You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

Does someone wake up and decide to be a killer, a terrorist, a bank robber, a rapist or a sociopath?
Those lifepaths also have adverse consequences, yet there are millions of people who fit into those categories....
Take them 3rd grade anecdotes somewhere else. Its an insult to intelligent people.

1000% agree. I guess we should let the Batman killer go since he had no choice in being a psychopath. BUT ITS OK. He was BOOORRRNNNN that way.
Your so quick to discredit her... BUT SHE IS LESBIAN. :smh:

I couldn't give a rats *** what one individual lesbian thinks about anything, it's a fallacious argument to credit her as an authoritative source. Being a lesbian doesn't give you knowledge of the biological, genetic and factors that cause a human to be gay and nor can she invalidate done by actual scientists.

Experiments? sure
Statistical analysis? I'm all ears.

We may not have the exact cause of *****exuality, but if you examine the evidence, it would be very difficult to construct a credible and logical argument based on facts that humans choose to be gay in a majority of cases. I'd love to hear one, but all everyone in here seems to do, is say im wrong and refuse to construct credible arguments.
Look. Some people wake up wanting to be gay and some people realized they were always gay.

I already addressed this, it doesn't change the fact that people deserve to be treated equally REGARDLESS of the source of their orientation OR preference. Whichever is the case.

On top of that, I was responding to a statement that established a false and untenable notion that: "no one is born gay" to which I prompted and succinctly nipped in the bud.
We agree on the bold part. The second part is only in your little mind buddy.
You're not getting it, are you?

I dont care WHAT your bible or your god or even your thoughts at the traffic light are.

We have a collection of evidence that says that: You. Are. Wrong.

This video is like 5 minutes long and instead of flooding your email inbox with journal publications from various sources, i'd rather you just watch this and realize that you are FACTUALLY wrong on the matter.

Use this as a stepping stone to EDUCATE yourself, instead of retreating to the hole of misinformation and misunderstanding.

This isn't about OPINION. This is about proven biology.

On the question as to if you can be "born gay," you are wrong.

Can people choose to be gay? Absolutely, but that is NOT everyone.

BTW, you can't say ridiculous statements like: "I think gays/lesbians deserve the same rights" then turn around and say "I believe in traditional marriage" 
Does someone wake up and decide to be a killer, a terrorist, a bank robber, a rapist or a sociopath?
Those lifepaths also have adverse consequences, yet there are millions of people who fit into those categories....
Take them 3rd grade anecdotes somewhere else. Its an insult to intelligent people.
1000% agree. I guess we should let the Batman killer go since he had no choice in being a psychopath. BUT ITS OK. He was BOOORRRNNNN that way.
Are you equating sexual orientation to being a murderer? 
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1000% agree. I guess we should let the Batman killer go since he had no choice in being a psychopath. BUT ITS OK. He was BOOORRRNNNN that way.

here is the key difference.

Being gay has no direct effect on anyone.

Walking into a room and murking 20 people DOES. :lol:
Are you equating sexual orientation to being a murderer?
You just equated sexual preference to a disease/physiological impairment (infertility), though.
What? No I did not.

I said should couples who can't conceive be allowed to marry, if thats going to be used as an argument against gay marriage? 

There are millions of men and women in heterosexual relationships that are infertile. They can't have children. Should they be allowed to get married?
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I mean technically, we don't HAVE to allow black and white kids to ride the same school buses either, but since we live in a society in which they are law-abiding and productive members, we decide to grant them the legal protection to do so. 

Maybe you're right. Pushing for equal rights for those who don't have access to the very ones you even forget that you have, is just silly.

Good thing black people did everything on their own in the 60s. 

I think you're taking it a bit out of context. I have ABSOLUTELY no problem with *****exuals. I accept it and show no discrimination whenever I meet one and have no problem hanging out with them. Maybe I just think the bond between a man and a woman is beautiful. Is that so wrong? :rolleyes

Whatever 2 men do in the privacy of their home is entirely between them. I don't think we want to know.

To relate, I think the whole repeal of the "Don't' ask Don't tell" policy wasn't the greatest move simply because I think it can alienate and reduce moral between soldiers and their units. Not to mention being in a culture that consists of a majority of alpha males.

I don't think its fair to use the civil rights movement as a comparison. I believe most Americans don't have problems with *****exuals, but if you ask a God fearing man whether he agrees with something that goes against the bible, do you expect him to say yes? Cmon son.

