A History of God.

unsure how this will end, will check back later
I'll tell you right now...

First 2-3 pages will be reasonably civil

Next 3-4 pages will be an argument back & forth over the semantics of whether Atheism is a belief system or not

Next 3-4 pages will be devoted to explaining the difference between regular theory and scientific theory

Next 3-4 pages will mainly consist of insults, gifs and memes by both sides

Resulting in either the Mods locking it up, or everyone getting bored and it slowly fading into obscurity

Anyhow, back from work. Let's get this party started. :smokin

I just wanna know where this dude HTG got his degree in behavioral and evolutionary genetics. Probably somewhere that told him the world was flat and 2000 years old.
Anyhow, back from work. Let's get this party started. :smokin

I just wanna know where this dude HTG got his degree in behavioral and evolutionary genetics. Probably somewhere that told him the world was flat and 2000 years old.

The world isn't 2000 years old

It's obviously 2013 years old. DUH

Get your science game up fool :smh:

Jk jk jk
It's even more egregious if you rationally believe pedophiles and homosexuals are somehow similar. So saying you don't condone or condemn them is worse. You trying to present some dumb reasoning that pedos lusting for children and homosexuals lusting for each other is the same is beyond offensive.

Talking about pedos experience love too :stoneface: and what does the child experience? You know the victim? You're so ridiculous about this it's insane.

Also if love has nothing to do with it then I assume you're pretty much less of a human. You're arguing things strictly from a biological and biblical perspective :lol: Who says mankind has to procreate? Especially given their damage to the planet? What's your argument taking top priority over everything else?

Word to Anton what just said even if we were on some we must procreate so homosexuality is wrong. Someone that thinks like you wouldn't be allowed to procreate in fear of ruining the future generation with just one of your seeds thinking the way you do.

Not just that, dude wants us to delve into eugenics. If breeding where strictly to produce the strongest and the smartest, a lot of people on this site would be in big trouble. Dude opened up a can of worms but doesn't want to confront it, because he's a coward. :lol:

We should be able to rid our gene pool of undesirables, I wonder who else in history attempted this. It sounds familiar. :nerd:




Its interesting to see people try so hard to un-cover truths and facts in other aspects of their lives but when it comes to religion, they take it at face value.

You are rarely ever going to change someones mind, especially in this kind of format. These threads only really serve to see who is better at throwing insults at one another.
I am against homosexuality because its biblically wrong and biologically as well. Also, that is not my persuasion. I DO NOT CONDONE NOR CONDEM HOMOSEXUALS. Is it a choice?....(My IDEAS) I believe some people choose it, and some naturally are born with that attraction. I look at it s a LUST thing which we all have. Some guys are born with the LUST to set things on fire (pryros) others are born with the LUST to steal (clepto) most men are born with the LUST for women. Some ppl LUST after innocence(pedos), and some LUST after the same sex(homos). I look at it as a lust issue for most homos that they inherit naturally (chemical imbalance? I have no clue) and influence for others(MTV,lol).

I believe God set things in motions, monitors, allows and disallows things ( we will never know what cus they never happened). His ways are not our own so I cant give an "accurate" explaination of why he allows them to exist. I can guess that the most important element is our Spirit. That's why we relate to God. that is how we are in his image. Homos got spirit too ( too much) even tho he aint fond of it, because they go against his law. He expects them (and us) to control lust,(mind/spirit over body). He looks at homos the same as liars. Givin into lust which go against his law.
believe some people choose it, and some naturally are born with that attraction. I look at it s a LUST thing which we all have. Some guys are born with the LUST

Ok but if they were born with it...and all life essentially started with adam and eve. what would make eve desire a woman, or adam desire a man. if no other women or man existed? How can you be attracted to something that isnt in the realm of your imagination? to be attracted to something not only you never seen, or a concept/desire never heard. Surely to be a man attracted to another man...there would have to be in its basics another man to be attracted to.

So even in your scenario you basically said the same thing i said. god just up out the blue one day decided to go against his whole premise of sex as a means of procreation and pleasures your wife/women husband/man. So why would he do this? Go against the very principals he stand for?

His ways are not our own

Based on your own description and reasoning...god is hypocritical, spiteful, vengeful, jealous, petty, and pretty much a sore loser. How is this in any way not ways that are displayed in humans at large? If he is all knowing, in a sense he more or less set ppl up to fail. pretty much built ppl just to torment and destroy them. Created to toy and torture simply out of amusement and just cause he can. Again another trait/ways of us humans.

Some guys are born with the LUST

If this is the case then why is he expected something, that according to the word he already knows. in a sense its like watching a movie you made and seen a million times and expected different results. And i understand why according to the word, why sin is....but how can you condemn a man for something that you forced upon, uncontrollable by them? If a man doesnt have a choice and is forced, beyond there control, how can you...let alone a god expect them to change/resist it?

Homos got spirit too ( too much) even tho he aint fond of it, because they go against his law. He expects them (and us) to control lust,(mind/spirit over body). He looks at homos the same as liars. Givin into lust which go against his law.

