You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

I honestly don't really understand what the big deal is. Does EVERYONE on this earth have to support gay marriage?
Each individual is entitled to their opinion plain and simple. Am I going to stop eating there because the owner is a republican and has different political views? Of course, not.
It feels like the topic of gay marriage has become more of a trend rather than a rights movement. Anyone that publicly says they don't support it gets automatically grilled.
Said this numerous times....This is a fad/trend....Chick-Fil-A is a religious based establishment, why would they support something that is considered sinful and an abomination? People boycotting this is idiotic...its cool though...I will continue to get my Lemonade and Chik-Fil-A Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Yeah, boycotts are stupid when you don't agree with them, right? 
I honestly don't really understand what the big deal is. Does EVERYONE on this earth have to support gay marriage?

Each individual is entitled to their opinion plain and simple. Am I going to stop eating there because the owner is a republican and has different political views? Of course, not.

It feels like the topic of gay marriage has become more of a trend rather than a rights movement.
Anyone that publicly says they don't support it gets automatically grilled.

That's why, as the pictures showed, the protests were so lame; because I'd bet the majority of people there are not gay nor do they have a vested interest in gay rights, but its the politically correct thing to do.
I honestly don't really understand what the big deal is. Does EVERYONE on this earth have to support gay marriage?

Each individual is entitled to their opinion plain and simple. Am I going to stop eating there because the owner is a republican and has different political views? Of course, not.

It feels like the topic of gay marriage has become more of a trend rather than a rights movement. Anyone that publicly says they don't support it gets automatically grilled.
That's why, as the pictures showed, the protests were so lame; because I'd bet the majority of people there are not gay nor do they have a vested interest in gay rights, but its the politically correct thing to do.
Yeah, being politically correct is dumb.

I mean doesn't everyone know that you have to be gay to support equal rights and opportunities for marginalized citizens under the law?
Said this numerous times....This is a fad/trend....Chick-Fil-A is a religious based establishment, why would they support something that is considered sinful and an abomination? People boycotting this is idiotic...its cool though...I will continue to get my Lemonade and Chik-Fil-A Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Nobody is asking them to perform gay weddings in Chick Fil A. The company donate millions yearly to organizations dedicated to oppressing of their rights.

People should just admit they are against because they hate gays and stop making excuses. Like religion, well the same Bible says eating shellfish is an abomination too but I don't see anyone preaching that message or complaining that their kids have to live in a world where Red Lobster exists.

It's also funny how black people still keep trying to hold down a monopoly on discrimination and civil rights and devolve every discussion into a "we had it worst" pissing match.
I honestly don't really understand what the big deal is. Does EVERYONE on this earth have to support gay marriage?

Each individual is entitled to their opinion plain and simple. Am I going to stop eating there because the owner is a republican and has different political views? Of course, not.

It feels like the topic of gay marriage has become more of a trend rather than a rights movement. Anyone that publicly says they don't support it gets automatically grilled.

That's why, as the pictures showed, the protests were so lame; because I'd bet the majority of people there are not gay nor do they have a vested interest in gay rights, but its the politically correct thing to do.
Yeah, being politically correct is dumb.

I mean doesn't everyone know that you have to be gay to support equal rights and opportunities for marginalized citizens under the law?

You know that's not what I'm sayin bro, quit actin like a punk. People like you who feel the need to relentlessly assert the superiority of their views are a big reason why Americans get turned off of politics; they feel that if they aren't on one far end of the spectrum of the other, they are doin something wrong. I can't entirely blame lames like you because the media is the major culprit but good heavens son, you don't have to demonize everyone that doesn't agree with you.

i'm outta this thread, peace
I honestly don't really understand what the big deal is. Does EVERYONE on this earth have to support gay marriage?

Each individual is entitled to their opinion plain and simple. Am I going to stop eating there because the owner is a republican and has different political views? Of course, not.

