You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

is that putty?

god damn, just when you think you got rid of him, he comes back with a vengeance. I was wondering why this thread has 15+ pages.

My input= Chicfila can hate whoever they want to hate, or like whatever they want to like, it does not affect their product and costumers, sure they might not like certain groups, but no one is stopping you from going inside the store and ordering your order or worse to be banned by the establishment. Their views are just that, their views and as long as it does not affect their product nor the establishment it should not be an issue.

And the gay rights movement is definitely not like the civil rights movement, to compare even in the slightest manner shows your ignorance.

A gay white person and a gay black person walk into a predominately white hostel during the 1800s, the black male will be beaten and escorted to prison for trespassing, white male? Completely fine.

You see black doesn't wash off, brown doesn't wash off, yellow doesn't wash off; you can't one day wake up and decide youre black/yellow/brown, nope youre stuck with it. Now you can argue that you are born gay, and that may infact be very true, but "gay" is an illness or mutation in humans. The human race's reason of existence is to procreate as it is for any species, once you stop procreating you are inherently stopping your genes from being passed on. Sure your genes will be passed on by your closest genetic equal, your brother or sister or parents, but your unique genes have come to an end.

It is abnormal to be Gay, but is it wrong? No, like i've said before there is more and more studies which show that people may be born gay. However, the plight of the african american race should not be compared to that of the gay community, why?

Because they are not being burned on crosses, prosecuted in their homes, segregated in their communities, and the list goes on and on; sure, gays have it hard, there is public humiliation, there is at times intolerance, however they can simply stop dressing flamboyantly and change their manner of speaking and this will all come to an end, of course the opposition is, why should they change? They are born like that? And the answer is yes and no, i agree that they are born like that, however there is specific traits and mannerisms that is copied and glorified by the gay community(picture John leguazamo as the gay prostitute), these are learned characteristics which are not passed down and are not genetic, and can be changed. Of course the opposition to this is, then what is the proper gay male/female? What is the code or proper set of rules that a *****exual can follow? And this is where we are at a dead end.

Everyone has that over the top, "bout dat life" friend who sounds like he never passed highschool, his walk, his way of speaking and carrying himself shows that he came from the struggle, yet if a picture of him was shown to a random person they wouldn't know he was from the struggle, but you would know one thing, and that is.. he is a black male.

Damn i wrote alot.
Yeah, you're right.

No gay person has ever been killed for being gay, thus its not the same as the civil rights movement.

Matthew Shepard was just a fictional character.

I love how ya'll romanticize the past too. Gays used to be treated just as badly as any other minority and I don't know what makes you all think otherwise. 


You want SO BAD to have it worse that you can't imagine granting rights to someone else. 
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Real talk, lets just have a minority-oppression play-off bracket and have you all duke it out to decide who deserves rights more than everyone else. That way all the losers just have to assume their place in society as legally unrecognized, second class citizens and NEVER be able to do anything about it. 

My money is on the sephardic jews. 
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See this is what you do, and why no one can have an intelligent argument with you. You take one sentence, bring out some absurd rebuttal and then act like it strengths your argument.

Meth has called you out on it, i've called you out on it and half of NT has called you out on it.

It's as if youre the know all and end all of every topic at hand, meanwhile you hijack all your ideas from Reddit and then use them as your own, blatantly copy-pasting ideas/arguments.

Pseudo-intellectualism at its finest.

Nice to see you again, though, its always a pleasure to see a good trolling by Nters.
Well i dont know if this is the appropriate thread but what is good at chick fil a? all this controversy and yet i want to try it out plus i heard their sauce is good too lol :smokin
See this is what you do, and why no one can have an intelligent argument with you. You take one sentence, bring out some absurd rebuttal and then act like it strengths your argument.
The topic isn't, "who has it worse" its "can we just give gays the choice to get married?" 

How do you gain anything by having a oppression-centered pissing contest?

Here is your idea of an "intellectual argument:" 

Highlighted for nonsense:
And the gay rights movement is definitely not like the civil rights movement, to compare even in the slightest manner shows your ignorance.

A gay white person and a gay black person walk into a predominately white hostel during the 1800s, the black male will be beaten and escorted to prison for trespassing, white male? Completely fine.

