You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

"I don't hate gay people, I just don't like seeing them happy and enjoying the same rights that I do"
Let me shut this up real quick. By saying I AGREE with Chik Fil A means, I agree in the TRADITIONAL definition of marriage being that of a man and a woman. That said, I JUST stated I don't mind see Gay and Lesbians get the same rights. So again, your ATTACKING FOR NO REASON. I am not gay bashing dude. In the end though, if a person doesn't see it the "gay" way, they are the enemy and reason goes out the window. This isn't the first time and won't be the last your ignorance and anger blinds you. I have FRIENDS GAY AND LESBIAN. I don't give a damn if they get marriage rights. My quarrel is the whole "Black" comparison. Its insulting. And yes. I will forever KNOW that your "sexual orientation" is a PREFERENCE. Nothing you can say will change that.
The yellow, blue, and green sentences don't make any sense coming from the same person.

On top of that, if you think its a preference, why won't you allow them to get married? No one is asking you to be forced to attend or even see them hold hands, but why can't they just go to the courthouse and sign the papers themselves?
You'd think a group of people subjected to institutionalized hinderances would be more sympathetic to the causes of another minority trying to establish rights that you manage to take advantage of without even thinking about.

Its not close. Stop it.
Oh really? Name a right blacks don't have that gays do.
Oh, and before you use the "they can't reproduce" argument, what do you have to say to couples in which either the man or woman are infertile? Should they be allowed to marry?
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Oh, and before you use the "well they can't reproduce" argument, what do you have to say to couples in which either the man or woman are infertile? Should they be allowed to marry?

I don't know why you are going on with this. Dude essentially said regardless of what facts you present he will ignore them. :lol:
I don't know why you are going on with this. Dude essentially said regardless of what facts you present he will ignore them.
unfortunately alot of people are this way 

its the internet version of plugging your ears with your index fingers and yelling "LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU LA LA LA IM RIGHT AND YOU'RE WRONG LA LA LA IM LEAVING NOW LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU"
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Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, there's no room to just respectfully disagree on the matter? Either I'm right or you're stupid and oblivious to the facts?
Oh, and before you use the "well they can't reproduce" argument, what do you have to say to couples in which either the man or woman are infertile? Should they be allowed to marry?
I don't know why you are going on with this. Dude essentially said regardless of what facts you present he will ignore them.

Because honestly, I think its too easy to think that you can just say something and have no one even challenge you on it.

Its like coming up with a theory and NEVER testing it.

"I believe gays are devil incarnates. Why? Because I believe it. Thats my proof. End of story." 

This is what happens when you grow up thinking that having poor arguments or coming up with ways to evade having to be responsible for your thoughts just means that you're automatically right about something. 

I could very well be wrong about *****exuality, and maybe it is the sign of a gay liberal marxist demon. Who really knows, right? But until you present an argument rooted in some sources, facts, or something that resembles an objective argument, I don't see why you think you're just "off the hook." 

Don't act like you can put forth poorly framed arguments and then get mad when they end up with howitzer sized holes in them. Its no one else's responsibility but your own to represent your argument. 
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FutureMD - "Insult my ignorance".

So because I believe being gay is a choice.
Because I believe in the traditional meaning of marriage.
Yet, I said I don't have ANY issues with Gay and Lesbians getting the same rights. MEANING I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IT THEY GET MARRIED.

I'm ignorant? And now your putting words in my mouth saying "they can't reproduce"... smh wow. But i'm the ignorant one eh?

I've said this before and i'll say this again. Gays aren't lynched, told to drink from a certain fountain, told to get food from the back of the kitchen or told sit at the back of the bus. THEREFORE it is NOT the same as what blacks went through. Stop trying to compare it. That was the WHOLE POINT OF MY POST on page 5.

Doesn't matter if I think its a choice or not. Your never going to change my mind and i'll never change yours. I believe in God, you may not. I still won't force my religion on you. See how that works?
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Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, there's no room to just respectfully disagree on the matter? Either I'm right or you're stupid and oblivious to the facts?

Yeah pretty much.

There is a craving to be right and pummel those who disagree into submission.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, there's no room to just respectfully disagree on the matter? Either I'm right or you're stupid and oblivious to the facts?

in this case no. I'll respectfully disagree on, your top 10 list of best NBA players of all time, your JFK assassination theory, but on this? where all relevant and credible evidence and logic points to ONE answer. Naw B, if you believe it's a choice you are simply ignorant of the facts.