It feels like the topic of gay marriage has become more of a trend rather than a rights movement. Anyone that publicly says they don't support it gets automatically grilled.

That's why, as the pictures showed, the protests were so lame; because I'd bet the majority of people there are not gay nor do they have a vested interest in gay rights, but its the politically correct thing to do.
Yeah, being politically correct is dumb.

I mean doesn't everyone know that you have to be gay to support equal rights and opportunities for marginalized citizens under the law?
You know that's not what I'm sayin bro, quit actin like a punk. People like you who feel the need to relentlessly assert the superiority of their views are a big reason why Americans get turned off of politics; they feel that if they aren't on one far end of the spectrum of the other, they are doin something wrong. I can't entirely blame lames like you because the media is the major culprit but good heavens son, you don't have to demonize everyone that doesn't agree with you.

i'm outta this thread, peace
Nice "self-defense."

I'm acting "superior?" I love that. 

You were the one who dropped this nugget of wisdom:

"I'd bet the majority of people there are not gay nor do they have a vested interest in gay rights, but its the politically correct thing to do."

So lets read this right:

>> I want to be free to share my opinion, but anyone who challenges me is just a bully. Also, ignore the fact that if you support gay rights, you're probably gay as well.

No one is asking you to attend gay marriages, merely allow people to even HAVE them.

You know gay marriages alone brought over $250 Million to the state of New York in only one year, right?
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while i agree that there are many differences between the black civil rights movement and the gay civil rights movement... this is not one of them.
if anything, this is one of the strongest similarities: in each case, a group of people is or was being denied certain basic rights based on something beyond their control (i.e. being born black or gay).

You have a CHOICE in being gay or not. Lets get this correct. Your sexual orientation is a CHOICE.
while i agree that there are many differences between the black civil rights movement and the gay civil rights movement... this is not one of them.
if anything, this is one of the strongest similarities: in each case, a group of people is or was being denied certain basic rights based on something beyond their control (i.e. being born black or gay).
You have a CHOICE in being gay or not. Lets get this correct. Your sexual orientation is a CHOICE.
No. This is factually untrue.

If you want to believe in magic thats fine.

However, when faced with facts and evidenced based studies and peer-reviewed science, leave that to people who know what they're talking about.

Evidence and data doesn't care about your "beliefs"

Being gay is not a choice, and even if it is or was by some people, it doesn't diminish the fact that they deserve the same rights that you do. 

Renowned psychologist Robert Spitzer (father of gay therapy) has since renounced all of his efforts to try and understand *****exuality and concedes that its NOT some choice or flaw, but merely an innate quality of some people.

If you want more studies just ask but the data is there. There are innate epigenetic and phenotypical differences in *****exuals actually. These include areas of the brain and congential hormone differences. 

On top of that, who wakes up thinking "Gee, I'd love to get threatened to be killed in 76 countries, not have the same civil rights with a monogamous partner, OR be expected to subjected to harassment and discrimination at my own job!...Not to mention my parents possibly kicking me out and my community shunning me!
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You have a CHOICE in being gay or not. Lets get this correct. Your sexual orientation is a CHOICE.

this again? Peopls still believe this ****? What is this 2001 :lol:{

I know this I sure as hell didn't wake up one day and choose to **** women, I do it because I am compelled to. :pimp:

Did you?:lol:
this again? Peopls still believe this ****? What is this 2001 :lol:{
I know this I sure as hell didn't wake up one day and choose to **** women, I do it because I am compelled to. :pimp:
Did you?:lol:

I'm not going to respond to this, your being silly at this point. :smh: "Your cool though" :rolleyes

As for the other poster, for every "scientific" post you bring up about sexuality NOT being a choice - I can post two stating the opposite. Truth of the matter is, it IS a choice to be gay. Hence the question, what is your SEXUAL PREFERENCE. You cannot "prefer" to be black. You are born that way. That said, I don't mind Gay and Lesbians enjoying the same benefits as the next "married couple". But I am in agreement of the owner of Chik Fil A.