You see black doesn't wash off, brown doesn't wash off, yellow doesn't wash off; you can't one day wake up and decide youre black/yellow/brown, nope youre stuck with it. Now you can argue that you are born gay, and that may infact be very true, but "gay" is an illness or mutation in humans. The human race's reason of existence is to procreate as it is for any species, once you stop procreating you are inherently stopping your genes from being passed on. Sure your genes will be passed on by your closest genetic equal, your brother or sister or parents, but your unique genes have come to an end.

It is abnormal to be Gay, but is it wrong? No, like i've said before there is more and more studies which show that people may be born gay. However, the plight of the african american race should not be compared to that of the gay community, why?

Because they are not being burned on crosses, prosecuted in their homes, segregated in their communities, and the list goes on and on; sure, gays have it hard, there is public humiliation, there is at times intolerance, however they can simply stop dressing flamboyantly and change their manner of speaking and this will all come to an end, of course the opposition is, why should they change? They are born like that? And the answer is yes and no, i agree that they are born like that, however there is specific traits and mannerisms that is copied and glorified by the gay community(picture John leguazamo as the gay prostitute), these are learned characteristics which are not passed down and are not genetic, and can be changed. Of course the opposition to this is, then what is the proper gay male/female? What is the code or proper set of rules that a *****exual can follow? And this is where we are at a dead end.
Essentially: Gays don't act like how I want them to act.

NJCollector: I don't have a problem with gays...I just wish they'd stop being SO GAY! 

Lets just make them...more like me! 

Yeah, so much for tolerance. 

You're going to have to come up for a better reason to justify bigotry other than "they don't wear pants as much as I'd like to"

Oh, and life (and evolution by proxy) is NOT teleological  i.e. with a goal in mind. 

Tell me, what is a black male supposed to act like? 
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Come on, man.
Who would want another group to be lynched and enslaved and oppressed just to get "equal rights" in 2012?
Thats nonsensical and shows that you can only see your side of the argument and no one elses.
All people are asking for is for you and people like you to show a modicum of respect for their history and culture....but y'all refuse to do so and the clash of ideologies will continue.
Any real progress will have to start with mutual respect.
How can the plight of black people and gay people be the exact same....when being black and being gay are inherently different classifications?
Saying things like that are just disrespectful. You're not black or how are you even speaking with such authority on these matters?
Over the years you have always been one to belittle calls of racism and tell people to "get over things" and that they are too look at you.
the exact same in what it is they want to achieve and receive. the manner in which it was acquired then and acquired now are certainly not the same.

Atleast for now, God knows what will happen in the coming months with this being such a hot-topic issue.
I sure could go for a grilled chicken sandwich topped with honey barbecue right now. With the waffle fries and Polynesian x honey mustard collabo :wow: :pimp: :smh:
It's as if youre the know all and end all of every topic at hand

And this is why I would not chime in and have a conversation with this dude FutureMD. Thank you for stating that.
is that putty?
god damn, just when you think you got rid of him, he comes back with a vengeance. I was wondering why this thread has 15+ pages.
My input= Chicfila can hate whoever they want to hate, or like whatever they want to like, it does not affect their product and costumers, sure they might not like certain groups, but no one is stopping you from going inside the store and ordering your order or worse to be banned by the establishment. Their views are just that, their views and as long as it does not affect their product nor the establishment it should not be an issue.
And the gay rights movement is definitely not like the civil rights movement, to compare even in the slightest manner shows your ignorance.
A gay white person and a gay black person walk into a predominately white hostel during the 1800s, the black male will be beaten and escorted to prison for trespassing, white male? Completely fine.
You see black doesn't wash off, brown doesn't wash off, yellow doesn't wash off; you can't one day wake up and decide youre black/yellow/brown, nope youre stuck with it. Now you can argue that you are born gay, and that may infact be very true, but "gay" is an illness or mutation in humans. The human race's reason of existence is to procreate as it is for any species, once you stop procreating you are inherently stopping your genes from being passed on. Sure your genes will be passed on by your closest genetic equal, your brother or sister or parents, but your unique genes have come to an end.
It is abnormal to be Gay, but is it wrong? No, like i've said before there is more and more studies which show that people may be born gay. However, the plight of the african american race should not be compared to that of the gay community, why?
Because they are not being burned on crosses, prosecuted in their homes, segregated in their communities, and the list goes on and on; sure, gays have it hard, there is public humiliation, there is at times intolerance, however they can simply stop dressing flamboyantly and change their manner of speaking and this will all come to an end, of course the opposition is, why should they change? They are born like that? And the answer is yes and no, i agree that they are born like that, however there is specific traits and mannerisms that is copied and glorified by the gay community(picture John leguazamo as the gay prostitute), these are learned characteristics which are not passed down and are not genetic, and can be changed. Of course the opposition to this is, then what is the proper gay male/female? What is the code or proper set of rules that a *****exual can follow? And this is where we are at a dead end.
Everyone has that over the top, "bout dat life" friend who sounds like he never passed highschool, his walk, his way of speaking and carrying himself shows that he came from the struggle, yet if a picture of him was shown to a random person they wouldn't know he was from the struggle, but you would know one thing, and that is.. he is a black male.
Damn i wrote alot.
blacks can simply stop dressing like thugs and binge-robbing and murdering and all this hate towards black people will all come to an end.

