You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Why are black rights automatically brought up anytime we are talking about gay rights? Its as if the only way to bring legitimacy to the gay marriage argument is to bring up an actual legitimate struggle. This whole its all the same struggle is BS. Your telling me the tax breaks and marriage title are even comparable to Jim Crow laws and the police brutality faced by blacks?
But but its all about the principle!! :rolleyes

There isn't one chick fil a that has a sign saying no gays allowed. Where are the gay only water fountains? They aren't treated as inferior human beings like blacks and native americans were. They just act like they have been in an attempt to legitimize a petty argument.

And to club27 I have no doubt you would say your message to my face. I would say mine to yours as well.
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Why are black rights automatically brought up anytime we are talking about gay rights? Its as if the only way to bring legitimacy to the gay marriage argument is to bring up an actual legitimate struggle. This whole its all the same struggle is BS. Your telling me the tax breaks and marriage title are even comparable to Jim Crow laws and the police brutality faced by blacks?
But but its all about the principle!!

There isn't one chick fil a that has a sign saying no gays allowed. Where are the gay only water fountains? They aren't treated as inferior human beings like blacks and native americans were. They just act like they have been in an attempt to legitimize a petty argument.
ne  And to club27 I have no doubt you would say your message to my face. I would say mito yours as well.
I know you would. im fine with that.
But but its all about the principle!!
Isnt it though?

I like you AZ, im not coming at you in any ways. but isnt the principle what really matters here?

a group of people who cant help who they are (with plenty of evidence to back this, despite what ever nonsensical "choice" argument that will come up again) that just want to be able to do all the things you and I can do.

thats the bottom line here. Why deny them that outside of what ever malicious personal feelings you (or whomever) may have towards that group of people.

i feel like many of you WANT the gays to go through a really tough struggle to get their rights. almost like you feel that they have to "pay their dues" for their rights like the black community did

why would you WANT to make another group of people go through that? Because you all (and by you all i mean NONE of you. most likely your parents, if that) had to go through that, and its "not fair" or something? I just dont understand that part.

i feel like you guys dont want gay people "piggybacking" off of your struggle. like "WE had to go thorugh it, THEY should too!"

i could be wrong on that, but Im willing to bet many of you arguing against all this partly feel like that.
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That's his purpose.  Funny thing is, a large majority of the shallow NTers see the multi-quotes, ignore what's being quoted (and the fact that it is rarely addressed by him) and jump on the bandwagon.
Let the "educated, progressive, logical" people cook.  In the end, the truth will come out.

"Religion is getting the beatdown of a lifetime"
Oh, okay.
some people are just ignorant.. everyone wants to make this into a who had it worse type of thing. why can't some people just accept that gays want the same rights as everyone else. who cares if they werent segragated or had to deal with jim crow laws and all that. theyre still fighting for what should be a civil right "marriage".. and yes im black and i can care less about who had it easier than me. I just know that labeling marriage as just a man and a woman is not how it should be. let people marry who they want to..

oh and chick fil A is still that go to place :smokin
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There are 50 tables in the dining room.  Some guests mingle and exchange superficial pleasantries, others settle in at a particular table and engage in lengthy conversation.  You're standing skittishly in the center of the room clutching a laptop with a powerpoint presentation queued up.  Your eyes dart from one corner of the room to the other.  The second you hear anything that might be related to religion, you RUSH over to that table, slam down your laptop, and start preaching.  If someone tries to get a word in edgewise, so much the better, because this is what you live for.  It's a chance to debate the infidels!  Can't do that on r/weallthinkthesame!  So you do your very best to overwhelm participants in that discussion by sheer volume, dump out your folder full of memes/pictures, SHOUT IN YOUR OUTDOOR VOICE BECAUSE TALKING 90% OF THE TIME ISN'T ENOUGH AND EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS IMPORTANT, lob out as many inflammatory statements as possible just to piss people off, and then laugh in their faces if and when they say something that doesn't strike you as logically consistent.  

Wait... did someone in the corner say Jesus or Jeezy?  "Bible?"  Ah ha!   It's the SILLY SIGNAL!  Dawkins' Disciple to the rescue!!!

Oh, but to object to this means that we're stifling discussion!  Why, oh WHY can't the poor, downtrodden little anti-theist just speak his piece?  Why must the powers that be deny him the same right to overwhelm every single conversation on a subject that everyone else... um... I mean, to merely participate  in threads of interest?  Isn't that what discussion forums are for?  