Let's say the both of us were friends:

If I thought stem cell research was a great idea and you didn't, would I hate you? No
If you were pro choice, and I was pro life would I hate you? No

Too many people finding small stupid reasons to put gay marriage in the limelight.
I couldn't give a rats *** what one individual lesbian thinks about anything, it's a fallacious argument to credit her as an authoritative source. Being a lesbian doesn't give you knowledge of the biological, genetic and factors that cause a human to be gay and nor can she invalidate done by actual scientists.
Experiments? sure
Statistical analysis? I'm all ears.
We may not have the exact cause of *****exuality, but if you examine the evidence, it would be very difficult to construct a credible and logical argument based on facts that humans choose to be gay in a majority of cases. I'd love to hear one, but all everyone in here seems to do, is say im wrong and refuse to construct credible arguments.

She not an authoritative source on her own life?

You sound silly.

Because her life experience doesn't toe the party belittle her life story and testimony. See what I mean about the hypocrisy and irony?

No one said anything about the majority of cases but it is undeniable that one can chose to be *****exual. Sexuality is very malleable.
here is the key difference.
Being gay has no direct effect on anyone.
Walking into a room and murking 20 people DOES.
Oh so THAT is how you are going to justify it.
But I am the ignorant one.

What are you even talking about?

You can be born with varying degrees of agression if you have genetic differences or hormonal imbalances.

For example, those with an XXY genotype have been shown to statistically been more likely to commit "violent acts" and end up doing prison time because of heightened effects of testosterone and other epigenetic observances.

For an overview:

ON TOP of that there is the usual influence of upbringing and social refinement that influences the actions of "future murderers"
I mean technically, we don't HAVE to allow black and white kids to ride the same school buses either, but since we live in a society in which they are law-abiding and productive members, we decide to grant them the legal protection to do so. 

Maybe you're right. Pushing for equal rights for those who don't have access to the very ones you even forget that you have, is just silly.

Good thing black people did everything on their own in the 60s. 
I think you're taking it a bit out of context. I have ABSOLUTELY no problem with *****exuals. I accept it and show no discrimination whenever I meet one and have no problem hanging out with them. Maybe I just think the bond between a man and a woman is beautiful. Is that so wrong?

Whatever 2 men do in the privacy of their home is entirely between them. I don't think we want to know.

To relate, I think the whole repeal of the "Don't' ask Don't tell" policy wasn't the greatest move simply because I think it can alienate and reduce moral between soldiers and their units. Not to mention being in a culture that consists of a majority of alpha males.

I don't think its fair to use the civil rights movement as a comparison. I believe most Americans don't have problems with *****exuals, but if you ask a God fearing man whether he agrees with something that goes against the bible, do you expect him to say yes? Cmon son.

Let's say the both of us were friends:

If I thought stem cell research was a great idea and you didn't, would I hate you? No
If you were pro choice, and I was pro life would I hate you? No

Too many people finding small stupid reasons to put gay marriage in the limelight.
This isn't about putting anything in the limelight this is a very simple question: Do you support the ability for gays to get married?

Thats it.

No one is going to ask you to visit. No one is going to force you to have them get married in your churches. No one is going to propose to you. No one is going to impose upon YOUR life. 

You already don't have a problem with them, so whats the matter with them just getting their rights? 

Will you allow them to get married?
She not an authoritative source on her own life?
You sound silly.
Because her life experience doesn't toe the party belittle her life story and testimony. See what I mean about the hypocrisy and irony?
No one said anything about the majority of cases but it is undeniable that one can chose to be *****exual. Sexuality is very malleable.

Fallacy of composition doggy.

What are you even talking about?

You can be born with varying degrees of agression if you have genetic differences or hormonal imbalances.

For example, those with an XXY genotype have been shown to statistically been more likely to commit "violent acts" and end up doing prison time because of heightened effects of testosterone and other epigenetic observances.

For an overview:

ON TOP of that there is the usual influence of upbringing and social refinement that influences the actions of "future murderers"


So this upbringing and social refinement, does this only work on sociopaths and crazies?
because we all know that the amount of sociopaths and crazies are equal to *****exuality, a common variant in the sexuality of humans and many animals.
What? No I did not.

I said should couples who can't conceive be allowed to marry, if thats going to be used as an argument against gay marriage? 

There are millions of men and women in heterosexual relationships that are infertile. They can't have children. Should they be allowed to get married?

Maybe the couple doesn't find out about the infertility until after they get married...There is no chance of *****exuals naturally impregnating each other. Not that matters or has anything to do with anything.

But this is what I mean about those anecdotes and analogies..they are senseless and immature. Too much of this unproductive, unrealistic and unnecessary banter permeates the conversation of "gay rights".

Stop comparing the same-sex agenda to the civil rights struggle, stop comparing *****exuals to infertile couples, stop human *****exuality to what is observed in the wild, stop cutting and pasting and reaching and gluing elements from all over the map to keep creating this sloppy patchwork of a foundation, to perch *****exual upon.

All humans deserve the same rights, point blank.

But *****exuals are heavily saturated in the upper echelons of society. I don't see them as a powerless minority fighting for equality but rather a powerful minority bending society to their liking.
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