You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Why do your "beliefs" limit equal access for others to the same rights and privileges you take advantage of?

The bible validates slavery, do you agree with that too?
I think everyone is entitled to the same individual rights regardless of sexual orientation. What rights and privileges are you talking about? (tax benefits, medicare, insurance,etc.)?
Those and other benefits that married couples get by the state. 
If 2 men are living happily together, does it really matter that they both need to have that title? You can't just call it a domestic partnership?
Why call it a marriage then if they can't get that title?


If you have the same policy but two different names for it, then its just unequal. Its not the same thing. There is an ideological basis for calling it a different name, otherwise you wouldn't make that distinction.
I think you're taking the bible thing out of context as well. I don't believe it actually validates slavery, but rather being a servant. A servant to God.
Yeah, you haven't read your bible if you're saying this with any degree of sincerity or honesty. 

Click to enlarge 
No. Show me the posts that imply because they didn't go through what blacks have gone through their rights don't mean **** to anyone.

Who is "everyone"
How can you read that highlighted quotation, where you conveniently left out the sentence:
All humans deserve the same rights, point blank.
And get:

BUT WAIT, they didn't get hosed down and went through a rite of passage that resembles a forming of hazing you relate to!

So that means their rights don't mean **** to ANYONE!

This is what you're resorting to?

I said stop the senseless analogies and incongruent comparisons....where does that infer that because they didn't get hosed their rights don't mean **** to anyone?
I love the back tracking.

Weren't you basically saying that gay rights are invalid because theres injustice everywhere? That we're "elevating" gay rights? 
Originally Posted by goldenchild9  


This is what I mean by giving gay people an elevated status.

Y'all dudes are like mindless zombies to not see what is going on.

In each one o those 76 countries there are oppressed groups, which have been slayed in far greater numbers than *****exuals.

Is a gay life more important than other oppressed peoples?
Looks like to me that apparently gay rights in and of themselves aren't that important to you just because there are "other oppressed groups."

You have the chance to solve one injustice and move on to another (something called progression?) but you'd rather trivialize this immediate one because "people die everyday!"

Good thing we've moved past allowing gays to be executed.
No. Show me the posts that imply because they didn't go through what blacks have gone through their rights don't mean **** to anyone.
Who is "everyone"


We know you love to quote FutureMD, so please produce those quotes or stop talking out of your ***.
Irony. You consistently trivialize the the black civil rights movement knowing full and well a majority of posters skin color in the context of these debates as a means to draw attention to the gay rights debate.

You're never gonna win going about things the way you are bro.
No. Show me the posts that imply because they didn't go through what blacks have gone through their rights don't mean **** to anyone.

Who is "everyone"
No. Show me the posts that imply because they didn't go through what blacks have gone through their rights don't mean **** to anyone.
Who is "everyone"

We know you love to quote FutureMD, so please produce those quotes or stop talking out of your ***.
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I love the back tracking.

Weren't you basically saying that gay rights are invalid because theres injustice everywhere? That we're "elevating" gay rights? 

Looks like to me that apparently gay rights in and of themselves aren't that important to you just because there are "other oppressed groups."

You have the chance to solve one injustice and move on to another (something called progression?) but you'd rather trivialize this immediate one because "people die everyday!"

Good thing we've moved past allowing gays to be executed.

No that's not what I was basically saying.

That's what you basically heard because you can't hear over the deafening sound of your own arrogance.

And that suggestion is pure STUPIDITY. Why segregate the same problem into unnecessary compartments, elevating individual causes in the process?...why not use the necessary social, cultural and political capital to improve the situation as a whole?

Why not stop all the barbaric killing in certain backwards spots on the globe instead of just one? In many places that people can be killed for being gay, women can also be killed for being raped or for a wrong stare. Why not just push for the progression of those entire societies? Why is *****exual oppression singled out and honed in on?

Those were rhetorical questions but a short answer is that they have more powerful lobbyist groups....a clear insight into their true level of oppression and lots in society.

And if we are going to break apart the puzzle of progression and take a one piece at a time does *****exual oppression jump the line?

I love the back tracking.

Weren't you basically saying that gay rights are invalid because theres injustice everywhere? That we're "elevating" gay rights? 

Looks like to me that apparently gay rights in and of themselves aren't that important to you just because there are "other oppressed groups."

You have the chance to solve one injustice and move on to another (something called progression?) but you'd rather trivialize this immediate one because "people die everyday!"

Good thing we've moved past allowing gays to be executed.
No that's not what I was basically saying.

That's what you basically heard because you can't hear over the deafening sound of your own arrogance.

And that suggestion is pure STUPIDITY. Why segregate the same problem into unnecessary compartments, elevating individual causes in the process?...why not use the necessary social, cultural and political capital to improve the situation as a whole?

Why not stop all the barbaric killing in certain backwards spots on the globe instead of just one? In many places that people can be killed for being gay, women can also be killed for being raped or for a wrong stare. Why not just push for the progression of those entire societies? Why is *****exual oppression singled out and honed in on?