It's like believing in the lochness monster man.
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^ Any of that happen to you? Weren't you born with the ability to sit where ever you want on the bus, drink from any fountain, (gays are lynched and have hate crimes committed against them even in the US so I left that one out), AND get married? Is it supposed to be a "who had it harder" contest anyways? It's discrimination to not grant one group the same rights as the majority.

And you keep saying "traditional," but what you really mean is "Judeo-Christian influenced," and they didn't invent marriage.
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FutureMD - "Insult my ignorance".

So because I believe being gay is a choice.
You've been shown through a list of sources ranging from studies, videos, documentaries, and articles that you are FACTUALLY wrong.

I repeat: FACTUALLY.
Because I believe in the traditional meaning of marriage.
Whats that? What's traditional about marriage? The length of time we've been doing it?

We have believed that there was a sun god for more years in human history than we knew that it was a ball of hydrogen plasma. Does that make the sun god notion traditional?
Yet, I said I don't have ANY issues with Gay and Lesbians getting the same rights. MEANING I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IT THEY GET MARRIED.
You said you agreed with CFA AND you support the notion of "traditional marriage" as only one man and one woman.

So you're contradicting yourself.
I'm ignorant? And now your putting words in my mouth saying "they can't reproduce"... smh wow. But i'm the ignorant one eh?
It was to preclude you (AND OTHERS) from using the argument that gays shouldn't get married because they can't "reproduce"

I've said this before and i'll say this again. Gays are lynched, told to drink from a certain fountain, told to get food from the back of the kitchen or told sit at the back of the bus. THEREFORE it is NOT the same as what blacks went through. Stop trying to compare it. That was the WHOLE POINT OF MY POST on page 5.
Women still get paid $ 0.60-0.80 on the dollar of what men make, is that not worth addressing either?

I guess you'd RATHER seeing gays lynched, beaten, or ripped apart publicly just so you can finally feel like stepping in.

Doesn't matter if I think its a choice or not. Your never going to change my mind and i'll never change yours. I believe in God, you may not. I still won't force my religion on you. See how that works?
Ah...see. This is what i'm talking about.

But when we try to get to the root of your ideological inconsistency, i.e. religion, then everyone who brings it up is "disruptive" and a "trouble maker"

I assume this is the same god who allows this?

See here is the problem. 

if you're going to invoke your "beliefs" and "association" to religion as the source of your morality, we're going to have to investigate the other things that BY PROXY you validate.

Should we start in the old testament or the new testament?

I guess gay marriage is a problem for you, yet you claimed you had gay and lesbian god isn't bothered by you even befriending them? But all of a sudden god calls "foul" on the fact that they seek legal recognition as a union from the government?
^ Any of that happen to you? Weren't you born with the ability to sit where ever you want on the bus, drink from any fountain, (gays are lynched and have hate crimes committed against them even in the US so I left that one out), AND get married? Is it supposed to be a "who had it harder" contest anyways? It's discrimination to not grant one group the same rights as the majority.
And you keep saying "traditional," but what you really mean is "Judeo-Christian influenced."

Was only a matter of time before it came to religion. Which is what I suspected from the start. This is where I refuse to go any further. But before I depart, If its not a contest? Why cry and compare to blacks? Think about that for a second.

Instead of saying its the same as what blacks went through (which is pure b.s.) - Why not just say "we want to have marriage rights"?

Alright i'm out.

Go head bash away I won't be reading any further.


Sorry gotta post this.

You said you agreed with CFA AND you support the notion of "traditional marriage" as only one man and one woman.

So you're contradicting yourself.

Incorrect. you are out-witting yourself. Go read what I wrote again slower.

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FutureMD come one man.

Be truthful to the science and stop twisting it to fit your argument bro.

There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.

I don't have the time or interest to dissect your arguments right now but anyone who studies biology or psychology, knows that you are currently trumpeting only one side of a multi-faceted story.

There is tons of evidence that your sexual orientation is a choice.