See how massively stupid I sound?

atleast GoldenChild is TRYING to make us see his viewpoint.

the rest of you are clearly just typing for the sake of typing.
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is that putty?
god damn, just when you think you got rid of him, he comes back with a vengeance. I was wondering why this thread has 15+ pages.
My input= Chicfila can hate whoever they want to hate, or like whatever they want to like, it does not affect their product and costumers, sure they might not like certain groups, but no one is stopping you from going inside the store and ordering your order or worse to be banned by the establishment. Their views are just that, their views and as long as it does not affect their product nor the establishment it should not be an issue.
And the gay rights movement is definitely not like the civil rights movement, to compare even in the slightest manner shows your ignorance.
A gay white person and a gay black person walk into a predominately white hostel during the 1800s, the black male will be beaten and escorted to prison for trespassing, white male? Completely fine.
You see black doesn't wash off, brown doesn't wash off, yellow doesn't wash off; you can't one day wake up and decide youre black/yellow/brown, nope youre stuck with it. Now you can argue that you are born gay, and that may infact be very true, but "gay" is an illness or mutation in humans. The human race's reason of existence is to procreate as it is for any species, once you stop procreating you are inherently stopping your genes from being passed on. Sure your genes will be passed on by your closest genetic equal, your brother or sister or parents, but your unique genes have come to an end.
It is abnormal to be Gay, but is it wrong? No, like i've said before there is more and more studies which show that people may be born gay. However, the plight of the african american race should not be compared to that of the gay community, why?
Because they are not being burned on crosses, prosecuted in their homes, segregated in their communities, and the list goes on and on; sure, gays have it hard, there is public humiliation, there is at times intolerance, however they can simply stop dressing flamboyantly and change their manner of speaking and this will all come to an end, of course the opposition is, why should they change? They are born like that? And the answer is yes and no, i agree that they are born like that, however there is specific traits and mannerisms that is copied and glorified by the gay community(picture John leguazamo as the gay prostitute), these are learned characteristics which are not passed down and are not genetic, and can be changed. Of course the opposition to this is, then what is the proper gay male/female? What is the code or proper set of rules that a *****exual can follow? And this is where we are at a dead end.
Everyone has that over the top, "bout dat life" friend who sounds like he never passed highschool, his walk, his way of speaking and carrying himself shows that he came from the struggle, yet if a picture of him was shown to a random person they wouldn't know he was from the struggle, but you would know one thing, and that is.. he is a black male.
Damn i wrote alot.
blacks can simply stop dressing like thugs and binge-robbing and murdering and all this hate towards black people will all come to an end.

See how massively stupid I sound?