How can god be upset at their spirit, if he is the one who put it there..and has the ability to take it away? And how again can you expect someone to control the uncontrollable? And why would he expect them to control it, if 1. he put it there. 2. they had no choice in the matter. and 3. if you already know the end results because you made it so and you are all knowing?
who cares. you atheists got some kinda complex about god?

ya'll are on some kinda self masochistic steez....I think some of you secretly want a god to exist so he can drip molten lava onto your body like you guys do with candle wax on a brisk winter night of foreveraloneness.

Atheists/Agnostics are the way they are because at this point in civilization the world would be a better place without religion. Not only does religion hold us back from advancing as a species but people are killing each other on a world scale due to it. Those suicide bombers who kill others in the name of god are no different than a Christian who thinks they'll go to hell if they eat meat on a Friday in March. They're different extremes but they're both doing something dumb as **** in the name of god. You can't bash their belief that killing in the name of god is OK because the idea of God has actually made them beleive that. Just like the idea of God actually makes people think you'll go to hell if you have a piece of chicken on Friday or whatever other crazy rule you can think of.

If your gonna look at it from a religious standpoint you actually gotta give some of those suicide bombers and other crazies credit. They actually take what they beleive so serious that they're willing to take their own lives along with others. They actually practice what they preach 100% where as 99% of the Christains here are phony's that pick and choose what they want to practice depending on what's most convenient to their everyday life. But they say they're believers because they're afraid of death. They don't change their word for the sake of money like the phony Christains here either. For example, what a coincidence that religions are becoming more acceptable to people being gay. Or in other words finding a way to accept your money. Those crazies don't change gods word because its gods word. Where as the idiots here change gods word every other day and no one has a clue that they're doing it to take your money. What other reason would they need to change gods word?

Atheists/Agnostics are the way they are because the frustration of how many people ignore common sense is overwhelming.

But as I've said before I'm patient with religion dying in America. I'm confident my generation will take a huge hit to religion. No one my age goes to church or any of that. There are still a few who say they're religious but I know they really don't care or they would actually go to church. The decline is obvious, and it will continue to decline at a faster rate as the older generations die out. It just takes time. You can't expect everyone to just stop being religious in a week. It's a process, and that's where I think atheists/agnostics need to be a little bit more understanding. But I can also see why they're so outspoken as well given what I said above with being frustrated. Not to mention you need outspoken people for the process to move along quicker so I don't mind when they go off on others. Perhaps they could just do it with a little less hostility.
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why not just walk into a church? or a religion forum...I'm sure the catholics probably have an online presence? 
I have already walked into a church and asked a pastor this question when I was like 13. He didn't have an answer.
i'm sure there is only one pastor in your area, you gave up after that first one?
how would a different pastor make a difference... regardless of who the messenger is...does not the message remain the same? Religion isnt something like math, science etc.... its more like history..hell it is history. So could another pastor make it more entertaining...or be more likeable? Sure but end of the day, something that is concrete and sound is just that..because as followers say it isnt a concept. Like math is etc...

Example if i said um today it rained... no matter if i told you 10 different ppl told you... whether you like my voice or how i said it has nothing to do with the fact that the facts still remained today it rained. I could see if this was like math in which its a concept and various outcomes and processes to which a different approach to getting a understanding. But religious doesnt fall into this suite.

So basically youre saying keep searching until he can find someone to convince him..connive him...into belief. because the words and message wouldnt change, just the person telling them and the mannerisms and the way they would go about relaying the message would change.
i'm sure there is only one pastor in your area, you gave up after that first one?
how would a different pastor make a difference... regardless of who the messenger is...does not the message remain the same? Religion isnt something like math, science etc.... its more like history..hell it is history. So could another pastor make it more entertaining...or be more likeable? Sure but end of the day, something that is concrete and sound is just that..because as followers say it isnt a concept. Like math is etc...

Example if i said um today it rained... no matter if i told you 10 different ppl told you... whether you like my voice or how i said it has nothing to do with the fact that the facts still remained today it rained. I could see if this was like math in which its a concept and various outcomes and processes to which a different approach to getting a understanding. But religious doesnt fall into this suite.

So basically youre saying keep searching until he can find someone to convince him..connive him...into belief. because the words and message wouldnt change, just the person telling them and the mannerisms and the way they would go about relaying the message would change.
so are you saying religion is a formula? thats kinda what your eluding to. how does a event change base on whose telling it? Again if i read the sports page about the superbowl,be it ny times, the bleacher report, etc...end result the score and what happen in the game etc...ultimately would be the same. So then the deciding factor to which paper i picked up would be based on my preference ie preacher of the writer who covered it? So again how would a different church/pastor change what happens the rules laws or the message that is in the bible? So again you are telling this man to search until he finds someone he likes and can convince him fool him trick him...into believing something untrue or rather unfounded. Because as stated we cannot prove or disprove any of it... so the only other thing is to get someone to believe based on no evidence, truths nor proofs. And that would be based on likeability, and the ability to sell/convince trick connive the person.
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