“I gave a speech recently, an empowerment speech to a gay audience, and it included the line ‘I’ve been straight and I’ve been gay, and gay is better.’ And they tried to get me to change it, because they said it implies that *****exuality can be a choice. And for me, it is a choice. I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define my gayness for me. A certain section of our community is very concerned that it not be seen as a choice, because if it’s a choice, then we could opt out. I say it doesn’t matter if we flew here or we swam here, it matters that we are here and we are one group and let us stop trying to make a litmus test for who is considered gay and who is not.”

- Cynthia Nixon. Sex and the City actress
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^ Any of that happen to you? Weren't you born with the ability to sit where ever you want on the bus, drink from any fountain, (gays are lynched and have hate crimes committed against them even in the US so I left that one out), AND get married? Is it supposed to be a "who had it harder" contest anyways? It's discrimination to not grant one group the same rights as the majority.
And you keep saying "traditional," but what you really mean is "Judeo-Christian influenced."
Was only a matter of time before it came to religion. Which is what I suspected from the start. This is where I refuse to go any further. But before I depart, If its not a contest? Why cry and compare to blacks? Think about that for a second.

Instead of saying its the same as what blacks went through (which is pure b.s.) - Why not just say "we want to have marriage rights"?

Alright i'm out.

Go head bash away I won't be reading any further.
Wait a were the one who sourced religion in the first place as the foundation of your "belief" yet when you're called out on it, then everyone else isn't playing fair.

Why can't you just be accountable for your voluntary association to your religion? 

I mean no one is making you call yourself a believer. 
FutureMD come one man.
Be truthful to the science and stop twisting it to fit your argument bro.
I don't have the time or interest to dissect your arguments right now but anyone who studies biology or psychology, knows that you are currently trumpeting only one side of a multi-faceted story.
There is tons of evidence that your sexual orientation is a choice.

- Cynthia Nixon. Sex and the City actress [/SIZE]

FutureMD come one man.

Be truthful to the science and stop twisting it to fit your argument bro.

There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.
I don't have the time or interest to dissect your arguments right now but anyone who studies biology or psychology, knows that you are currently trumpeting only one side of a multi-faceted story.

There is tons of evidence that your sexual orientation is a choice.
“I gave a speech recently, an empowerment speech to a gay audience, and it included the line ‘I’ve been straight and I’ve been gay, and gay is better.’ And they tried to get me to change it, because they said it implies that *****exuality can be a choice. And for me, it is a choice. I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define my gayness for me. A certain section of our community is very concerned that it not be seen as a choice, because if it’s a choice, then we could opt out. I say it doesn’t matter if we flew here or we swam here, it matters that we are here and we are one group and let us stop trying to make a litmus test for who is considered gay and who is not.”
- Cynthia Nixon. Sex and the City actress
Look. Some people wake up wanting to be gay and some people realized they were always gay.

I already addressed this, it doesn't change the fact that people deserve to be treated equally REGARDLESS of the source of their orientation OR preference. Whichever is the case.

On top of that, I was responding to a statement that established a false and untenable notion that: "no one is born gay" to which I prompted and succinctly nipped in the bud.
Was only a matter of time before it came to religion. Which is what I suspected from the start. This is where I refuse to go any further. But before I depart, If its not a contest? Why cry and compare to blacks? Think about that for a second.
Instead of saying its the same as what blacks went through (which is pure b.s.) - Why not just say "we want to have marriage rights"?
Alright i'm out.
Go head bash away I won't be reading any further.

Look. Some people wake up wanting to be gay and some people realized they were always gay.

I already addressed this, it doesn't change the fact that people deserve to be treated equally REGARDLESS of the source of their orientation OR preference. Whichever is the case.

On top of that, I was responding to a statement that established a false and untenable notion that: "no one is born gay" to which I prompted and succinctly nipped in the bud.

We agree on the bold part. The second part is only in your little mind buddy.
On top of that, who wakes up thinking "Gee, I'd love to get threatened to be killed in 76 countries, not have the same civil rights with a monogamous partner, OR be expected to subjected to harassment and discrimination at my own job!...Not to mention my parents possibly kicking me out and my community shunning me!


Does someone wake up and decide to be a killer, a terrorist, a bank robber, a rapist or a sociopath?

Those lifepaths also have adverse consequences, yet there are millions of people who fit into those categories....

Take them 3rd grade anecdotes somewhere else. Its an insult to intelligent people.
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