You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

What? No I did not.

I said should couples who can't conceive be allowed to marry, if thats going to be used as an argument against gay marriage? 

There are millions of men and women in heterosexual relationships that are infertile. They can't have children. Should they be allowed to get married?
Maybe the couple doesn't find out about the infertility until after they get married...There is no chance of *****exuals naturally impregnating each other. Not that matters or has anything to do with anything.

But this is what I mean about those anecdotes and analogies..they are senseless and immature. Too much of this unproductive, unrealistic and unnecessary banter permeates the conversation of "gay rights".

Stop comparing the same-sex agenda to the civil rights struggle, stop comparing *****exuals to infertile couples, stop human *****exuality to what is observed in the wild, stop cutting and pasting and reaching and gluing elements from all over the map to keep creating this sloppy patchwork of a foundation, to perch *****exual upon.

All humans deserve the same rights, point blank.

But *****exuals are heavily saturated in the upper echelons of society. I don't see them as a powerless minority fighting for equality but rather a powerful minority bending society to their liking.
I don't care what you want to compare it to.

You can draw similarities to the Mars rover or Ben and Jerry's  Ice Cream for all I care.

Do you support the ability for gays and lesbians to enter legal unions protected by the government in the same manner that heterosexuals can?

Also, what do you think happens when transgendered people get married? Genetic males that get a sex change and marry another man, do you think thats not a gay marriage? 

This is the problem, you can't even directly answer the question.

And yes, *****exual couples are the SAME as infertile heterosexual couples. Neither can produce children so should they be allowed to be married? 

Will you allow gays to get married? Thats all this is about. I don't care how threatened you feel by the "gay agenda" or whatever ridiculous conspiracy you have conjured up to convince you to wake up fiending for a barrel chested GI 
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I don't care what you want to compare it to.

You can draw similarities to the Mars rover or Ben and Jerry's  Ice Cream for all I care.

Do you support the ability for gays and lesbians to enter legal unions protected by the government in the same manner that heterosexuals can?

Also, what do you think happens when transgendered people get married? Genetic males that get a sex change and marry another man, do you think thats not a gay marriage? 

This is the problem, you can't even directly answer the question.

And yes, *****exual couples are the SAME as infertile heterosexual couples. Neither can produce children so should they be allowed to be married? 

Will you allow gays to get married? Thats all this is about. I don't care how threatened you feel by the "gay agenda" or whatever ridiculous conspiracy you have conjured up to convince you to wake up fiending for a barrel chested GI 

You don't see where I clearly stated that I advocate equal rights for all people?
This isn't about putting anything in the limelight this is a very simple question: Do you support the ability for gays to get married?

Thats it.

No one is going to ask you to visit. No one is going to force you to have them get married in your churches. No one is going to propose to you. No one is going to impose upon YOUR life. 

You already don't have a problem with them, so whats the matter with them just getting their rights? 

Will you allow them to get married?

To be honest, No I wouldn't because it goes against my beliefs, BUT at the same time I'm not gonna have a picket sign marching and protesting against it. Maybe I'm just a bit more passive on the whole situation yet still retain my stance against it.

I think this so called "movement" is a bit counterintuitive since the LGBT community is actually Discriminating against people that have their own set of beliefs. Beliefs that the entire world has adopted for hundreds of years. Does that make any sense?

Lets just get back on track with the actual topic: Are you ever going to eat at Chick Fil-A again?:lol:
This isn't about putting anything in the limelight this is a very simple question: Do you support the ability for gays to get married?

Thats it.

No one is going to ask you to visit. No one is going to force you to have them get married in your churches. No one is going to propose to you. No one is going to impose upon YOUR life. 

You already don't have a problem with them, so whats the matter with them just getting their rights? 

Will you allow them to get married?
To be honest, No I wouldn't because it goes against my beliefs, BUT at the same time I'm not gonna have a picket sign marching and protesting against it. Maybe I'm just a bit more passive on the whole situation yet still retain my stance against it.

I think this so called "movement" is a bit counterintuitive since the LGBT community is actually Discriminating against people that have their own set of beliefs. Beliefs that the entire world has adopted for hundreds of years. Does that make any sense?

Lets just get back on track with the actual topic: Are you ever going to eat at Chick Fil-A again?
Why do your "beliefs" limit equal access for others to the same rights and privileges you take advantage of?

The bible validates slavery, do you agree with that too?

This is what I mean by giving gay people an elevated status.

Y'all dudes are like mindless zombies to not see what is going on.

In each one o those 76 countries there are oppressed groups, which have been slayed in far greater numbers than *****exuals.

Is a gay life more important than other oppressed peoples?

This is what I mean by giving gay people an elevated status.

Y'all dudes are like mindless zombies to not see what is going on.

In each one o those 76 countries there are oppressed groups, which have been slayed in far greater numbers than *****exuals.

Is a gay life more important than other oppressed peoples?
You know what, you're right.

Lets just make it illegal to be gay and charge those queers with the death penalty. Thats the hallmark of a tolerant society. Then when they ask for rights, lets just remind them that they could have it worse because there are other injustices, like black people getting shot by cops...or China trying to take back Taiwan...or Argentina trying to get the Faulklands. 

Gays just keep complaining. Why can't they just pipe down. Why do they need the same rights as us? They only largely follow the law, pay taxes, and are remarkably productive citizens. Not to mention that since they're childless they also represent a great market for products because they have more disposable income. 

Being born with a vagina just means you don't get to go to school in other countries too. 

Sucks for being sanctioned by the government because of what you are. 
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You know what, you're right.

Being born with a vagina just means you don't get to go to school in other countries too. 