In the end though, I just need some of you to get off of this whole "Black people should understand because it's the same thing" crap. Its not even close.


I have a very very very close childhood friend who is lesbian. She dated my best friend for years (a guy)... A couple years back I found out she was a "lesbian". I asked why - she stated that although she wouldn't mind dating a guy again. For now this is the choice that makes her happy.

Similar situation with a co-worker she was done "wrong" by her childs father. She found comfort in another woman. Yet she is very open to another relationship with a man.
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I'm not going to respond to this, your being silly at this point.
"Your cool though"

As for the other poster, for every "scientific" post you bring up about sexuality NOT being a choice - I can post two stating the opposite. Truth of the matter is, it IS a choice to be gay. Hence the question, what is your SEXUAL PREFERENCE. You cannot "prefer" to be black. You are born that way. That said, I don't mind Gay and Lesbians enjoying the same benefits as the next "married couple". But I am in agreement of the owner of Chik Fil A.
In the end though, I just need some of you to get off of this whole "Black people should understand because it's the same thing" crap. Its not even close.
lets be honest: thats only because you have nothing substantial to say in the matter.

You refuse to believe reality even when the evidence is put directly in front of your face. 

*****exuality is not a choice, but ignorance is, and its obvious which "team" you play for one that one.
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I'm not going to respond to this, your being silly at this point. :smh: "Your cool though" :rolleyes
As for the other poster, for every "scientific" post you bring up about sexuality NOT being a choice - I can post two stating the opposite. Truth of the matter is, it IS a choice to be gay. Hence the question, what is your SEXUAL PREFERENCE. You cannot "prefer" to be black. You are born that way. That said, I don't mind Gay and Lesbians enjoying the same benefits as the next "married couple". But I am in agreement of the owner of Chik Fil A.
In the end though, I just need some of you to get off of this whole "Black people should understand because it's the same thing" crap. Its not even close.

1. Im not being silly, did you choose to be straight, did you wake up one day and consciously decide to have sex with women? It only seems silly because it is, nobody chooses anything.

2. The most credible source in THE WORLD on the subject of sexuality and human psychology and development say that it is not a choice, just because you can find 2 crackpots on the Internet claiming other amounts to just about nothing. You can find people who argue smoking isn't bad for you, does that invalidate major health organization claims that it is? of course not.

3. Your inability to engage the facts merely reveals the flimsiness of your claims.

If you believe that being gay is a choice you are simply ignorant of the facts, it's no different than those crazy parents who don't vaccinate there kids.


Also FYI it's not the the "same" as the oppression black people went through thats just idiotic, but it it limiting a group of peoples rights making it wholly oppressive.
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lets be honest: thats only because you have nothing substantial to say in the matter.

You refuse to believe reality even when the evidence is put directly in front of your face. 

*****exuality is not a choice, but ignorance is, and its obvious which "team" you play for one that one.

What? Dude was obviously being a clown. And you "attacking" me is putting you on the same level he is on. Try again sir, or maybe you should re-read my edit. As for "evidence" you've posted NONE.

In ANY case, you can "FOOL" yourself into thinking your "born" with a sexual preference or you can open your eye's and dig deeper into what actually happened to the individual that caused them to prefer the same sex.
this again? Peopls still believe this ****? What is this 2001
I know this I sure as hell didn't wake up one day and choose to **** women, I do it because I am compelled to.

Did you?
I'm not going to respond to this, your being silly at this point.
"Your cool though"

As for the other poster, for every "scientific" post you bring up about sexuality NOT being a choice - I can post two stating the opposite. Truth of the matter is, it IS a choice to be gay
Sexuality is often not a choice. In fact, being strictly "heterosexual" is a fairly recent trend in humanity.