You've said  your piece.  You've said it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.  

quoted from meth when he originally BANNED putty...

question is, now that putty is back to his old ways, pushing everyones buttons, talking in his outside voice, cant he be rebanned? gotta be some kinda 3 strikes law or sumn? dude is an habitual offender...needs a blog..

if we all press report at once? will meth reban this fool?? or is math waiting in the rafters for him to slip up again?
and for certain folks that defend him and say hes not a troll...heres a link to the thread where meth originally banned him..dude doesnt know any better, hes stuck in his ways..and his ways ruin any thread he touches..i for one, wanna see him gone...period..

crazy how the dude with the most facts, the most to say, is the most small minded one in the thread...

yall know what they say about the loudest person in the room right??
Lol at the stevie j appearance.....
Smh at u slurpers who cant think for urself...
cant wait for chik fil a to open 2morrow... I'm hungry for that yard bird right now.
I know you would. im fine with that.

Isnt it though?

I like you AZ, im not coming at you in any ways. but isnt the principle what really matters here?

a group of people who cant help who they are (with plenty of evidence to back this, despite what ever nonsensical "choice" argument that will come up again) that just want to be able to do all the things you and I can do.

thats the bottom line here. Why deny them that outside of what ever malicious personal feelings you (or whomever) may have towards that group of people.

i feel like many of you WANT the gays to go through a really tough struggle to get their rights. almost like you feel that they have to "pay their dues" for their rights like the black community did

why would you WANT to make another group of people go through that? Because you all (and by you all i mean NONE of you. most likely your parents, if that) had to go through that, and its "not fair" or something? I just dont understand that part.

i feel like you guys dont want gay people "piggybacking" off of your struggle. like "WE had to go thorugh it, THEY should too!"

i could be wrong on that, but Im willing to bet many of you arguing against all this partly feel like that.

Come on, man.

Who would want another group to be lynched and enslaved and oppressed just to get "equal rights" in 2012?

Thats nonsensical and shows that you can only see your side of the argument and no one elses.

All people are asking for is for you and people like you to show a modicum of respect for their history and culture....but y'all refuse to do so and the clash of ideologies will continue.

Any real progress will have to start with mutual respect.

How can the plight of black people and gay people be the exact same....when being black and being gay are inherently different classifications?

Saying things like that are just disrespectful. You're not black or how are you even speaking with such authority on these matters?

Over the years you have always been one to belittle calls of racism and tell people to "get over things" and that they are too look at you.
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I know you would. im fine with that.

Isnt it though?

I like you AZ, im not coming at you in any ways. but isnt the principle what really matters here?

a group of people who cant help who they are (with plenty of evidence to back this, despite what ever nonsensical "choice" argument that will come up again) that just want to be able to do all the things you and I can do.

thats the bottom line here. Why deny them that outside of what ever malicious personal feelings you (or whomever) may have towards that group of people.

i feel like many of you WANT the gays to go through a really tough struggle to get their rights. almost like you feel that they have to "pay their dues" for their rights like the black community did

why would you WANT to make another group of people go through that? Because you all (and by you all i mean NONE of you. most likely your parents, if that) had to go through that, and its "not fair" or something? I just dont understand that part.

i feel like you guys dont want gay people "piggybacking" off of your struggle. like "WE had to go thorugh it, THEY should too!"

i could be wrong on that, but Im willing to bet many of you arguing against all this partly feel like that.

Come on, man.

Who would want another group to be lynched and enslaved and oppressed just to get "equal rights" in 2012?

Thats nonsensical and shows that you can only see your side of the argument and no one elses.

All people are asking for is for you and people like you to show a modicum of respect for their history and culture....but y'all refuse to do so and the clash of ideologies will continue.

Any real progress will have to start with mutual respect.

How can the plight of black people and gay people be the exact same....when being black and being gay are inherently different classifications?

Saying things like that are just disrespectful. You're not black or how are you even speaking with such authority on these matters?

Over the years you have always been one to belittle calls of racism and tell people to "get over things" and that they are too look at you.
You have a CHOICE in being gay or not. Lets get this correct. Your sexual orientation is a CHOICE.

"being gay" (i.e. *****exuality) is the romantic/sexual attraction to members of the same sex. i can only speak for myself, but let me assure you that i NEVER made that choice. my childhood was normal, i grew up in a very loving household, both parents were around, was never abused, etc... by all accounts a wonderful environment. yet even from an early age, i recognized i was attracted to other boys. believe me, as a shy kid in conservative alabama, i did not say to myself "you know, being gay sure would make this a lot more interesting...."

the only choice i made came much later (almost exactly a year ago, actually)... when i finally decided to tell my friends and family, and start living a life true to myself. i CHOSE to act on my feelings and not hide them.
I know you would. im fine with that.

Isnt it though?

