A History of God.

They say there is no proof of god but they have no proof there isn't a god.

Why is it on the person not making the ludicrous claim to disprove the ludicrous claim? If you told a skeptical me that you can jump 10 feet in the air, it's on you to prove that...not me. Would you tell me '"prove that I can't jump 10 feet in the air?"
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a serious question and no troll...religious ppl are you for against homosexuality. i ask this in particular to christians? if they follow and believe that all life originally stemmed from adam and eve...then how could homosexuality not be a choice, and was born with it? that would mean, basically you guys believe either it was a choice, society implemented it ie... in food, social/subliminally, or that adam and eve were hermaphrodites.

That or are you saying just out the blue one day, god just decided to be hypocritical, wishy washy, contradict his premise and standpoint, and basically say im just gonna randomly out the blue create ppl to be gay and go against my wishes solely to give the devil some subjects. I mean in either scenario it really doesnt make much sense.
a serious question and no troll...religious ppl are you for against homosexuality. i ask this in particular to christians? if they follow and believe that all life originally stemmed from adam and eve...then how could homosexuality not be a choice, and was born with it? that would mean, basically you guys believe either it was a choice, society implemented it ie... in food, social/subliminally, or that adam and eve were hermaphrodites.

That or are you saying just out the blue one day, god just decided to be hypocritical, wishy washy, contradict his premise and standpoint, and basically say im just gonna randomly out the blue create ppl to be gay and go against my wishes solely to give the devil some subjects. I mean in either scenario it really doesnt make much sense.


I am against homosexuality because its biblically wrong and biologically as well. Also, that is not my persuasion. I DO NOT CONDONE NOR CONDEM HOMOSEXUALS. Is it a choice?....(My IDEAS) I believe some people choose it, and some naturally are born with that attraction. I look at it s a LUST thing which we all have. Some guys are born with the LUST to set things on fire (pryros) others are born with the LUST to steal (clepto) most men are born with the LUST for women. Some ppl LUST after innocence(pedos), and some LUST after the same sex(homos). I look at it as a lust issue for most homos that they inherit naturally (chemical imbalance? I have no clue) and influence for others(MTV,lol).

I believe God set things in motions, monitors, allows and disallows things ( we will never know what cus they never happened). His ways are not our own so I cant give an "accurate" explaination of why he allows them to exist. I can guess that the most important element is our Spirit. That's why we relate to God. that is how we are in his image. Homos got spirit too ( too much) even tho he aint fond of it, because they go against his law. He expects them (and us) to control lust,(mind/spirit over body). He looks at homos the same as liars. Givin into lust which go against his law.
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^Wow. In one post son put homosexuals in the same breath as pedos and completely disregarded the lifestyle and the idea they could geniunely love each other.

Yet the atheists on NT are suppose to respect religious beliefs and not insult it like it aint any other crazy old belief :smh: It's all gravy when you gloss over stuff and look at the pretty cover but once you go in to detail there's plenty reasons.

I can't tolerate intolerance.
They say there is no proof of god but they have no proof there isn't a god.
You don't go about trying to disprove negatives though. More times than not it's illogical.
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I don't understand the fascination of proving to those who believe in God that there is none and proving to those who don't believe that there is one...If you believe in God then you believe that eventually all will have to know that he in fact is God. There will be no doubt. If you don't believe in God then simply don't...If you want to share why you don't then share but what's the point in arguing over it? You want to be the first person to dispute God so that when it's all said and done (you die) you can what...die knowing you knew there wasn't one? I mean what do you gain by being hateful about your belief? If there is a God then you will have to answer for your behavior, if not then you won't...but what do you gain by discouraging people from believing?

Same goes for believers, I mean isn't it Christs example you're supposed to follow? Can you see him arguing with people who refuse to believe? Didn't he say if you are not received then shake the dust off your feet and move on?

This is all just to say what's the point in all this?
I don't understand the fascination of proving to those who believe in God that there is none and proving to those who don't believe that there is one...If you believe in God then you believe that eventually all will have to know that he in fact is God. There will be no doubt. If you don't believe in God then simply don't...If you want to share why you don't then share but what's the point in arguing over it? You want to be the first person to dispute God so that when it's all said and done (you die) you can what...die knowing you knew there wasn't one? I mean what do you gain by being hateful about your belief? If there is a God then you will have to answer for your behavior, if not then you won't...but what do you gain by discouraging people from believing?

Same goes for believers, I mean isn't it Christs example you're supposed to follow? Can you see him arguing with people who refuse to believe? Didn't he say if you are not received then shake the dust off your feet and move on?

This is all just to say what's the point in all this?
I don't think there's a fascination or that ppl are trying to prove one way or the other at this point. It's about discussing it and exposing ignorance. That has it's limits as well though where you gotta part ways and just realize ppl don't believing in things that don't make sense and their comfortable with the history of hypocrisy, violence and out and out evil.
^Wow. In one post son put homosexuals in the same breath as pedos and completely disregarded the lifestyle and the idea they could geniunely love each other.

Yet the atheists on NT are suppose to respect religious beliefs :smh:

I can't tolerate intolerance.
You don't go about trying to disprove negatives though. More times than not it's illogical.