This lends credence to the fact that EVERYONE falls along a gray-scale of sexuality called the Kinsey Scale:
. Hence the question, what is your SEXUAL PREFERENCE. You cannot "prefer" to be black.
Wrong again. 

Gay people have gay ORIENTATION. As if they're ATTRACTED to gay men.

In fact, there have been DOZENS of studies proving the same thing. You can show that gay men or closeted gay homophobes images that would arouse them while men who had no inclination towards *****exuality were not stimulated at all. Its not just a "weak-minded" thing. There are innate differences between your concept of *****exuality and your understanding of it.

I fear asking you what you think of transgendered people... 
. I guess they're just god-hating sexual deviants, too, right? 
 You are born that way. That said, I don't mind Gay and Lesbians enjoying the same benefits as the next "married couple". But I am in agreement of the owner of Chik Fil A.

"I don't hate gay people, I just don't like seeing them happy and enjoying the same rights that I do"
In the end though, I just need some of you to get off of this whole "Black people should understand because it's the same thing" crap. Its not even close.
You'd think a group of people subjected to institutionalized hinderances would be more sympathetic to the causes of another minority trying to establish rights that you manage to take advantage of without even thinking about. 
1. Im not being silly, did you choose to be straight, did you wake up one day and consciously decide to have sex with women? It only seems silly because it is, nobody chooses anything.
2. The most credible source in THE WORLD on the subject of sexuality and human psychology and development say that it is not a choice, just because you can find 2 crackpots on the Internet claiming other amounts to just about nothing. You can find people who argue smoking isn't bad for you, does that invalidate major health organization claims that it is? of course not.
3. Your inability to engage the facts merely reveals the flimsiness of your claims.

If you believe that being gay is a choice you are simply ignorant of the facts, it's no different than those crazy parents who don't vaccinate there kids.

I'm going to leave it at this. THERE ARE NO FACTS. You won't change my mind. I won't change yours. But its funny that you "attack me" with childishness to try to get your point across. :smh: Is this 2001? Grow up dude.

Im out.

You'd think a group of people subjected to institutionalized hinderances would be more sympathetic to the causes of another minority trying to establish rights that you manage to take advantage of without even thinking about. 
this is EXACTLY the point I was trying to make.

Completely dead on.
I'm going to leave it at this. THERE ARE NO FACTS. You won't change my mind. I won't change yours. But its funny that you "attack me" with childishness to try to get your point across. 
 Is this 2001? Grow up dude.
im sure there are plenty of things that you believe in that have no facts behind them.

and stop acting like people are attacking you, stop using terms like "grow up" as some kind of attempt at gaining moral highground and dodge what people are saying. You come into the thread spewing nonsense and then when questioned about your stance you suddenly feel threatened and want to leave with your tail behind your legs like a scolded dog? Ridiculous.
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I'm going to leave it at this. THERE ARE NO FACTS. You won't change my mind. I won't change yours. But its funny that you "attack me" with childishness to try to get your point across. :smh: Is this 2001? Grow up dude.
Im out.
Just tell us about the day you decided to be attracted to women
lets be honest: thats only because you have nothing substantial to say in the matter.

You refuse to believe reality even when the evidence is put directly in front of your face. 

*****exuality is not a choice, but ignorance is, and its obvious which "team" you play for one that one.
What? Dude was obviously being a clown. And you "attacking" me is putting you on the same level he is on. Try again sir, or maybe you should re-read my edit. As for "evidence" you've posted NONE.

In ANY case, you can "FOOL" yourself into thinking your "born" with a sexual preference or you can open your eye's and dig deeper into what actually happened to the individual that caused them to prefer the same sex.
Serious question here.


I mean do you REALLY know any? Not like, you know someone who is gay, but are you on speaking terms with them?

Because EVERY gay person I know came from a stable home, was not subjected to abuse, nor were they even raised in devilish little atheistic (
) homes. 

I never understood why you really want force men who don't like women or vice versa to just "suck it up."