Nah, bro! Its not the same. Black people are subject to more predatory lending, therefore until THAT gets solved then we can't address gay rights.
Reported Club. Tired of seeing your ignorant statements on here.
Yeah, but you don't report NJCollector for saying that gays are discriminated against because they're flamboyant and all they need to do is to "dress properly" 
Because they are not being burned on crosses, prosecuted in their homes, segregated in their communities, and the list goes on and on; sure, gays have it hard, there is public humiliation, there is at times intolerance, however they can simply stop dressing flamboyantly and change their manner of speaking and this will all come to an end, of course the opposition is, why should they change? They are born like that? And the answer is yes and no, i agree that they are born like that, however there is specific traits and mannerisms that is copied and glorified by the gay community(picture John leguazamo as the gay prostitute), these are learned characteristics which are not passed down and are not genetic, and can be changed. Of course the opposition to this is, then what is the proper gay male/female? What is the code or proper set of rules that a *****exual can follow? And this is where we are at a dead end.
The irony. 

Yeah, damn those gays for being!

If they just stopped being so gay, they wouldn't have this problem in the first place. How dare they act like what they are! Whats so hard about doing what I want them to do? 

The gays don't get it man...they could end all of this by just not being so gay. They're bringing it on themselves.

I noticed how quick ya'll were to report that dude who wanted to blame all black people for crime in Detroit a few days ago, but now gay rights come up and no one wants to defend their autonomy either. 
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call me "white Club" again why dont cha 

 @ you ignoring the context of my post and going right for Butthurtville USA

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Gay rights? Man BUMP gay rights, lets talk about slavery and segregation!

Some of you all dont even deserve white majority support on laws that benefit you. 

Ya'll wouldn't have any of the laws in the 60s if it wasn't for White people throwing you all a bone. Keep forgetting that though.

Ya'll really havent come as far as you think you have to be forgetting what time it REALLY is. 
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It was white boy actually and say what you will but it's reported. Like I told you last time beating around the bush is played.
Be a man and own up to your Nazi beliefs not behind a computer using any and every chance you can to say something negative about
my people.
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Every point i made has a rebuttal, if you continue reading i clearly state that the opposition to that statement is:

"Of course the opposition to this is, then what is the proper gay male/female? What is the code or proper set of rules that a *****exual can follow? And this is where we are at a dead end."

No one knows what it is to be a gay male or female other than a gay male or female, and even then it is unknown and new, not the desire of the same sex, but the characteristics and mannerisms. The path is being paved by the current generation combined with the gay generation and will be paved by future generations and gay generations, of whether they choose to embrace the flamboyant or of something else, it is unknown, hence the deadend.

Again Club, that is a learned behavior, glorified by TV,rappers and social relations; or his/her environment, this is a totally different argument. And i would edit that, dude.
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Every point i made has a rebuttal, if you continue reading i clearly state that the opposition to that statement is:

"Of course the opposition to this is, then what is the proper gay male/female? What is the code or proper set of rules that a *****exual can follow? And this is where we are at a dead end."

No one knows what it is to be a gay male or female other than a gay male or female, and even then it is unknown and new, not the desire of the same sex, but the characteristics and mannerisms.
No one knows? Just ask a gay person what their day is like. 

If they talk with a lisp or order a triple latte, I don't give a damn. Just give them their rights. 

Why are you so concerned with assigning traits to them?

What are the characteristics of a Black male or a native american woman? 
 The path is being paved by the current generation combined with the gay generation and will be paved by future generations and gay generations, of whether they choose to embrace the flamboyant or of something else, it is unknown, hence the deadend.
I could care less if they wear peacock feathers and glitter on the bus, what does that have to do with how you go about your life?
It was white boy actually and say what you will but it's reported. Like I told you last time beating around the bush is played.
Be a man and own up to your Nazi beliefs not behind a computer using any and every chance you can to say something negative about
my people.
 I seriously hope you learn to love yourself one day.
NjCollector, my criticism of your comment was that you seemed to imply that all gay people talk and dress a certain way.

while i don't particularly care how people talk or dress, it's still a stereotype.

fwiw, feel free to peruse the WDYWT threads to see if i'm dressing "straight" enough for you...
Quote it again if you'd like.

you're just looking at what i wrote and refuse to see the context behind it.

He was saying something asinine about the way people are and how if they stopped acting a certain way they would be ok, and i simply counterpointed that argument.

but OF COURSE you're gonnna be in near-tears about it. You're still upset about the whole cop incident and now that anger is spilling over into this thread.

I forgive you.
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