I like you AZ, im not coming at you in any ways. but isnt the principle what really matters here?

a group of people who cant help who they are (with plenty of evidence to back this, despite what ever nonsensical "choice" argument that will come up again) that just want to be able to do all the things you and I can do.

thats the bottom line here. Why deny them that outside of what ever malicious personal feelings you (or whomever) may have towards that group of people.

i feel like many of you WANT the gays to go through a really tough struggle to get their rights. almost like you feel that they have to "pay their dues" for their rights like the black community did

why would you WANT to make another group of people go through that? Because you all (and by you all i mean NONE of you. most likely your parents, if that) had to go through that, and its "not fair" or something? I just dont understand that part.

i feel like you guys dont want gay people "piggybacking" off of your struggle. like "WE had to go thorugh it, THEY should too!"

i could be wrong on that, but Im willing to bet many of you arguing against all this partly feel like that.

Come on, man.

Who would want another group to be lynched and enslaved and oppressed just to get "equal rights" in 2012?

Thats nonsensical and shows that you can only see your side of the argument and no one elses.

All people are asking for is for you and people like you to show a modicum of respect for their history and culture....but y'all refuse to do so and the clash of ideologies will continue.

Any real progress will have to start with mutual respect.

How can the plight of black people and gay people be the exact same....when being black and being gay are inherently different classifications?

Saying things like that are just disrespectful. You're not black or how are you even speaking with such authority on these matters?

Over the years you have always been one to belittle calls of racism and tell people to "get over things" and that they are too look at you.
You want mutual respect?

What do you want? Gays to bow when you enter the goddamn room? 

How the hell do you sound?

You're right. Lets make all gays take courses in black history and the halocaust so they can know JUST how many rights they deserve.
Why are black rights automatically brought up anytime we are talking about gay rights? Its as if the only way to bring legitimacy to the gay marriage argument is to bring up an actual legitimate struggle. This whole its all the same struggle is BS. Your telling me the tax breaks and marriage title are even comparable to Jim Crow laws and the police brutality faced by blacks?
But but its all about the principle!!

There isn't one chick fil a that has a sign saying no gays allowed. Where are the gay only water fountains? They aren't treated as inferior human beings like blacks and native americans were. They just act like they have been in an attempt to legitimize a petty argument.

And to club27 I have no doubt you would say your message to my face. I would say mine to yours as well.
Would you much rather gays be publicly hanged just for you to relate so that you would feel its appropriate for them to grant their rights?

If you're just going to get hung up on the differences in the degree of oppression, how does that change the fact that they STILL deserve the same rights and privileges that you take advantage of?

I don't care if you want to make a venn diagram comparing gays to sous chefs...just tell me how that answers the question of gays deserving the same legal access and protections under the law.
You want mutual respect?

What do you want? Gays to bow when you enter the goddamn room? 

How the hell do you sound?

You're right. Lets make all gays take courses in black history and the halocaust so they can know JUST how many rights they deserve.

Would you much rather gays be publicly hanged just for you to relate so that you would feel its appropriate for them to grant their rights?

Where are you coming up with this nonsense, man?

No one was even referring to what we want gay people to do, we were having a conversation with other posters.

Dude said the black struggle and the gay struggle is exactly the same, which is clearly false. People calmly objected and here you go...

You are really on some other stuff, b. You're just running wild making up the most obnoxious off the wall stuff you can imagine and attributing it to other people. The s_ you're saying doesn't even reflect what is being discussed.

There is no sense even trying to get through to you.
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You want mutual respect?

What do you want? Gays to bow when you enter the goddamn room? 

How the hell do you sound?

You're right. Lets make all gays take courses in black history and the halocaust so they can know JUST how many rights they deserve.

Where are you coming up with this nonsense, man?
Originally Posted by goldenchild9  

Come on, man.

Who would want another group to be lynched and enslaved and oppressed just to get "equal rights" in 2012?

Thats nonsensical and shows that you can only see your side of the argument and no one elses.

All people are asking for is for you and people like you to show a modicum of respect for their history and culture....but y'all refuse to do so and the clash of ideologies will continue.

Any real progress will have to start with mutual respect.

How can the plight of black people and gay people be the exact same....when being black and being gay are inherently different classifications?

Saying things like that are just disrespectful. You're not black or how are you even speaking with such authority on these matters?

Over the years you have always been one to belittle calls of racism and tell people to "get over things" and that they are too look at you.
So you would rather gays show some sort of "respect" just so you can keep feeling like they don't deserve the same rights?


No one cares that you're black. 

No one cares that you're a straight male.

What don't you understand? 

Its utterly disgusting and appalling that you would even try to AGAIN shift the discussion TO YOURSELF.

This is about the rights of gay and lesbian citizens to have the SAME RIGHTS THAT YOU DO.

I don't care if you compare gays to anything you want, that DOES NOT ADDRESS THE FACT THAT GAYS DO NOT HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS YOU.


You can't keep saying "well its not the same! why do they keep compariing us!"



The ONLY reason people compare gay rights to minority rights is that minority rights were the most striking example of being disenfranchised as a community. Its for perspective, NOT absolutism. 