I mean do you want MORE sexual competition? 

On a basic level, do you seek to force people who struggle to even be themselves to do something they can't or don't even want to do? 

You know what? Watch this and tell me where these "experiences" were for these people that caused them to "go gay"

don't be such a wilting flower, nobody is attacking you, merely the arguments, if you aren't willing to engage the facts, post arguments supported by relevant facts then why exactly are you in this thread? >D
"I don't hate gay people, I just don't like seeing them happy and enjoying the same rights that I do"

Let me shut this up real quick. By saying I AGREE with Chik Fil A means, I agree in the TRADITIONAL definition of marriage being that of a man and a woman. That said, I JUST stated I don't mind see Gay and Lesbians get the same rights. So again, your ATTACKING FOR NO REASON. I am not gay bashing dude. In the end though, if a person doesn't see it the "gay" way, they are the enemy and reason goes out the window. This isn't the first time and won't be the last your ignorance and anger blinds you. I have FRIENDS GAY AND LESBIAN. I don't give a damn if they get marriage rights. My quarrel is the whole "Black" comparison. Its insulting. And yes. I will forever KNOW that your "sexual orientation" is a PREFERENCE. Nothing you can say will change that.

You'd think a group of people subjected to institutionalized hinderances would be more sympathetic to the causes of another minority trying to establish rights that you manage to take advantage of without even thinking about.

Its not close. Stop it.

don't be such a wilting flower, nobody is attacking you, merely the arguments, if you aren't willing to engage the facts, post arguments supported by relevant facts then why exactly are you in this thread?

If you had read instead of being so immature to begin with you'd know EXACTLY why I was in this thread. Its pretty simple.

I never understood why you really want force men who don't like women or vice versa to just "suck it up."
Where the hell did I say this? :rolleyes Attack and assuming. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF YOU ARE GAY OR LESBIAN. FOR THE 100th TIME.

I believe in traditional marriage being between a husband and wife.
That doesn't mean I don't want to see "gay/lesbian" couples left out. I have no problems with them getting rights.
I believe being gay or lesbian is a CHOICE.
I don't care about your anger or stupidity.
Only issue I have is trying to compare it to being black. Cut that out.
I am done with this thread.
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1. Im not being silly, did you choose to be straight, did you wake up one day and consciously decide to have sex with women? It only seems silly because it is, nobody chooses anything.
2. The most credible source in THE WORLD on the subject of sexuality and human psychology and development say that it is not a choice, just because you can find 2 crackpots on the Internet claiming other amounts to just about nothing. You can find people who argue smoking isn't bad for you, does that invalidate major health organization claims that it is? of course not.
3. Your inability to engage the facts merely reveals the flimsiness of your claims.

If you believe that being gay is a choice you are simply ignorant of the facts, it's no different than those crazy parents who don't vaccinate there kids.
I'm going to leave it at this. THERE ARE NO FACTS. You won't change my mind. I won't change yours. But its funny that you "attack me" with childishness to try to get your point across.
Is this 2001? Grow up dude.

Im out.

See now you can't be mad when people are going to start insulting your ignorance.

You can't claim to resist facts when presented with them, then claim that you're being attacked because you're wrong.

So lets just keep this education train rolling:

The hypothalamus is home to many sexually dimorphic areas. (2 variations of a nucleus, noticeably different in males and females). Some of these appear to be related to sexual orientation. One of these is the Interstitial Nucleus of the Anterior Hypothalamus #3 (INAH3). In a typical person, it is twice as large in a male as compared to a female. However, it has also been found to be twice as large in hetero men as compared to *****exual men. (postmortem studies based on pre-death questionnaires). Another is the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). This has been shown to be twice as large in *****exual men than in heterosexual men. Professor D.F. Swaab was interested in your question as well.

Everyone I know in an undergrad psychology or neuroscience major learns this, why haven't you?
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