Those were rhetorical questions but a short answer is that they have more powerful lobbyist groups....a clear insight into their true level of oppression and lots in society.

And if we are going to break apart the puzzle of progression and take a one piece at a time does *****exual oppression jump the line?

You're evading the question and you keep making this mistake.

The topic wasn't about solving world hunger, it was about gay marriage.

You can be as progressive as the day is long, but you don't get to invalidate this simple premise.

Here is how you operate: You come into a thread that is talking about supporting the ability for gays and lesbians to have the option of getting married AND THEN you say, "Hey guys, why aren't we talking about the water crisis in Rwanda! Did you know that no bankers have been prosecuted since 2008!"

The TOPIC is not, "How do we save the world"

The topic is about the legitimacy of gay marriage.

Then next you say, "you guys are just closed mined to everything else thats going on! Why does gay marriage get to the front of the line?!" Thats not the premise here. Ignoring one injustice doesn't make it go away. I told you this already. If you want to talk about black urban shooting and incarceration stats, go ahead just title your own thread in that manner and you'll have my support and contributions.

You're doing the equivalent of going into a Miami Heat thread and asking why Rooney didn't resign with Man U. 
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Mad disingenuous, b.

None of those quotes say that because gays haven't gone through the same things as blacks, their rights don't mean anything to anyone.

When religion is removed from the debate it seems like you just close your eyes and shoot wildly in every direction.
Mad disingenuous, b.
Yeah, damn those statements I keep having to backtrack on! 

None of those quotes say that because gays haven't gone through the same things as blacks, their rights don't mean anything to anyone.
In fact, thats what you've alluded to AND quoted others who said the same thing, ACTUALLY did.

Plus, since we've gotten you to admit this, then since their rights do matter to you:  do you support the ability for gays to be able to get married?
When religion is removed from the debate it seems like you just close your eyes and shoot wildly in every direction. actually things get much clearer. Religion doesn't add anything of value. Ever. 
You're evading the question and you keep making this mistake.

The topic wasn't about solving world hunger, it was about gay marriage.

You can be as progressive as the day is long, but you don't get to invalidate this simple premise.

Here is how you operate: You come into a thread that is talking about supporting the ability for gays and lesbians to have the option of getting married AND THEN you say, "Hey guys, why aren't we talking about the water crisis in Rwanda! Did you know that no bankers have been prosecuted since 2008!"

The TOPIC is not, "How do we save the world"

The topic is about the legitimacy of gay marriage.

You're doing the equivalent of going into a Miami Heat thread and asking why Rooney didn't resign with Man U. 

My are the one who thought you were doing it with the startling stat that gay people can be murdered in 76 countries

If you want people to stick the script and strictly discuss the topic of gay should try doing it yourself.

The discussion became about the overarching topic of "gay rights" (and other things) partly because you lead it there.
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You're evading the question and you keep making this mistake.

The topic wasn't about solving world hunger, it was about gay marriage.

You can be as progressive as the day is long, but you don't get to invalidate this simple premise.

Here is how you operate: You come into a thread that is talking about supporting the ability for gays and lesbians to have the option of getting married AND THEN you say, "Hey guys, why aren't we talking about the water crisis in Rwanda! Did you know that no bankers have been prosecuted since 2008!"

The TOPIC is not, "How do we save the world"

The topic is about the legitimacy of gay marriage.

You're doing the equivalent of going into a Miami Heat thread and asking why Rooney didn't resign with Man U. 

My are the one who thought you were doing it with the startling stat that gay people can be murdered in 76 countries

If you want people to stick the script and strictly discuss the topic of gay should try doing it yourself.

The discussion became about the overarching topic of "gay rights" (and other things) partly because you lead it there.
What are you even saying?

You keep trivializing this SINGLE topic of injustice to say that "we havent cured cancer yet" as if that invalidates the original argument.

Whats your point here? We're not talking about how to solve our energy crisis? 

Gays can be killed FOR BEING GAY in 76 countries and don't even have full rights in the USA, but you want to talk about is how we're not first in math and science anymore. 
Here is goldenchild9's argument:

Why are we talking about gay marriage? Didn't ya'll know the ice caps are melting and the ozone hole is getting wider?! Gays just keep taking up all the attention on themselves! They're so damned selfish. Why aren't we addressing the change in bird migratory routes? They have a conspiracy to make us all focus on their gayness. Look how powerful they are! We could have time machines and be curing cancer right now!

Edit: Apparently ya'll need sources for every argument now. Thats cool, I seem to be the only one doing so anyways... 
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Yeah, damn those statements I keep having to backtrack on! :rolleyes

In fact, thats what you've alluded to AND quoted others who said the same thing, ACTUALLY did.

Plus, since we've gotten you to admit this, then since their rights do matter to you:  do you support the ability for gays to be able to get married? actually things get much clearer. Religion doesn't add anything of value. Ever. :lol:

I'm not going to feed into the other static you posted....but to address the bolded question, which is most relevant to the discussion...