Slavery! Boo-hoo! Jim Crow! Boo-Hoo! Gays weren't killed in the streets! (they are) Gays weren't discriminated against! (they are) Gays dont get denied access to certain things (they are)

I don't care and I'm a black male.

This is NOT about you. 

Just quit whining. 


I guess since handicapped veterans aren't called the "n-word" then they don't deserve things public access ramps or employee protections. 
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Yo what are you talking about, right now? Seriously.

I honestly have NO IDEA what it is you're trying to argue about this time.

I'm done with you.

I guess since handicapped veterans aren't called the "n-word" then they don't deserve things public access ramps or employee protections.


:rofl: have problems, fam.

I'm out.
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Yo what are you talking about, right now? Seriously.

I honestly have NO IDEA what it is you're trying to argue about this time.

I'm done with you.
GoldenChild9:  Gays think they're going through the black struggle therefore I'm going to ignore the fact they still don't have the same rights.


If it was the same movement, it'd have the same name.

What would you be happy with? Calling the gay movement the feminist movement?

You're just SO offended to be compared to another marginalized community that you can't see beyond the fact that WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER. 
You know what. You all win. Since gays have the AUDACITY to demand rights by comparing themselves to the struggle for their autonomy, lets just deny their rights de facto.

How dare those deviant sodomites try to remind other marginalized groups of their own oppression!

I'm not just an oppressed man, i'm a BLACK oppressed man, the BEST type of oppressed. No one else has it worse than me. Woe is me. If I can't get my rights, then NO ONE ELSE can. I wallow in my sorrows and damn everyone who doesn't remember it!

I'll just hold everyone elses rights hostage.

Women don't get paid the same as men, NOPE not until I get my 40 acres and mule.

Veterans can't find jobs? Nope, not until we have an all black supreme court

The hole in the ozone is widening? Nope, not until we stop random shootings of black males

Fracking is harming natural aquifers? Nope! Not until we get blacks off of welfare. 
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I honestly think if thats what they want to do they should have that right. If it doesnt effect you I dont see why people care so much.

Sillyputty is back on a troll mission. Talking about nothing. :lol:
is that putty?

god damn, just when you think you got rid of him, he comes back with a vengeance. I was wondering why this thread has 15+ pages.

My input= Chicfila can hate whoever they want to hate, or like whatever they want to like, it does not affect their product and costumers, sure they might not like certain groups, but no one is stopping you from going inside the store and ordering your order or worse to be banned by the establishment. Their views are just that, their views and as long as it does not affect their product nor the establishment it should not be an issue.

And the gay rights movement is definitely not like the civil rights movement, to compare even in the slightest manner shows your ignorance.

A gay white person and a gay black person walk into a predominately white hostel during the 1800s, the black male will be beaten and escorted to prison for trespassing, white male? Completely fine.

You see black doesn't wash off, brown doesn't wash off, yellow doesn't wash off; you can't one day wake up and decide youre black/yellow/brown, nope youre stuck with it. Now you can argue that you are born gay, and that may infact be very true, but "gay" is an illness or mutation in humans. The human race's reason of existence is to procreate as it is for any species, once you stop procreating you are inherently stopping your genes from being passed on. Sure your genes will be passed on by your closest genetic equal, your brother or sister or parents, but your unique genes have come to an end.

It is abnormal to be Gay, but is it wrong? No, like i've said before there is more and more studies which show that people may be born gay. However, the plight of the african american race should not be compared to that of the gay community, why?

Because they are not being burned on crosses, prosecuted in their homes, segregated in their communities, and the list goes on and on; sure, gays have it hard, there is public humiliation, there is at times intolerance, however they can simply stop dressing flamboyantly and change their manner of speaking and this will all come to an end, of course the opposition is, why should they change? They are born like that? And the answer is yes and no, i agree that they are born like that, however there is specific traits and mannerisms that is copied and glorified by the gay community(picture John leguazamo as the gay prostitute), these are learned characteristics which are not passed down and are not genetic, and can be changed. Of course the opposition to this is, then what is the proper gay male/female? What is the code or proper set of rules that a *****exual can follow? And this is where we are at a dead end.

Everyone has that over the top, "bout dat life" friend who sounds like he never passed highschool, his walk, his way of speaking and carrying himself shows that he came from the struggle, yet if a picture of him was shown to a random person they wouldn't know he was from the struggle, but you would know one thing, and that is.. he is a black male.

Damn i wrote alot.
You really need to step back from that ledge my brother.

All jokes aside.

Take a breath.
Me? Maybe you should take it easy there, yourself. 

You seem to be forgetting that you hit "submit" without reminding us how bad public transportation is in minority neighborhoods.

I hope your next post addresses the disproportionate drug sentencing for black males.
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