Pedos experience "love too". I also said "I DO NOT CONDONE NOR CONDEM HOMOSEXUALS." Flame me, call me what you want, just cus its popular don't make it right. SCIENCE BACKS ME.
By the way,
View media item 266454
Did this dude rly try to use biology to justify his ******ed magical beliefs based on hatred. Homosexuality had a biological basis that may actually be genetically beneficial in the large scheme of things. I would explain it but someone who believes astrophysical phenomena is magic is probably too stupid to understand. Son posted a picture calling me a hater then posted some homophobic nonsense. Same religion used to justify the biological inferiority of negros.
Did this dude rly try to use biology to justify his ******ed magical beliefs based on hatred. Homosexuality had a biological basis that may actually be genetically beneficial in the large scheme of things. I would explain it but someone who believes astrophysical phenomena is magic is probably too stupid to understand. Son posted a picture calling me a hater then posted some homophobic nonsense. Same religion used to justify the biological inferiority of negros.

nobody was talking to you dude. you quoted me after I posted the nebula pic which wasn't for you. I just answered homie question that was directed to Christians. I never said "astrophysical phenomena is magic " either, put ya hand down n stop reachn.
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I am against homosexuality because its biblically wrong and biologically as well. 
How exactly is it "biologically wrong"? It occurs naturally all throughout the life that exist on earth. What exactly is the definition of being "biologically correct" or "biologically wrong"?

Is it a choice?....(My IDEAS) I believe some people choose it, and some naturally are born with that attraction. 

Why would anyone choose a sexual orientation that has been ostracized and condemned by many civilizations throughout the world? How does that make any sense? 

I look at it s a LUST thing which we all have. Some guys are born with the LUST to set things on fire (pryros) others are born with the LUST to steal (clepto) most men are born with the LUST for women. Some ppl LUST after innocence(pedos), and some LUST after the same sex(homos). I look at it as a lust issue for most homos that they inherit naturally (chemical imbalance? I have no clue) and influence for others(MTV,lol).

This logic can be applied to heterosexuality too. Also, calling someone a "homo" is pretty disrespectful. 
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Something that really rustles my jimmies about religious people is when they have a loved one in the hospital, hooked up to machines, asking others for prayers for their recovery, but then when the person dies, they say things like: "She's in a better place now", "god needed her more than we did."

If that's the case, shouldn't you be happy that ol' Aunt Ethel is dying? Shouldn't you be celebrating the fact that ol' Aunt Ethel gets to meet god? She's going to be in a better place when she dies. To keep her alive is just being selfish, right?

That also raises a couple more questions:

Aren't you going AGAINST god? If he needs her, why are you trying to stop him?

If she lives, not only did you go against god's will, but you defeated him. Just how powerful is he?
Pedos experience "love too". I also said "I DO NOT CONDONE NOR CONDEM HOMOSEXUALS." Flame me, call me what you want, just cus its popular don't make it right. SCIENCE BACKS ME.
By the way,
View media item 266454

Yep two consenting adults equals a child getting raped. I think stupid people should be banned from breeding word to idiocracy.
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The amount of pictures used to finish arguments is too damn high :lol:

I do find religion rather lazy though, but I thank it as well.

To me it looks like religion helped develop a good law system and keep the peach while the human race was developing.

But now it appears to have gone on far enough, and with it no longer serving the purpose it did at its beginning I find it useless.
Science back him yet homosexuality continues to flourish in nature. That's not science that's you hateful values. If you want to rid the world scientifically of undesirable traits we may want to start with certain types of people in this thread.
I just want Christians to admit that they really don't believe that "all sins are created equal."
Science back him yet homosexuality continues to flourish in nature. That's not science that's you hateful values. If you want to rid the world scientifically of undesirable traits we may want to start with certain types of people in this thread.

Wait we tryna destroy the gays now :rolleyes

Science does not back you HTG.

Human reproduction is no longer needed, as the population has reached 7 billion and is steadily rising in a J curve manner. Instead of a S curve. This means that the world is going to continually overpopulated and run out of resources and have a big population drop until it is under the limit and stable again.

That's standard evolutionary science.

Homosexual relationships don't affect you in anyway, nor does it affect the people who protest against it. Seriously I hate when people say the Adam and Eve Adam and Steve ish. It's stupid. The United States is a secular government, church is separate from state. So why are falsly quoted bible verses controlling who marries who?
unsure how this will end, will check back later
I'll tell you right now...

First 2-3 pages will be reasonably civil

Next 3-4 pages will be an argument back & forth over the semantics of whether Atheism is a belief system or not

Next 3-4 pages will be devoted to explaining the difference between regular theory and scientific theory

Next 3-4 pages will mainly consist of insults, gifs and memes by both sides

Resulting in either the Mods locking it up, or everyone getting bored and it slowly fading into obscurity

^Wow. In one post son put homosexuals in the same breath as pedos and completely disregarded the lifestyle and the idea they could geniunely love each other.

Yet the atheists on NT are suppose to respect religious beliefs :smh:

I can't tolerate intolerance.
You don't go about trying to disprove negatives though. More times than not it's illogical.

Pedos experience "love too". I also said "I DO NOT CONDONE NOR CONDEM HOMOSEXUALS." Flame me, call me what you want, just cus its popular don't make it right. SCIENCE BACKS ME.
By the way,
View media item 266454
It's even more egregious if you rationally believe pedophiles and homosexuals are somehow similar. So saying you don't condone or condemn them is worse. You trying to present some dumb reasoning that pedos lusting for children and homosexuals lusting for each other is the same is beyond offensive.

Talking about pedos experience love too :stoneface: and what does the child experience? You know the victim? You're so ridiculous about this it's insane.

Also if love has nothing to do with it then I assume you're pretty much less of a human. You're arguing things strictly from a biological and biblical perspective :lol: Who says mankind has to procreate? Especially given their damage to the planet? What's your argument taking top priority over everything else?

Word to Anton what just said even if we were on some we must procreate so homosexuality is wrong. Someone that thinks like you wouldn't be allowed to procreate in fear of ruining the future generation with just one of your seeds thinking the way you do.
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