I don't support the perceived necessity of licensing romantic unions, gay or straight but to curtail a complex discussion of civics...I do believe that gay couples should have the same state and federal benefits as straight couples. If a gay couple wants to request a marriage license they should be able to do so and have it respected throughout USA.
Religion is getting the beat down of a lifetime! (notice how religion is white 
Here is goldenchild9
's argument:

Why are we talking about gay marriage? Didn't ya'll know the ice caps are melting and the ozone hole is getting wider?! Gays just keep taking up all the attention on themselves! They're so damned selfish. Why aren't we addressing the change in bird migratory routes? They have a conspiracy to make us all focus on their gayness. Look how powerful they are! We could have time machines and be curing cancer right now!

Edit: Apparently ya'll need sources for every argument now. Thats cool, I seem to be the only one doing so anyways... :lol:  >D  :

You're trying to impress other people now and just looking juvenile.

You're not even bothering to quote're just making up stuff at this point.

I'm out.
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Yeah, damn those statements I keep having to backtrack on! 

In fact, thats what you've alluded to AND quoted others who said the same thing, ACTUALLY did.

Plus, since we've gotten you to admit this, then since their rights do matter to you:  do you support the ability for gays to be able to get married? actually things get much clearer. Religion doesn't add anything of value. Ever. 
I'm not going to feed into the other static you posted....but to address the bolded question, which is most relevant to the discussion...

I don't support the perceived necessity of licensing romantic unions, gay or straight but to curtail a complex discussion of civics...I do believe that gay couples should have the same state and federal benefits as straight couples. If a gay couple wants to request a marriage license they should be able to do so and have it respected throughout USA.
See, now I actually agree with you there...but in as much as marriage exists in its present form, its discriminatory to prevent gays/lesbians from embracing those federal benefits. 
Here is goldenchild9
's argument:

Why are we talking about gay marriage? Didn't ya'll know the ice caps are melting and the ozone hole is getting wider?! Gays just keep taking up all the attention on themselves! They're so damned selfish. Why aren't we addressing the change in bird migratory routes? They have a conspiracy to make us all focus on their gayness. Look how powerful they are! We could have time machines and be curing cancer right now!

Edit: Apparently ya'll need sources for every argument now. Thats cool, I seem to be the only one doing so anyways... 
You're trying to impress other people and just looking juvenile now.

You're not even responding to what I'm saying.

I'm out.
 You wouldn't dare say I was...inaccurate would you?
Originally Posted by goldenchild9  

No that's not what I was basically saying.

That's what you basically heard because you can't hear over the deafening sound of your own arrogance.

And that suggestion is pure STUPIDITY. Why segregate the same problem into unnecessary compartments, elevating individual causes in the process?...why not use the necessary social, cultural and political capital to improve the situation as a whole?

Why not stop all the barbaric killing in certain backwards spots on the globe instead of just one? In many places that people can be killed for being gay, women can also be killed for being raped or for a wrong stare. Why not just push for the progression of those entire societies? Why is *****exual oppression singled out and honed in on?

Those were rhetorical questions but a short answer is that they have more powerful lobbyist groups....a clear insight into their true level of oppression and lots in society.

And if we are going to break apart the puzzle of progression and take a one piece at a time does *****exual oppression jump the line?
Bruh, you're gonna learn to stop saying stuff then forgetting you said it. Accountability is a sign of maturity. You can't even refrain from backtracking ON THE SAME PAGE. 
you all can nitpick all you want but its the exact same thing.

Until you can scientifically prove that ALL *****exuals are born gay and none choose to be *****exual then no, it's not the same.

Nobody born chooses their race. Never.

Let me know when someone of a particular race can decide to be dark brown for 15 years then decide to be opaque white for the next 5 years then back to dark brown for the rest of their life.

A person of a particular race cannot be in the closet about their race. You can lie but you are who you are. The same does not go for *****exuals. You can flip flop, be on the down-low, etc etc all you want. Matter of fact, if someone put a gun to a straight man's head and said "suck me off or i will kill you"...i'm willing to believe esp if this was in private that the supposed straight man would suck the gun holder off which tells me that a *****exual choice was made. Now take the same gun holder and let him point a gun at a particular race like let's say an black man n demand this black man to "be white" and see if it's possible.

Even if you became curious and said "hmm, I wonder what it would be like to be white since i'm non-white" and chose to cross over...guess what? You would still be the same race you were born. "Race-curious" does not work...

Sexuality is a choice. Even if you are heterosexual. Even if you have only dated women all your life, you still are choosing because you were presented two options in your life (unless you were born n raised in a cave alone all your life) which are male n female. Whether you believe it was natural to only date women, the bottom line is that you still had to choose or else you would be bisexual. With this being said...please stop comparing voluntary (being *****exual) to involuntary (race).
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