some more material to rant about, rebuff, and rebuke.....

1. Why do you think God is a man?(male)

I BELEIVE God is without gender. We are in his image because we have a Spirit which he is, nothing about body parts. ( Adam was made of dirt. He did not have life until God blew breath into him. His essence. Spirit) GOd is the ultimate FORCE/Spirit. Like how gravity is A FORCE/LAW that hold you down, the force and influence the moon has on bodies of water. That's how he is omnipresent. (these forces named are miniscule to Him, for His force/spirit spans time and space) I don't believe he has sex, nor reproduces. He wills/creates so gender is pointless.

( I say "He" just of convenience since Adam/Man was created first. A better way to make his reference as a pronoun would be "I AM." But with our language its confusing)

2. Where did God come from?

He's the most basic platform for which mere existence is of anything is possible. The bottom line. Thee Rule. The paramount LAW of Existence. Don't know where he came from, but I believe he was always there, Hence why revealed himself as I AM to Moses. I AM is constant. Present. Permanent. The Basis. Us mortal humans, who are NOT God or Gods are not constant, neither is ANYTHING about us, or our world, so it is extremely difficult to wrap our minds around/ accept that concept.

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let me give you guys some more material to rant about, rebuff, and rebuke.....

1. Why do you think God is a man?(male)

I BELEIVE God is without gender. We are in his image because we have a Spirit which he is, nothing about body parts. ( Adam was made of dirt. He did not have life until God blew breath into him. His essence. Spirit) GOd is the ultimate FORCE/Spirit. Like how gravity is A FORCE/LAW that hold you down, the force and influence the moon has on bodies of water. That's how he is omnipresent. (these forces named are miniscule to Him, for His force/spirit spans time and space) I don't believe he has sex, nor reproduces. He wills/creates so gender is pointless.

( I say "He" just of convenience since Adam/Man was created first. A better way to make his reference as a pronoun would be "I AM." But with our language its confusing)

2. Where did God come from?

He's the most basic platform for which mere existence is of anything is possible. The bottom line. Thee Rule. The paramount LAW of Existence. Don't know where he came from, but I believe he was always there, Hence why revealed himself as I AM to Moses. I AM is constant. Present. Permanent. The Basis. Us mortal humans, who are NOT God or Gods are not constant, neither is ANYTHING about us, or our world, so it is extremely difficult to wrap our minds around/ accept that concept.


1.) God was originally portrayed as a white male in Christian beliefs to ease the minds of the believers. Same goes to Jesus.

2.) classic case of chicken vs egg. You'll never know. I personally believe he was never there.
let me give you guys some more material to rant about, rebuff, and rebuke.....

1. Why do you think God is a man?(male)

I BELEIVE God is without gender. We are in his image because we have a Spirit which he is, nothing about body parts. ( Adam was made of dirt. He did not have life until God blew breath into him. His essence. Spirit) GOd is the ultimate FORCE/Spirit. Like how gravity is A FORCE/LAW that hold you down, the force and influence the moon has on bodies of water. That's how he is omnipresent. (these forces named are miniscule to Him, for His force/spirit spans time and space) I don't believe he has sex, nor reproduces. He wills/creates so gender is pointless.

( I say "He" just of convenience since Adam/Man was created first. A better way to make his reference as a pronoun would be "I AM." But with our language its confusing)

2. Where did God come from?

He's the most basic platform for which mere existence is of anything is possible. The bottom line. Thee Rule. The paramount LAW of Existence. Don't know where he came from, but I believe he was always there, Hence why revealed himself as I AM to Moses. I AM is constant. Present. Permanent. The Basis. Us mortal humans, who are NOT God or Gods are not constant, neither is ANYTHING about us, or our world, so it is extremely difficult to wrap our minds around/ accept that concept.

does your avy contain the G from gatorade?
let me give you guys some more material to rant about, rebuff, and rebuke.....

1. Why do you think God is a man?(male)

I BELEIVE God is without gender. We are in his image because we have a Spirit which he is, nothing about body parts. ( Adam was made of dirt. He did not have life until God blew breath into him. His essence. Spirit) GOd is the ultimate FORCE/Spirit. Like how gravity is A FORCE/LAW that hold you down, the force and influence the moon has on bodies of water. That's how he is omnipresent. (these forces named are miniscule to Him, for His force/spirit spans time and space) I don't believe he has sex, nor reproduces. He wills/creates so gender is pointless.

( I say "He" just of convenience since Adam/Man was created first. A better way to make his reference as a pronoun would be "I AM." But with our language its confusing)

2. Where did God come from?

He's the most basic platform for which mere existence is of anything is possible. The bottom line. Thee Rule. The paramount LAW of Existence. Don't know where he came from, but I believe he was always there, Hence why revealed himself as I AM to Moses. I AM is constant. Present. Permanent. The Basis. Us mortal humans, who are NOT God or Gods are not constant, neither is ANYTHING about us, or our world, so it is extremely difficult to wrap our minds around/ accept that concept.


You have no idea what you're talking about and it comes off in your posts. You were raised and indoctrinated to believe in your God and you will say whatever nonsense that pops in your head to try to justify you beliefs that make absolutely no sense.

It is difficult to wrap my mind around it, simply means I was told this ish is true but I know its some bull.

Anyhow end rant, here is a fun question? Why is it that no more books are added to the bible? How come God hasn't visited anyone else to write and add more chapters to the bible away from biblical times? I understand that God has but it always spawns new religions like Mormonism which christians reject. But what makes all those prophets more believable than Joseph Smith?

grabs popcorn
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1.) God was originally portrayed as a white male in Christian beliefs to ease the minds of the believers. Same goes to Jesus.

2.) classic case of chicken vs egg. You'll never know. I personally believe he was never there.

Isn't that what makes life beautiful? This is the ultimate riddle of creation and no matter what we believe it is a difficult one to answer. Whether you believe in a God or science, something must have spawned from nothingness. I think its a hard concept for many religious people to swallow. Saying God has always been here is not different than saying the universe has always been here and has no creator.
1.) God was originally portrayed as a white male in Christian beliefs to ease the minds of the believers. Same goes to Jesus.

2.) classic case of chicken vs egg. You'll never know. I personally believe he was never there.

Isn't that what makes life beautiful? This is the ultimate riddle of creation and no matter what we believe it is a difficult one to answer. Whether you believe in a God or science, something must have spawned from nothingness. I think its a hard concept for many religious people to swallow. Saying God has always been here is not different than saying the universe has always been here and has no creator.

True, but what if it was never nothingness?

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed so who said it was ever a state of nothingness?

I can give it only one label, job security. Scientists in this branch will never lose their jobs because they will never find the answer.
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