Sucks for being sanctioned by the government because of what you are. 

Sanctioned or unsanctioned.

Murder is murder, man.

Genocide and mass murder isn't sanctioned by any government but it still happens all over the globe.

You're separating and elevating the murder of *****exuals from other "oppressed peoples" and you don't even see it....exactly what I'm talking about.
You know what, you're right.

Being born with a vagina just means you don't get to go to school in other countries too. 

Sucks for being sanctioned by the government because of what you are. 
Sanctioned or unsanctioned.

Murder is murder, man.

Genocide and mass murder isn't sanctioned by any government but it still happens all over the globe.

You're separating and elevating the murder of *****exuals from other "oppressed peoples" and you don't even see it....exactly what I'm talking about.
Gays don't have full rights in this country.

That makes them an unfairly oppressed minority.

BUT WAIT, they didn't get hosed down and went through a rite of passage that resembles a forming of hazing you relate to!

So that means their rights don't mean **** to ANYONE!

Anyone who encounters an institutionalized form of discrimination is an oppressed class. It doesn't matter to what extent, or to what degree you identify with their struggle.

An injustice to one, is an injustice to all. 
I don't know where you're getting all of that stuff from in your edited post...but has nothing to do with my viewpoints.

We can communicate intelligently about our stances but you're sarcastically attributing things to me that I don't believe and have not inferred.
Dude just post a bunch of gifs and pics making fun of this ignorant bigots 
Gays don't have full rights in this country.

That makes them an unfairly oppressed minority.

[COLOR=#red]BUT WAIT, they didn't get hosed down and went through a rite of passage that resembles a forming of hazing you relate to!

So that means their rights don't mean **** to ANYONE!

Anyone who encounters an institutionalized form of discrimination is an oppressed class. It doesn't matter to what extent, or to what degree you identify with their struggle.

An injustice to one, is an injustice to all. 

Who said any of this?

Do you just resort to making things up as a diversionary tactic?
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Gays don't have full rights in this country.

That makes them an unfairly oppressed minority.

BUT WAIT, they didn't get hosed down and went through a rite of passage that resembles a forming of hazing you relate to!

So that means their rights don't mean **** to ANYONE!

Anyone who encounters an institutionalized form of discrimination is an oppressed class. It doesn't matter to what extent, or to what degree you identify with their struggle.

An injustice to one, is an injustice to all. 

No one and I mean NO ONE has ever said this. This is something YOU and people like YOU have convinced yourself is the case and it simply is not.
FutureMD - "Insult my ignorance".

So because I believe being gay is a choice.
Because I believe in the traditional meaning of marriage.
Yet, I said I don't have ANY issues with Gay and Lesbians getting the same rights. MEANING I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IT THEY GET MARRIED.

I'm ignorant? And now your putting words in my mouth saying "they can't reproduce"... smh wow. But i'm the ignorant one eh?

I've said this before and i'll say this again. Gays aren't lynched, told to drink from a certain fountain, told to get food from the back of the kitchen or told sit at the back of the bus. THEREFORE it is NOT the same as what blacks went through. Stop trying to compare it. That was the WHOLE POINT OF MY POST on page 5.

Doesn't matter if I think its a choice or not. Your never going to change my mind and i'll never change yours. I believe in God, you may not. I still won't force my religion on you. See how that works?
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Now show me where he said; Gay rights don't mean **** to anyone.

Because he said plain as day I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF THEY GET MARRIED
Why do your "beliefs" limit equal access for others to the same rights and privileges you take advantage of?

The bible validates slavery, do you agree with that too?

I think everyone is entitled to the same individual rights regardless of sexual orientation. What rights and privileges are you talking about? (tax benefits, medicare, insurance,etc.)?

If 2 men are living happily together, does it really matter that they both need to have that title? You can't just call it a domestic partnership?

I think you're taking the bible thing out of context as well. I don't believe it actually validates slavery, but rather being a servant. A servant to God.
Gays don't have full rights in this country.

That makes them an unfairly oppressed minority.

BUT WAIT, they didn't get hosed down and went through a rite of passage that resembles a forming of hazing you relate to!

So that means their rights don't mean **** to ANYONE!

Anyone who encounters an institutionalized form of discrimination is an oppressed class. It doesn't matter to what extent, or to what degree you identify with their struggle.

An injustice to one, is an injustice to all. 
Who said any of this?

Do you just resort to making things up as a diversionary tactic?
Forgive them father, they know not the goldfish memories they have:
Originally Posted by goldenchild9  
Gays don't have full rights in this country.

That makes them an unfairly oppressed minority.

BUT WAIT, they didn't get hosed down and went through a rite of passage that resembles a forming of hazing you relate to!

So that means their rights don't mean **** to ANYONE!

Anyone who encounters an institutionalized form of discrimination is an oppressed class. It doesn't matter to what extent, or to what degree you identify with their struggle.

An injustice to one, is an injustice to all. 

No one and I mean NO ONE has ever said this. This is something YOU and people like YOU have convinced yourself is the case and it simply is not.
If their rights don't mean anything, why stand in their way then? 

This is everyone's argument: "I don't have anything against gays, I just don't want them to have the same rights as the rest of us" 

How can you read that highlighted quotation, where you conveniently left out the sentence:

All humans deserve the same rights, point blank.

And get:

BUT WAIT, they didn't get hosed down and went through a rite of passage that resembles a forming of hazing you relate to!

So that means their rights don't mean **** to ANYONE!

This is what you're resorting to?

I said stop the senseless analogies and incongruent comparisons....where does that infer that because they didn't get hosed their rights don't mean **** to anyone?
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